Tragic King (The Dominant Bastard Duology Book 2)

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Tragic King (The Dominant Bastard Duology Book 2) Page 16

by Sparrow Beckett

  His mouth down to her ass, and even though she didn’t want to respond to his slow seduction, her body was far too familiar with the pleasure he could bring. Goose bumps rose on her skin, tightening her nipples and raising the hair on the back of her neck. She made a plaintive sound, but he spread her legs and his fingers found her pussy slick and ready despite herself.

  He chuckled. “You can keep pretending you’re asleep, but your breathing is too erratic for me to believe it.” He turned her over.

  “What are you doing?” she whined.

  He spread her legs and knelt between them, then held her in place when she tried to squirm away.

  “Severin told me I had to take care of you for him until he summons us back.” His voice was rough from sleep and desire. Although she tried to push his face away from her pussy, he ignored her and spread her labia apart with gentle fingers.

  “No! He didn’t mean like this. He just meant for you to make sure I didn’t starve to death or dehydrate from crying.”

  “He most definitely meant like this. Are you going to refuse so that we both get punished when he comes back to visit?”

  “He can’t want this.”

  One of the dogs came to check on her then went back to lie down with his brothers. As usual, they were terrible guard dogs.

  Rodrigo sat up and reached over her to the nightstand, then threw his phone down beside her. “If you don’t believe me, call him.”

  She grabbed the phone and unlocked it, trying to keep her knees pressed together as she dialed, but Rodrigo wasn’t allowing her any modesty. Instead, he pried her legs apart and spread her open again, breathing against her sensitive flesh as she trembled and waited for Severin to pick up.

  Severin answered after two rings. “Yeah?”

  “He...he’s trying to...” Heat crept into her cheeks as she tried to say words that were somehow suddenly too intimate and crude to say aloud. Rodrigo brushed his mouth against her, his morning stubble grazing the flesh of her inner thighs. She gasped and Severin chuckled in her ear.

  “Are you trying to get permission to disobey him?” he asked, sounding amused.

  “I don’t want to fool around with Rodrigo if you’re not here, Mister Leduc,” she whispered.

  “You will obey him as though he’s me whenever I’m not around, Miss Korsgaard.”

  “But I don’t like this.” Having sex alone with Rodrigo with Severin so far away felt like cheating or something, and the idea was making her anxious even if Severin didn’t seem to care. Wasn’t he jealous that they were together and not with him?

  Rodrigo chuckled darkly, and flicked his tongue over her clit hood. She hissed in a breath and tried to wriggle away. He didn’t allow it, of course.

  “He’s going to make you feel good, and you’re going to let him.”


  “I know you’re worried, Miss Korsgaard, but Mr. Solis is going to take care of you when I’m not there, okay?”

  She frowned. “Yes, Mister Leduc,” she agreed, not bothering to disguise how miserable she was.

  Rodrigo’s mouth on her was slow and sensual – teasing rather than forcing – and she couldn’t help but widen her thighs and shove her heels into the bed to try to get his tongue where she wanted it. Rather than comply, he held her down, keeping her exactly where he wanted her as his tongue explored every inch of her pussy. She clutched the phone to her ear, her unsteady breathing echoing into the phone.

  “See?” Severin’s voice rumbled in her ear, mocking. “Doesn’t his mouth feel good?”

  His tongue flicked over her anus and she tightened up and tried to pull away, still not used to the tickly sensation and how it made her belly tighten with need.

  “No...don’t.” She tried to shift away from his mouth, but he bit her thigh and growled at her to behave.

  Severin made a sound of discomfort. “I have to get work done on this project. Have fun.”

  “But –” The feel of Rodrigo’s tongue exploring her ass stole the rest of what she was going to say. She moaned.

  “Only a few more days, Minnow. Be a good girl and I’ll visit tomorrow.” He hung up.

  She clutched the phone as though her fingers digging into the device could keep him from deserting her.

  With patient attention, Rodrigo used his mouth and fingers to coax an intense but sweet orgasm from her. Afterward, he held her as she cried, even as she wasn’t exactly sure why she was crying. When she was calmer, he bathed her in the big tub in the master bathroom, and he kissed her the entire time, talking to her quietly and doing his best to calm the sobs that came.

