Two Shades of Seduction

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Two Shades of Seduction Page 32

by Monica Burns

  With a daring she didn’t know she possessed, she slowly raised her gaze to meet his. Deliberately, she wet her lips with her tongue, her eyes meeting his boldly. His jaw went rigid at the action.

  “Yes.” She saw him swallow his tension. “Isn’t that how you like me? Hot and wet on your tongue?”

  He stared at her in amazement. She bit back her smile. It wasn’t often one could silence Morgan St. Claire twice in less than twenty-four hours. His eyes narrowed on her as he shifted uncomfortably in his saddle.

  “Take care, Julia. There are plenty of places here in the park for more than just a slight tryst.” The hoarse sound of his voice thrilled her. He was as painfully aroused as she was.

  “Indeed. Then I must guard my honey well until we meet again tonight.”

  Not waiting for his response, she lightly tapped Solomon’s hindquarters with her crop and cantered away from Morgan. She’d actually matched wits with the man and bested him. Or at least not allowed him to think of a rebuttal. Invigorated by her daring, she smiled.

  For once, she had gained the upper hand with Morgan St. Claire. She liked the way it made her feel. Powerful, witty and feminine. Something she’d never felt before in her life. She’d shared control of their conversation and even managed to arouse him with her words.

  Tonight, no doubt, he’d make her pay dearly for her behavior. The thought excited her almost as much as it surprised her.

  Chapter 7

  Morgan surveyed his bedroom. Everything was ready. All that was missing was the beautiful, seductive Julia. Earlier in the day, he’d sent her a note inviting her to dinner at seven. While she’d not replied, he’d considered sending another note demanding a reply. Then he recalled the memory of their conversation in Hyde Park, which eased some of his misgivings.

  The memory of her words from earlier that morning made him inhale sharply. Damn if the woman hadn’t made him rock hard with just a few choice words. He grinned. Tonight he’d extract a delicious punishment from her. But he’d ensure that it was just as pleasurable for her as it was for him. Tonight was the night he’d been waiting for since he’d first set eyes on her nude portrait.

  It had been a long time since any woman had captured his interest the way Julia had. Despite everything he did to push her out of his thoughts, she was always there. He tried to convince himself it was only lust talking, but it was becoming more difficult to think of her just in terms of his bed. Too often, he’d visualized her waiting for him when he came home from a long day at the office.

  Home and hearth was something he’d avoided like the plague. It was why he lived in the hotel. Homes simply condoned the state of marriage. That trap wasn’t for him. The hellish existence of his childhood had taught him better. The life he led now was simple and enjoyable. No screaming matches, vile accusations, or displays of affection that couldn’t even warm an iceberg.

  Here at the Clarendon, he could enjoy himself without the worry of his latest mistress thinking he might be persuaded into that state most women wanted to enter. But with Julia, his thoughts had wandered far enough off course to think about what it would be like to wake up with her each morning. He grunted with exasperation. Bloody hell, he was becoming far too enamored with Julia Westgard. The sooner he expended his lust for her, the better.

  The clock began to chime the seven o’clock hour, and he glanced toward the door. As the timepiece chimed off a note for each hour, an unfamiliar jolt of apprehension made him tighten his mouth. Well, if she didn’t come, he’d go to her. The thought had no sooner popped into his head than a quiet knock sounded on the door.

  Eagerly he crossed the floor to let her into his suite. She stood in the corridor wearing a long evening cape with her face completely covered by a veil that deftly hid her features. Realizing she’d not wished to be recognized, he frowned. She’d been forced to cross the hotel lobby under censorious eyes. It was the one arrangement he’d failed to make for her arrival tonight.

  “Damnation, I should have found a more discreet way for you to come here,” he said in a gruff tone. It was the first time he’d ever regretted not having private lodgings.

  “It’s all right. The day you had your migraine, I found a side entrance to the hotel. I used it this evening.” She entered his suite and came to a halt a few feet into the main room. “It’s quite discreet, but thank you for caring enough to be concerned for my reputation.”

