Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)

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Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles) Page 17

by Unknown

  Hawkmoon stood up. “Please, help me “

  “Who are you? Come forward”

  “ Please mister, we are fishermen, that’s all. We was carried down, see. … We lost the boat. “

  “I know about you. There was another”

  “He drowned. We came too far. It was too late when we tried to get out of the …”

  The reiver turned slashing downward. Bekter caught the wrist his other hand reaching for the throat. They stood for a moment locked in a battle of strength and will. Bekter was strong but the Reiver was taller and stood over him bearing down. He smiled at Bekter, his teeth a flash of white in the dark.

  “Anytime you’re ready” Bekter grunted through jaws clamped with effort. A strip of rawhide came across the Reiver’s face. The officer released a hand to scrabble for the rope. Bekter searched for the knife. Hawkmoon’s breath rasped in his throat. Bekter was being forced down. For a brief time the Reiver was choking Bekter while simultaneously pulling the rope from Hawkmoon. In the half light Hawkmoon glimpsed the rope over the Reiver’s mouth.. Slacking it for a moment he coiled it on the throat and pulled. Blood seeped through Hawkmoon’s fingers where the rawhide cut. Still the Reiver fought. Passing the cord into one hand Hawkmoon reached down , hand searching.. His legs buckled as a rock broke his skull. They dragged the corpse to the water and set it into the current.

  “Big bastard, wasn’t he” Bekter sat, gasping.

  Hawkmoon started to gather the packs.” As soon as they miss him they are going to come looking”

  “We can hide.”

  “We couldn’t hide from one of them. We go up, get under cover and wait for tomorrow night.”

  Dawn was an hour away; a line of lesser dark heralding its arrival. They passed the guard house and the sound of snoring Further along sentries loomed in the dark; a structure outlined against the starlight.. There was a door, secured with a heavy lock. A draught of air made Bekter look on the other side, where it backed to the edge. Steps leading down. . He counted three; after that nothing but a straight drop. Sometime in the past a rockfall had torn the rest of it away. Doubling a coil of rope he looped it about a tree stump. With his back to the river he stepped over the edge. The bridge loomed on his left. In ten steps he could see underneath. It went back twenty feet to meet the base . There was a space between the slab and the bridge... He could make out crevices, some large enough to sleep in without rolling off. Bekter made a warbling sound. Hawkmoon began to pull him up.

  “There’s a place under the bridge where we can lay up. The guards can’t come down unless they use ropes. Untie that rope and let it down at both sides. We have to take it with us”

  “How are we to get back up?”

  “We don’t. There is enough rope to get down to the river.”

  They laid up listening to the commotion caused by the disappearance of their officer. Arguments broke out. Threats were exchanged, followed by blows. One Reiver, seemed to have taken command. He turned out the garrison. The guards on the bridge were doubled, then doubled again . Bekter examined the underside, measuring sightlines.“There isn’t a chance in hell of making a shot from here..”

  “Take this “ Hawkmoon handed over the battleaxe. If I can’t get out I don’t want it falling into the hands of a Reiver. If I make it I will meet you downriver.” Holding the axe as if it were a poisonous snake ,Bekter tied over his shoulder and climbed over the side.Hawkmoon finished the last of the food. He wrapped himself in his coat and went to sleep.The sun was tipping the heights of the gorge when he woke..

  Norry stopped the little mine pony at the edge of the trees. To the north a line of mountains swept to Shaleen’s gate and the wild lands. “What you need is a means to set off the explosive in a way that allows you to leave the vicinity. I recommend a distance of two hundred and fifty paces.” He showed Hawkmoon a glass vial.” “This has two chambers. One contains the acid, the other is the catalyst. Break the glass at this end. Acid will start to eat its way to the powder. You will have fifteen minutes.”