  “He doesn’t lie to us, Min. He said he’ll take us back, and he will.”

  She shook her head and a fresh wave of grief swamped her. “He means to, but something will happen. Every time I think we’re good he pushes me away again. He wanted this for us. For you and I to be together so he can fade back into his old life, and now he’s using Loïc as an excuse to ghost us. Just fucking wait for it.”

  “I know he puts you though hell sometimes, but isn’t he worth it?” He pulled her from the tub and dried her, his gaze full of the tender affection that seemed to be his default mood around her when he wasn’t being bossy.

  “You know he is.”

  “Good.” He kissed her nose then led her back to bed. After he had her settled, he got in beside her and stretched out. “So when he starts up with the ‘you’d be better off without me’ bullshit again, you won’t give up on us and go back to your old life.”

  “I have no old life to go back to! I already didn’t have anyone left who cared about me when I started working for Severin.” She rested her cheek against his chest, sucking up his warmth and basking in it as her skin dried. “I’m like a parasite. I have no money, no family who will speak to me. My only sister got married and didn’t even invite me. They didn’t even tell me. I found out on Facebook.”

  “You have no money?” He laughed.

  “Why is that funny?”

  “Oh.” He sobered and smiled down at her sympathetically. “You know he pays you, right? And you signed paperwork giving me leave to manage your savings.”

  “I don’t have savings. Well, I have almost five thousand in my checking account, which is great, but it’s not enough to live on for long. I could start working at the coffee shop again, if they have a position available, but that barely covers the bills.”

  “Minnow, you have money.” He squeezed her. “There’s a couple million in one of your accounts and you have some investments above and beyond that which are doing well.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked, frowning. Was the man drunk or was this some sort of dumb prank?

  He rolled her on top of him and slid his hands down her body, settling when he had one of her ass cheeks in each big palm. Although he’d made her come, then bathed her, then soothed her upset, he was rock hard and ready to go. His patience had made her forget he hadn’t gotten off yet.

  “You’re not filthy rich, but if you were careful with your money it would last you a good while – if you wanted to leave us, I mean. I’d much rather you stayed.” He ground his erection against her still-sensitive clit, and she couldn’t help but rock her hips in response. Between her dampness from the bath and her arousal, his boxer briefs were soaked and not much of a barrier between them.

  “I – I don’t understand.” Her body went hot and cold all at the same time. “But he agreed he won’t pay me wages anymore. He gives me spending money, and I have access to his credit cards if I need anything. Why is there more?”

  “He values your contribution to the household and wants you to have your own money so you have the option to leave. Maybe he’s been too worried about the possibility of you actually leaving to tell you yet.”

  She ran her lips over Rodrigo’s cheek then nipped his ear, not really able to process what he was saying. He buried a hand in her hair and took her mouth with his, groaning and thrusting against her. Desire spiked th
rough her, and she squirmed on his erection.

  “Damn it, I was trying to be a nice guy.” He bit her shoulder and rolled her onto her back. Trapping her wrists, he pinned them above her head with one hand, then laughed softly as she struggled to free herself. “Where do you think you’re going, preciosa?”

  “You can’t just fuck me whenever you want, you know.” She glared at him, and tried to shove him off her without the use of her hands, but he didn’t budge.

  Fuck he was big. Compared to Severin he seemed average height and weight, but the man was still well over six feet tall and well muscled. A lock of his dark hair fell over his forehead, as though signaling the slip of his tight self-control. He had no right looking hot when she was definitely not interested.

  “I’m not hearing your safeword.” He paused a moment, then flipped her facedown, his palm on the back of her neck pinning her in place. She whimpered but didn’t object. “Brace yourself. I’m all done being gentle.”


  Rodrigo, tall, broad, and GQ-hot in his elegant suit, trailed gentle fingers down the small of her back, left bare by the couture dress he’d chosen for her to wear. No matter how much prep work she’d done to acquire the manners she needed for a fancy party like this, she was still afraid to eat, or drink, or speak.

