Just a Love Story

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Just a Love Story Page 13

by Sable Hunter

  “Shae, this is Drew’s better half. Angelina Haley, this is Shae St. John.”

  “Very nice to meet you.” Angelina patted Shae on the shoulder. “I can see you have a nasty bruise. Drew is getting things ready for you. Let’s go inside.”

  Derek walked along beside them. The clinic was cold, like all hospitals usually were, but not cold enough to make Shae tremble so hard that he could see the jerky movements of her body. As they moved down the hall, he placed a steadying hand on her shoulder. “I’m here.”

  To Shae’s surprise, they didn’t stop to fill out paperwork. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that later,” Angelina told them.

  As they turned a corner, Shae saw a man standing there with cowboy boots, jeans, a western shirt, and a Stetson hat. The man looked less like a doctor than anyone she’d ever met.

  “Derek, Angelina, bring her in.”

  He stepped back as Shae’s chair was pushed into an examining room. “Let me help you,” Drew’s wife assisted Shae onto a table, then stepped to the far side of the room to stand by Derek.

  Drew came close to Shae, pulled a stool up next to her and sat down. “What happened to you, pretty girl?” He lifted her hair to see the large contusion.

  “A rock,” was Shae’s whispered answer.

  “Where else?” She showed him the other one on her head and the two on her body.

  “Okay, sweetie.” Drew stood and used a light to check her eyes. “I’m more concerned about the blows to your head. We need to make sure you don’t have a concussion.”

  Turning to his wife, he gave her directions. “Love, let’s get some X-rays of all affected areas, then an MRI. Call me when you get her settled in the machine and I’ll come check the readouts.”

  Angelina brought the chair closer. “I’ll get Betty to help us.”

  Shae gave Derek a long look as she slid into the chair and straightened her gown for the ride to X-ray. “I’ll be here waiting on you,” he told her softly and she nodded.

  As soon as the women were gone, Drew turned on Derek. “What the hell? Rocks? I know they had a nut chunking bricks off the overpasses in Austin, but what are they doing down in the woods, tossing them out of pine trees?”

  Derek folded his arms across his chest, shaking his head. “Stupid white-trash threw rocks at her because she wrote some explicit romance novels.”

  “What? That’s crazy! I’ve heard of people burning books but never trying to stone the author.”

  Derek sat down on the stool Drew had vacated. “I don’t think they would’ve done it to anyone else. As far as I can tell from talking to her and listening to other folks, the town turned on her because she had this reputation for being such a good person. Active in church. A former reputation above reproach.”

  “Until they found out she had a secret life?” Drew wasn’t smiling, he could tell this was important to Derek.

  “Yea, I don’t know the details. I just found out the truth myself today. All this time, I’ve been avoiding her because I didn’t understand. I assumed some stupid stuff about her that wasn’t true. I’m embroiled in an ugly custody battle and I have to be beyond reproach myself if I have any chance of getting my daughter back.”

  “Damn, I’m sorry, Derek. I didn’t know.”

  “Baby…” Angelina came to the door. “We’re ready for you.”

  “We’ll be back shortly.” Drew raised a finger at Derek. “This time, we’re not losing touch, you hear me?”

  * * *

  “A concussion can be a serious thing and you need to take it seriously,” Derek lectured her as they made the return trip to Longleaf.

  “I know. I’ll take it easy. You don’t have to stay with me. Think about your custody case.”

  Her head was turned away from him, facing the window. He could barely hear her voice.

  “You let me worry about that. I have a meeting with Zane’s PI next week. He thinks he’s found something that might help me.”

  “Oh, that’s good. I hope everything turns out well for you.”

  The idea of Derek staying over to keep her company was momentous. This would be the first time she’d ever spent the night with a man. Not that anything would happen. Dratz. Still, the idea of so many hours of alone time with him was amazing. To keep her mind off racy thoughts, she sought to engage him in conversation. “Tell me about your little girl.”

