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Sharon Page 23

by Sioux Dallas

  Three deputies ran into the room to separate the men and place handcuffs on both of them.

  “I was a fool to ever get involved with you,” Morrison sputtered. “I suggested the Boss include you as a favor to me because we’d been friends so long. Now we’re all in hot water thanks to your loose mouth and stupid, rash actions.”

  Sharon and Lynn were both shaken by what they had observed. David stood between them with an arm around each one. “Where’s Keanu?” he whispered as he looked around to see why the young man had not come to Lynn and Sharon when they gasped.

  Belasic rushed out of the room and came back with an angry, red-faced young man. “I found him at the end of the hall asking how to get into that room.”

  “I was afraid they’d get away,” Keanu muttered sullenly.

  David looked sternly at him. “You wanted to get your licks in. Sharon and Lynn needed you and you weren’t here for them.

  “Aw gee,” Keanu looked ashamed. “I’m sorry. I’m so mad at those jerks. I’ve seen their kind all of my life and ---”

  “I understand, little brother,” Sharon said hugging him even though she was still trembling. “I’m sure there are enough officers around to do their duty without outside help.”

  “Besides, you made us a promise,” Lynn reminded him. “It doesn’t matter that you’re taller than us, we’re older. We’re your sisters and you need to start listening to us.” She laughed trying to help everyone relax.

  Sheriff Howell and Deputy Belasic looked perplexed at each other and then at Keanu.

  “Our parents are adopting Keanu and he’ll be our little brother,” Lynn said bending her head back to look up at him. “Shee-u. I didn’t realize how much you’d grown just since you came to live with us.”

  “Well, David smacked his hands and looked pleased. “It looks as if we have the goods on those questionable friends of yours. Murder, attempted murder, drug dealing, destroying private property, harassment, stalking, and we’ll find much more.”

  “But what’s the deal on stolen property that Cassidy mentioned?” Belasic asked.

  “I can answer that,” David said. “Over a period of several months, we’ve found stolen cars with evidence that drugs were transported in them. Apparently this ring would steal a car out west, fill it with drugs and drive it across to the east. We couldn’t find any prints except the owners, so, we surmised they were wearing gloves and plastic bags on their feet. That way none of their own cars were involved. If they were stopped, they would get out and run and there’d be nothing to identify them.”

  Sharon gulped and wiped the tears from her eyes before they could run down her cheeks. “Sheriff, Morrison is the shorter man I saw with Jeremy and Cassidy that day in town. Do you think Jeremy was part of their group? Why would he even be friendly with low lives such as that when he had more than the average person?”

  “I think I can make an educated guess,” Lynn spoke. “Jeremy was spoiled rotten by his mother and was never restricted for anything. He was never at fault for anything that happened. In the military he had to follow rules just like everyone else and had to answer to officers who would not excuse him. He probably got bored and started taking drugs as a defiance. It was exciting and a challenge for him to steal cars and sell drugs. It was his way of thumbing his nose at authority. He was more than likely in deeper than he ever intended to be.”

  David continued. “The drugs and alcohol caused his mood swings. He must have felt so sick at times and couldn’t let on.”

  Keanu put an arm around Sharon. “We’ve done all we can do for the time being. Let’s go home. I’m sure the sheriff will be in touch as soon as he knows what will be done next.”

  Sheriff Howell thanked them and told Sharon he was sorry that she had to be exposed to such happenings. David and Keanu hurried Lynn and Sharon out to the car before they might run into the two criminal again. It was a quiet ride home.

  David reined in his thoughts. He wanted so badly to pressure Sharon into making a commitment, but he knew the time was not right. She was trying to sort out her past and, what she considered, her considerable mistakes. He struggled to find the words to reassure her that she was being harder on herself than anyone else was.

