Two Shades of Seduction

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Two Shades of Seduction Page 42

by Monica Burns

  Her mouth parted beneath his and she teased her tongue across his lips. His sharp intake of breath allowed her tongue to dance with his as he deepened their kiss. There was the sharp taste of whiskey in his mouth, and she breathed in the faint scent of bergamot. God, she wanted him. Never before had her need for him been this intense, this compelling.

  Slowly, he sank down onto the mattress beside her, his hands sliding across her skin in gentle exploration. The soft lawn of his shirt tickled her breasts as he pressed her into the bed. Gently he tugged on her lower lip as he brushed the lower half of his body across her stomach in a suggestive act.

  She was melting. It was the only way she could describe it. Need circulated in her blood like a raging fever. Without thinking, she tried to reach for him, but the tie holding her hands didn’t give way. This was what she’d wanted. A way to prove to him how much she loved him. Trusted him. But it was also maddening not being able to touch him.

  The hard length of him rubbed over the top of her leg and a pleasurable ache settled in the sensitive spot between her thighs. Writhing beneath him, she whimpered at the desire growing inside her. His mouth feathered kisses across the ridge of her shoulder, and she gasped when the rough pad of his thumb caressed one nipple.

  At the heated touch, she arched her back, pressing her breast into the cup of his hand. Her submissive movement drew a sharp hiss of excitement from him, and his mouth streaked across her skin to find the hard peak. The moment his lips clamped down on her nipple, fire sped across her skin, and she moaned with pleasure. While he suckled her, a strong hand roamed downward until his palm pressed against the apex of her thighs.

  Heat streaked through her and another moan escaped her as she moved her hips in an attempt to have him touch her more intimately. Dear lord, in all the moments they’d been together this one was the most potent yet. Bound to the bed, she knew she was completely at his mercy, and yet she wasn’t afraid. It was the most freeing experience she’d ever known.

  His fingers stroked the inside of her thigh, teasing her with a feather light caress over her curls before drawing back. It made her body taut with need and she shifted her hips again in an effort to make him touch her.

  “Oh God, please…please, Morgan. I need you to touch me.”

  “How do you want me to touch you, sweetheart?” His finger parted her slick folds and rubbed over the sensitive nub of flesh inside. She immediately bucked against his touch, and his voice grew raspy. “Like this? Is this what you want?”

  “Oh yes. God yes,” she cried out with pleasure as he slid his finger in and out of her. Numb to everything but the pleasure of his touch, she thrust her hips upward to match his erotic strokes. A moment later, she was suddenly deprived of his touch. She moaned her protest as he slid off the bed and removed his clothing. With deliberate slowness, he undressed in front of her. Naked before her, he grabbed his rock hard erection and stroked himself.

  “Is this what you want, sweetheart? Do you want to feel me filling you, driving into you until you come all over this hard cock of mine?”

  She gasped in shock at the coarse words. Unable to reply, she watched in fascination as he stroked himself in an almost languid fashion. Aroused to a fevered pitch, silk tightened around her wrists as she arched her body upward in a display of wanton need. God she wanted him. Needed to feel him inside her, loving her until they climaxed together.

  She tugged at her bindings, not in apprehension, but anticipation. The realization made her go still, and she shuddered as her gaze flickered upward to meet the desire flaring in his blue eyes. It was a passion born of love. His love had broken the chains that had held her prisoner for so long. There was no more fear, only the overwhelming need to love and be loved in every way imaginable.

  “For the love of god, Morgan,” she whispered hoarsely. “Can’t you see how much I love you? Want you? Need…”

  “What do you need, my love?” The endearment squeezed at her heart as she watched him smear a bead of white fluid over the cap of his stiff member. Her eyes met his and she drew in a ragged breath.

  “I need…your cock inside me. I’m yours completely. Do what you will with me.”

  § § §

  She’d just offered herself up to him in a way that illustrated the consummate trust she placed in him. Her words gave him permission to take her in any way he liked, but all he wanted to do was pleasure her until she clenched at his cock and milked him dry.