  Relief drifted through him when he realized she’d not had to endure the curious looks from hotel guests in the lobby. The night of their wager, he’d thoughtlessly expressed a lack of concern for her reputation, and he bit down on the inside of his cheek. The last thing he wanted was for her reputation to suffer because of him. At least he’d had Henri prepare a cold buffet. It would eliminate the possibility of any of the hotel staff recognizing her. There would be no servants to spread gossip amongst the Set.

  Her gloved hands unfastened the cape at her throat, and he helped her slide the garment off her bare shoulders. Unable to help himself, his fingertips brushed across her soft, smooth skin. Dressed in a emerald green evening gown, the silk garment hugged her body as though she’d been sewn into it. The neckline plunged downward into a vee, revealing the cleft between her breasts. Her veil still covered her face making her even more seductive and arousing. Clearing his throat, he waited quietly as she slowly rolled up her veil to reveal her lovely features.

  His cock swelled in his trousers as she stared up at him. The sultry expression in her hazel eyes intensified the craving in his body. Almost as if she were aware of his reaction to her, she slowly removed her gloves in a leisurely manner. Her movements were unhurried, simple, and erotically seductive. Desire spread its way through him. Bloody hell, he wanted to tumble her to the floor this second. No seduction, no teasing, just raw passion the driving force between them.

  Morgan swallowed hard. He couldn’t recall any woman ever igniting such an urgent need inside him the way Julia did. With any other woman he would have simply labeled his craving one of lust. But deep in the back of his mind, he’d already admitted that Julia was special. Somehow, he didn’t think it would be as easy to let her go as he had other women. A small smile tilted the corners of her mouth. Even her amusement was enough to make him ache with need.

  “Something smells delicious,” she murmured as she glanced around the room. Unable to help himself, he leaned into her to breath in her soft, tart scent.

  “You smell delicious.”

  “Said the lion to the lamb,” she said with a laugh.

  Although there was no hesitation in her gaze, there was just a hint of trepidation as she met his gaze without flinching. Wanting to put her at ease, he turned toward the buffet servers the hotel staff had brought upstairs.

  “Come and satisfy your taste for whatever food you like.”

  As she moved to stand at his side, he lifted a silver dish cover. Julia immediately gasped with delight at the poached salmon arranged on the platter.

  “You remembered,” she exclaimed and looked up at him in surprise.

  “I make it a point to remember everything about you.” He smiled with satisfaction. Deep down inside he recognized it as happiness. It was a startling revelation.

  “I think you remember what will serve you in some form or fashion at a later time,” she said with a laugh.

  Although her tone wasn’t critical, he flinched at the observation. He didn’t like the idea that she might really see him in such a light. Without answering, he gestured for her to fill her plate before following suit. Moments later, they moved to the small table set near the fireplace where Morgan pulled out her chair for her.

  § § §

  A wave of heat enveloped Julia as she brushed past him and took her seat at the table. The sensation sent her heart skidding along at an alarming rate. It accelerated to a frantic pace as his fingertips trailed across the nape of her neck then along the top of her shoulder. It was a feather light touch, but the effect on her senses was devastat
ing. She darted a quick look at him only to feel the full force of his charm raining down on her as he offered her a wicked smile.

  He’d scorned a jacket this evening, and the shirt he wore was open at the neck. Beneath the white linen shirt, his muscles rippled as he moved to take his seat opposite her. There was a relaxed air about him that spelled danger. But it was a danger she wanted to explore—if only for one night.

  A comfortable silence fell between them as they ate, and she relished the poached salmon he’d ordered for her. He finished his meal first and reclined back in his seat to study her. The assessment in his eyes might have intimidated her weeks ago, but no longer. Although a wager had brought her to this point, she couldn’t deny the fact that she really wanted to be here.

