Finding Jess (First Wave)

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Finding Jess (First Wave) Page 10

by Mikayla Lane

  They even had a network of women working for them that all had unique abilities that made them potential mates for Valendrans. And they used those abilities to help Banatar and the others. They had formed a misfit family of sorts, but they were all safe and happy.

  “Do you think they would allow me to run a few tests on them? I’m trying to isolate what makes you so different from others. If I can figure out what it is I can develop a scan that would make finding you much easier and might help us understand your gifts better. What is your gift by the way?” Amun asked curiously.

  “You’d have to ask them if they mind, no one will make them do it. It’s too intrusive. After what some of us have been through, like Jess, we don’t allow them to be forced into anything uncomfortable. My gift… is a hungry bitch.” True replied with a mischievous grin.

  Tarvok turned all the way around from the front seat to watch the two small balls of fire that skittered across the palms of the female’s hands as if dancing together. He was fascinated as she made them bigger and smaller by tiny flicks of her fingers; in complete control of the potentially destructive force. He couldn’t stop his hand as it reached out to touch one of the little wisps of fire, unbelieving that it was real.

  He snatched his hand back with a sharp hiss of pain after the heat blistered his fingertips. How could she hold them like that without burning? He watched her face closely to see if there was any indication of pain and there wasn’t.

  “You’re wondering how huh big guy? I’m immune to the feel of the flames that I create, but not to any other types of flame. Kind of sucks huh? To have such a cool gift but feel like it’s only half a gift? Until Jess made my rings for me, I was just able to start my fire if my hands were close together. Which is really limiting.” True drew out the words really for added dramatic effect.

  “Now I don’t have to have my hands anywhere near each other to start it, and I can do both hands at the same time, which I could never do before. Like I said before, coolest rings ever!”

  When she started talking about something called nail polish and makeup, Amun thought his eyes were going to bleed from the pounding in his head. He struggled to listen to her chatter, afraid to miss the important tidbits of information that she passed in the middle of the unintelligible ones.

  Glancing over at Tarvok, he could see the other man looked just as shell-shocked as he was at the verbal whirlwind called True; however, Jax looked like she had tuned the other female out, the moment they’d gotten in the car and appeared unfazed.

  They had stopped in front of what appeared to be a solid rock wall. The only reason any of them even noticed it was because True had finally stopped speaking, and they were all enjoying the momentary silence when Jax pulled up to it. If they hadn’t been watching they would never have noticed the wall open up, bright light streaming through the opening blinded them for a moment before their eyes finally adjusted.

  Jess wasn’t sure if her brain was numb from True’s friendly chatter, or if the wall of a mountain was really silently opening in front of them. She saw Tarvok’s raised eyebrow and decided to assume that she wasn’t seeing things.

  “Man, someone must have called ahead! I was hoping it’d be a surprise. Guess it is for Jess though!” Everyone but Jax, turned to stare at True like she’d lost her mind when she began laughing.

  Once the wall was opened far enough for the vehicle to fit through, Jax drove the vehicle inside and parked it.

  “Looks like you have some fans waiting for you honey. If you need anything while you’re here, you come find me. Like everyone else, I owe you one girl. You saved my best friend. I am so glad you are finally safe. I’ll see you later.”

  That was the longest they had heard Jax speak at one time, and she looked embarrassed over it. Tarvok and Amun didn’t miss the sheen of tears in her eyes before she exited the vehicle and strode quickly through the crowd of women who had suddenly surrounded them.

  “What is going on?” Tarvok asked nervously as he tightened his grip on the pulsar weapon in his lap.

  “This is where I told you we were going. This is one of our main bases on the east coast of the US. It’s an abandoned missile silo that we bought through a few shell companies and set up shop.” True answered with a curious tilt of her head, like she thought he was dense for not listening.

  “I meant all the people. We were cleared of involvement at the scene.” Tarvok said trying not to grit his teeth in frustration at the female.

