Loving Her

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Loving Her Page 3

by Hutton, CM

  I happened to be up at the bar when I saw her walk in. I couldn’t believe it. The one person in the entire city that I couldn’t seem to get out of my mind, was walking through the doors of the club I happened to be in.

  Jen Bailey looked just as beautiful as she did at dinner last night, but instead of a fancy dress, she was in jeans….’sexy as hell’ jeans. I let my eyes roam her body since she had no idea I was looking at her. Her long blonde hair was not as smooth as it was last night. It was a little messy and looked good. She was curvy where it mattered and not too thin. Pretty damn perfect, actually.

  I leaned against the bar and sipped my drink. I hadn’t really noticed anyone but her until I saw none other than Jack Woods walking right behind her with his hand on her back. Damn.

  He was a nice enough guy and smart as hell, but just didn’t strike me as her type. Well, not that I know her type, but I didn’t think it would be Jack. He was more of a slick, smooth talkin’ salesman and she didn’t seem like the type to buy into that bullshit. Guess that’s how much I know…..I didn’t have a clue about her or any other woman for that matter.

  Still, I couldn’t help but to just watch her and judging by her body language, they didn’t know each other all that well. Maybe a first or second date? I saw her flinch a few times at his touch and you just don’t do that when you really know someone.

  I really should’ve gone back to my friends and stopped being a total creeper, but I was completely fascinated and I hadn’t been fascinated by anyone since Kristen. Oh God, I could feel my whole face fall….the thought of her felt like cold water was poured over my head.

  I turned to go back to my friends when I saw it happen and I froze in place. He kissed her, but it was weird for her, I think. I saw her face when he turned her around and could see she was upset and trying to pull away, but he wasn’t having it.

  I felt my feet moving toward her to help, but then she stiffened a bit, said something to Jack and was released from his grip. He smiled and I watched as she took off toward the bathrooms, but she didn’t look right.

  I glanced back at Jack, who was just watching as she walked away and decided I would at least go see that she was okay.

  I saw her slip into the bathroom so I moved to the wall nearest the hallway and waited for a few minutes. I was sipping on my beer and nearly choked on it when I saw her stick her head out of the bathroom door, look around and then make a beeline for the exit. I couldn’t help but to start chuckling at this girl. She was running….running from Jack, in fact.

  What the hell?

  I sat my beer down, waited till she was several steps ahead of me and then I followed. I laughed at myself. Shit, I was a damn stalker now, but I couldn’t help it! I had to see what she was up to.

  As I skirted the corner of the club, I saw her jump in a cab and take off. She turned to look back toward the club and I was afraid she had seen me so I ducked back into a shadow. Fuck! Now I was lurking in shadows, too. I really needed to get out more.

  I shook my head and smiled, then walked back around to the front of the club and through the door. As I passed by the bar, I saw Jack still standing in the same spot. Sucker! He had no idea Jen just bailed on him. My night was getting better and better.

  I made my way back up to my group of friends who just slapped me on the back as I walked up. They were happy to have me out of the house. I appreciated how much effort they put into me, but it was a bit annoying sometimes. They still looked at me with such sad expressions and it made me want to punch each and every one of them.

  I gave a slight nod of my head and sat back at the table to enjoy the music. I couldn’t help that the grin on my face had to do with Jen’s ‘great escape’ and not the company of my friends or the great music. She was pretty fucking entertaining.

  I wondered how long it would take Jack to realize she’d left. I glanced over my shoulder, only to see him moving through the crowd, rather rapidly, to a couple standing one table over. He whispered something to the cute brunette and she jumped up and sprinted toward the bathroom.

  Within a minute she was back and whispering to what appeared to be her husband, judging by the wedding rings they were both sporting. He rolled his eyes then leaned in to Jack, clapping him on the shoulder as he mouthed words into Jack’s ear.

  By the look on Jack’s face, he was completely taken aback. He looked over at the brunette who mouthed ‘I’m so sorry.’ She was pulling out her phone and texting as fast as she could. I had no doubt who she was about to chat with.

  Poor Jen Bailey. She was about to get an ass chewing. Wonder what exactly made her run?

  I watched as the trio left the club and wanted so badly to follow them, but didn’t. Damn…my entertainment was over for the evening so, I had to go back to focusing on the band.

  I finished off my beer, said my good byes to the group and left to go home. I was still thinking about Jen Bailey, wondering what was happening with her and that she was okay. I shouldn’t be thinking about her at all since she was obviously someone to Jack and we had to work together.

  I stepped into my dark house and was met by my favorite wet nose in the world. “Hey, boy! Miss me tonight?” Butch was just about the best dog and friend a man could have. He didn’t ask questions or tiptoe around me. He just loved me for me. I was grateful to still have him with me after Kristen was gone. He slept in the bed with me for months afterward. He missed her too.

  I made my way upstairs, showered and laid on top of the bed to watch a little TV. I didn’t sleep much anymore. The dreams were too much for me most nights.

  Butch jumped up on the bed and curled up beside me. “You know, ole boy? If we ever find us a girl again, you won’t be able to sleep up here with me.” I grinned and rubbed his ears, letting out a sort of rough laugh. “Who am I kidding….I can’t see anyone replacing our girl, right boy?”

