Business is Business PT 2

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Business is Business PT 2 Page 6

by Silk White

  Jimmy made it back to his Benz when he heard his cell phone ringing he looked down and saw, Mike’s name flashing across the screen. “What’s up?” He answered.

  “Meet me at the hospital now a team of hit men tried to kill pop,” Mike said then hung up in Jimmy’s ear.

  * * *

  Jimmy made it to the hospital and was ready to kill anyone who’s last name wasn’t Mason. He couldn’t believe that someone was bold enough to try and kill, Derrick Mason. “What happen?”

  “We don’t have all the details yet,” Eric said. “So far all I know is that pop has been hit by a car and took a bullet to the leg.”

  “Where’s Mike?”

  “If he showed up he would have blown his cover,” Eric nodded towards all the police that were in the hospital waiting to have a word with Derrick Mason.

  “You right, you right,” Jimmy agreed. It was too risky for Mike to show his face in the hospital.

  Twenty minutes later, the doctor came out and told Eric and Jimmy that they were allowed to go to the back and see their father.

  “I’ll be back in a second,” Eric told Pistol Pete as he and Jimmy entered Derrick’s room.

  “Who did this to you?” Jimmy asked as soon as he stepped foot in the room. It really hurt him to see his father laid up in the hospital like this. “You think it was Danny Lopez?”

  “No, Mike already took care of Danny for us,” Derrick said in a light whisper. “I have no idea who could have been behind this.”

  “Think it could have been, Chico?” Eric asked. For some reason he didn’t like or trust Chico.

  “No if Chico was behind this I would be dead right now,” Derrick told them. “I don’t know who’s behind this so until we figure this out I want everyone to stay on point.”

  “We got enough product to last us for a good while now,” Jimmy said. He knew that would put a smile on his father’s face.

  Derrick smiled. “I knew I could depend on my boys to get things back on track.” He got ready to say something else when they all heard a light knock at the door. Derrick looked over at the door and couldn’t believe his eyes.

  Jack Mason walked in the hospital room with a concerned look on his face. “I got here as soon as I heard what happened.” Jack Mason was Derrick’s older brother and the one who had started Derrick in the business it just so happen that Derrick learned the business met Millie who was already in the business and took it to a whole other level. Jack Mason was always jealous of Derrick’s success. Word on the streets was it was Jack who had told on Millie and got her a fifteen-year sentence but Derrick refused to entertain that rumor. Derrick knew he couldn’t trust Jack, so instead of killing his brother he just chose to stay away from him.

  “When you get out?” Derrick asked.

  “Been home for like two weeks now,” Jack smiled. “It feels good to be back around family.”

  “Excuse me,” Eric said as he exited the room. He had no words for Jack. For years, Millie had told him that Jack was no good and couldn’t be trusted. Every time Jack came around, Eric made sure he excused himself just the thought of Jack being the one who put Millie behind bars made Eric want to put a bullet in his head.

  “I heard about what’s been going on out in these streets,” Jack said. “Looks like I came home just in time.”

  “Thanks Jack but I have everything under control,” Derrick said. The last thing he needed was Jack trying to stick his nose in his business.

  “From where I’m standing it don’t look like you have everything under control,” Jack said. “Somebody out there wants you and your family dead. I don’t think it’ll be a bad idea for me and a few of my men to help look after the family at least until you fully recover.”

  “I have everything under control, Jack I thank you for extending a helping hand when I need it I’ll call you,” Derrick said. “Now if you don’t mind I need to talk to my son about something real quick.”

  Jack nodded. “I just want you to know that if you need me I’m just a phone call away,” he turned and exited the hospital room.

  “I don’t trust that motherfucker!” Jimmy spat once, Jack was out of earshot. “You should have let me kill him.”

  “He’s irrelevant,” Derrick said quickly. He didn’t want his son losing focus on what was important and what wasn’t. “I’m going to need you to hit the streets hard and let them know we back up and running.”

  “I got you,” Jimmy nodded. “Also I took care of that witness situation too.”

  Derrick smiled. “I appreciate you stepping up to the plate while I’m in here.”

  “You already know,” Jimmy said as he kissed his father on the cheek then left.



  Jack Mason exited the hospital, walked through the parking lot where one of his homeboys named Black leaned on the side of the car waiting for him. Without warning, Jack turned and smacked the shit out of Black. “I gave you a simple job; kill Derrick Mason.”

  “My men did their best,” Black said rubbing the side of his face.

  “How hard is it for ten armed men to kill one man?” Jack barked. With Derrick out of the picture, it would be that much easier for him to take over. “If you fuck up my opportunity to take over I promise I’ll kill you myself,” Jack said as him and Black slid in the car and pulled out of the hospital parking lot like a manic.