  “Oh! I thought I told you they called ahead and said we were coming? They want to see Jess.” True said as if they should have figured that out on their own.

  Jess looked at True in surprise and worry, while Amun tightened his grip on her hand. Gibly remained unaffected by everything around him and slept quietly in Jess’s lap while the mediband healed his broken paw.

  “Why are they here for Jess?” Tarvok didn’t hide his anger this time. He was damn sure he wasn’t letting them near Jess, females or not.

  “Calm down you silly man! Jeez! Jess, do you even remember how many of us; you helped?” True asked her with surprise evident in her voice. At the nervous shake of Jess’s head, True continued.

  “There are only hundreds of us Jess. We all know each other; most of us have grown up together and are family. You helped save eleven of us, including me. You’re a legend among us, Jess. There isn’t a person out there that you didn’t save or someone they know and care about. They want to thank you. And welcome you home.”

  True spoke quietly, surprised that Jess had no idea just how important she was to them. She looked stunned and speechless. Tarvok and Amun looked at the fidgeting women gathered around the vehicle with awe and respect. Like a band of true warriors, they were gathered to welcome back a hero among them.

  True opened the door and gently pulled Gibly from Jess’s lap and into her arms. “Let’s go.”

  Tarvok opened his door and stepping outside; he cautiously stood in front of Amun’s door and waited for him to exit with Jess. True came to stand beside him.

  “Can you do this Amalaya?” Amun asked Jess. She looked so nervous, her body shaking slightly.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t expect this.” Jess said quietly, looking around at the smiling women outside the vehicle.

  “You’re amazing Jess, and you did wonderful things. Let them thank you in their own way.”

  Jess nodded her head and allowed Amun to pull her from the vehicle. The eruption of cheers and applause as soon as the women saw Jess startled them all. Jess shrank back slightly into Amun, and he held her more tightly against his side.

  “Jess! I am so glad you are here!”

  There was a quick blur heading for Jess before Tarvok and Amun could stop it, then Jess was wrapped up in a tight hug with a woman with dark, black curly hair.

  “Sarex?” Jess asked with wonder.

  “Yes! I wasn’t sure if you’d remember me!” The woman responded, tears falling down her cheeks.

  “Sarex was the first one Jess ever saved; at least that we know of. Sarex used to tell us stories of the brave little girl who had saved her life and made her the necklace that helps her harness her powers. She’s a precog.” True explained from behind Amun and Tarvok.

  The next hour went in the same fashion, until Amun was sure, every woman in the room had hugged and cried with Jess. He watched with pride as he saw her blossom among these women, and felt a rush of hope that they were just what she needed to heal.

  Chapter Eight

  Amun smiled as he watched Jess playing with the children on the expansive playground equipment. She had secretly admitted to him that she loved playing on it as much as the children did. The brightly-colored swings, slides and dozens of other activities to do never failed to bring her out of the worst of her bad moods. However, if that didn’t work, being around the children always did.

  They had learned after they arrived that they had nine small children who had been rescued from other camps like the one Jess had be
en in, abusive foster homes and even the streets. Jess had originally been horrified to learn that the other females had been telling the little ones the stories of how she had helped them escape and that the children thought she was some kind of superhero.

  The first meeting that she’d had with one of the children was something Amun would never forget. Although it was one of the most beautiful things, he’d ever witnessed it was also the most heart breaking.

  He had been walking down one of the hallways with Jess as she worked on exercising her legs, when they turned the corner and the child collided solidly with Jess’s legs. Jess was so worried about catching the little girl; she lost her own balance, leaving Amun to catch them both.

  There was something about holding Jess and the little girl in his arms that broke something inside of him. The inner beast he’d been able to keep in control easily while Jess had been so injured was now pushing stronger and harder at him to claim his mate now that she was almost completely healed. He tried to muffle the possessive growl that rumbled through his chest.