  Her neck still felt bare, but there’d been no way her collar would have made it through security at the airport, so when Severin had come to pick up the dogs, he’d also fucked her, talked to Rodrigo alone, and then had taken her collar home with him. The memory of the look in his eyes as he’d removed it still stabbed at her.

  “Stop,” Rodrigo commanded.

  “I can’t.”

  “You have to. If you let it bother you, you’re acknowledging we’re going to let him get away with it.”

  She sucked in a deep breath then let it go, along with some of her tension.

  “Do that again. Your cleavage keeps distracting me from how boring this party is.”

  The gown – black silk that hugged her body yet bared bits of her to hungry male gazes – made her feel beautiful, powerful, and yet Rodrigo standing practically on top of her all night made her feel submissive and protected.

  A tray of Champagne came by, and Rodrigo snagged a flute and offered it to her. She held up a hand in refusal.

  “No thanks. I think my stomach is still upset from the flight.” She’d never flown far, and they’d hit a lot of turbulence on the way to Belgium. Fitting.

  “It would help you relax.”

  “No. Having panties on and not having come on my thighs would help me relax. Being able to sit down without leaving a wet spot on the back of my gown would help me relax.”

  He shook his head in bemusement. “Still? Wow. He really wanted to stake his claim before we left. Let me bring you somewhere private and get you cleaned up.”

  “I can clean myself up,” she whispered back.

  “I’ll use my tongue.”

  She shuddered. The sensual slip of silk over her skin and sensitive nipples had kept her in a constant state of arousal since they’d gotten ready. Rodrigo looking positively edible, and eye fucking her all night hadn’t helped one bit.

  “Rodrigo! I didn’t know you’d be here. And who’s this?” A hot guy with a shock of blond hair moved up and shook Rodrigo’s hand, looking honestly delighted to see him.

  “Val – this is my fiancée, Minnow. Minnow, this is Valor Davenport. Our paths, and interests, cross on a regular basis.”

  Interests? His emphasis on that word made Minnow wonder if he meant what she thought he meant.

  Valor turned slightly, and held out a hand to welcome a pretty redhead in haut couture into their conversation. “Minnow, this is my wife, Tarryn.”

  Tarryn eyed her, and Minnow waited for the mean girl crap she expected from elegant women who wore elegant clothes so effortlessly, but instead Tarryn smiled impishly. “A pleasure to meet you, Minnow. A pleasure to see you again, Rodrigo.”

  Valor leaned down to whisper something in his wife’s ear, and her bright blush made her eyes appear almost feverish.

  “When did you get to the city?” Valor asked politely.

  “Only yesterday,” Rodrigo said. “I showed Min a few of the sights then went directly into meetings today.”

  This launched a series of pleasantries with a tone that hinted it was all a charade. The attractive young couple moved off after a few minutes, but at times during the evening Minnow found Tarryn watching her and grimacing as though they were best friends commiserating about a dull party.

  As she came out of the ladies’ room later in the evening and headed back down the hall toward the main room, Tarryn stepped from the shadows of an alcove and grabbed her hand, tugging her toward a dark hallway.

  “This party is boring. Let’s go.” She grinned at Minnow, her expression playful and conspiratorial.

  “Go where?” Minnow asked. Was it safe to follow her? The girl was about her size, and didn’t seem dangerous, but it wasn’t like they knew each other.

  “We’re going to hang out in Valor’s office.”

  “But Rodrigo...”

  “He’s already upstairs. I said I’d show you the way.” She brought her to the elevator and swiped a keycard, punching the button for the top floor. “You looked as bored as I am, so we’re taking a break.” The elevator doors slid open on a silent reception area, and Tarryn walked past the desk to a door down a central hall behind the main desk. She opened one of the double doors at the end of the hall and gestured her in. Dim light from a small desk lamp illuminated Rodrigo and Valor relaxing in the sitting area of the large modern office.

  Oh. Val was the boss? Now she felt bad they’d noticed she was bored.