  * * *

  Black pulled up on the Alvarez estate and killed the engine. He and Jack walked up to the front door and rung the bell. Seconds later the butler answered the door and escorted the two men down the hall towards the den where Victor Alvarez sat smoking a cigar. He was the brother of Joey Alvarez.

  “Jack it’s nice to see you again,” Victor Alvarez smiled. “I hope you have some good news for me,” he took a long drag from his cigar.

  “Unfortunately not,” Jack said with a look of defeat on his face if it was one thing he hated it was looking stupid. “My men failed me but I can assure it that it won’t happen again.”

  “How can I be so sure of that?” Victor asked with a raised brow. “I told you if you get rid of Derrick Mason, I’ll introduce you to the big boss, Chico myself, and then you can control all of your brother’s territory.”

  “I know and I promise you it will get done,” Jack said. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for all his life. He hated that he had to kill his own brother to get on top but it was a dog eat dog business. Beside Jack had come to Derrick time and time again asking to be a part of the family business but each time he was denied the reason being he wasn’t trust worthy and his decision-making skills were mediocre so for those two reason he was not allowed to partake in the family business. His family had shifted on him, now it was his turn to return the favor.

  “You’re going about this all the wrong way,” Victor told him. “The strength and muscle of the family is Jimmy. Take him out, and the rest of the family will be a piece of cake.”

  Jack sat back and let Victor’s words sink for a minute. He hated to admit but what Victor said was right. With Derrick in the hospital, Jimmy was now the heart and soul of the family. With, Jimmy eliminated from the picture would surely make Jack’s job ten times easier. “Jimmy Mason will be dead before the week is out.”

  “Can I count on you?” Victor asked.

  “I promise I won’t let you down,” Jack said as him and black stood and made their exit.



  Jimmy parked his Benz in the strip club’s parking lot and killed the engine. He stepped out of the car and stumbled before catching his balance for the past few hours he had been drinking nonstop. With so much going on, he needed something to calm his nerves.

  “Yo, you good?” Big foot stepped out of the passenger side of the Benz. His arm was still in a sling and doctors told him that he needed to take it easy for a while but there was no way he could let Jimmy leave the house in this condition alone. His motto was sometimes you have to sav
e people from themselves.

  “I’m great,” Jimmy lied. He told, Big foot that he was coming to pick, Stoney up from work but the truth of the matter was he was jealous and coming to her job just to be nosey looking for trouble. Jimmy made it to the front of the strip and him and Big foot were immediately searched and frisked before being allowed inside the strip club. Jimmy entered the strip club and scanned the scene from left to right. At first glance, he hadn’t spotted Stoney. A crowd of men roaring with excitement and tossing bills into the air caught Jimmy’s attention. He looked over and spotted Stoney on all fours shaking her ass in a few of the men’s faces that stood around the counter. The closer Jimmy made it towards the counter the more he could see, Stoney’s ass jiggling like Jello. The more the men applauded and tossed money the angrier Jimmy became. He sat back and watched as Stoney degraded herself as men tossed money down on her head as if she was worthless a few men even took it a step further and tossed their dollars in, Stoney’s face in a disrespectful manner. Jimmy sat back and watched as Stoney ignored the blatant disrespect like the men watching her shake her ass didn’t exist.

  “Damn this bitch got the crazy fat ass!” One drunk man yelled and tossed a fist full of dollars at Stoney. He grabbed Stoney’s oily butt cheeks but took it a step further and tried to slip one of his fingers in her ass. Stoney immediately moved and slapped the man’s hand away and cursed him out. The drunk man paid her no mind and continued to eye her hungrily.

  Stoney was about to slap the drunk man for trying to violate her but paused when she saw Jimmy making his way towards her.

  Jimmy walked up to Stoney, grabbed her wrist, and escorted her down from the counter top. “Come here we need to talk!” He snapped.

  “Damn where you going with my bitch!” The drunk man slurred loud enough to cause Jimmy to stop dead in his tracks and turn around.

  “Fuck you just said?” Jimmy walked up on the drunk man and slapped the tasted out of his mouth. “You disrespecting my girl?” He raised his foot and stomped the man’s head into the floor. “You tried to put a finger in her ass?” He stomped down on the man’s head again. “You wanna fuck my bitch?” He stomped the man again. “Do you know who I am?” He stomped the drunk man’s head down into the floor again. Jimmy raised his leg to stomp the man again when two bouncer roughly tackled him down to the floor. Without thinking twice, Stoney began swinging wildly on the bouncers. In the mist of the scuffle, Big foot grabbed a bottle and busted it over one of the bouncers head. The trio was roughly escorted outside and tossed out onto the curb like trash.

