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CASEY Page 21

by Lori Foster

  "Damon, don't make excuses for me, please. I should have told the truth long ago. I should never have lied in the first place."

  Damon, still holding Ceily at his side, addressed both her and Casey. "It took her a few years to get her life in order. After that, she thought about coming home and confessing all – she honestly did. But her father would beg her not to, and with so much time already passed..."

  Emma laced her hands together. "I couldn't bear the thought of my mother going to jail."

  Her mother shoved to her feet, outraged by the mere suggestion. "No one is taking me anywhere! I didn't do anything. It was you."

  Casey shared a look with Ceily, then received her nod. "No, you won't be going to jail. It was an accident, not arson. And even with the breaking and entering, well, it's been eight years. I'm sure the limitations on that have run out."

  Emma was agog, her mother smug.

  "But...won't the insurance company want their money back? I know there was a lot of internal damage."

  Her mother grabbed Emma's arm in a viselike grip. "Shut your mouth, girl."

  Casey stepped forward, but Emma stopped him with one look. She had avoided dealing with her mother for too long. When she'd been a child, she'd had an excuse. But as an adult... It was past time she took responsibility for what she'd done, and forced her mother to do the same. "You're going to get help."

  "I don't need any help."

  For the very first time in over a decade, Emma felt nothing. Not hurt, not need, not even compassion. "It's possible that legal charges might not apply anymore. But there are other things to consider now. Daddy's stroke is serious. If and when he's able to leave the hospital, I'm taking him with me."

  "Whaddya mean, 'with you'? He's my husband!"

  "And he's my father. He needs someone who can take care of him, not the other way around. He'll need therapy and supervision and encouragement. You're not capable of any of that, so until you get help, get sober, and stay that way, you're on your own."

  The fingers on her arm grew slack, then fell away. "You can't do that." Her whisper was rough with shock.

  "Of course I can." Emma swept her arm around the lot. "Thanks to this visit, there are more than enough people who now know that you're incapable of taking care of yourself, much less someone in need of medical attention."

  Damon, Ceily and Casey, along with Mrs. Reider and a half-dozen motel guests made up an audience. Two cars had stopped on the road, having also noticed the spectacle unfolding in the motel lot. In a town as quiet as Buckhorn, it didn't take too much to get the gossip going. She wouldn't be surprised to see the whole thing written up as front-page news in the Buckhorn press tomorrow morning. In the past, that would have devastated her, leaving her curled up with shame. Now, she just wanted things resolved.

  "Emma?" Ceily smiled at her. "There was never an insurance claim made. I didn't want my premium to go up, and I'd been planning to renovate anyway, after Granddad turned the place over to me completely. So I used the money I'd saved and fixed it up with a lot of help from Gabe and volunteers from the town."

  Nodding, Emma said, "I'll reimburse you."

  "No, you won't." She turned to Mrs. Clark, who stared blankly down at her feet. "But your mother can pay me one fourth of the money I spent, since there were some things I wouldn't have replaced if it hadn't been for the smoke and fire damage."

  "I don't have that kind of money," her mother whispered, looking very lost and confused by it all.

  Ceily shrugged. "So get a job. I'll let you make installments."

  Her mother's look of horror was almost comical.

  "They have a drug abuse and alcohol treatment facility at the hospital," Casey offered, speaking to Emma, not her mother. "We can take her there now." He looked as though he wanted to rid himself of her as fast as possible.

  Sadly, Emma now felt the same. Years ago, she'd have done anything to help forge a normal relationship with her mother. She'd begged her, during her sober moments, to get professional assistance. But whenever she was sober, her mother always thought she had control over her drinking. She'd agree to quit, and mean it. But her resolve never lasted and Emma had long since grown tired of her mother's refusal to admit to her sickness.

  However, what Emma had said was true – this time she would take her father away if her mother didn't get help. "Mother? What do you say? And before you agree or disagree, you should know I'm either taking you to the rehab facility, or leaving you here. Those are your options. If you stay, I have no doubt Mrs. Reider will give the sheriff a call, and you may well end up with court-ordered rehab anyway."