  The rock was pockmarked with cracks. Close to the underside was a hole the size of a watermelon. Hawkmoon poured the chemicals until it was full. Cracking the vial he set it in the centre .Collecting loose rock he piled it until it reached the base.. Moving to the edge he started to climb down. A ledge took him around to where they had first landed. Bekter stepped out from the column... “You took your time”

  The current tugged at the craft , speeding it away downstream. A breeze came from upriver, sweeping the mist before it... A burst of moonlight shot through the overcast. Shouts came from the north bank .Bekter swore.“I knew our luck couldn’t last”They ducked low to make the smallest target. Fire arrows rose arcing in their direction.. Hawkmoon started to row for the opposite side.“What are you doing, we can’t stop here.”

  “They have war canoes. We can’t outrun them.” Bekter was tying the boat when night turned to day. The sky lit with flames bright enough to reflect from the undersides of the clouds..Parts of the bridge were falling on the forest, on the sides of the gorge and in the river. From where they watched they could see figures burning as they jumped into the water. “By the gods.. That was worth waiting for” Bekter looked across. The canoes had turned, bows pointing upriver. They started to paddle back.

  “Losing the bridge is a death sentence for them. They can try to hide in the forest and live as outlaws or run south where the rivermen will get them … Their only hope is to catch us and bring us back alive.. Bekter, we are about to be hunted like we have never been hunted”Hawkmoon opened the pack with the last of the powder and started to pour it into the water.“What are you doing”

  “If we are captured, I don’t want it falling into their hands. They will try to take us alive. My advice, if it looks like you are about to be taken; kill yourself. We will be in the torture pits a long time even after we break, and we will break. At best we have a day and a night... Come tomorrow we have to be off this river . I hope you’re up to it because you have to run like you never ran in your life”

  “Don’t be concerned about me Hawkmoon. I have all the ereason I need ; a pack of murdering savages behind me and a pregnant wife in front…. I have to tell you. After this I will be giving serious thought to retirement.”

  The Wee Men.

  The Chancellor was giving a report when the Captain of the Guard entered and whispered to Morah.“Director, a party is outside the walls.They have asked to see Hawkmoon”

  “He’s not here”

  “They have been informed, they requested a meeting with you or the Field Commander”

  “Britan won’t see them. Who are they?”

  “I believe they are half pints…. The People of the Parish”

  “What is it, Morah?” The Queen interrupted. “Your Majesty, a deputation of Norry’s people have arrived. They have been camped outside the gates for the last two days”

  “In this weather. Why did they not come in?”

  “I ordered the gates closed.”

  “Bring them to our presence”

  The Captain whispered. “They are frozen and hungry. Several of them are ill.”

  “Get the healthiest one and put the others to bed. “ Morah bowed to the Queen.

  “Your Majesty, they have suffered on their journey. Once they have been attended to they will be presented”

  The Chancellor concluded her report. With the Realm in the grip of Winter most trade had ceased. Ports were frozen and taxes would not start to flow until the Spring thaw.

  Shallan Bey represented the Queen of Silverlode. “Your Majesty, the country is on the verge of bankruptcy. A decision was made by our Queen in concert with the High Council and her ministers that the entire wealth of Silverlode be placed at the service of victory…If the invasion is thrown back the loan can be repaid . In case of defeat our wealth will not benefit us except to give the enemies greater cause for celebration. We have given thought as to how that loan should be repaid We believe we have
a plan that will allow for repatriation of the funds in a matter that will not place an unreasonable strain on the economy.. We propose a number of development projects. Lands in the Southwest are undeveloped. There are tracts of forest and arable land. Silverlode will assist in providing finance for reconstruction and development. The object should be not only to bring the economy back to pre war standards but to double its size within five years.” The Minister resumed his seat.

  The Captain of the Guard came back . Bowing to their majesties he whispered to Morah. The Director addressed the Queen:“Your Majesty, one of the party is sufficiently recovered. He requests audience”

  “Bring him forward”

  If the one that presented himself could be seen as recovered the rest of his party were in a parlous condition. He bowed low.

  “Your Majesty…” His legs gave way and he would have fallen only the Captain held his arm.

  “My dear fellow, sit you down. Has he eaten?”