  Laying on the bed before him, tied like a supplicant offered up to the gods, she had to be the most erotic vision he’d ever seen. She was submitting herself to him in a manner that made him hotter than he’d ever been for any woman in his life.

  There was no fear in her gaze, only desire. Christ Jesus, he needed to feel her wrapped around him, her muscles squeezing him with exquisite tightness. He reached out to run his hand over a long, silky leg. A soft sound escaped her at his touch, and he smiled down at her.

  Slowly, so as not to frighten her, he moved his body over hers until his erection pressed lightly against her curls. Agitated, she squirmed beneath him in an effort to make him penetrate her. He resisted, but barely. With her eyes closed, she was the most beautifully erotic woman he’d ever seen.

  A part of him struggled with taking her like this. It was the most incredible gift anyone had ever given him, and yet…he swallowed hard. He couldn’t do it. He refused to take her in the same fashion her husband had done.

  “Look at me,” he growled. As her eyes flew open, he reached up and tugged the black silk away from her hands. “I’m not that bastard you married, and I don’t need any further confirmation that you love me. Do you understand?”

  “But, I wanted to prove—”

  “You demonstrated it the moment you tied yourself to my bed,” he rasped as he slowly pressed his cock into her. “I’m never going to let you go, Julia. You’re mine. Now and for always.”

  “Now and always.”

  Her whisper became a wild cry of passion the moment he thrust hard and completely into her slick heated depths. God, but she was tight. Desire and love glowed in her gaze as he repeated his stroke. It was like having a velvet vise wrapped around him. With an ever-increasing rhythm, he buried himself in the hot friction of her creamy folds.

  Seconds later, a glow of ecstasy warmed her face as his name flew from her lips and she shattered around his cock. The intensity of her rippling contractions tugged at him with increasing pressure until with one last thrust, he exploded inside her. For a long moment, he shuddered against her, reveling in the sweet aftermath of their lovemaking. With a final throb inside her hot depths, he rolled onto his side and pulled her with him.

  § § §

  A tremor lanced through Julia as she buried her face into Morgan’s chest. The silence between them was warm and drowsy as she breathed in the hot earthy scent of him. Happiness and love swelled inside her. He’d given her not only his heart, but her freedom as well. Without Morgan’s love, she would never have been able to escape the demons of self-doubt that Oscar had instilled in her. More than that, she’d overcome her deepest fears to show Morgan how much she loved him.

  His mouth brushed her forehead, and she tilted her head back to smile at him. The somber expression on his face stifled her happiness. Something was wrong. Had she failed to make him understand why she’d chosen to do what she’d done?

  “Morgan, I—”

  A warm finger pressed against her lips. “Shhh. It’s all right. I was simply thinking how precious a gift you’ve just given me. Why?”

  Her hand came up to hold his, and she kissed his palm. “I needed to make sure you understood that I trust you implicitly.”

  “Your coming here of your own accord was more than enough, sweetheart.” His arm tightened around her in a protective manner. It made her feel safe.

  “No,” she murmured as she looked away from him. “I needed to destroy the demons Oscar left behind. I did it for me as much as I did it for you.”

; “And are they gone?” Despite the nonchalance of the question, she could hear the concern in his voice.

  “Yes.” Her gaze returned to his face as she smiled. “I should have listened when you told me that there were no rewards without risk.”

  “And you’ve realized the error of your ways.” The light teasing note to his voice made her tap him lightly on his chest.

  “You’re far too arrogant, Morgan St. Claire.”

  “Perhaps, but I’m deeply in love, which brings us to the subject of marriage.” His gaze was intent as he searched her features. “Tomorrow, I intend to find someone to marry us, and until we’re married, you’re not leaving my sight.”

  “I promise I won’t run this time.” She caressed his cheek, and he turned his head to kiss the inside of her palm.

