Peace - A Navy SEALS Novel (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 3)

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Peace - A Navy SEALS Novel (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 3) Page 38

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “I’ll see what I can do. When can I expect you, and where?”

  “Same place as before in about three hours, I hope,” Peace answered.

  “Good,” Julio concluded. “Until then, my busy little friend, until then.”

  The line went dead, and Peace slipped back into the passenger seat.

  “We’re all set, Chief. I’ll take Ken doll, and stop for a quick change of clothes before our little road trip.”

  “You aren’t going to take a chance of stopping at Ed’s, are you,” Bull asked, glancing over.

  “No, I have a stash of things for an emergency over at an airport locker. Ken and I will be at the border in no time.”

  “You have to help me, Peace. If he’s hurt her, I don’t…”

  “All the more reason to put him down quick and clean at the door.

  He’ll still be available for his last conversation after we check on Holly,” Peace cut in. “I’m afraid if you get too physical with him, the big pussy will scream like a girl, and the neighbors will have the cops all over our asses.”

  Bull nodded. “You do the deed, Peace. I’ll bring him to room temperature later.”

  Peace smiled over at Bull in the darkness of the interior. “I’ll nail him right in the balls. It’s a 400,000 volt gun. How’s that?”

  “Sweet, real sweet,” Bull whispered.

  “Just let me do the talking when we get to his place. I’ll use my charisma to get him to invite us in.”

  “Yea right,” Bull muttered, returning his attention to the road.


  Landry answered the door fifteen seconds after Peace rang the bell. Peace could tell he had been expecting Brian. The neutral look on his face turned to one of annoyance the moment he recognized the two Seals.

  “How in the hell did you two get to my place, and what could you possibly want?” Landry asked.

  “We heard Holly had moved in with you, and we just wanted to check and see if she needed anything,” Peace replied with a smile. “Is she in?”

  Landry glanced into the interior of his house, and Peace jammed the stun gun against his groin. Bull saw the blue arc. As Landry’s body bucked against the door, Peace pulled away. Bull grabbed Landry’s head, right hand over his mouth, left hand around the back of his neck, bearing the still twitching man inside. Peace put on latex gloves and closed the door, moving quickly inside to see if Landry had any company within hearing range of the front door. Satisfied no one else would be coming, Peace took out three long plastic ties, and quickly tied Landry’s hands behind his back. Bull lowered him to the floor, where Peace tied Landry’s ankles together, and then joined his bound limbs with the third tie, leaving Landry with his limbs arched painfully behind him. Peace handed Bull a pair of gloves, which the big man struggled into.

  “Want me to gag him yet, Peace?” Bull asked, taking the duct tape out of his jacket.

  “Yea,” Peace answered. “Go ahead. I don’t want him making any racket till we find Holly.”

  Bull put a piece of wide gray ducting tape over Landry’s partly open mouth, smoothing it into place roughly. “God, I bet that smarted.”

  “He’ll wake up trying to scream like a choirboy,” Peace agreed. “Drag him with us, while I scout ahead.”

  Peace walked carefully into the lavish living room, where he could hear the faint sounds of music upstairs. After checking the downstairs out, the two Seals left Landry lying on the stairwell, while they continued upstairs. They quickly checked the bedrooms, and bathrooms for any sign of people. The last closed bedroom on the left was where the music, Peace had heard from downstairs, emanated from. Bull turned the knob, and nodded at Peace. Bull pushed the door open. Peace went in low to the left, while Bull went into the right side of the room. Floodlights illuminated the room brightly, where multiple cameras were hooked to a computer near the wall on a special movable platform. Holly lay spread-eagled on the bed in black garter belt and thigh high pantyhose. She was gagged, and her eyes moved wildly as she tried to see.

  The two men straightened up after confirming no one else was in the bedroom. Peace disconnected the computer, pulling the plug, while Bull rushed over to Holly, and gently undid the gag. Peace picked up the folded blanket from the floor as Bull continued to release Holly’s hands. Peace threw the blanket over Holly, and undid the restraints at her feet. Holly had turned her face away, with her eyes tightly shut, her mouth a grim trembling line as she stayed silent. Peace gestured to Bull, he would go watch Landry, as Holly sat up, covering her face with her hands. She trembled, trying to hold back her tears. Bull put an arm around her gently, but she stiffened at his touch.

