[Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission

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[Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission Page 11

by Jana Downs

  Adrian’s eyes widened. “Yes of course. He’s one of the producers that works at my record label. He’s very good at his job. His wife Juli is a real ball-buster lawyer from what I hear, but I’ve never met her. Why do you ask?”

  Corrin smiled a soft secret smile. “No reason. He’s right. Let’s get moving. It’s almost time for the dance.”

  * * * *

  The first thing Corrin heard was the familiar sound of drums. He took a deep breath as they took the back exit of the palace down to the huge bonfire they could see flickering through the trees. The air was thick with magicks. It gave the atmosphere a charged feeling that played along the nerves of the Fae like an invisible caress. Elemental Fae magicks could be seen in the random streaks of lightning that lit the cloud-free sky and the winds that didn’t flow in one direction but in various directions depending on the location of the Fae.

  “Are your rites at the Unseelie court similar?” Corrin asked. He loved the look of sheer animal power that sparked in his Master’s eyes. He’d never seen the power of a Vampire class Fae until this moment where it fluxed and mingled with the other energies in the air.

  “Similar,” Adrian said, his blue eyes glowing as the magicks from the surrounding area saturated their air. “Though usually the air would be filled by hundreds of sounds of the Animalia class as well as Elementals. You don’t have them at the Seelie court. The white court considers relatives of shape shifters to be unworthy of the court. At our rites, they bring their power animals with them and they howl and play all night. It is a rather noisy affair.”

  “What does a Vampire class do on the equinox?” Corrin asked as they strolled down the path that led to their circle of power.

  Adrian started to sway as they drew closer to the fire. “We have our own Blood rites, most of which I can’t tell you about because you are not my familiar, my brother, nor my Bond-mate.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A familiar is someone who has exchanged blood with a Vampire class Fae at least three times. They’re thoroughly bonded and cannot betray their Master. A brother is a fellow Vampire class, and a Bond-mate is a mate of a Vampire class who hasn’t been turned yet but has gone through the ceremony of mating. Most of the names were called something else originally. Fae tend to steal the names for things as we see fit, as you know.” Adrian grabbed hold of Corrin’s hand and pulled him into his arm, careful not to disrupt his designs. Without warning Adrian pressed his lips to Corrin’s. Adrian ravaged his lover’s mouth with the hardness of his kiss. Their tongues tangled, and the voice in Corrin’s mind cautioned him to not get carried away. Anyone could come across him out here.

  “What was that about?” Corrin asked.

  His lover shifted. “I just needed to do that before we got surrounded by magick. If I waited for that moment, I would take you in the circle in front of the goddess and everyone,” Adrian admitted.

  Corrin’s nostrils flared, and his low growl of want filled the air. His lust joined the scents of magick in the air. Everything felt more intense tonight, and his passion for Adrian was no exception. He wanted to be fucked by his lover like he wanted to breathe.

  “Go, before I lose my mind,” Adrian said, pointing to the path. They were close enough to the revelry now that they would have been visible to the participants had they not been shielded by the shadow of the trees.

  “Do you think we’re too physical?” Corrin asked, ignoring his order. “I mean, I love being with you, but do you think that our relationship is too much about the pleasure?”

  Adrian laughed at his typically Seelie prudery. “We’ve spent hours talking. I know you better than anyone. Your hopes and your dreams are mine. You know more about my past than anyone who wasn’t living it with me. We have an intense physical relationship, yes, but it is the chemistry of our relationship to be so. Relax, beautiful. It’s not as shallow as your court would have you believe.”

  Corrin looked away. “But we haven’t known each other that long—”

  Adrian ran a hand down his spine. “It doesn’t matter how long we’ve known each other, beautiful. We’re destined.”

  * * * *

  “Corrin!” a jovial voice called from behind them. They turned to see a figure emerge from the trees.

  “Raegan!” Corrin cried, pulling away from Adrian and practically tackling whoever had called for him. Adrian tried to stamp down his irritation at the action. The Unseelie gritted his teeth at the image before him.

  Corrin fit perfectly into the arms of the other Seelie boy. Raegan was a head taller than Corrin with dark-brown hair and golden eyes. The easy affection between them was obvious. They had been friends for a while.

