New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird

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New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird Page 19

by Michael Marshall Smith

  “Ike is on his way out the door. Best friend a covert ops man ever had, too. The Powers to Soon Be will put an end to MK-ULTRA. Christ, the office is shredding documents around the clock. I’ve been given word to suspend all operations by the end of next month. Next month!”

  “Nobody else knows about TALLHAT?”

  “And nobody can—not unless we make a breakthrough. I wish I could come along, conduct the tests myself—”

  “Not smart. People would talk if you dropped off the radar. What does this woman do that’s so bloody important?”

  “She’s a remote viewer. A clairvoyant. She draws pictures, the researchers extrapolate.”

  “Whatever you’re looking for—”

  “It’s momentous. So you see, Roger? I need you. I don’t trust anyone else.”

  “Who is the subject?”

  “Her name is Virginia.”

  I rolled over and regarded the metal door. She was in there, staring holes through steel.

  “Hey, Cap! You want in? I’m getting my ass kicked over here!” Hatcher puffed on a Havana cigar and shook his head while Davis raked in another pot. There followed a chorus of crude imprecations for me to climb down and take my medicine.

  I feigned good humor. “Not tonight, fellows. I didn’t get my nap. You know how it is with us old folks.”

  They laughed. I shivered until sleep came. My dreams were bad.

  I spent most of the fourth day perusing Riley’s file. It made things about as clear as mud. All in all a cryptic collection of papers—just what I needed right then; more spooky erratum.

  Numerous mimeographed letters and library documents comprised the file. The bulk of them were memos from Strauss to Porter. Additionally, some detailed medical examinations of Subject X. I didn’t follow the jargon except to note that the terms “unclassified” and “of unknown origin” reappeared often. They made interesting copy, although explained nothing to my layman’s eyes.

  Likewise the library papers seemed arcane. One such entry from A Colonial History of Carolina and Her Settlements went thusly:

  The Lost Roanoke Colony vanished from the Raleigh Township on Roanoke Island between 1588 and 1589. Governor White returned from England after considerable delays to find the town abandoned. Except for untended cookfires that burned down a couple houses, there was no evidence of struggle, though Spaniards and natives had subsequently plundered the settlement. No bodies or bones were discovered. The sole clue as to the colonists’ fate lay in a strange sequence of letters carved into a palisade—Croatoan. The word CRO had been similarly carved into a nearby tree. White surmised this indicated a flight to the Croatoan Island, called Hatteras by natives. Hurricanes prevented a search until the next colonization attempt two years later. Subsequent investigation yielded no answers, although scholars suggest local tribes assimilated the English settlers. No physical evidence exists to support this theory. It remains a mystery of some magnitude . . .

  Tons more like that. It begged the question of why Strauss, brilliant, cruel-minded Strauss would waste a molecular biologist, a physicist, a bona fide psychic, and significant monetary resources on moldy folklore.

  I hadn’t a notion and this worried me mightily.

  That night I dreamt of mayhem. First I was at the gray farmhouse in Soissans, eating dinner with a nervous family. My French was inadequate. Fortunately one of the women knew English and we were able to converse. A loud slurping began to drown out conversation about German spies. At the head of the table sat Virginia, sipping from a broken skull. She winked. A baby cried.

  Then it was Cuba and the debacle of advising Castro’s guerillas for an important raid. My intelligence network had failed to account for a piece of government armor. The guerillas were shelled to bits by Batista’s garrison and young Castro barely escaped with his life. Five of my finest men were ground up in the general slaughter. Two were captured and tortured. They died without talking. Lucky for me.

  I heard them screaming inside a small cabin in the forest, but I couldn’t find the door. Someone had written CROATOAN on the wall.

  I bumped into Hatcher, hanging upside down from a tree branch. He wore an I LIKE IKE button. “Help me, Cap.” He said.

  A baby squalled. Virginia sat in a rocking chair on the porch, soothing the infant. The crone’s eyes were holes in dough. She drew a nail across her throat.

  I sat up in bed, throttling a shriek. I hadn’t uttered a cry since being shot in World War I. It was pitchy in the cabin. People were fumbling around in the dark.