  “Don’t touch her! Don’t touch her! Don’t touch her!” Amun and Jess both were taken aback by the little girl's screams. She pulled away from Jess and had begun pounding on him with her tiny fists until Jess stepped back from Amun, his hands dropping uselessly to his sides while the little girl hit him. He looked at Jess in horror, not knowing what to do to help the child.

  “Hey, hey he’s not touching me anymore. You can stop hitting him now.” Jess said gently, moving to kneel next to the little girl.

  A nearly identical pair of blue eyes, almost hidden under an unruly mop of blonde curls, turned to look at Jess. Her eyes widened with surprise, her fists stopping in a mid-strike. Jess continued to smile at the adorable little girl, so she wouldn’t be startled back into hitting Amun.

  “You’re her.” The whispered words were so quiet that Jess almost thought she imagined them, until she repeated it again a little louder.

  “I’m sorry honey, but you must think I’m someone else. We just got here a few days ago. If you tell me where you’re supposed to be, we can help you get there.” Jess just hoped she could keep Amun from a few more bruises before they found out where she was lost from.

  Jess was amazed at how much the little girl resembled her; their hair and eye color was almost identical. Where Jess was weak though, the little girl was tough. Taking on a man at least three or four times her size was pretty brave. She wasn’t really good with ages of children since she’d not seen any since she saw Sarex at the camp years ago, so she couldn’t begin to judge her age. However, as tiny as she was, she couldn’t be more than a babe.

  “You are her! I know you are!” The tears welling up in the little girl’s eyes as, she yelled at Jess was more than she could take.

  “Come here, honey.” Jess leaned down, picked the little girl up into her arms and cradled her gently; rocking slowly back and forth to try and comfort the girl.

  “Who do you think I am sweetheart?” Jess whispered into her ear.

  “You’re Jess… aren’t you?” The girl leaned back in Jess’s arms, so she could look at her, her full bottom lip quivering at the thought that she’d been wrong, and it wasn’t Jess.

  Jess had never been so glad to be herself at that moment. The thought of telling that little girl that she wasn’t the person she thought she was would have broken her heart.

  “Yes, I am. You were right honey. I’m sorry; I didn’t know you knew who I was.” Jess said looking at Amun quizzically. Why would the child know it was her? He just shrugged back at her, looking completely stunned.

  “I knew it was you. Your colors told me it was you.” The little one smiled brightly before wrapping her arms around Jess’s neck and hugging her tightly.

  Jess looked worriedly at Amun’s angry gaze; unsure what made him furious so suddenly. Surely, he couldn’t be upset over the little girl?

  Amun pulled out his scanner and shook his head slightly at Jess while indicating her back. Unsure what he was talking about, Jess turned her head and saw what Amun was indicating.

  The long sleeves of the child’s shirt had ridden up her arms as she hugged Jess, exposing what looked like extensive burn marks up and down her little arms. The randomness of the marks indicating they were made intentionally.

  Jess hugged the little girl more tightly, closing her eyes to try to block out the thoughts of what the poor baby had been through in her short life.

  “Tell me your name and where you came from honey, and we’ll make sure you get there safe.” Jess tried again to find out where she was supposed to be.

  “They named me Lily when they found me. Is he gonna come with us?” Lily asked eyeing Amun with nervousness.

  “Lily, that is Amun. He’s a doctor from Valendra. Do you know about Valendra?”

  Jess wasn’t sure if she should be talking to the little girl about Valendra or not, but everyone would get over it. She could tell by the look on Amun’s face that he was going to heal Lily no matter what; and she absolutely agreed. When Lily nodded her head, Jess continued.

  “He’s amazing at healing people. When he met me, my legs were so hurt I could barely walk; now I can walk perfect! I also had some really terrible scars that he healed too. He’s a good man Lily; we should be nice to him.”

  Jess wanted to laugh at the little girl’s dubious expression, but managed to hold it in.

  “I can prove it. Show me a small injury.” Amun said softly.