  “I’m so glad you’re back!” Raegan gushed, kissing Adrian’s lover’s forehead. “I haven’t seen you since you came back from your human school. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good. You know how it is, lots of new responsibilities,” Corrin twittered, wrapping his arm around the boy’s waist.

  “Of course, of course,” he said, grinning from ear to ear. “I hear you’ve been hosting a degenerate upon the request of your father. It’s been quite the juicy rumor at court. Especially since the women have been saying that he’s quite the dish and mourning the fact that he’s a filthy pervert.”

  Adrian finally tired of the boy touching his lover and insulting him. “I would be the filthy pervert who he’s been hosting, and I would appreciate you removing your hands from my host before I tell the magistrate that you’ve been propositioning me by calling me a ‘dish’ and ‘juicy,’” he said in a snappy tone. He knew his jealousy was showing but hoped the Seelie would just pick it up as normal Unseelie behavior.

  Raegan jumped as he saw the Unseelie and pulled back from Corrin. “I wasn’t aware that King DeMarco allowed monsters to participate in our rites.” His peevish tone was infinitely satisfying.

  Adrian crossed his arms across his chest. “Sorry, sweet lips. I’m here. Care to keep me company? It’s guaranteed to be a long night of debauchery.” He blatantly looked the Seelie up and down and licked his lips. “Hmmm and with a body like that I could keep you busy all night long.”

  “That’s enough, Adrian. You’ve made your point,” Corrin snarled, his own jealousy obviously aroused by Adrian’s words. Raegan looked at him strangely. Corrin was known for having the most even temper of all the nobles.

  “I fear that the monster is having a negative influence on you, Corrin. It even has you calling it by name,” he snipped disdainfully.

  Adrian could practically hear Corrin grinding his teeth. “His name is Adrian Cadence, and he is an Unseelie prince. You will show him the proper respect awarded his station and his status as a guest of the crown.” Corrin’s eyes blazed with anger as he spoke.

  Raegan stiffened and gave a very stilted bow. “Forgive me, my prince. I was unaware the Unseelie was a guest of the crown. Have a good festival, my lord.” He abruptly turned and stomped off.

  Corrin breathed out a sigh. “Well, that went well,” he said, watching the retreating back of his friend.

  “How did you ever make friends with such a…” Adrian searched for a word that wasn’t too harsh. “Unpleasant person.” He settled for that.

  Corrin shrugged. “We were friends in Pleasure school before I left for college. He shared the same taste in women as I did.”

  “So in other words, neither of you liked women. Is he gay as well?” Adrian asked sarcastically.

  “Enough, Adrian,” Corrin said. “I got rid of him. Leave it alone.”

  Adrian let out his breath through his teeth in a hiss. “I’m sorry, beauty. I can’t seem to help getting jealous where you’re concerned.”

  Corrin smiled cheekily, and Adrian knew he was back in his good graces. “I find the fact that you get all jealous sort of sexy,” he admitted, putting a little swish in his hips.

  Adrian delivered a hard swat to his backside. “Imp.” He took a step out of reach as they rounded the corner and cam
e to the bonfire.

  * * * *

  The fire was huge, and as they stepped into the circle, the dances had already begun. This was one of five fire circles in the Seelie forest tonight, and in Corrin’s opinion it was the best one. Long ago it had been dubbed the prince’s circle. The younger Fae especially congregated here and things got distinctly sexual the longer the night wore on. The dances were the highlight of the evening and the gateway to the sexuality of the spring equinox. Corrin was fairly thrumming with energy, the magick of his royal blood hitting a boiling point. He wasn’t old enough to know his specialty yet, so he didn’t have an outlet for it except through sexual expression. The Fae were people of the Earth after all.

  “Dance with me,” Corrin begged, picking up the rhythm of the drums and practically dragging Adrian into the dancing circle.