  Tarryn kicked off her heels by the door and padded over to Valor, then rucked up her sapphire blue dress and knelt at Valor’s feet in one graceful motion. Without so much as a slight hesitation, Valor opened his pants and eased his cock free, then shoved it into Tarryn’s eager mouth.


  Minnow’s stood frozen, not sure what to do.

  Valor groaned, wrapping his hand around the back of Tarryn’s neck, urging her on. “Good girl,” he said, voice strained. “I couldn’t wait to get into your pretty mouth. That fucking smirk of yours has been driving me crazy all night.” He traced a finger over her lips where they were wrapped around his cock.

  Still standing motionless next to their couch, Minnow cast a furtive glance at Rodrigo. He beckoned her over and patted his knee, and when she settled there he turned her to face the other couple. From where they were sitting off to the side of them, she and Rodrigo could see every flex of Tarryn’s jaw as she took him down, her throat working him like a pro. When she backed off for air, Valor pulled the pins from her beautifully coiffed hair, letting it tumble down around her shoulders. She took him deep into her mouth again, and he unzipped the back of her dress, baring her delicate spine and then sliding the gown from her shoulders to let it puddle around her.

  It had been so long since Minnow had been in a sexual situation with a pretty girl, that the thrill of lust Tarryn’s body and submissiveness inspired caught her off guard.

  “Sir,” Tarryn gasped, holding an arm across her chest and casting a furtive look back at Minnow and Rodrigo.

  “Are you going to be a bad girl?” Val asked, his voice chill.

  His tone made Minnow squirm in Rodrigo’s lap. Ro lifted Minnow’s hair away from her neck and started to kiss a path from her ear to her shoulder as they watched Tarryn begging for mercy from Valor with her gaze.

  “Let your arm drop,” Valor said, not raising his voice, but putting enough bite into the command that Tarryn had to know he meant it.

  Tarryn pouted at him but let her arm fall away, but then cupped her breasts with her hands.

  A muscle in Valor’s jaw twitched and Minnow’s heart rate accelerated. Someone was in trouble.


  The woman stood, and Valor turned her so that her back w
as to him, then pulled her into his lap, sliding his cock into her pussy. She gave a whimper of pain and dropped her palms from her pert breasts to brace her hands against his legs. As she grimaced she shifted around until he was seated more comfortably inside her. It looked like a lot of cock for the size of her, and it brought to mind the feeling of complete awe she experienced when Severin or Rodrigo took her – although it was exponentially worse when they did it at the same time.

  Handling Tarryn with the ease of a doll, Valor spread her legs over his thighs then widened his knees, exposing her pierced clit hood to Minnow and Rodrigo.

  “When I tell you to do something, you do it, understand?” He grabbed one of her small breasts and pinched the nipple hard, flattening it between his thumb and forefinger. Tarryn grunted in pain and squirmed to get away, but he held her in place. “I was going to be nice, but apparently someone doesn’t appreciate nice like she should.” His other hand came down in a hard slap on her clit.

  She jolted in his arms, but couldn’t escape him. “Nooo,” she whined. “Please, I’m sorry.”

  He hit her there again and the damp thwack made Minnow whimper in frustrated sympathy.

  “Show Minnow how much fun it is to play with the clit ring Rodrigo helped me put in.”

  “Valor, no,” she said, shaking her head, cheeks bright red. “She doesn’t want to watch me do...that.”

  “Are you planning to safeword, nymph, or are you going to touch your pretty pussy until you come all over my cock?”

  She shook her head.

  “If you don’t obey, the next thing I’m going to do is fuck your ass in front of them. I didn’t bring lube.”

  “No! Please, Val.”

  “If you don’t show them how you like to touch yourself, then they’ll get to see how a dick in your ass makes you cry while you come.”

  She gave a shuddering gasp, using her leg muscles to rise an inch off his lap only to sink down again. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip, and she snaked her hand downward until she could finger her piercing. She rubbed her clit shyly, rocking on him, her movements beautiful and sinuous, her gaze on the floor as though trying to pretend they weren’t watching. Valor grabbed her chin and slid his fore and middle fingers into her mouth, forcing her to face them.


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