  The thought worried her slightly. Her attraction for him was beginning to spiral out of control, making her all the more vulnerable to him. Shoving the thought aside, Julia reminded herself that it was for one night only. She had no intention of continuing this relationship beyond this evening. For one night she would enjoy the pleasure Morgan’s touch gave her, while doing her best to tempt him as well.

  “You really don’t realize how beautiful you are, do you?” His unexpected observation made her jerk her gaze up to meet his quizzical one. She laughed with a healthy dose of disbelief.

  “There it is again, that famous St. Claire charm. You have a way of making a woman feel as though she’s the only one you’ve ever paid a compliment to.” Her response made him frown for a moment, and once again, the flash of annoyance in his gaze puzzled her.

  “Are you always so quick to dismiss someone’s compliment? I never say something I don’t mean, Julia.” The quiet words sent a warm heat cresting up into her cheeks.

  “Forgive me. I’m unaccustomed to being the recipient of any type of praise.”

  A short silence hovered in the air between them, and she struggled to keep her expression serene as she saw the assessment in his warm brown eyes. The man had the ability to read her more easily than anyone she’d ever met. Her heart had slowed its pace during their meal, but it now resumed its frantic pace.

  “Why did you do it?” His question startled her, and Julia shook her head in confusion.

  “Do what?”

  “The portrait. Why did you have Peebles paint you in the nude?” The question made her throat close up, and she quickly reached for her wine to ease her discomfort. When she didn’t answer, he folded his arms across his chest and eyed her with that piercing gaze of his. “I’m waiting.”

  “I don’t know that you’d understand,” she said quietly as she set her glass back on the crisp damask tablecloth.

  “Try me.” The gentleness in his voice was soft and reassuring. Deep inside, something said she could trust him. She drew in a quick breath at the thought before she acquiesced to the instinct.

  “I wanted to do something daring.”

  “An act of defiance?” His astute question made her curl up her fingers into a fist in her lap. She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Perhaps. I know my husband would not have approved of my actions.” A tiny sliver of satisfaction slipped into her consciousness. Oscar would have been livid.

  “If I were him, I doubt I’d have approved either.” The quiet response made Julia stiffen and clench her teeth.

  “But you’re not my husband, and Oscar’s no longer here.” She knew instantly she’d revealed far more than she’d intended. Morgan’s eyes narrowed and studied her with an intensity that made her avert her gaze for fear of him seeing deep into her soul. She couldn’t afford to give him that much power over her.

  “Did you love him?”

  “No. I—” She abruptly ended her vehement response. Desperate to change the subject, she hid the tumult inside her and met his gaze again. “It was a marriage no different than many others. And you. Why haven’t you married? I would think you’d like a son to take over your business one day.”

  Others less observant wouldn’t have noticed the sudden stillness about him that indicated he was immediately on guard despite his seemingly relaxed posture. There was a tension flowing through him that was almost tangible. He clearly hadn’t been expecting the sudden shift of direction in their conversation. One elbow resting on the arm of his chair, his long fingers lightly rubbed against his chin as he studied her with an odd expression on his features.

  “I suppose it’s because there hasn’t been a woman I liked well enough to ask.” Something about his response made her heart skip a beat, but she ignored the unfamiliar sensation.

  “Like.” She tested the word on her tongue before nodding. “Yes, that would make the state of matrimony more agreeable, wouldn’t it?”

  It was a rhetorical question, and she watched as his forefinger tapped his firm, sensual mouth. A shiver of expectation raced across her skin at the memory of those lips on her sex. The nervous flutter that stirred in her belly made her hand tremble as she reached for her glass. The wine barely eased the dryness of her mouth.

  “So you decided to be daring and had Peebles paint you, but that doesn’t explain why you chose to make me your next adventure.” His statement caught her off guard, and her eyes widened in surprise.

  “I told you. I wanted to offer up your handkerchief for auction.” As she recalled him bidding on his own handkerchief, she frowned with irritation.

  “And you weren’t expecting me to show up and bid on the item.” His chuckle of amusement made her glare at him.