  Keanu had mixed thoughts. He wondered how the students in Zephyrhills High would accept him next week and he fretted that he might miss out on some of the excitement of the arrests, the investigation and the trial.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Two months passed as the investigation gained momentum. The people at the stable were anxious and felt it was going slowly. David reassured them and reminded them that it was better to be thorough and break up the ring and get all those involved than to hurry and make mistakes. “Do you want to know these people are in prison where they belong, or do you want them out on the street and not know when you’re safe? Besides these two are just little frogs in a big pond. We want to find the head honcho and put them out of business.” Everyone assured him they would be as patient as possible because they wanted everything cleared up.

  Lynn had the end of summer party for the volunteers and put on a show for the parents and friends so the students could demonstrate what they’d learned. Leland was so excited that he almost bounced off his horse when he got to ride alone even at a walk and slow trot over poles. Even though Kara had a backrider, she was able to show exercises she had learned to do on horseback. The spectators were in awe and suitably impressed when “George” showed her riding skills even with one leg and one arm. Awards were presented to every special student.

  Following this, the regular students held a jumping presentation and showed what skills they had learned. Each of them received an award.

  The volunteers were brought into the ring while Lynn told of their faithful, valuable service. The applause was deafening as the spectators showed their appreciation.

  Everyone was then invited to tour the stables and go to the lounge for refreshments. Lynn was happy to answer numerous questions about the program. She even welcomed reporters from various papers who took pictures of the students and told of the riding for the handicapped. All were relieved when nothing was said about Sharon’s past.

  The volunteers cleaned up and put equipment in proper places in the stable and came to the office. Some of them bid tearful goodbyes because they were off to college and wouldn’t be working until next summer. Some promised to visit when they could.

  Everyone was tired but happy for the day. Sharon was still staying with Lynn because David felt that it still wasn’t safe for her until all of the perpetrators had been apprehended.

  Night fell gently on tired but happy people. They were up early the next morning to do the chores and get ready for church. Horses and people rested and enjoyed the day. David had been in Tallahassee all week working with federal officers with more investigation. He had made one quick trip to Texas to pick up some records.

  Monday about ten o’clock David drove up, parked and came running in obvious excitement. The stables were closed on Monday. “Where’s Sharon? She won’t believe this.” David said, a little out of breath.

  “Sharon’s in the office helping Sheilah. What’s happened, David?” Lynn asked concerned.

  “Everybody. In the office and I’ll tell the story to everyone at once.” He turned striding quickly to the office. Keanu, Jake and Gordon were right at his heels. Lynn paused to make sure all the horses were in safely and quickly followed them.

  “David!” Sharon jumped up and hurried to meet up. Seeing the excitement in his eyes and his grin she blurted, “Has something happened?”

  He put an arm around her and turned to see if everyone was present. Lynn rushed in out of breath and full of curiosity. “What’s the big news that has to be told to all of us at once?”

  “Well, it depends on whether you think it’s big news or not,” David grinned.

  “If you don’t hurry and tell us, I’m going to make newsprint out of you,” Keanu threatened.

; “Okay, okay. Sharon, you’d better sit down.”

  “Uh oh. Is it bad news?”

  “Well, that too depends on how you view it.” David was still grinning.

  “Are you going to tell us or are we going to have to beat it out of you?” Amelia asked.

  “The local police,” he began, “the state police and the federal officers have taken turns questioning Morrison and Cassidy separately so they wouldn’t know what the other said. Morrison is smarter than Cassidy and soon realized that he was in deep for drug dealing, money laundering, stolen cars, murder, you name it. He had Cassidy kill Millhouse on orders. He finally broke declaring that he would not go down alone. He didn’t know the name of the man called Boss, but he had the phone number where he always contacted him here in the state of Florida. He gave the number to us and the federal officers found the number and the person at the other end. You will find it hard to believe who it is.” He hesitated with a big grin. “Needless to say, I’m thrilled.”

  Keanu held his fist under David’s chin. “You’re pushing my buttons too far.” David smiled and pushed Keanu’s fist aside, then became solemn.