  Jimmy stood to his feet and brushed himself off, then helped Stoney up to her feet. She got ready to curse the bouncers out but Jimmy quickly stopped her. “They’ll be dead by the morning time.”

  Big foot peeled himself up off the ground and was about to join Jimmy and Stoney when he saw a car coasting at a low speed with the headlights off. He tried to warn Jimmy but it was too late. Two gunmen hung out the window and opened fire.

  Bullets tore through Stoney as if her body was a wet napkin. The force from the shots flung her body back into Jimmy. He hit the ground as he heard the gunshots end and the loud sound of tires squealing. Jimmy rolled over and saw Stoney laid out with several bullet holes in her body. He looked over to his left and saw Big foot laid dead in the streets, his body decorated with multiple bullet wounds.

  “Argggghhhhhh!” Jimmy yelled to the top of his lungs.



  Eric stood in the lobby of new hotel that he acquired from Mr. Chambers. It was a five-star establishment not far from the airport that had potential to make Eric a fortune. Eric walked through the hotel introducing himself to the entire staff he even met one on one with all of the maids. Eric turned and looked at Pistol Pete. “I want you to hire a security team and make sure that everyone feels safe when they walk in here,” he then turned and faced the manager. “I want every one of our guest to be treated like they’re the president, understood?”

  Ryan nodded his head. He had been the manager at this very hotel for the past five years. “No problem.”

  “Also rooms 900 to 905 are off limits to guest as well as staff,” Eric told him.

  Ryan nodded. “You got it boss.”

  “Great,” Eric smiled. “Any problems or anything make sure you call me first even before you call the cops. I’m putting you in charge of running this place don’t let me down.”

  “I promise I won’t let you down sir,” Ryan said in a serious tone then went to go do his job.

  “Think you can trust him?” Pistol Pete asked once Ryan was out of earshot.

  “Not really but we’ll use him until I can find somebody else a bit more solid.” The last thing Eric needed was Ryan running around the hotel looking into things that didn’t concern him. Eric looked out through front door of the hotel and saw one of his men pull his Cadillac truck up to the front door. “Make sure nobody sees them drop those bags off,” Eric told Pistol Pete. All of the bricks that were left in the Cadillac truck from the job they had done a few days ago, Eric was going to stash them in the five hotel rooms that were off limits that way just in case something ever went wrong he always had a backup plan.

  Eric hung around the hotel making small talk as he watched one of his men enter the hotel every ten minutes carrying a duffle bag not to draw attention to the situation. Each man was told to act as if they had never seen Eric before in their lives and they did just that.

  An hour later, Eric sat in the back seat of his B.M.W while, Pistol Pete drove him home. Eric had a lot on his mind and needed to lay down and get some rest. Ever since he began involving himself in the family business, it seemed as if he was stressed all the time now. He was no longer happy and enjoying life, everything was always life and death. Eric had to make sure he stayed one-step ahead of everyone, one mistake and he could lose his freedom forever.

  “You alright back there?” Pistol Pete asked glancing at Eric through the rear view mirror.

  “I’m good,” Eric replied. “Hey Pete, I just wanted to say thank you for always watching over me and making sure I’m safe out here.”

  Pistol Pete nodded his head. “I’m just doing my job. A long time ago your mother Millie saved my life this is the least I could do.”

  “My mother has been out of my life for a long time now due to her current situation,” Eric said. “How was she before she caught her case?”

  “Millie was and will always be a wonderful woman,” Pistol Pete began. “She’s straight forward and as loyal as they come. She’s also the smartest businesswoman I’ve ever met. Put it this way, I would love to have a woman like Millie in my corner.”

  Eric smiled after hearing such wonderful things about his mother. He missed Millie a lot and he was counting down the couple of months she had left on her bid. The B.M.W. pulled up in front of Eric’s house when he noticed Kelly’s Range Rover parked out front.

  Eric stepped out of his B.M.W and saw Kelly standing in front of the front door. “What are you doing here, Kelly?”

  “I need to talk to you,” Kelly said with a sad look in her eyes. Her clothes were wrinkled and looked as if they had been slept in for the past three days. Her hair looked as if she had just raked it with her fingers.

  Eric opened the front door and let Kelly inside, then turned and faced Pistol Pete. “Take the rest of the night off. I have to talk to my wife for a second.”

  “Eric I’m sorry if I hurt you,” Kelly began. “I know you probably don’t ever want to see me again but I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “I came over to ask you could I take a shower,” Kelly said as tears ran down her eyes. She had no family and nowhere to go; her family turned their backs on her years ago for dating a black man that family was well known for being criminals. Now she had nobody.


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