The Hunter

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by Kurt Robinson

  The Hunter

  A John Watkins Thriller

  By Kurt Robinson

  Copyright © 2019 Kurt Robinson

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion of it may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher and/or author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places, and events are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to current events or locales, or to living persons, is entirely coincidental.

  To my loving wife for all the love and support she has giving me.

  Table of Contents
































  Friday - 8:50 P.M

  “Oh, come on! He said that?”

  “I’m telling ya, the dumb shit walked right up to the boss man and said, ‘you can take this job and shove it!’ I mean, it was just like he was singing the song!” Everybody at the table in the restaurant laughed.

  “You’re shittin' me?”

  “I wish I was, but I’m not, man. And that’s not the best part. After he said that he said, ’I ain’t working here no more!’ And then he took off his company shirt and threw it on the ground and walked out shirtless!” Another wave of laughter ravaged the table.

  “No way!? What did y’all do?”

  “We waited until he walked out and then burst out laughing! I mean, he had it coming, he had no clue what the hell was going on. When he finally got called on it, he didn’t like it. So, it was pretty much a favor to all of us. Hell, even Jerry, our boss, started laughing once he left.”

  “Wow, that’s a new one on me! I thought people only did that kind of stuff in movies or songs!” He said as he laughed.

  “It was new to me too, man, believe you me!”

  "Anyway, John told you that story, I told him not to tell," April Watkins said as she turned to her husband, "to - I guess, hell if I know - as a lead in to tell y'all some special news!"

  "Really!?" Sarah asked, sounding surprised. "What's the news?"

  "Well," April said and paused as she reached down into her purse that sat next to her in the booth and pulled out an envelope. She opened it and pulled out a picture. "We're gonna have a baby!" she said in a high-pitched voice as she handed Sarah the ultrasound picture.

  "Oh my God!" Sarah yelled as she grabbed the picture.

  "Alright, man! Congratulations!" Sarah’s husband said as he smiled and shook his friend’s hand.

  "Thanks, bud!" John told him.

  "How far along are you?" Sarah asked.

  "About a month!" April answered.

  "That's awesome!" Sarah said. "Oh, you know what this means? We get to have a baby shower!"

  "I know!"

  All four of them were sitting at a table for four at the restaurant. It was a Friday night. They got together every Friday for dinner at a restaurant in Lexington, Kentucky, unless they had the urge to go somewhere else. However, they were celebrating, now two things, on this Friday night. Deer season for Modern Guns opened the next day and the four of them always got together the day before the season opened; a christening for the season you could say. The wives did not go hunting but their husbands, John Watkins and Adam Hart did. They had been hunting buddies since they were in their early teens, friends longer, and would be until their tired feet could carry them no longer.

  November this year was already very cold and had already dropped several inches of snow on the ground. Even though more was to come that night, they still wanted to go and eat their annual meal. They each had four-wheel drive pickup trucks, so they weren’t worried about getting stuck anywhere, but by the looks of the quiet restaurant, others were. The restaurant was practically empty; people were afraid they would get stuck in the snow if they did not have a four-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle. There were only a few other tables that had people eating at them. Not more than ten minutes after they ordered, their food arrived and they began to eat.

  “So, what do you plan on getting this year, man?” Adam asked just after he bit into his bacon cheeseburger with all the fixings. His wife hated the fact that he had a mouth full of food while he was talking.

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full, that’s gross!” Sarah told him as she hit his arm with her elbow.

  “What!? I’m asking a question about our business tomorrow. This is important stuff now!” he told her as John and April watched from across the booth, smiling.

  “That’s fine, but don’t talk with a mouthful of food, that’s disgusting, okay?”

  “What, you mean like this?” he said and then turned to her and opened his mouth.

  “Stop!” she said as she quickly pushed him away and turned her head. Adam turned his head back and finished chewing. “I’m serious, stop or I won’t let you go hunting tomorrow. How about that?”

  “Let me!? Let me!? You think you can stop me from going? You think you own me or somethin’?”

  “Yes!” she said without hesitation as April and John continued to smile at the conversation as they ate.

  “Huh! You own me, huh? Well in that case you can do with me what you will tonight when we get home! You know, for good luck! You can do that thing with your tongue, where you-”

  “Hey! Shut up!” she quickly cut him off as he turned back facing forwards and began laughing. “That’s not funny!” Sarah said as even she let out a chuckle. “You don’t talk about that kind of stuff in front of other people! That's private!” she told him more seriously as she hit his arm again.

  Adam continued to laugh as John and April both gave out a laugh this time.

  Sarah turned to John and April. “You’ll have to excuse him, his twenty-eight-year-old brain likes to jump back to being seventeen again every once and a while!”

  “I think they all do, sweetheart,” April told her.

  “Hey, my twenty-nine-year-old brain always stays at thirty!” John said with a laugh holding his fork with a piece of his steak stuck on the end of it.

