by Tania Aebi
Because we still believe in taking life one step at a time, Olivier’s and my plans for the future are open. With both of our energies combined—Olivier’s work concerning anything having to do with boats, such as deliveries, general repairs, construction, teaching, and my writing—we hope to find the means to return to the sea. Perhaps some day we will have children who will be able to grow up in the environment of the different world we have come to love. For our future boat, Olivier, who is interested in chartering, wants 60 feet, I want 38, so we’ll work out a compromise. As always, in the end what was meant to be will be.
P.S. I now weigh 124 pounds and I’m trying to shed a few.
In the course of the past year, while I was writing my story, the thought that I was actually circumnavigating twice occurred to me on several occasions—once in reality, and the second time as I relived the entire range of emotions, beauty and hardships on a chair in front of a word processor. Now, in both respects, the voyage truly is over as I sit down to write my thanks to those who helped.
Olivier comes first, most of all for helping me get around half the world, and then later as the book unfolded, for all the grilled cheese sandwiches, dinners and love. I hope my father already knows how grateful I am for his having had the foresight to see just how feasible the whole idea was from the beginning and for all his help in seeing it to the end. And then there’s Jeri, who has been through thick and thin with me and knows it all.
Thanks to Cruising World magazine; Hans at Monitor, the people at J. J. Taylor and Bukh; Rau Daschl; the Manhattan Yacht Club; Teddy Charles at Sagman’s Marine; the Museum of Yachting; Gilles Huccault, who is responsible for my most beautiful pictures. And particular thanks to Bernadette, who through many a white night and over many teas helped me articulate sentiment after sentiment.
Thanks to all the people who selflessly pitched in and aided me along the way, and there were many; for everybody who thought about and prayed for me or wrote letters of encouragement; and to Mr., Tarzoon, who also did his stint with me through most of both stories. And then, last but not least, a last salute to Ocean U.
Tania Aebi lives in Brooklyn with Olivier.
Bernadette Brennan lives in Newport, Rhode Island, and is the Editor of Cruising World magazine, a New York Times publication.
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Copyright © 1989 by Tania Aebi
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Simon & Schuster Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
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Portions of Maiden Voyage have appeared previously in Cruising World, the sailing magazine published by The New York Times.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
ISBN 13: 978-1-4767-1160-7 (eBook)