  Derek chuckled softly. “She’s perfect. A cloud of blonde hair with big green eyes. Sweetest disposition. Killer sense of humor. June will soon turn five, going on forty.”

  “You adore her,” Shae stated the obvious, glancing over at him to see the pride on his face.

  “I sure do.”

  She wanted to say how much she’d like to meet June someday, but she didn’t want to presume. “You’re so lucky.” After a few moments of silence, she spoke again. “Thank you for taking me to Dr. Drew. He was very nice.”

  “Yea, he’s one in a million. You can’t tell by looking, but he’s a rich man. Struck oil on some land he owned out west. The man’s an adventurer too. A couple of years ago, he and the Landon twins went into a Middle Eastern country to rescue what would be Ty Landon’s wife. And get this…”

  Shae had to smile, he was getting excited about what he was telling her. She loved to see him this way. What they were sharing felt so intimate. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she admired his handsome face when the lights from approaching cars would illuminate the cab. “Get what?”

  “Ty’s wife, Aliyah, is a former Mossad agent.”

  “Wow, they have a reputation for being ruthless.”

  Derek laughed. “Yea, I think Ty found his match. He’s a Texas Ranger. They met after she was assigned to protect him after he witnessed a drug lord assassinate another ranger. It was crazy – there were sheiks, black op soldiers, and Texas Rangers all over these piney woods. Angelina was being held hostage in Yemen and when she was returned, Drew helped her heal.”

  “Sounds like fodder for a book to me.”

  “Yea, maybe you should try your hand at writing a book where you could use some interesting stuff like that… You know…instead of…”

  “All sex, all the time?” She couldn’t keep a shade of hurt out of her voice.

  “Well, I can’t say, I haven’t read…”

  “Exactly. You, like so many others, are assuming what’s in the books, because of something you’ve heard on the street. I don’t even know if the people spreading those things have read them either.”

  “I didn’t mean…” Derek hadn’t meant to upset her.

  “No, I need to say this, just to clear the air.” She wrung her hands together. “I know what I do may be wrong…for me. I had a responsibility to the town, to the church, to my family – but I was desperate. These books I’ve written stem from my own fantasies. Sometimes I would write them down so I could read them later when I was lonely.”

  “So, you fantasize, huh?”

  His question was full of mischief, but she was trying to make a point. “I’ve written stories that include some of the things you were talking about. Drug cartels. Serial killers. Pirates. Heroes and heroines who face obstacles like disease, prejudice, heartache – you name it. And yes, there’s sex, steamy sex. To die for sex.”

  Derek felt his body grow warm as his cock began to fill.

  “But every person’s life includes sex…hopefully. The relationships I created were tender and committed, as well as being hot. I wanted them to be a slice of life from a world where right prevails, love conquers all, and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream.”

  Derek’s eyes were wide and his ears were open. Consider his interest peaked.

  Glancing over at her, he asked softly, “Can I read one of your books tonight while I watch over you?”


  “You want to read one of my books?” Shae squeaked. This exposed feeling was odd, since thousands of other people read her books.

  But this was Derek.
Who she fantasized about.

  Whew. At least he wouldn’t be reading the one where the hero was so obviously him.

  “Yea, I have to pass the time somehow. Drew doesn’t want you to sleep for another eight hours, just to be sure. The only way I can make certain that doesn’t happen is if I stay awake with you. I’ll need something to do.”

  “You could watch TV.”

  Derek chuckled. “You don’t want me to read your books?”

  “Uh.” Yes. “My fans are usually women, but I think there’s enough adventure…” And sex. “I hope you’ll enjoy it. So, yes. I would like a male viewpoint on some of the things I’ve written.”

  “You got it.” Derek was looking forward to seeing what all the fuss was about. The more he knew about Shae, the more curious he was to learn everything about her and what she’d created.

  As the yellow dividing line on the highway beckoned him, Derek realized Shae hadn’t said anything for a while. “Hey, are you awake?”