  “Unless you’re watching football, then you turn into an angry teenager. Oh, and your idea of sex is not passionate, you turn into a sex starved teenager in bed, babe!”

  “Well, in my defense I think we all do.” John said referring to all men.

  “Ain’t that the truth?” Sarah asked the rhetorical question as Adam turned his head towards her with a grin.

  “I believe it’s more fun that way!” Adam blurted out.

  A waitress, who could hear their whole conversation, rolled her eyes as she walked by with a tray.

  “It is not!” April started, “We like to take it slowly and enjoy it, be romantic with it. Don’t just jump on us and a few minutes later you’re done!”

  “Yeah!” Sarah said quickly.

  “How much time do y'all need?” John asked.

  April rolled her eyes, stuck a few pieces of lettuce from her salad on her fork, and then ate it. Sarah did the same as Adam ate his cheeseburger with French fries and John ate his well-done steak and baked pot

  “So, as I was saying, man, what do you plan on getting tomorrow?” Adam asked again, this time his mouth empty.

  "Well, like most of us I would love to get a big buck! Haven't gotten one in a long while. But, we need more meat too so tomorrow I'll probably shoot the first thing that comes out, depending on the size, of course. I plan on going back out a few times this year no matter what happens." John explained.

  "Cool, cool! I wouldn't mind gettin' a buck either, actually I’d prefer that. So, that might be the only thing I'll be goin' after. But you can shoot whatever the fuck you want, if I don't get anything tomorrow it's no big deal. I'll be going back out too! As long as you help me gut the fuckin' thing!"

  John laughed and said, "Of course I can, I know that's your favorite part!"

  "Okay, we are not gonna talk about gutting deer while we eat! Okay? Okay!" Sarah said as she answered her own question with heavy sarcasm.

  "Yeah, let's not talk about that here!" April added.

  "Sorry, honey!" John said.

  Adam rolled his eyes and then spoke, "So, uh, you said we we’re gonna be going to a new place to hunt tomorrow? Just to try it out?"

  "Oh yeah! Larry said it's a good spot and said I should come out and try it one day. So I told him we would try it out tomorrow. He says there are a lot of good-sized bucks out there. He's seen quite a few that he's told me about. He's getting older so he doesn't hunt anymore, but he has a nice tree stand that he built about thirty years ago and keeps in good shape. I saw it the other day; it's real nice and big enough to hold both of us and our gear. It’s on a big farm." John told him.

  "Sweet, man, sounds great!"

  “Uh-huh, the stand is on a really tall oak tree right on a tree line overlooking a large field, with a creek to the left of us. So, it seems like a great spot. We’ll have a lot of visibility in front of us.”

  While nodding to John’s comments, Adam pulled out his phone, looked at it, made a frustrated face, and put the phone back on its clip attached to his belt on the right side of his waist.

  “You all right, man?” John asked as Sarah and April looked at him as well.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah just waiting for a text about work, running a little late is all.”

  “Is it about a case or an arrest you made, honey?” Sarah asked.

  “Yeah, sorta, got some guys undercover somewhere and was hoping I’d get a check in, but nothin’ yet.”

  “Do you need to call somebody? Cause you can make a call, that’s fine with us, bud,” John told him.

  “No, no! It’s fine, I’ll call later! So, you said it’s got good visibility? That’s good, can’t wait to see it! Hopefully a couple will pop up and we can both get one!”

  “Hey, that sounds like a winner to me, right ladies?”

  They both just shook their heads, didn’t speak, and continued eating. Neither one cared for hunting nor the idea of gutting a deer, but they would cook and eat the meat. Adam knew that Sarah hated the thought of gutting deer and used that to bug her about it every opportunity he had.

  “Yeah, it sounds like a winner! And Sarah and April here can help us gut ‘em when we take ‘em down, huh?” Adam said as he finished his meal.

  “Um, I don’t think so!” Sarah quickly answered for the both of them.

  “Oh, come on, just think about it! Sticking the gut hook through the skin and cutting it open-”

  “Stop it!” Sarah said.

  “Then you pull out all the entrails that are soft and warm-“

  “That’s enough!” April jumped in.

  “That includes the heart, stomach, intestines-”

  “STOP!” Sarah yelled and then sat quietly looking down at the table as some of the other customers looked over at them. “That’s enough,” she finally said quietly with her teeth clinched.

  “Yeah, man, I think that’ll do for right now,” John said, trying to hold in the laughter.

  “Alright, just having a little bit of fun,” Adam told him.

  “Not talking about that stuff while we’re trying to eat, you’re not!” Sarah told him as she pushed away her plate with some food left on it.

  “Sorry, babe.”

  “Damn right you are!”

  “May I interrupt here?” John asked.

  “Please!” Sarah said swiftly.

  “I would love to know more about that tongue thing.”