  “Yes, it’s mean of me to keep you in suspense. I was astonished when I found out who the leader is and I knew all of you would be, too. Truthfully though, I am elated, I feel vindicated and all the hallelujah words you can think to use.”

  “Is it someone I know fairly well?” Sharon ask weakly. David nodded.

  “It is.” He knelt beside Sharon’s chair. “Honey, I’m sorry, but it’s Larry Dauber.”

  There was a stunned silence and then a cacophony of astonished voices. Keanu whistled shrilly. “I knew I didn’t like or trust that man. I knew he was a phony.”

  Sixteen pairs of eyes fastened on David. He looked at Sharon’s white face and wide eyes. “He’s being held in Tallahassee. I don’t know, at this moment, when any of us can see him, if you want to see him.” He turned questioning eyes on Sharon’s agonized eyes and wished he could have spared her this news.

  “How dumb can one person be? Jeremy and Larry. I sure can pick them.” Sharon jumped up and stumbled to the stairs. Everyone’s heart was hurting for her. David watched sadly as she ran. Keanu started after her but Lynn caught his arm and shook her head.

  “I know all of you love her and want to help, but the best thing we can do now is let her have time to digest this and come to grips with her own emotions. She’s feeling as if she has made every mistake in the book. I’ll go to her in a little while.” Lynn then turned to David. “How much will be required of Sharon? She knew nothing of Jeremy’s activities and she sure knew nothing about Larry or she would not have had anything to do with him.”

  David shook his head. “I don’t know right now, but I’ll find out and spare her all I can. I would advise her to obtain the services of a good attorney just in case she will need representation.”

  Dad and Uncle Malcolm will want to be with her.” Lynn said thoughtfully.

  David placed an arm around Lynn. “I know they will, but she should have someone living closer. I was thinking of Martin. In fact, it would be a good idea for you to call him and fill him in as soon as possible. He’ll need to do an investigation of his own and set up a plan of action. We know Sharon knew nothing about what was going on, but she was married to Jeremy and she’ll be questioned. Thankfully the District Attorney knows both of you and he’ll be sympathetic.”

  Lynn called Martin and told him all that she had heard. She then called Sean and told him of the developments. Sean said he would talk to Malcolm and they would come up as soon as Martin wanted them.

  Twenty-five minutes later Martin pulled his car in and came in the office. “I had my secretary cancel appointments for the rest of the day. Lynn, you’re the one that called me. Is Sharon willing to talk to me?”

  “I don’t know, Martin, but I guess she will as soon as she has time to calm down and go through all of this in her own mind.”

  David warned everyone to continue to keep the information to themselves until the officers were sure they’d gotten the heads of the ring. He told them that others might be implicated and he would share information as he received it.

  David looked over the group. “Amelia, Bernie, come here, please. I would appreciate it if you would go to the phones and call the rest of the kids, the volunteers who were here, and ask them to come out this afternoon at six for some special news. Please don’t discuss anything over the phones. Maybe by then I’ll have more to tell all of you. They deserve to know since they were here and supported Sharon.”

  With affirmations of loyalty and awareness of responsibility, the group of young people went out to continue the chores and make the calls. Lynn’s eyes were misty as she spoke to David. “I am so blessed to have such competent, loving young people willing to care about others such as these have. I’m going up now and talk to Sharon. Martin, I’ll call you if she feels she can talk to you”. I know you and David have a lot to discuss.”

  David and Martin had a long discussion and planning strategy. Martin agreed that Sharon needed representation and that her dad and Malcolm would be a valuable resource.

  At two Sharon and Lynn were still in the apartment, so, David met with the volunteers and told them about Larry Dauber. There was a resounding cheer from the group and cries of, “I knew it”. They left reluctantly but promised to be on hand if needed for anything. They also agreed to not discuss what they knew with anyone until the investigation was completed.

  A somber group finished the afternoon chores. Jake sent all of them home early because the wind had picked up and there was a threat of a storm. “The weather people say that there is a possibility of a tornado in Zephyrhills. Everyone go on home safely. See you tomorrow morning, at least those who will be returning. Thanks everyone.”