  “Soup, your majesty. He insisted that he was fit to be presented”

  “Bring food, and blankets.””Mira came to sit by him.

  “One of your people has performed a great service for the Realm.”

  “Your Majesty, whatever was done was poor recompense for bringing our people out of servitude”

  “What is your name?”

  “I am Tarin Ben Arfa .I am Rector of the Parish”

  “Ben Arfa, that was Norry’s family name”

  “Norry Ben Arfa was my son. He left home some years ago to wander in the world of men. His dream was to be a Ranger . It was foolish to ever dream that a Half Man could join warrior elite. He has been a disappointment”

  The Queen gazed at him . “My good man, there is no reason for disappointment. He has brought honour to your people. I was ill and close to death in the wilderness. He saved my life. It was his initiative that led to a weapon that will help us to wage a new kind of war against those who seek our destruction. It was his courage that protected that secret long enough for it to reach safe hands. Except for Hawkmoon no one has ever served the Land better.”

  Tears began to roll down his face. “Where is he ?”

  He is at Silverlode working on the new weapons. Now tell me, what is it that brings you through the Wilderness”

  “It was after the first snows when the murders began. No bodies were found for a number of weeks. Then we found two, mutilated, almost torn apart …We had seen those wounds before.

  One night a vampire came to my door. She requested to speak before the Parish Council. When we assembled she told us that a certain Half Man had come to their attention. It would be our task to find him and turn him over or the slaughter would continue until none were alive. We know the value of promises made by the Wampyrhii so we gave no mind to cooperation We executed her and send the head to the Icelands.

  Every night after has seen more disappearances. On occasion they turn some of those taken capture into vampires and send them into the Parish. We have the terrible task of killing those who were our own kin…

  Mira’s face changed as Ben Arfa spoke. It paled, the eyes went cold, the mouth tight. She beckoned to Chatto who came to stand by her side. “This is Chatto. He is Dhampir. He will go North and deal with the problem. You will write letters of introduction to those left in charge that he is to be given every assistance. He will leave this day. How long will it take?” The Queen asked the Dhampir.

  Chatto shrugged. “It will depend on the size of the nest”… Morah frowed at the lack of formality. Chattto looked at the Halfman. “How many have been taken ”.

  “ Some nights one, some nights, up to three; fifty seven before our defences were improved” The Halfman looked at Bey who nodded.”The dwarves have sent guards to help us. We are few enough. If we continue to lose people the Parish will be gone in less than a year.”.

  “If you can take one alive, I want it put to the question. I am concerned to hear that they know we possess a weapon and that its’ inventor was a Half Man.”

  “Your Majesty, questioning a vampire is seldom profitable . I will try to learn what I can”

  Mira turned to the Rector.”Chatto will deal with the present circumstance but it is plain that you are not defensible. There are lands in the Southwest.. We will assign you grants in perpetuity so that the Half Men can live in peace.”

  The Plain of Tarsis

  The night passed as they steered to avoid wreckage.. Dawn brightened with fog on the water.As daylight marked coppery tints on the tips of the canyon they came out to a broad expanse of flat calm. Forest came down to the waters’ edge. “The river would take us to Elfhome if we could have stayed on the river . We have to lie up on the left bank. Downstream are the Needles. That’s where we leave the water.. If we get there and hide our tracks there is a chance they will go past”

  “If they pass us they will never find us”

  Hawkmoon shook his head. “They have enough to put boats on the river and send trackers inland. They can stay on the water for as long as they want. Our destination has to be Elfhome . They can set a watch over Tarsis. The Challon starts wandering where it flows to the Marshes. We won’t go in there. They know that.”

  Another dawn found them at the edge of theplain. The river, now calm, and unhurried stretched behind them over the empty miles. Bekter could see no sign but he was too old a wolf not to know when he was being hunted. He talked big but he was no runner. As a youth he could lead a charge if it was a hundred, paces. But two hundred miles? Food would be a problem; and water.Not much to be had of either on the plain of Tarsis. A few settlements where desperate people tried their hand at hardscrabble mining. Not counting magickers that others of their kind would have nothing to do with there was nothing else out there. Hawkmoon could have that axe. There was something wrong about it. Years ago he took a horse from a customer that had no money to pay his bill. It was a cavalry horse, or so he said. It had a walleye and you just knew it was watching for a chance to kill you.Just like the axe.