  Her mother stared at her, looking much like a lost child. She was breathing hard, fighting tears, but Emma also knew an excess of emotion came with alcoholism, so she stiffened her spine and waited. Finally her mother nodded, surprising Emma, giving her hope.

  "Listen, doll," Damon said quietly, "she's nothing to you now."

  Emma knew that wasn't true. A parent was a parent, good or bad, and she would make the best of this. She turned to Damon and offered him a slight smile. "She's my mother." Then she added with a sigh, "And she got us kicked out of here. Mrs. Reider wants us gone as soon as possible."

  Damon groaned. Her mother looked away. Mrs. Reider hovered in the doorway, appearing impatient – and curious since she couldn't hear what was being said.

  Ceily and Casey spoke at the same time. "You can stay with me." Then they both blinked, and Casey added, "Ceily, honey, you're more than welcome to Damon. By all means, take him. But Emma and B.B. are coming with me."

  Ceily hugged onto Damon's arm. "Works for me." Emma looked at Damon, who grinned and shrugged. "Sounds like it's all planned out, doll. That is, if you're okay with it."

  Casey waited with a sort of tense anticipation they could all feel. But Emma had few choices, and she wanted to be with him. So she nodded. "Thank you."

  EMMA WAS SO QUIET Casey couldn't help but worry. Getting her mother to the rehab center had taken far longer, and been more complicated, than he'd anticipated. But throughout it all, Emma had kept her shoulders squared, her emotions in check, and her determination at the fore. She was amazing.

  After her mother had willingly signed herself in, Emma made plans to bring some of her things to her. She'd be at the facility for an undetermined length of time, but she'd start dependency counseling right away. Because leaving meant she'd likely lose her husband, she looked resigned to staying. She'd also asked, in a small, fretful voice, if Emma would visit her.

  Emma had agreed, but there'd been no embrace between mother and daughter. For her part, Emma appeared motivated by pity for the woman who'd never been a real mother to her. She'd also been so distant, not touching Casey, hardly even looking at him. Casey didn't push her. She needed some private time to come to grips with everything, but under the circumstances that was tough to find. Mrs. Reider's was the only motel in Buckhorn, and any other lodging would put her too far away from her father. Though he wished this were easier on her, Casey was glad she'd be with him, even if it wasn't by choice.

  It hadn't taken them long to pack her and Damon's things. While Emma stood by without saying a word, Casey had called ahead to his father to fill him in on the situation. Emma's silence hurt him, because he knew she was hurting. Dealing with her troubles was hard enough, but broadcasting those troubles to the whole town would be nearly impossible to take. Casey feared he'd just lost a lot of headway in convincing her to stay in Buckhorn.

  Damon and Ceily were there when Casey pulled down the long driveway. Damon had used the excuse of bringing Emma's car to her, but Casey suspected he also wanted to see her settled. Thankfully, the kids were out of sight, but Sawyer and Morgan, Misty and Honey all waited for them. When Casey stopped the car at the side of the house, his relatives moseyed inside to give them some privacy.

  Casey turned off the engine. "You okay?"

  It took her a moment, then she said, "It's strange, but mostly what I feel is relief that it's
all out in the open. At least now I can deal with it."

  Casey nodded. He could understand that. "It'll be okay."

  Her laugh sounded a little watery, too close to tears, before she rubbed her face and drew herself together. "Looks like I'll be spending even more time visiting hospitals, huh?"

  Jaw locked, Casey reached for her hand. "You owe her nothing." Far as he could tell, all her mother had ever given her was grief.

  "I owe this town. I owe Ceily."

  "You didn't cause the damage."

  "No, but I kept quiet about it. That's a crime in itself."

  "You were a kid, damn it."

  She raised a hand. "No, Casey. Don't coddle me by making excuses. I'm fine really. Just... exhausted."

  Christ, she'd been seventeen years old, burdened with more than most adults could handle. He had no intention of letting her wallow in guilt, but he let it go for now. "We'll go to bed early," he promised her.

  That had her laughing again. "We will, huh? Does it bother you that your whole family will know I'm with you?"