  I know that sweetheart, but I’m not willing to give you the chance to have second thoughts. Besides, I can’t think of anything more pleasurable than spending the rest of the night and early morning, making love to you.”

  Sighing, she nestled her cheek against his shoulder, content to remain there forever. The thought of the portrait flitted into her head. Had she really succeeded in becoming the woman Morgan had seen in the portrait, or was she only a figment of their imagination? With a quick movement, she forced Morgan onto his back and straddled him. Her hands braced on the bed above his shoulders, she leaned toward him.

  “Tell me, St. Claire. This portrait you saw several weeks ago. Does the woman really exist or is she a figment of your imagination?”

  Lowering her head, she brushed her lips lightly over his, and she immediately felt his arousal pressing into her leg. Julia lifted her head to stare down at him. Flames flickered in the depths of his dark gaze, and a seductive smile curled his lips.

  “Yes, she’s quite real. In fact, I’m certain I can retire my handkerchiefs for good,” he said as his smile became a wicked grin.

  “An excellent idea, because I’m the last affair you’ll ever have, Morgan St. Claire.” Slowly, and with a sigh of happiness, she lowered her head and proceeded to show him exactly why.

  § § §

  Thank you for reading Two Shades of Seduction! I hope you enjoyed both Love’s Revenge and Love’s Portrait. If you did, please help other people find this book:

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  Special Preview of Obsession

  Chapter 1

  London, 1888

  The inside of Chantrel’s was quiet as a tomb as Sebastian Rockwood, Earl of Melton stepped through the establishment’s front door. Popular among men of the peerage, the exclusive brothel’s unique offerings were well known. Chantrel, the establishment’s sole proprietor, trained her girls to speak and act like women of nobility except in the bedroom. There, her pupils performed with an enthusiasm that was often lacking in the lives of most noblemen.

  Sebastian handed his top hat and cane to the footman on duty. Beside him, his friend Devin Morehouse, Viscount Westbrook did the same. The servant quickly accepted their belongings then hurried off to fetch Chantrel as Sebastian had instructed. When the man disappeared, Sebastian turned to survey the empty parlor opening off the foyer. It seemed quite odd the brothel would be so quiet at this time of night. His friend cleared his throat.

  “Where the devil is everyone?” Devin muttered as he stepped toward the vacant drawing room. “Are you sure this is the place?”

  “Yes,” Sebastian said. “Caleb was quite explicit as to the young lady’s whereabouts.”

  “What did he say the girl’s name was?”

  “Georgina Bainbridge.”

  “Well, if she is here, the next question is whether or not she’s been harmed already.”

  Devin’s concern was one Sebastian had already considered. For the girl’s sake, he could only hope she was untouched. With a sharp nod of agreement at his friend’s observation, Sebastian frowned as he studied his surroundings. The occasional mistress easily addressed his needs, and his knowledge of Chantrel’s was by reputation only. In fact, the only reason he’d even agreed to visit the place tonight was to keep his younger brother from doing something rash.

  Earlier this afternoon, in typical Rockwood fashion, Caleb had burst into Sebastian’s office like a man possessed. Rash, impetuous behavior was a common family trait. The Rockwoods were well known for their impulsive natures and their daring escapades with the exception of Sebastian. He’d learned a long time ago to control his emotions. He could only wish his siblings would do the same.

  “Caleb was quite certain she was here, so let us hope she’s not been compromised,” Sebastian said quietly.

  “Couldn’t you have contacted Inspector McBride? As I recall, he resolved Percy’s small problem last year quite admirably.”

  “I suggested that, but Caleb said he’d already been to Scotland Yard and the man wasn’t available. The sergeant on duty said they had more serious cases to pursue.”

  “The murders in Whitechapel, I’d imagine,” Devin said with a note of disgust in his voice. “Bad business that.”

  “Quite.” Sebastian took a couple steps into the empty parlor, his gaze surveying the room for any clue that might explain its barren state. “From the lurid details in the newspaper this morning, the Chapman woman’s body was eviscerated.”