  Hatcher shined a flashlight my direction. “The generator’s tits up.” Nearby, the doctors were already bitching and cursing their misfortune.

  We never did find out if it was sabotaged or not.

  The fifth day was uneventful.

  On the sixth morning my unhappy world raveled.

  Things were hopping right out of the gate. Dr. Riley joined Hatcher and me for breakfast. A powerful stench accompanied him. His expression was unbalanced, his angular face white and shiny. He grabbed a plate of cold pancakes, began wolfing them. Lanky hair fell into his eyes. He grunted like a pig.

  Hatcher eased his own chair back. I spoke softly to Riley, “Hey now, doc. Roby can whip up more. No rush.”

  Riley looked at me sidelong. He croaked, “She made us take them off.”

  I opened my mouth. His circlet was gone. A pale stripe of flesh. “Riley, what are you talking about?” Even as I spoke, Hatcher stood quietly, drew his pistol, and glided for the lab.

  “Stupid old bastards.” Riley gobbled pancakes, chunks dropping from his lips. He giggled until tears squirted, rubbed the dimple in his forehead. “Those were shields, pops. They produced a frequency that kept her from . . . doing things to us.” He stopped eating again, cast sharp glances around the room. “Where are your little soldiers?”

  “On patrol.”

  “Ha, ha. Better call them back, pops.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’d just better.”

  Hatcher returned, grim. “Porter has taken Subject X.”

  I put on my glasses. I drew my revolver. “Dr. Riley, Mr. Hatcher is going to secure you. It’s for your own safety. I must warn you, give him any static and I’ll burn you down.”

  “That’s right, Jolly Roger! You’re an ace at blowing people away! What’s the number up to, Captain? Since the first Big One? And we’re counting children, okay?” Riley barked like a lunatic coyote until Hatcher cracked him on the temple with the butt of his gun. The doctor flopped, twitching.

  I uncapped my glycerin and ate two.

  Hatcher was all business. He talked in his clipped manner while he handcuffed Riley to a center beam post. “Looks like he broke out through the window. No signs of struggle.”


  “Seems like everything’s intact. Porter’s clothes are on his cot. Found her straitjacket too.”

  Porter left his clothes? I liked this less and less.

  Rain splattered the dark windows. “Let’s gather everybody. Assemble a hunting party.” I foresaw a disaster; it would be difficult to follow tracks in the storm. Porter might have allies. Best case scenario had him and the subject long gone, swooped up by welcoming Commie arms and out of my sorry life forever. Instinct whispered that I was whistling Dixie if I fell for that scenario. Now you’re screwed, blued and tattooed, chum! Chortled my inner voice.

  Hatcher grasped my shoulder. “Cap, you call it, we haul it. I can tell you, the boys are aching for a scrap. It won’t hurt anybody’s feelings to hunt the traitor to ground.”

  “Agreed. We’ll split into two man teams, comb the area. Take Porter alive if possible. I want to know who he’s playing for.”

  “Sounds good. Someone has to cover the cabin.”

  He meant I should be the one to stay back. They had to move fast. I was the old man, the weak link; I’d slow everybody down, maybe get a team member killed.

  I mustered what grace I possessed. “I’ll do
it. Come on; we better get moving.” We called the men together and laid it on the table. Everybody appeared shocked that Porter had been able to pull off such a brazen escape.

  I drew a quick plan and sent them trotting into the wind-blasted dawn. Hatcher wasn’t eager to leave me alone, but there weren’t sufficient bodies to spare. He promised to report back inside of three hours one way or the other.

  And they were gone.

  I locked the doors, pulled the shutters, peeking through the slats as it lightened into morning.

  Riley began laughing again. Deeper this time, from his skinny chest. The rank odor oozing from him would have gagged a goat. “How about a cigarette, Cap?” His mouth squirmed. His face had slipped from white to gray. He appeared to have been bled. The symptoms were routine.

  “They’ll find your comrade,” I said. A cigarette sounded like a fine idea, so I lighted one for myself and smoked it. I kept an eye on him and one on the yard. “Yeah, they’ll nail him sooner or later. And when they do . . . ” I let it dangle.