  “Do… Don’t look at me, Bull. Just leave. I’m sure you mean well, but…”

  “Holly,” Bull cut her off abruptly. “Listen to me closely. I am not leaving here without you.”

  “Ken said it would be only for a few more weeks, and it will all be over. He’s dangerous, Bull. If…”

  “Do you really think he had any intention of letting either you or Connie off the hook?” Bull interrupted her again, some exasperation slipping into his voice. “We just dropped Connie off at the hospital. Dan’s watching the four guys who drugged and used her.”

  Holly’s hands dropped to her lap, as her eyes widened in anger. “He… he told me Connie was out of this if I moved in here.”

  “He’s a liar, Honey,” Bull said simply. “He planned to hook you two up permanently.”

  “But he… he has movies and… pictures,” Holly began to sob, as Bull pulled her close. “My parents… oh God… I can’t let them see wha… what I’ve done.”

  “You didn’t do anything,” Bull whispered to her gently, as he pulled her close. “As for Landry, he won’t be sending your parents anything. I told you, Peace and I are here to fix things. We’re very good at it.”

  “But Ken…”

  “Shush, you let the fixers worry about Ken. Peace and I need to ask ol’ Ken a few questions. Can you pack up whatever is yours, and get dressed?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “No buts, just keep the door shut, and get ready to go. Once Peace and I know a little more, you and I will get out of here. What car does Landry drive?”

  “The gray Porsche in his garage,” Holly answered, resting her head against Bull’s shoulder.

  “Boy that’ll make for a tight fit,” Bull muttered.


  “Nothing, Honey, I have to go talk to Peace, and let you get packed,” Bull said as he held her out away from him. “I love you, Holly.”

  With just one stifled sob, Holly threw herself back against Bull’s chest, clutching him tightly. “I… I love you, too, you big bear.”

  Moments later, Bull went in search of Peace and his prisoner. He found him in the furthest bedroom from the one Holly had been in. Peace had propped Landry up on a sofa lounger.

  “He hasn’t come to yet?”

  “No,” Peace answered, “but I really gave him a shot. His pain threshold is probably the same as a three-year old girl, so I’m going to have to help him wake up. How’s Holly?”

  “Making a comeback,” Bull replied. “She’s getting dressed and packed. The Prince here has a Porsche.”

  “Oh brother, tight squeeze,” Peace sighed. “We may have to fold him.”

  “Can I do it while he’s conscious?”

  Peace laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  “Can I wake him up then?” Bull persisted, staring down at Landry.

  “Sure, but be gentle,” Peace urged, tearing back the duct tape over Landry’s mouth.

  Bull began slapping Landry with short, stinging, openhanded strokes. After the first, Landry groaned audibly. On the fifth stroke, Landry cried out in pain. Bull leaned down, so Landry could focus on him after his eyes opened.

  “Wha… what have you done?” Landry whimpered. “Oh my… God… my balls feel like they’re on fire.”

  “Hey, Peace, did you hear that?” Bull looked over at his friend wi
th a disgusted look. “Mr. Landry didn’t like the 400,000 volt dick massage you gave him.”

  “Wait until he gets the second helping,” Peace replied, touching off a snapping blue arc from his stun gun. “He’ll really have something to complain about then.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Landry screamed out in fear. “Don’t… please don’t… we can make a deal. What will it take… anything… c’mon, talk to me.”

  “What do you have to offer?” Peace asked, moving past Bull, who had stepped back.

  “I… I’ve got almost forty grand in my safe. There’s about another twenty in coke and ‘X’ in there too.”

  “Sounds interesting,” Peace said thoughtfully. “I really like your Porsche.”

  “Ta… take it, for God’s sake,” Landry said quickly, hope for a way out now shining from his sweating face. “The keys are on my kitchen table.”

  “Let’s get you over to the safe, so Bull and I can make a withdrawal,” Peace replied. “Where is it?”

  “Under my desk, in the den. There’s a panel and throw rug over it. Cut me loose, and I’ll add another fifty G’s tomorrow.”