  “Bloody hell,” Devin exclaimed quietly. “What sort of bastard would do such a thing?”

  “A madman I expect.” Sebastian turned to face his friend. “However, my biggest concern at the moment is Caleb. The last thing I want him to do is complicate matters. I’m fortunate he was willing to listen to reason and allow me the opportunity to investigate the girl’s disappearance. Like the rest of the family, he’s far too impetuous.”

  “Unlike his older brother’s controlled, more methodical manner, of course.” Wry amusement threaded his friend’s words, and Sebastian arched his eyebrow in response to the jibe.

  “There’s a great deal to be said for exercising restraint in all matters. The girl should have never tried to investigate the matter herself.”

  “Headstrong women are quite often the bane of a man’s existence.” There was a rueful note in Devin’s voice that made Sebastian turn his head to eye his friend with curiosity. The Viscount immediately looked away to survey their surroundings. “Why is Caleb convinced his ladylove is here?”

  “Apparently, the girl uncovered evidence of brothels kidnapping innocent young women and selling them against their will. Caleb said the last time she was seen, she was entering this establishment.”

  With several turns of his head, Sebastian studied his surroundings closely. The silence in the brothel wasn’t just unusual it made him uneasy. Something about this place set his teeth on edge, and for the first time since Caleb had burst into his study, he realized his brother’s worst fears might well be true. It was quite possible his brother’s young lady was in grave danger. Leaning toward his friend, Sebastian tipped his head in the direction of the blue and gold salon adjacent to the foyer.

  “At this point, I’m beginning to wonder if we’re even in a brothel given the decidedly nonexistent selection.”

  “I agree,” Devin murmured with a nod. “Usually a fellow can expect at least one or two birds available for the unexpected customer. Is it possible the murder in Whitechapel, yesterday, is affecting business?”

  Sebastian considered the possibility. Although the murder of the Chapman woman had been more brutal, he found it unlikely the slaying would threaten Chantrel’s daily business. If this were any other house of ill repute, he might think business was bad, but this wasn’t just any brothel. The exclusivity of it set the house apart from any other of
its kind. There had to be another reason why the parlor was empty.

  He shrugged then turned his head at the sound of a door opening. A statuesque woman appeared in the hallway and walked toward them with a quick, confident stride. She sailed into the entryway reminding Sebastian of a ship and its figurehead. Swathed in red taffeta, her gown brazenly proclaimed her for the madame she was with its gold fringe trimming, decadent sleeves and low cut bodice. The gown’s material rustled softly as she moved toward them.

  “Lord Melton, you honor me with your presence. What may I do for you this evening?”

  Madame Chantrel greeted them with a pleasant smile, but Sebastian saw the guarded look in her eyes. Accepting the hand she extended to him, Sebastian’s lips brush the air over Chantrel’s knuckles.

  “My friend and I were hoping for some special entertainment this evening. Naturally, I thought of you and your ability to offer us something…unusual?”

  As he straightened, he watched the woman’s face. Hesitation and avarice flitted across her features. Avarice won out as her eyes narrowed slightly. The hesitation was enough to increase his concerns. Damnation, if Caleb were correct, it would not be easy finding the girl or proving the brothel was involved in selling women against their will.

  “Actually, my lord, we have a most unusual form of entertainment tonight.” Chantrel smoothed the taffeta wrapped snugly around her waist. “My guests this evening are my most select patrons, but there is always room for fine gentlemen such as the two of you. Won’t you come this way?”

  With a practiced sweep of her hand and the skill of any noblewoman, Chantrel ushered them into a large salon. Red and gold couches, divans and chairs littered the room serving as seating for the twenty some men lounging about. Dark cherry walls, trimmed with gold molding, gave the room a heavy, decadent air.

  Studying the room’s occupants, Sebastian only recognized two or three men. The others were strangers to him. To his disgust, he noticed the Marquess of Templeton standing in one corner of the room. A notorious gambler and womanizer, the man’s luck was exceeded only by his bad temper.


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