  The Needles appeared later that morning.. There was a beach of fine gravel They paddled to the waterside. If those behind knew their business they would have canoes close by the bank on either side watching for sign where a boat had been dragged .The current had stranded an uprooted tree. They made for it and tied a line to one of its branches. It had foliage and would hide their retreat from the water. Hawkmoon stepped over the trunk to the shallows inside. Bekter passed him the gear. Pushing the boat into the current he watched as it sped downriver .

  They built a hide on a grassy knoll and waited. It was afternoon when they came.They counted nine canoes; seventy two hunters. One of the boats approached the tree. …. Someone shouted and the canoe turned away. They waited while the raiders moved downstream.. After an hour Beker moved to get up. Hawkmoon shook his head. As he settled three canoes passed fully laden.. Hawkmoon’s plan was to run in daylight that day and the next. By going downstream the hunters had given them time.. Hawkmoon had the build of an athlete; narrow waisted with long legs and wide shoulders , arms heavy with muscle. He was talking of thirty miles a day…Bekter stared at him

  The bastard is going to kill me .

  The river was stocked with fish. Game birds squawked in the tree at the banks. They might have stayed to provision themselves but the risk of more canoes forced them inland. An hour from the river they came to an orchard heavy with apples. The cold had made them sweet .Rabbits ran from them .Bekter killed two with a slingshot. Skinning the rabbits they tied them on their belts .

  The woods ended, the ground turning to stone and gravel. Breath rasping, lungs bursting, Bekter’s legs were rubber Someone told him once that if you are fit your sweat has no taste. His was nothing but salt. Hawkmoon was moving in fluid strides, carrying the gear and that ferocious axe . Tarsis was wide , crisscrossed with ravines, gullies and hidden hollows, some deep enough to hide a company. Most of them lay across their line of march..

  At their midday stop Bekter left his coat
by the track. Hawkmoon made him go back for it. The plain was dry ,supporting life around rock tanks. Most of the rain that fell went through Limestone to carve massive caverns. The plain was pocked with caves; many home creatures best avoided. They halted before sundown as the light threw orange shadows on mountains to the north. The place smelt of rotten eggs. Bekter lay, huddled on the trail, too weak to light a fire.

  Hawkmoon kicked his boot.


  “Get up”

  “I’m fine , thank you. Just let me rest. “Hawkmoon glared at him.“You’re freezing Ice is forming in your clothes. If you sleep you will be dead in an hour.. Bekter turned away; Hawkmoon grabbed Bekter and hoisted him over his shoulder. . “Put me down “ Bekter struggled as Hawkmoon carried him out of the hollow, up a slope to a circle of rocks. The smell here was stronger. A pool bubbled at his feet. Hawkmoon let him drop into the water. Bekter came to the surface enraged and cursing. Then he noticed the heat. It stank like a henhouse but it was hot. Hawkmoon came back with the gear and left it by the pool He jumped in opposite Bekter.“You know some interesting places.”

  “Water seeps down onto hot rocks and comes back up. It smells a bit but you will feel good tomorrow”

  “I feel good now.” He lay back, not bothering to take off his clothes. The sky was overcast, mist circling the hills to the north. Snow was coming, a lot of it by the looks. He was hungry and thirsty but not enough to get out. .. Careful not to drop it in the water Hawkmoon passed him the last of therabbit. Snow brushed his cheek and faded instantly.” Bekter slept while the first moon spied from between snow laden clouds. Something touched him ; warm fingers brushing his face. He opened his eyes to see a girl, long red hair, eyes of amber. She was dressed in a green material that moulded itself to her body… He glanced at Hawkmoon who dozed, head back.


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