  “That’s very generous of you,” Peace smiled. “Ken doll is a really generous guy, huh, Chief?”

  “He’s a Prince,” Bull agreed grimly.

  Bull grabbed the plastic tie looped in the middle and yanked Landry off the sofa, where he hit with a dull thud. Landry screamed in pain, and Peace patted the duct tape back in place as Bull dragged Landry into the den. Bull stopped, with his human bundle, behind the desk. Peace followed. Landry’s muffled protests continued until Peace held a quieting finger to his lips. When Landry stopped trying to cry out, Peace ripped the tape back, provoking another gasp of pain.

  “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” Peace asked, playing on words from a supposed mugging of a very famous news commentator long ago.

  “You… you’re going to kill me no matter what I give you,” Landry whined. “Look… I… please… I can make you both rich. If Alvarez finds out…”

  “Alvarez,” Peace cut in. “Benito Alvarez?”

  “Yea… you… you know him. So you know just how dangerous he is. He’ll hunt you two down. He’ll…”

  “Alvarez won’t have a reason to hunt us down, amigo,” Peace reasoned. “You’ll be down Mexico way, and Benito will have lost a meaningless drug pimp. Now, give us the combination or would you like another blue light special for your dick?”

  Twenty minutes later, Bull stuffed Landry’s body into the small Porsche trunk. Peace tucked in a thin coverlet over the grotesquely bent Landry. Peace closed the trunk lid, and the two Seals went back inside. They searched for any video references, and quickly found a cabinet holding neatly labeled cam tapes. They stuffed everything into garbage bags, setting them by the door.

  “You’ll have to get rid of these, Chief. That damn Landry took up all the space in the Porsche,” Peace said comically, trying to kid Bull out of his grim expression.

  “I… I’m sorry about not… you know… finishing…”

  “Forget it,” Peace said, putting a hand on Bull’s shoulder. “You folded him for me, didn’t you?”

  Bull grinned, in spite of the horrific reference. “I thought I could do him cold, but I just couldn’t, not like that.”

  “I know, Chief. Hey, that’s what you brought me along for, right? James Bond never shirks from these nasty little loose ends. I’ll make sure Ken doll’s computer drives get wiped, while you get Holly and her things in your car. Take the garbage bags out first though.”

  “Do you really think it’s wise to give Holly and Connie twenty thousand of Ken’s money?”

  “Hey, I’d give them the whole forty, but I have some expenses to take care of in Mexico for my cleaner down there. Just hold on to it for them until all this blows over. We don’t want the DA checking out their bank accounts, and finding big deposits out of nowhere. The money won’t make things right, but it’s all we can do, partner,” Peace explained. “Tell Dan the truth, but don’t elaborate on any answers. The less other people know, the better. If Dan gets questioned about this, he will only know that Landry split for Mexico.”

  Bull nodded his understanding. “You know how in those Marvel comic books whenever they mention the character Wolverine, they always say he’s the best at what he does?”

  “Yea, I know Wolverine. The X-Men movies were pretty good too. Jackman was the perfect choice for playing Wolverine. What’s Wolvy have to do with this, Chief?” Peace asked, chuckling over Bull’s reference.

  “You, my little friend, are really the best at what you do,” Bull replied quietly. He held out his hand, and Peace shook it strongly. “Thank you for seeing this one through with me.”

  “It ain’t over yet, Chief,” Peace reminded him. “I take that as a real compliment coming from you. Wolvy, huh? I have better scars than him though.”

  “Yea, Peace,” Bull laughed. “You do at that. We better get moving.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Bull escorted a fully clothed Holly down to the door, with her luggage in hand. She blushed when she saw Peace; but she went right up to him, and hugged Peace tightly.

  “I… I won’t ever forget this, Peace,” Holly whispered. “Thank you.”

  “Didn’t Bull tell you,” Peace said, holding her out at arm’s length. “He and I are superheroes. I’m Wolverine, and he’s Captain America. We do this stuff all the time. It’s our job. I think the Captain here has a crush on you though, so play your cards right, and you can join our club.”

  “I’d like that,” Holly smiled.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow sometime, Chief,” Peace released Holly and opened the door for them. “Say hi to Lieutenant Dan for me, and tell him I owe him another one.”