  The second they hit the salt outline that encircled the flames, a madness akin to drunkenness overwhelmed them. Adrian threw back his head and let out a howl that every person in the circle echoed, including Corrin. His energy was overwhelming, and Corrin was struck once again by how strong his lover actually was. During the rites of the god and goddess, which court one belonged to really didn’t matter. It was a strange epiphany to have on a rite night, but there it was. Seelie and Unseelie were the same. Corrin’s moment of lucidity was short lived when Adrian stomped the ground in time with the drum beat and the revelry began again.

  * * * *

  They turned and twisted, building the energy of the Earth to a fever pitch. Adrian was intoxicated with his companion as they danced. He fingered the two gold hoops that were in his pocket with heady anticipation. Along with the plan to ask Corrin to leave with him, this was his other offer to Corrin. He’d planned on asking the Seelie prince to be his submissive on a permanent basis. He wanted to give Corrin a piercing that he would wear until their relationship ended, thus the reason for the gold hoops. It was his way of collaring Corrin.

  “Adrian!” Corrin shouted out and launched himself into the Unseelie’s arms. Adrian laughed and twirled him around before setting him back on his feet. The magick was overwhelming the younger man.

  “Careful, beautiful,” Adrian whispered, nuzzling the side of his face. “You’re acting suspicious for someone who is supposed to barely tolerate me.”

  “I love you,” Corrin whispered, his eyes wild with power. He arched his hips and rubbed his erection against Adrian’s thigh. Adrian stepped back and twirled another dancer into a spin to distract the rest of the group from the action. The girl he twirled laughed at him before jumping into the arms of another man.

  “Come back to me, beauty. The power is eating you alive,” Adrian said, but he felt his sanity slipping little by little.

  Corrin watched him with hooded eyes. Adrian was dancing with others, but his eyes were for Corrin and Corrin alone. The boy knew it, too.

  “You’re so damn hot,” he thought. Adrian heard him clearly. “Let’s get the hell out of here. I want you to fuck me, Master. I want you to use me all up like you did before.”

  Adrian stumbled, and Corrin laughed. His eyes locked on him, and a low growl sounded above the drums. With four measured strides, Adrian was in front of him. Corrin looked up to his lover and gave him a nod. Adrian grabbed his hand and turned before taking off in a dead run. A cry of approval went up as they broke from the group. Apparently the magick swirling around them lowered their inhibitions as well.

  They made it as far as the drawing room before Adrian was kissing Corrin, pressing him against the wall, and grinding against him. He twisted his lover’s head to the side so he could have access to his neck.

  “I want you to be mine,” Adrian said, delivering a hard bite to the column of his throat, holding back his fangs but barely.

  “Make me yours,” Corrin whispered, his body obviously tight with need.

  “I want to pierce you,” he breathed, kissing his way down to Corrin’s sweaty, hairless pecs.

  “Pierce me?” Corrin asked breathlessly.

  “It’s my collar. Like we talked about, remember?” They’d discussed the process of collaring before. Some Masters liked to use levels to signify at what stage their relationship with their sub had gone. Adrian wasn’t like that. If he was ready to collar someone, it would be like marriage, permanent. They’d discussed the possibility before and the different methods to do so, but he wasn’t sure if Corrin was ready yet.

  Corrin groaned. “Oh yeah,” he said, feverishly. “Where do you want to pierce me, Master?”

  Adrian grabbed hold of the beaded tips of Corrin’s nipples eliciting a groan from his companion. “I have a pair of gold hoops with emerald balls that match your eyes. I picked them up in New York before I came here. Will you wear them for me?” Corrin nodded. Adrian dragged him toward Corrin’s bedroom, tossing him onto the bed with minimal effort.

  * * * *

  “Oh goddess, Adrian, hurry,” Corrin moaned, shimmying out of his pants and boots. Adrian’s body was smeared with gold, just as he had wanted. Adrian climbed in beside him in bed, his own clothing shucked away.

  “Don’t move,” Adrian commanded. He opened a piercing kit he must’ve drawn from his pocket. “I’m going to pierce you, beauty. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Adrian stroked Corrin’s cock in reward for his obedience. He got a little alcohol swab from the kit and ran it over both his nipples. Corrin watched in fascination as he marked the area he would pierce with little dots from a small ink pen. He resisted the urge to squirm as Adrian applied the clamps to one nipple and then the other.