  Casey gave her a long look before stepping out of the car. B.B. jumped out with him and followed him as he circled the hood. Emma had already opened her own door before they could reach her. With Casey and Emma both carrying bags, they started toward the garage apartment. B.B., now very familiar with the Hudson household, followed along.

  Finally Casey couldn't keep his mouth shut, and he said, "It's been a long day for me too, Emma. Don't piss me off."

  She abruptly stopped, but since he and the dog didn't, she hurried to catch up. "What are you talking about?"

  He'd kept his turbulent emotions tamped down all day – not an easy feat when he damn well loved her and it killed him to see her hurt. Now it felt as if he was imploding, his auger shot up so fast. Dropping her luggage, he whirled on her and gripped her shoulders. "I damn well want everyone to know you're with me, Emma. The whole town, preferably."

  Eyes huge, she asked, "There's going to be so much talk. You have to know that Lois and Kristin and probably a dozen of their friends are saying awful things—"

  Casey gave her a tiny shake. "I remember being behind the garage with you eight years ago. You were tempting me, driving me nuts, and you even accused me of being a virgin, then had the nerve to act surprised when I didn't deny it."

  Her eyes softened. "Any other guy would have, especially since it wasn't true."

  "I told you then that I didn't give a damn what people thought. So, why should I care now, especially when the alternative is not having you nearby? I'm not going to suffer a single moment of discomfort over it."

  Some of the tension eased out of her and she gave him a genuine smile.

  He pulled her into his chest. "Hell, Emma. I'm so proud of you. Don't you know that?"


  "God, yes." He held her back a little. "Look at you, at everything you've dealt with, all that you've accomplished. I don't know another person who could have handled that scene at Mrs. Reider's with so much grace and dignity."

  "It was all I could do not to cry."

  "Even if you had, so what? You sure had reason enough. But you didn't. You didn't cave in either. You've taken every rotten thing that's been thrown at you and somehow..." His own eyes grew damp, making him curse, making his voice hoarse. "Somehow you've stayed one of the most beautiful people I've ever known."

  Breathing a little shakily, Emma moved back into his embrace. They stood there like that a long time, until Emma finally whispered, "Thank you."

  Laughing with exasperation at the way she was forever thanking him for one thing or another, Casey locked his arms around her and hugged her right off her feet. "Baby, it wouldn't matter to me if your mother had burned down three buildings. She's not you." He nuzzled her ear. "I'm just glad that you're home."

  Once he said it, Casey was afraid she'd again deny that Buckhorn was her home, so he kissed her, making any rebuttals impossible. It wasn't a lusty kiss, though he was more than ready for one of those too. Instead, he tried to kiss her with all the love he felt. It had been a day of emotional upheavals. She wasn't ready to have him start an overflow of declarations. Soon, he'd let her know how he felt. For now, touching her, holding her, having her close, would be enough.

  "Come on," he said against her mouth. "We'll get you settled so you can get some rest."

  Emma didn't argue, but when they turned around, they saw that B.B. had run off. They located him quickly enough, on the porch with Sawyer and Shohn. Both Hudson males wore wide, satisfied smiles.

  Sawyer yelled out, "He was scratching at the door. Seems he wants to come in."

  Emma started to apologize, but Casey cut her off. "He can visit with you for a while if he wants."

  Shohn gave a whoop. "Can he sleep with me tonight? I'll take good care of him."

  Casey said, "Dad?"

  "Sure." Sawyer put one hand on Shohn's shoulder. "Fine by me if Emma doesn't mind."

  Emma laughed. "He likes to hog the middle of the bed."

  "That's okay." Shohn hung on the dog like a long-lost friend.

  "He's liable to want to find me before the night is through," Emma warned.

  Sawyer rubbed the dog's ears. "If he does, I'll walk him over to you. But you never know, so we might as well let him try it."

  Since Casey wanted Emma to himself without the dog in the middle of them, he wrapped up the discussion and hurried Emma on her way. Once they were in the garage apartment, Emma dropped her luggage. "I can unpack tomorrow."