  “I’ll take the debt on this one, Wolvy,” Bull replied. “Be careful, buddy.”

  “I will,” Peace promised, as he watched the couple trek down to Bull’s car before closing the door. He returned to Landry’s computer, muttering to himself under his breath. “Now, let’s see what other mischief you’ve been up to Kenneth.”

  Bull set Holly’s bags down in front of her dorm room door. He knocked hard, and then identified himself loudly to Dan, who gave him the okay. Holly opened the door for Bull, stepping aside so he could walk past into the room with her bags. Bull carried Holly’s bags into her room, and set them down.

  “No need for you to come into the other room until the cops get here, Honey. You lay down and rest. Dan and I will watch Landry’s crew until the cops arrive. I need to talk to Dan, and then talk to the Detective I called at the Guard’s desk.”

  Holly pulled Bull’s head down, kissing him passionately. Pulling away after a few moments, Holly smiled up into his face tiredly.

  “I’ll be here. Just come in and wake me up when they want to question me. I know the four guys in the other room, you have. I guess they’ll want us to go downtown, huh?”

  Bull nodded. “I’m afraid so. This may be a long night for you, so just rest while you can. I’ll be back.”

  Bull kissed her on the forehead, and then left the room, closing the door behind him. He walked to the bedroom, where three of Landry’s men were still sitting against the dresser. The fourth lay unconscious in a heap next to them. Dan met him just inside the bedroom door, so they could talk without the other men hearing.

  “Holly’s in the other bedroom, getting some sleep,” Bull began. “Landry’s on his way to Mexico. What happened to that other guy?”

  Dan shrugged. “He wanted to leave. I’m glad you got Holly out okay. I had visions of gun battles, and swat teams. Did you check in with the Security Guard downstairs? He was really helpful in keeping people away, and he stopped in to check on me a few times too.”

  “Yea, we said hi, and Holly gave him a short explanation. I called Mobry from his desk. He’s coming up low key with a few uniforms to pick up these clowns, and either take a statement for now, or we’ll have to go downtown. He was going to check and see if we coul
d stop in sometime tomorrow after we get off base. Mobry was awfully helpful when he found out Peace was involved slightly. He even told me he could probably keep Peace out of this all together.”

  “You don’t suppose he’s afraid of ending up on some street corner at room temperature, do you?” Dan asked, only half joking, as he glanced back at his charges.

  “No,” Bull grinned. “He and Peace must have hooked up somehow because of Peace helping his partner.”

  “Wasn’t Landry at his place when you and Peace arrived?”

  “Peace said it was better if you didn’t ask for details, Sir,” Bull replied uneasily. “I’ll take the questions when they come.”

  Dan smiled knowingly. “Okay for now, but I want a full accounting. Landry had better be worm food, or I know two Seals who will be in a world of hurt.”

  “Although Landry is on his way to Mexico with most of his personal stuff,” Bull said carefully. “He will not be back. I’m afraid the authorities will never find him, nor do I think he will ever be heard from again.”

  “Good enough, Chief. I promised these pricks bathroom breaks after you came back.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll be glad to escort them. Peace said to say ‘hi, Lieutenant Dan’.”

  Dan gave a short laugh, shaking his head, picturing Peace doing just that.

  “He’s the best, Lieutenant.”

  “He is at that, Chief. He also has inadvertently been in the middle of more trouble the last few months than any human being I’ve ever been acquainted with.”

  “Tonight wasn’t his doing, Sir. He was helping me,” Bull stated quickly.

  “I know, Chief, and what you two did for those two girls tonight needs no explanation. I’m just a little concerned with what else our little sniper buddy has in store for us next month.”

  “Just a few beers, and some computer classes, I hope,” Bull replied.

  “Amen to that.”


  Peace, complete with beard and tailored suit, drove slowly through the darkness outside the safe house Julio had driven him to when he had been after Batiste. Peace brought the Porsche to a stop next to the house, and flashed his lights. Julio came out of the seemingly dilapidated house with the peeling paint, a smile lighting his face in the headlights. He ran an approving hand over the driver’s side front fender almost tenderly, before walking up to Peace, who had slipped out of the driver’s seat and closed the door.


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