  “Yea. Just thinking.”

  When she said no more, he nudged her. “What about?”

  “Nosy.” She giggled. “I think my grandmother is ready to see me.”

  “What do you mean?” Derek asked as he made the turnoff from the main highway to the farm-to-market road where Shae’s small bungalow was located.

  “When the truth came out, she was devastated. Our standing in the community has always been important to her. Same with my parents. They were always, or tried to be, model stand-up citizens. My father always said a person’s good name was their most precious possession.”

  Even though he didn’t say it, Derek thought he might disagree with that notion. Maybe he was a romantic at heart, but he always felt family relationships were most important. Being a good father, of course, went without saying. Having a loving wife and being a good husband also seemed like far nobler pursuits than worrying about what other people were thinking.

  Even as he processed these thoughts, he considered how he’d felt about being associated with Shae. His fear of being painted with the same brush. Now, he was learning everything wasn’t what it seemed to be. She wasn’t what he’d been told. Although – God knows – Blair would use anything and everything she could against him. Fair or not. True or not.

  The realization of his precarious position didn’t sit well with him. Dammit, he hoped that PI found something they could use as a bargaining chip.

  When they passed the turnoff to the house, Shae pointed. “You missed the drive.”

  “I’m hungry. Dairy Queen is still open.”

  “No, I have lasagna made. Hasn’t been touched. All we need to do is warm it up,” she muttered the words almost desperately. “Besides, someone would see me. With you. In a gown.” Her voice was barely perceptible. “I don’t want them to turn all their venom on you.”

  Hell. He wasn’t thinking. She was right. He made a U-turn in the road and headed back. “Lasagna sounds good.”

  She gathered her robe closely around her. “Okay. I’ll put it on when we get in and I’ll…”

  “No. You’ll sit yourself down and I’ll do what needs to be done.” He parked in his usual spot. As she opened the door, he warned her to wait on him. “I’ll help you out.”

  “I’m fine, just a little woozy and sore.”

  “Stay,” he ordered as he came around, making Shae feel both cared for and self-conscious.

  When he picked her up in his arms, she shivered, well aware how addicted she could become to his attention. “I sure do appreciate this. When I told Dr. Haley I didn’t want to stay in the hospital, I had no idea you’d suggest staying with me.”

  “Hey, I can be a nice guy.” When they came to the back door, he held her down to reach the lock. “I owe you an apology for the way I’ve treated you.”

  “Apology accepted. I understand why you did it.” As he toted her inside, she had an almost overwhelming urge to kiss his cheek. She didn’t, though. Yes, he’d kissed her before and he was being very kind, but Shae couldn’t imagine instigating such a thing. Even without the turmoil she’d been going through, assuming such liberties was way beyond her comfort zone.

  “Well, I don’t. I’ve never been a person to mistreat anyone, and I mistreated you. My only excuse is the ordeal I’ve been going through with my wife. She’s caused me to lose my trust in mankind…and I took that out on you.”

  “Please, let’s let bygones be bygones and start fresh,” she suggested as he deposited her in a dining table chair. Mojo came bounding up, demanding attention. Shae picked him up and cradled him close. Holding the dog was a pleasure, but still a poor consolation prize in comparison to whom she’d rather be holding onto at the moment.

  “Sounds good to me.” Without asking, he went right to the fridge and found the lasagna. “What temperature?”

  “Three-fifty.” Still clutching her robe around her, Shae indulged in the unique privilege of seeing such a man in her kitchen. Yes, this would go into the book too.

  After he ably put the casserole in the oven to heat, he turned to her with a hand on his hip. “Do you have salad makings?”

  “I do.” She rose. “Let me. We’ll have to improvise. I don’t have very many dishes, remember.”

  When he saw her sway, he put his foot down. “I think I can figure it out.” Gently, but firmly, Derek led her back to the chair, then knelt beside her. “Come on. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to make amends.” While he spoke, he gently pushed her hair back from her forehead to examine the bruise.