  Jess nodded her head when Lily looked to her questioningly. Appearing to think about it, she finally leaned over Jess’s arm and pulled up her pants leg to show more burn marks and a nasty looking bruise on her shin.

  “His colors say they aren’t angry at us, but at whoever hurt me. However, I tripped at the playground and got that boo boo on the slide. You can’t be mad at a slide silly.” Lily’s tinkling laugh was so infectious it had both Amun and Jess smiling with her.

  Pulling out his belt kit, Amun programmed the nano tech in a mediband and showed it to Lily to get her permission before putting it on her; not wanting to frighten the wary child.

  Lily looked to Jess again and then nodded at Amun to put it on her.

  “It’s a band aid. Band aids don’t fix bruises.” Lily told them confidently.

  “My band aids can fix almost anything. Give it a few more minutes and you’ll see.” Amun couldn’t help but smile at the precocious little one. She looked so much like Jess that they could pass for mother and child. He fought to silence the beast in him that roared that it was time to claim his mate and create a child of their own.

  “His colors are growling again. I don’t like it when they growl.” Lily said innocently; causing Amun to look at her with surprise. She could see his beast?

  “What colors are you talking about honey?” Jess asked, giving Amun a questioning look.

  “The colors that are around him.” Lily looked at them both like they were dense.

  Figuring they weren’t going to get a better answer from the small girl, Amun checked on the mediband. Sure enough when he pulled it off, the bruise was completely gone. Jess and Amun smiled at the little girl’s sharp intake of breath when she saw that it was gone.

  “You have to see the others! Come on!” Lily jerked her legs back and forth in Jess’s arms until she relented and set her back down on the floor. Strangely, she missed the feel of the little girl in her arms; however, felt better when Lily grabbed her hand and tried to pull her down the hallway.

  “Where do you want to go honey?” Jess asked with an indulgent smile.

  “To the others! They need to be healed like that! And I promised them I would find you and bring you back to them.” Lily said breathlessly; her efforts to pull Jess down the hallway were wearing her out.

  “What others?” Amun did a mental count of the medibands with him and wondered how many he would need.

  “The other kids silly!” Lily had stopped pulling on Jess but made no effort to hide her exasperation
that they hadn’t already done what she asked.

  “How many other kids are here?” Jess was surprised there was more than Lily. They’d been at the compound for almost two weeks, and this was the first time they’d ever seen a child there.

  “There are nine of us! Please come!” Lily had crossed her arms over her chest and stuck out her bottom lip in a perfect pout. It was so cute; the two adults couldn’t help but give in. And Amun was curious about what other injured children were here and why no one had asked him to help them before now. Lily’s burns could have been healed weeks ago if someone had said something.

  They walked quickly to keep up with the running pace that Lily had set for them; going down half a dozen hallways before she skidded to a stop in front of a large set of steel double doors.

  “Everyone’s in here for playtime.” Was the only thing Lily said before she opened the door and disappeared.

  Jess gave Amun an amused glance before grabbing the door handle and starting to pull it open. Amun’s hand came down quickly on hers to stop her.

  “Let me go through the door first. Just to be sure…” Amun let the sentence hang, knowing she understood when she immediately stepped back and let go of the door.

  Amun opened the door enough to peek his head inside, the room surprising him more than the nine pairs of eyes staring up at him from the open doorway.

  “Are you going to let Jess come in?” Lily asked him with her hands on her hips.

  “I’m coming in honey.” Jess had looked inside the small opening Amun had made and seen the children. Feeling pretty confident they weren’t going to harm her or Amun, she slid between him and the door and entered the room.

  Jess could barely hear the children as she stared in awe around the large room. It was the largest room she’d ever seen and held huge colorful tubes and rope ladders… and things she couldn’t identify, but they looked fun.

  “I told you it was her! I told you I’d bring her here!” Lily told the other children proudly, the rest just staring at Jess like she was a ghost.


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