  “Close your eyes, sweet. Ready, beauty?” Corrin nodded and did as he was bid. “On the count of three, breathe out. One, two, three.” Corrin breathed out and was surprised at the depth of pain as Adrian slid first the needle and then the gold hoop through his nipple. Adrian had obviously done this before, but it was a sensation Corrin was far from familiar with. “One more time, Corrin. One, two, three.”

  Again pain exploded from his other nipple as he was pierced. A delicious throbbing began in the bits of flesh as his body began to heal. Fae were extraordinarily fast healers, especially on nights like tonight when they were close to their gods and goddess.

  His cock jerked with pleasure as pain exploded along his nerve endings as Adrian fingered the rings that pierced his body. Adrian put the emeralds in place and sat back on his heels to observe his handiwork.

  “Are you ready to get fucked, my little slave?” Adrian asked.

  His growling tone coupled with his erotic words undid Corrin. “Yes, Master.” The stimulation was overwhelming as Adrian tweaked his nipples with his fingertips. The power rolled through him, and his chest ached. His body was harder than it had ever been, and the knowledge that he now belonged to the man in his arms put him on the edge of orgasm almost instantly. Adrian spread Corrin’s legs with his hands and came between them in one swift movement. Corrin rested his legs on the Unseelie’s shoulders and waited for him. His Master folded him into a pretzel, and his arousal brushed the cleft of his ass. He wanted him inside him more than he wanted anything.

  “Tell me what you want,” his Master demanded, rubbing against his tight entrance but not entering him.

  Corrin sighed. “I want you inside me, Adrian.”

  “Did you lube yourself up as I asked?” Adrian rumbled, still withholding his body to ratchet up the intensity.

  Corrin nodded. After the incident in the woods Adrian had instructed him to keep himself ready for him just in case his spontaneous Master wanted him at any given moment. It pleased him that Corrin had obeyed if his growl of want was any indication, just as the Seelie had known it would. With a low, impatient rumble, Adrian did as he asked and entered with one hard push. Corrin’s torso bent into an arch, and he gasped.

  “I love you, Master! Oh goddess, I love you!” Corrin’s mind blanked as his lover set a hard rhythm. It wasn’t long before he was fighting orgasm with everything he was.

good, beauty. So fucking good,” Adrian groaned. “Ready to come for me?”

  “Yes,” Corrin sobbed, more than ready to come apart.

  “Now, sweet, with me.”

  Corrin screamed as he obeyed. His heart finally stopped thundering as he wound down from his orgasm. His heart stopped as another voice sounded.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” The thundering voice had to be in the doorway.

  Before they understood what had happened Adrian was thrown from Corrin’s body and sent crashing into his dresser. Corrin scrambled to cover himself with a sheet and looked frantically to find the source of the interruption. His eyes locked on his father as he pinned his lover against the floor using his powers over the air to smother his Master with more than just his hands.

  “No! Da, no!” Corrin screamed, jumping from the bed and trying to physically drag the older Seelie off him. “Da, stop! Please! He wasn’t hurting me!” King DeMarco turned and backhanded his son, sending him careening backward to fall on the floor. Instantly he was back on the Unseelie, beginning to pound Adrian’s oxygen deprived form with his fists. Tears filled Corrin’s vision. “Da, please stop!” He sobbed. “Please! I love him!”

  Those words seemed to penetrate the king’s rage, and he waved his magick away with his hand. Adrian gasped, gulping down air.

  “You corrupted my son!” his father said, his voice low and menacing. The tone was deadly, and it froze Corrin’s blood in his veins. “I waved away Richard’s concerns because I thought my son was incorruptible. You”—he turned his attention to Corrin’s withering form—“put some damn clothes on this instant before I call the guards. Your shame is bad enough without being dragged from here naked.” Tears slid silently down Corrin’s cheeks as he pulled back on his pants. He took a blanket to his lover, draping it around his waist.

  “Don’t fucking touch him!” his father snapped. Corrin ignored him. “Did you hear me, boy?” His father’s voice didn’t deter him from placing a kiss on Adrian’s pale cheek.


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