  “I noticed.” Hang it all, she wished he were doing these things because he was wildly attracted to her. “Thank you.”

  Shae found it difficult, but she managed to sit still and let him wait on her. When he found the box with the dishes, he remembered how few she possessed. “I guess we can eat off the same plate.” Derek winked at her. “I’ll feed you bites, how’s that for an idea?”

  She laughed. “Sounds delicious, but I can use the spoon and saucer. No need to play nursemaid to that extent.”

  “Maybe I want to.” Derek sat down beside her to assemble the salad. “So, which book should I read first?”

  Shae blushed. “Oh, are you sure you want to?”

  “I am.” He held out a grape tomato to place between her lips.

  Opening her mouth, she accepted his offering, her blood pressure rising as his fingers brushed her lips. Their eyes collided, their gazes holding. She pressed the small fruit between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, giggling when the sweet juice surprised her tongue.

  “Good?” Derek asked, entranced by her guileless smile.


  “You never said which book.”

  “I’ll find one for you after we eat.” She propped up on the table and rested her face on her palm. “Would you rather read about cowboys, lawmen, or firefighters?”

  “Hmmm, are they old west cowboys?”

  “No. The only historical I’ve written so far is set in pioneer days. Someday I want to write a mail-bride book, but I want to do it right and spend some time researching. Most of what I write now are current storylines I’ve already worked out in my head…since I tended to…” She put her palms over her cheeks. “Never mind.”

  “Since you tended to what?” He chuckled, rising to find salad dressing and parmesan cheese. “Star in all of them?”

  “Stop it.” She tossed one of the paper towels at him that he’d torn off to serve as their dinner napkins. “Besides, they were my fantasies. I wasn’t going to waste them on someone else.”

  “Hey, I get it. When I fantasize, I sure don’t put another guy in the mix.” He checked the oven timer. “It’s all about me.”

  “I think it’s the same when people read these books, they put themselves into the story.” She sipped a glass of water he’d given her earlier. “Have you always been a carpenter?”

  “In a way.” Derek leaned back, propping one foot up on the chair beside him. “I owned a contracting firm. I built of
fice buildings in Austin, San Antonio, and Waco.”

  “Oh, my gosh. I’m impressed.” By everything about him. The way he looked. The way he handled himself. The way he dressed. Everything about him turned her on. Right now, he was wearing a worn UT t-shirt and his jeans were soft and faded. The way he was sitting, with the denim fabric pulled tight over his thighs, she couldn’t help but imagine how well endowed he must be.

  No, she’d never seen a man’s penis in person. Unless, you counted those pictures her fans posted in their private groups.

  “Don’t be. My ex was awarded ownership of my company as part of the divorce settlement.” He held up his hands. “What you see is what you get. I’m working hard just to make child support.”

  “Don’t belittle yourself,” she chided him. “A man who provides for his family is a true man.”

  He raked his hand through his mane of dark blond hair. “I will always provide for June, no matter what. There’s just something strange going on with my ex-wife. Why she hates me so much, I’ll never understand.”

  “Some people just don’t realize how lucky they are.”

  Her comment went unanswered as they both considered the curve balls life had thrown at them.

  A ding of the timer announced the lasagna was hot. Derek went to the stove to retrieve it, and while his back was turned, Shae bowed her head. She didn’t want him to know, but she felt nauseated. Maybe she was just hungry – she hoped. The pain meds Dr. Haley had given her were wearing off and she was getting so sleepy. Staying awake for another six or so hours was going to be hard.

  “Here we go.” He placed the steaming dish in front of her. “Let’s dig in.”

  “Okay.” She took the plate and dished up a serving for him, then did the same in the saucer for herself. “I hope it’s good.”

  “I’m sure it is.” He piled up salad in a bowl. “We can share the green stuff. What do you think?”

  Their closeness and camaraderie made her feel better. “I’d like that. Is Italian dressing okay?”


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