  “God, Cap! The news is true. You are so washed up! They say you were sharp back in the day. Strauss didn’t even break a sweat, keeping you in the dark, did he? Think about it—why do you suppose I gave you the files, huh? Because it didn’t matter one tin shit. He told me to give you anything you asked for. Said it would make things more interesting.”

  “Tell me the news, Riley.”

  “Can’t you guess the joke? Our sweet Virginia ain’t what she seems, no sir.”

  “What is she, then?”

  “She’s a weapon, Cap. A nasty, nasty weapon. Strauss is ready to bet the farm this little filly can win the Cold War for Team USA. But first we had to test her, see.” He banged his greasy head against the post and laughed wildly. “Our hats were supposed to protect us from getting brain-buggered. Strauss went through hell—and a heap of volunteers—to configure them properly. They should’ve worked . . . I don’t know why they stopped functioning correctly. Bum luck. Doesn’t matter.”

  “Where did Porter take her?”

  “Porter didn’t take Virginia. She took him. She’ll be back for you.”

  “Is Subject X really a clairvoyant?” My lips were dry. Too many blocks were clicking into place at once.

  “She’s clairvoyant. She’s a lot of things. But Strauss tricked you—we aren’t here to test her ability to locate needles in haystacks. You’d die puking if you saw . . . ”

  “Is there anyone else? Does Porter have allies waiting?”

  “Porter? Porter’s meat. It’s her you better worry about.”

  “Fine. Does she have allies?

  “No. She doesn’t need help.” Riley drifted. “Should’ve seen the faces on those poor people. Strauss keeps some photographs in a safe. Big stack. Big. It took so long to get the hats right. He hired some hardcases to clean up the mess. Jesus, Cap. I never would’ve believed there were worse characters than you.”

  “Strauss is careful,” I said. “It must have taken years.”

  “About fifteen or so. Even the hardcases could only deal with so many corpses. And the farm; well, its rather high profile. These three Company guys handled disposals. Three that I met, anyway. These fellows started getting nervous, started acting hinky. Strauss made her get rid of them. This was no piece of cake. Those sonofabitches wanted to live, let me tell you.” He grew quiet and swallowed. “She managed, but it was awful, and Strauss decided she required field testing. She required more “live” targets, is how he put it. Porter and me knew he meant Company men. Black ops guys nobody would miss. Men who were trained like the Reds and the Jerries are trained. Real killers.”

  “Men like me and my team,” I said.

  “Gold star!” He cackled, drumming the heels of his Stetsons against the planks. His hilarity coarsened into shrieks. Muscles stood in knots on his arms and neck. “Oh God! She rode us all night—oh Christ!” He became unintelligible. The post creaked with the strain of his thrashing.

  I found the experience completely unnerving. Better to stare through the watery pane where trees took shape as light fell upon their shoulders. My bladder hurt; too fearful to step outside, I found a coffee can and relieved myself. My hands shook and I spilled a bit.

  The man’s spasms peaked and he calmed by degrees. I waited until he seemed lucid, said, “Let me help you, Riley. Tell me what Porter—what she—did. Are you poisoned?” There was a bad thought. Say Porter had slipped a touch of the pox into our water supply . . . I ceased that line of conjecture. Pronto.

  “She rode us, Cap. Aren’t you listening to ME?” He screeched the last, frothing. “I want to die now.” His chin drooped and he mumbled incoherently.

  I let him be. How now, brown cow? I had been so content sitting on that Coney Island beach watching seagulls rip at detritus and waiting for time to expire.

  The whole situation had taken on an element of black comedy. Betrayed by that devil Strauss? Sure, he was Machiavelli with a hard-on. I’d seen him put the screws to better men than me. I’d helped him do the deed. Yeah, I was a rube, no doubt. Problem was, I still had not the first idea what had been done to us exactly. Riley was terrified of Virginia. Fair enough, she scared me too. I believed him when he said she could do things—she was possibly a savant, like the idiot math geniuses we locked in labs and sweated atom-smashing secrets from. The way her face had changed when I first saw her convinced me of this.

  She’s a weapon, a nasty, nasty weapon. I didn’t know what that meant. I didn’t care much, either. Something bad had happened to Riley. Whether Virginia had done it, whether Porter had done it, or if the goddamned KGB was cooking his brain with EM pulses, we were in the soup. How to escape the pot was my new priority.