  Butch just looked up at me and slowly closed his eyes as I continued to rub his head. I laid my head back and let my mind drift to better days and eventually to a certain blonde runaway that I met last night.

  Chapter 5 – Jen


  Hi. It’s Jack. Emily gave

  me your number.

  I’m sorry if I did something to

  upset you. I had a really nice time

  tonight and I wish things would

  have ended differently.

  I especially wish you would have let

  me take you home and tell you good

  night. Sorry, again.

  Well, now what. I felt even worse. I didn’t know whether to text him back or not. He would obviously know I had gotten the text since Emily had given him the number.

  I could wait till morning…pretend I was asleep and didn’t get it yet. Yeah, that sounded like a plan. I started to lean over and turn off my lamp when my phone buzzed again.


  Are you awake?

  Your light is still on.

  May I come up, Jen?

  Please. I won’t stay.

  Oh, shit! Now what? He was outside and could see my light still on. Was that creepy or some sincere effort to make the night end better? Hell, I didn’t know.


  I don’t think that is a good idea.

  I’m sorry for bailing on you

  at the club. I had a nice time

  tonight, but I think it’s best

  we not see each other again.



  Yeah, why Jen?!?


  Jack, I don’t think I’m

  good for you. You seem like a

  great guy, but I tend to run out

  on people when I feel any kind

  of strange feelings or vibes. I’m sorry.

  Okay, there….it’s done. Now scurry on home there Jackie Boy and leave me to wallow in my aloneness.


  Strange feelings? Explain.

  Good Lord, dude. Give up on me. I’m not worth this effort after
one date.


  Jack. I don’t want to explain.

  Please, just let it go. Good night.


  No. I felt something and so did

  you. Please tell me the truth.

  Oh, man. This guy was either desperate or a freakin’ mind reader. I wanted to let him in so badly, but that would have been a huge mistake.




  Jack. I can’t.


  I’m not who you think I am.

  I just want to know you.

  I want to spend some time

  with you.

  I gave up after that. I put on some sweats and a jacket, slipped on my shoes and walked outside. Jack was standing there, looking down at his phone as he leaned against a car I was assuming was his.

  He looked up at me and smiled a shy, slight smile. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” I replied.

  He started slowly moving toward me and when he was right in front of me, he said, “You came down to me?”

  “Yeah, well….I can’t have men I barely know in my house at this hour of night.” I was smiling and had one eyebrow raised.

  “Yeah, good thinking.”

  “Look, Jen….” He started.

  “NO, Jack.” I interrupted, holding my hand up to his chest. “This is my fault. I’m sorry I ran out on you. It was a shitty thing to do, but I’m not in a place for…this right now.” I waved my hand back and forth between us.

  He stepped closer, closing the gap between us and wrapped his arms around me. “I don’t believe you. I felt you against me tonight and this was most certainly mutual. Please don’t try to tell me it wasn’t.”

  He was right, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for him. “Jack….” His name came out as a whisper.

  His face was as close as it could get without touching mine. “Kiss me, please. I need to finish what we started. I wasn’t near done, but you left me before I could do it properly.” Smooth ass talker.

  “You didn’t seem to want more.” I admitted it out loud.

  He pulled back slightly with a jerk of his head, “You’ve got to be kidding! It took everything in me not to just completely consume you standing right there in the middle of that crowd.” He leaned in until our noses were touching and whispered, “You do things to me that I can’t explain.”

  I smiled and closed the gap, placing my lips on his. That was all it took. He gripped the back of my head and took over. His tongue swept across my lips and I opened for him. He slowly and carefully caressed my mouth with his and it felt really nice. Oh how I’ve missed a good kiss….and that was definitely a good kiss.

  Jack kept his hands tight around my back, never seeking out any forbidden areas. He was trying to be a gentleman and I appreciated that, but I was starting to get annoyed that he hadn’t even tried.

  “Jen?” He said against my mouth.


  “I really need to leave or I won’t be able to leave.” I smiled.

  “Okay,” was all I could say as I leaned my body into his and kiss him again, taking the lead.

  He moaned and pulled me closer. “Ah, I really need to go. You are too damn sexy and we’ve only just met. I don’t think I can control myself if I don’t leave.”

  I could feel his arousal against me as we stood leaning against that car, out where everyone could see us. “I know.” God, what was wrong with me?

  “Jen, please don’t get mad at me again if I stop this. I’m doing it for you because if I had my way, we’d be going inside your place and making out for the rest of the night….I don’t even care about the sex thing. I just want to hold you like this, with you against me and kiss you.”

  Ooh, that sounded nice. “Okay.” Wait, what did I just say?

  “What?” Yep, he heard it too. Shit. “Jen?”

  “Jack, that sounds really nice to me, it does. But, I may be the one who can’t stay in control if you come up. I want you to come up, but I’m not sure I can be trusted.” I smiled a crooked smile at him and he laughed.

  “Yeah, I can see that. You keep pushing closer to me and it feels pretty damned amazing.” Jack kissed down the side of my neck and my knees nearly gave out on me. “How about this……go out with me tomorrow night, just the two of us. Then, let’s just see how it goes.”