  Casey glanced up at her. She'd gone straight through to the bedroom and stood next to his bed, her arms at her sides, her expression watchful. "All right." He smiled. "Are you hungry?"

  She shook her head, then licked her lips. "I'd just like to take a quick shower."

  Visions of her naked, wet, teased through his mind. "Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Let me get you a towel."

  Ten minutes later, he was stretched out on the bed with his back propped against the headboard. He'd removed his shoes and socks and unbuttoned his shirt, but he was still uncomfortably hot. And uncomfortably aroused.

  Yet, he knew sex wasn't what she needed right now.

  He tried turning on the television, but he couldn't block the sounds of running water in the bathroom. He felt tortured. Even after the sexual excesses of the past week where they'd spent several hours a day at the cabin making love, the need he felt for her hadn't diminished. Hell, if anything, he wanted her more now than ever.

  When the water stopped, that only heightened his awareness. But when Emma stepped out with her hair pinned atop her head and her sweet body wrapped only in a towel, he nearly groaned. She was home. She was with him. She was his.

  In the face of so much progress in their relationship, he would be patient.

  "Don't get up," she told him as she strolled toward the bed and seated herself on the side of the mattress, near his hip.

  Casey stared at her, unsure what she wanted at that particular moment, unwilling to do anything that might make her ill at ease with him.

  "Your apartment is fabulous." She stared at his abdomen as she spoke. "I knew Jordan used to live here, but I didn't know it was so nice."

  Casey nodded absently while noticing the water droplets that clung to her shoulders. The apartment was open and spacious, located directly over the three-car garage. The kitchen, breakfast nook and living room all flowed into each other, with only the bedroom and bath private. "It suits me."

  She rested one slim hand on his naked abdomen. "Will your folks expect to see us tonight?"

  Casey almost choked on his indrawn breath. She had to have noticed his erection, given that his cock strained against his jeans, leaving a long ridge beneath the material. But the little tease said nothing. "No. That is, they'll understand if we wait till morning."

  "They don't object to me being here?"

  His dad had probably already figured out that Emma was special to him. As to that, everyone might know, since he hadn't e
xactly tried to keep it secret. "No, they're glad to have you here."

  Using just her fingertips, she traced the line of hair from his navel down to the waistband of his jeans, making him shudder. "Did you lock the front door?"

  With Shohn used to visiting whenever he chose, and all his young cousins forever underfoot, he'd taken care of that first thing. "Yeah."

  "Good." She unsnapped his jeans and slipped her soft, cool hand inside.

  Casey groaned. "Emma..."

  Without a single reply, she freed his erection from the restriction of his jeans. Casey shifted, then groaned again when she leaned forward and brushed her cheek against him. He put one hand on her head, racked with mixed sensations. Lust was prominent because he could feel her breath on the head of his cock. But he also felt tenderness, because this was Emma, and with every second came the realization that she was his other half, the one woman meant for him.

  She made a small hungry sound, and licked him from the base of his shaft to the very tip.

  His hand clenched in her hair, his control fast evaporating. "Babe, wait."

  Lifting her head, her dark eyes soft and heavy, Emma said, "Mmm?"

  Could a woman possibly be more appealing than Emma was at that moment? He'd never get used to the way she looked at him with so much love in her eyes.

  Love? God, he hoped so.

  Casey closed his eyes and struggled for a deep enough breath so he could be coherent. "Let me get out of these jeans, okay?"

  "All right." She agreed readily enough, stood – and then dropped the towel.

  Casey lost it.

  "Ah, damn, Em." Catching her about the waist, he tumbled her down into the bed and moved over her. The touch of her naked breasts on his chest, her belly on his abdomen, had him in a frenzy of need.

  "Your jeans."

  "In a second." Hell, if he shucked his jeans off now, he'd be inside her in the next second. He took her mouth, long and leisurely and deep until they were both panting, then slowly worked his way down her body. Kissing wasn't enough, and he indulged in a few gentle yet hungry love bites that had her gasping and squirming under him. She smelled of his soap, and strangely enough even that enticed him. He suckled her nipples until they were tight and straining, put small kisses on her ribs, dipped his tongue in her navel...


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