  I settled in with my shotgun to wait. And plan.

  Nobody returned from the morning expedition.

  Around 1700 hours I decided that I was screwed. The operation was compromised, it’s principal subject missing. The detail assigned to guard the principal was also missing and likely dead or captured.

  What to do? I did what we intelligence professionals always did at moments like this. I started a fire in the stove and began burning documents. In forty-five minutes all paper records of Project TALLHAT were coals. This included my personal log. Dr. Riley observed this without comment. He lapsed into semi-consciousness before I finished.

  Unfortunately I decided to check him for wounds.

  Don’t know what possessed me. I was sort of like a kid poking a dead animal with a stick. I was compelled. Cautiously I lifted his shirt and found three holes in his back— one in the nape of his neck, two at the base of his spine. Each was the diameter of a walnut and oozed dark blood. They stank of rotten flesh, of gangrene.

  She rode us all night, Cap!

  Thank God for decades of military discipline—the machinery took over. If a soldier could regard the charred corpses of infant flame-thrower victims and maintain his sanity, a soldier could stomach a few lousy holes in a man’s spine. I detached myself from this gruesome spectacle and the realization that this was the single most monumental balls-up of my career. What a way to go out!

  I determined to make a break for the main road. A twenty mile hike; more, since I dared not use the main track, but certainly within my range. At that point, I was certain I could sprint the distance if necessary. Yeah, best idea I’d had so far.

  “Cap, help me.” Hatcher’s voice muffled by rain against the roof.

  I limped to the window. The light had deteriorated. I made him out, standing a few yards away between some trees. His arms were spread as if in greeting—then I saw the rope.

  “Cap! Help me!” His face was alabaster, glowing in the dusk.

  I began a shout, but was interrupted by an ominous thump of displaced weight behind me. My heart sank.

  “Yes, Cap. Help him,” Virginia crooned.

  I turned and beheld her. Her naked skull scraped the ceiling. A wizened child, grinning and drooling. She towered because she sat upon Dox’ br
oad back, her yellow nails digging at his ears. His expression was flaccid as he bore down on me.

  The shotgun jumped in my hands and made its terrible racket. Then Dox’ fingers closed over my throat and night fell.

  I did not dream of Cuba or the failed attack on Batista’s garrison. Nor did I dream of walking through the black winter of Dresden surrounded by swirling flakes of ash. I didn’t dream of Soissans with its muddy ditches and rats.

  I dreamt of people marching single file across a field. Some dressed quaintly, others had forgotten their shoes. Many had forgotten to dress at all. Their faces were blank as snow. They stumbled. At least a hundred men, women and children. Marching without speaking. A great hole opened in the ground before them. It stank of carrion. One by one the people came to this hole, swayed, and toppled into the cavity. Nobody screamed.

  I woke to see the cabin wall flickering in lamplight. Blurry, for my glasses were lost. Something was wrong with my legs; they were paralyzed. I suspected my back was broken. At least there was no pain.

  The numbness seemed to encompass my senses as well—the fear was still present, but submerged and muzzled. Glacial calm stole over me.

  “Dr. Riley was misled. Herman never intended this solely as a test.” Virginia’s voice quavered from somewhere close behind my shoulder.

  Her shadow loomed on the wall. A wobbly silhouette that flowed unwholesomely. Floorboards squeaked as she shifted. The thought of rolling over brought sweat to my cheeks, so I lay there and watched her shadow in morbid fascination.

  “It was also an offering. Mother is pleased. He will be rewarded with a pretty.”

  “My men,” I said. It was difficult to talk, my throat was rusty and bruised.

  “With Mother. Except the brute. You killed him. Mother won’t take meat unless it’s alive. Shame on you, Roger.” She chuckled evilly. The sound withdrew slightly, and her shadow shrank. “Oh, your back isn’t broken. You’ll feel your legs presently. I didn’t want you running off before we had a chance to talk.”

  I envisioned a line of men, Hatcher in the lead, marching through the woods and up a mountain. It rained heavily and they staggered in the mud. No one said anything. Automatons winding down. Ahead, yawned a gap in a rocky slope. A dank cave mouth. One by one they went swallowed . . .


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