  That sounded pretty nice, actually. “Okay, Jack. I think I’d like that very much.” I pulled away to walk back inside, but he grabbed my arm and pulled be back to him so that I was fully flushed against his body.

  I gasped as my core hit his arousal when we crashed together. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said as he ravaged my mouth again. “You feel it too.” He said as we came up for air.

  I moaned and gave a very incoherent ‘yeah, I do’ as he continued our kiss.

  After a few more intense moments, Jack started moving us away from the car and to my front door where he stopped and let me take myself inside.

  Right before I shut the door, he leaned in and said, “Dream about me tonight, okay?” Then, he winked, turned and walked away.

  Well, crap! I leaned my back against my locked front door and tried to catch my breath.

  After several minutes of standing there completely stupefied, I walked to my room and climbed back in bed. I most definitely would be dreaming about Jack Woods.

  I suddenly had a flash of a certain face that I think I saw as I escaped from the club tonight. Was that really Rylan? Surely not. But if it was and he saw me, what would he say if he found out I was there with Jack? Would he say something embarrassing to Jack about seeing me leave?

  Nah…that couldn’t have been him, just someone that looked similar. I laid there in the dark thinking about the two wonderfully mysterious men I’d met in the last two days. I had lots to dream about. Too bad Rylan was so uptight. He had a sexy look about him that I couldn’t stop picturing, but he definitely needed a procedure to remove the stick from his ass.

  I laugh to myself as I started to drift off. Men….such glorious creatures.

  Sundays were my days to do absolutely nothing, except tonight I had a date with Jack. I was actually nervous about it. As I sipped my coffee out on my balcony, I heard my phone buzz. I certainly was not in the mood for Emily’s bitching this morning, so I ignored it for a while.

  When I walked back inside for a second cup of joe, I looked at the phone and saw a message from Jack. I smiled as I opened it.


  Good morning. Tonight

  I have a date with the most

  gorgeous girl. Suggestions on

  where I should take her?

  His text made me laugh. He was such a frickin’ player. Damn him! I was going to have to be extra careful with this one and pay close attention. He could totally destroy me.


  Morning. Well, let’s see….

  If it were me, I’d just surprise her.

  I’m sure she just wants to get to

  know you. Good luck!

  I continued making my second cup of coffee as I waited for his reply.


  Hmm…..yes, I think I’ll do

  just that!




  I cleaned my condo, washed all my clothes, sat in front of the TV for a few movies and just waited until it was time for me to get dressed. It was excruciating.

  By 5:45, I was dressed and sitting at my kitchen bar having a glass of wine. I didn’t understand my nervousness. I wasn’t usually like that. I chalked it up to all the sexual tension that was between us last night.

  I wasn’t sure where we were going, so I just slipped on a cute halter sundress and heels, but stuck a pair of flip flops in my bag.

  I heard the doorbell right at 6:00 and felt my nerves shoot through my body. I made my way to the door and peaked out to see Jack standing there. I opened the door and saw a huge smile on his handsome face as he looked me up and do

  I grinned and raised my eyebrows and said, “Well, hi there. Like what you see?”

  He laughed and stepped closer to me, wrapping one hand around my waist. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to gawk, but damn, you just look amazing.”

  I let out a soft laugh and put one hand on his shoulder. “Thank you. You can gawk anytime as long as you say I look amazing. You look pretty great yourself. I could change into my sweats, though, if you prefer?”

  He leaned in and kissed my cheek, then brought his other hand around showing me a small bouquet of wild flowers. “For you. You don’t seem like the roses type, so I chose these.”

  They were beautiful. And, he was right. I hated roses, but not for a reason anyone would think.

  “These are lovely. Thank you! Come in so I can put these in a vase.” I stepped away back into my condo and he followed. As I went to the kitchen to find a vase, I said, “You’re right, by the way. I hate roses.” I turned to see his eyebrows raised a bit and a curious smile on his face. He didn’t ask to explain and I was grateful.

  After securing the flowers, I rounded the breakfast bar where Jack was standing, grabbed my bag and asked, “So, where to, sir?”

  He walked close to me, not saying a word and cupped my face in his hands. “You are so beautiful, Jen.” Then, he planted a soft, slow kiss on my lips and I felt my whole body relax and give in.

  I dropped my bag to the floor and put my arms around his neck. His hands moved into my hair so that he could control the kiss. I just stood there and let him have his way for several long minutes.

  Finally, he pulled his head back just enough to break the contact and said, “Sorry about that. I couldn’t help myself. Plus, you looked a little nervous, so I thought I’d get that over with and show you that you don’t have to be worried.”

  “Okay.” I couldn’t think, not when he was all sweet and sexy like that.

  “Let’s go. I want to take you to dinner and dancing. Sound good?” Jack was looking at me closely.

  “Sounds really good.” I bent down and picked up my bag and we walked out to his car, the same car we were making out against the night before. “Nice car.”

  “Thanks. It’s a weakness. I love cars. This is one of my favorites.” I wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but it was black and looked fast.


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