  Sheilah went home early, very sad because she hadn’t gotten to say more to Sharon.

  “David, Lynn knows I love her and care what happens to her. Please tell her to call me if she needs me before morning.”

  The four men ate supper in their shared kitchen/dining room. After making a last check on the animals all of them settled for the night. Lynn and Sharon were in bed.

  The sky became quite black with a roaring wind and rain hitting like gravels on the windows and building. Trees twisted and groaned. Thunder rolled causing vibration on the ground and lightning kept the area light enough to see where to walk.

  At five the next morning the men hurriedly ate breakfast and went down to see about the animals. A couple of trees were uprooted, flowering bushes were flattened but not destroyed, and the driveway was a running creek. The ground was too wet to work outside, therefore, lessons would be in the indoor arena, if anyone showed up.

  The few volunteers started straggling in excitedly telling of the damage in down town Zephyrhills. An Italian restaurant lost its roof and six private planes at the airport had been turned upside down and a couple planes had rolled. A local weatherman stated that some had said a tornado had hit Zephyrhills, but in his opinion, it was just a big wind.

  “Oh, fry that,” Darrell Huff scoffed. “How can a big wind just touch here and there? A wind would have hit in a wide area, not bounced on a roof and then over to the airport.

  It was a tornado. They must think we’re real dummies.”

  Darrell was a senior at Zephyrhills High and he and Keanu had become good friends. He was eager to show Keanu over the school buildings and introduce him to his friends.

  This morning he had come out to work with Keanu and ride. Because of the bad weather, they had to ride indoors, but the boys didn’t mind. Keanu gave Darrell his first jumping lesson. Darrell vowed he would be out to work as often as he could.

  About ten thirty Sean and Malcolm pulled in. They had a long discussion with David and made arrangements to meet with Martin. Their hearts ached to see Sharon’s red, baggy eyes and pale face. Lynn wasn’t much better. Both girls were forcing themselves to move and be sociable.

“It’s no surprise that Lynn feels Sharon’s pain. They have always been close and fiercely loyal to each other.” Sean explained to the group.

  Sean and Malcolm had lunch with the girls and then left for a conference with Martin and the D A. They ate together at The Village Inn and then Sean and Malcolm went back to Fort Lauderdale.

  That evening some of the volunteers gathered at The Clock to eat together and discuss all that had happened. They were very careful to not be overheard as most of them wanted to testify for Sharon, especially against Larry Dauber.

  It was the afternoon of the second day before Sharon came out to the stable and listlessly picked up a brush and started to curry a horse. Lynn felt so proud of her young people exhibiting a lot of maturity and going about their business as usual. Everyone waited for Sharon to initiate a conversation. Sharon answered if it was necessary for someone to speak to her but otherwise was silent. She couldn’t look at David, and when he came near her, she’d turn her back. She was so ashamed of her behavior. He wisely left her alone but watched her carefully.

  On Thursday night Sheilah stayed to have dinner with Lynn and Sharon. She tried to be lively and entertaining telling of a woman who had visited that day scared to death of the horses. A large pony had walked by her and she had shrieked and jumped aside saying, “But why are they so big?”

  Sharon politely looked at her but didn’t change expression or say anything. Finally Sheilah got disgusted. “Well, I can see I’m not needed or wanted, so, I’m leaving.”

  Sharon said, “Hmmm,” as Sheilah whirled her wheelchair and headed out.

  Lynn raised her voice. “Sharon, snap out of it right this minute. You’re not the only person in the world that’s ever made a mistake or had a shock or disappointment. This isn’t like you. The Sharon I grew up with would be shocked and then get angry and make the best of the situation.”

  Sharon said nothing just stared morosely into space. Lynn grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “Sharon! It’s been five days and everyone is suffering because you won’t fight back. You’ve crawled in a shell and dared anyone to care about you.”


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