  After they were finished eating and paid the bill, Adam Hart made his way outside to smoke a cigarette. He was a buff six-foot two-inch man with brown hair who liked to work out. He was usually clean-shaven even though he would rather have scruff all over his face, but the department required its police officers to be clean-shaven. He had made detective over a year ago and was finally working big cases with the Frankfort Police Department. Away from work, he was a much different person; rude, loud, messy, and dressed in his natural state of blue jeans and button up shirts tucked in with work boots. On the job he was more professional - carried himself with confidence, wore suits, was quiet except when the situation called for it, and polite to his colleagues. The man at work and the man at home were two different people.

  Enhanced by the cigarette smoke, his breath was visible in the cold night air. The snow had made its way into town, but it was just flurries at the moment. Some snow showers were in the forecast for tonight. He was plenty warm in his blue jeans and boots with a camouflage jacket over a blue button up shirt standing near the entrance of the restaurant.

  He took one last puff of his cigarette, unhooked his phone from the clip on his belt, and hit a button on the touch screen. He dialed a number and it rang, but no answer, it went to voicemail. He brought the phone down quickly and pressed hard on the ‘End Call’ button with his thumb. “Fuck!” Adam said quietly. A few seconds later, John opened the door behind him and came out to join him. He adjusted the hem of his navy shirt against dark blue jeans, boots scuffing against the pavement.

  John Watkins was much different in personality compared to Adam. However, their friendship since kindergarten would never change because of that. He was six-foot with dirty blonde hair, well-muscled, charismatic, and much more respectful. He and Adam usually worked out together. He worked first shift at the Toyota Plant in Georgetown, Kentucky. He chose a different career than Adam, but he made more money. Nevertheless, there was never a day where he did not respect what his best friend did for a living. He made it a point to text him at least twice a day to make sure he was okay. The two of them were more like brothers than friends.

  “Hey man, you ever get a hold of who you were trying to get a hold of?” John asked.

  “Nah, not yet,” he responded as he hooked his phone back on the clip.

  “Well, maybe they’re busy with something.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “It’ll be all right. So, you gonna come over at four in the morning and we’ll drive up there?”

  “Yeah, sounds good!”

  “Cool, I’ll load the four-wheeler in the truck tonight and cover it ‘cause we’re gonna need it to get to the tree stand” John explained.

  “Okay, sounds good, man!”

  The door opened behind them and April and Sarah walked out holding their to-go boxes. The cold wind blew their hair as they approached John and Adam. The wind and snow made their eyes squint and then water as they pulled their coats closer together to stay warm. It didn’t work and they were in a hurry to leave and get to their warm homes.

  “You boys ready?” April asked.

  “Yeah. Alright man, I’ll see you in the morning!” John said.

  “Yeah, see ya in the morning, man!”

  John and Adam shook hands as April and Sarah shared a hug. John then kissed Sarah on the cheek and Adam kissed April on the cheek. John and April began walking toward to the truck as John wrapped his arm around her. Adam and Sarah did the same, but hand in hand. Adam’s eyes wandered to his watch. 10:15 p.m.


  Friday - 9:57 P.M.

e warehouse was freezing cold inside, having been abandoned for eight years now. It used to be part of an old Saw Mill, where they used to store lumber that had already been cut and was ready to ship out on tractor-trailers. It wasn’t near town or any neighborhoods, but out deep in the woods with a very long old concrete driveway so semi-trucks could come and get their load. The area had grown up a lot since nobody was around anymore to maintain it, more trees and brown tall grass surrounded the building. It was the perfect spot.

  The concrete driveway had a lot of growth of grass and weeds coming through the cracks that could be seen sticking out of the layer of half-inch snow. They had cleared off some of the driveway closer to the warehouse so the vehicles could move around easier. They didn’t touch it near the entrance and only the tracks of the cars could be seen from the road. The warehouse itself couldn’t even be seen from the road. The driveway was very long. If people saw the tracks, they wouldn’t think anything of it. Most would think that hunters had gone back there, or even kids just goofing around. Either way no one would be concerned.

  A few of them parked their cars around the side of the building, while a couple others parked in the building with the headlights facing the entrance. They wanted to have them facing the entrance in case something went wrong with the exchange. They could turn the high beams on, blind the fuckers, and kill them if they wanted. Not that they wanted to - but they were prepared to do what was necessary if they thought they were going to get fucked over.

  There was a total of seven men; Officer Cavanah was in charge during the exchange as he was the highest-ranking police officer. He was a Sergeant with the Kentucky State Police, while the rest were officers in the local police or State Police. They all took off their badges and put them in a plastic bag in one of the cars around back. If anything went wrong nobody’s would get left behind. Plus, they didn’t want the people who were coming to know they were dealing with cops. They were all in street clothes, mostly blue jeans, boots, and thick coats. Only one person truly knew who these people were and he was not there. But, he told them they would get a percentage if they helped him out. He picked seven and they all agreed because who couldn’t use some extra cash?


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