  “It was unfair of you to bid against me.”

  “You set the terms of our wager. I simply saw to it that I didn’t lose.”

  The grin on his face should have angered her, but it was impossible to be irritated when he looked like a mischievous boy who’d just gotten away with stealing a cookie.

  “You’re impossible,” she huffed.

  “Only when I don’t get my way. But it still doesn’t explain why you chose me, Julia.” The deliberate note in his voice said he wasn’t about to let her avoid answering the question. With a sigh of exasperation, she scowled at him. Why had she chosen to steal his handkerchief? The answer was simple. She met his gaze steadily.

  “The portrait gave me a taste of what it was like to be daring. To take a risk. It was exhilarating, and I wanted to experience the sensation again. I knew your handkerchief would be a popular item at the auction, so I decided to steal it.”

  “It was a reckless thing to do,” he growled fiercely. “Any other man might have forced you into his bed.”

  “Yes, but I’d seen how fair you are with the people who work for you. I knew you were an honorable man.” He frowned and arched his eyebrows with skepticism. “Instinct told me that despite your reputation, I could trust you not to…to take advantage of me if I were caught in your room.”

  It was the truth. And he’d reinforced her opinion when he’d not demanded payment the minute she lost their wager. In fact, she was certain he would never have tried to coerce her into making good on her debt if she’d not been willing. And she was willing. Why else would she be here? She’d agreed to come here tonight not because of the wager, but because Morgan excited her.

  In the back of her mind, she acknowledged the danger such a thought presented, but a familiar sensation flooded her senses. Exhilaration in its most potent form. Morgan had already shown her how thrilling his touch was, and tonight she intended to indulge her senses all she wanted. For just this one night, she would allow herself the chance to experience what it was like to be in Morgan’s bed. She could even attempt to seduce him if she wanted. Her skin grew warm at the thought.

  “You put great faith in that instinct of yours,” he said in a disapproving voice. “How I treat my employees doesn’t reflect anything about me other than my belief that a happy employee is a productive employee.”

  “Are you going to deny that you’re an honorable man?”

  “That’s not the point, Julia, and you know it.” He glared at her. “You had no way of knowing I wouldn’t
seduce you the moment I found you in my bed chamber.”

  “What if I’d been the one doing the seducing?” She smiled at the look of astonishment on his face. “Do you think I’m incapable of seducing the great Morgan St. Claire?”

  Arching an eyebrow, she stretched out her hand toward the plate of fruit sitting in the center of the table. She picked up a fat, luscious strawberry and dipped it into a small bowl of honey that sat next to the plate. The honey slowly edged its way down to the tip of the fruit, and she tilted her head back to catch the first drop in her mouth.

  Her eyes caught Morgan’s enthralled look. The desire blazing in his eyes pleased her. Tempting him gave her a sense of power. The sweet taste of control. The natural sweetener dripped onto her tongue. It was warm and sweet. Enjoying the taste of it, she swirled her tongue around the tip of the strawberry for more of the smooth, sticky treat. Then with a neat nip of her teeth, she bit off the bottom portion of the fruit.

  The low sound Morgan made was part growl, part curse. His gaze bored into hers as he rose to his feet like a powerful lion ready to pounce. Her heart slammed against her breastbone. Whatever had made her even think she could seduce the man? She trembled as he stretched out his hand to her. The control she’d thought she had over him had been an illusion. She’d aroused his desire, but he’d never been out of control the entire time he’d been watching her.

  The air around her seemed to pulse with a fury she was certain would consume her if she didn’t take care. For the second time this evening, exhilaration pounded its way through her veins. Mesmerized by the raw passion in his riveting brown eyes, she laid her hand in his. His fingers closed over hers in a strong, but gentle grip as he pulled her to her feet and into his arms.

  “You have a wicked streak in you, Julia.”

  She smiled at the gruffness in his voice. At least her effort to tease and tempt him had not been a clumsy one on her part. “As usual, you exaggerate.”


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