Private Stock

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Private Stock Page 11

by Iris Bolling

  Jonathan laughed. “And how does Mum feel about that?”

  “I sent her two options. A flat next to your aunt and one a few blocks away.”

  “Good,” he exhaled. “What’s happening around here?”

  “An emergency Board meeting was held to replace Elaine Jacobson.”

  “Preston Long,” Jonathan nodded. “How is he holding up?”

  “He seems a little unsure of his place around here now. Myles is doing a good job of keeping him focused.”

  “He’s going to need that from each of us. He’s a good chap, he will find his footing.”

  “There is a message from him, asking you to give him a call when you arrive,” Sydney advised. “Also, Mike called indicating he is on his way back to Virginia from New York. There are some security issues he wants to discuss with you concerning AnnieMarie.”

  “I expected that.”

  “Now for the great news,” Sydney smiled. “You know I am not a silly when it comes to weddings, however, Myles and Chrystina have set a date for the end of next month.”

  “Kudos, superb,” Jonathan cheered. “We hope to follow suit with Grace.”

  “I’m beginning to believe in love again,” Sydney beamed.


  “No. Not at all,” she laughed. “For you yes, for me, I’m not built for a one-on-one relationship.”

  “You haven’t met the right chap, that’s all,” Jonathan sat up. “Dewberry…”

  “Ah yes, Mr. Richard Dewberry. What is he threatening you with now?”

  “He wants to break me down.”

  “Yes, he was always under the delusion that he made you the man you are. One day he will understand you would have made it to the top if Daffy Duck was your superior.”

  Jonathan smiled at her. “Thank you for the vote of confidence.”

  Sydney looked up from her tablet. “Do you think I would have followed any chap to the States? No way. I had to know my livelihood would remain what I have become accustomed to.”

  “Of course,” he laughed.

  “Here’s a jolly for you,” she held up her tablet to read the message to him. “Savannah Whitfield requests a reference for one…wait for it…Elaine Jacobson.”

  “Savannah Whitfield, the woman who once went out with Myles?” He raised an eyebrow. ”Why is that directed to me? It should be directed to Human Resources. Send the request to Grace.”

  Sydney laughed, “Really? You want me to send a reference request for Elaine Jacobson to Grace?”

  “Yes. I think she will be delighted to respond.”

  “Yes, sir, will do. Next up, Gina. The data project is complete. I say we find something else for her to handle for us. She’s a little out there, but she is extremely bright and efficient. I say we grab her before another department steals her away.”

  “Let’s have a chat with her to see where her interests lie and go from there.”

  “Excuse me,” Gary stood in the doorway. “There was no one out front so I walked in. Am I interrupting?”

  “No, come on in, Gary,” Jonathan waved him in.

  “I’ll set up an appointment for Gina and send that request to Grace.” Sydney stood and walked out the door.

  “Does the name Brentwood Michael mean anything to you?” Gary asked as he walked into the room.

  Sydney ducked her head back in the room at his words.

  “The reason I ask is because the last name is spelled exactly like yours without a ’s’ on the end.”

  Jonathan glared at him. “Brentwood Michael is my father.”

  “Interesting,” he said as he slumped into the chair in front of Jonathan’s desk. “As you know we receive an alert when an investor places a significant amount on Dunning stock. It seems Mr. Michael is attempting to invest in us. Is this a good investment or one I need to address?”

  “Reject it.”

  “Excuse me?” Gary raised an eyebrow. “We are a public company. While family owns seventy-five percent of our stock, we could be penalized for rejecting a stock sale.”

  “Not if the sale is found to be placed on behalf of a hidden entity who has illegal intent.”

  “Do we have proof that your father has such intention?”

  “Brentwood Michael does not have the funds to place a significant investment in anything. I know this because I wiped him out. If he is attempting to purchase Dunning stock, he is doing it on the behalf of another individual. What we need to determine is who?”


  “I will check every call made in the last month.”

  “Thank you,” Jonathan replied. “Gary I need the account number he is using to make the purchase.”

  Gary looked from the doorway where Sydney was a minute ago back to Jonathan. “Is there something I should know?”

  “Yes, and as soon as I determine what it is I will fill you in. Right now, I need you to block that transaction.”

  Gary stood. “Will do.”


  “The transaction was placed,” Brentwood Michael advised Dewberry.

  “I’m set to meet with Elaine Jacobson in an hour. She seemed eager to have this conversation the moment I mentioned my connection to Phase.”

  “I believe she has a percentage of stock. If we are able to get twenty-five percent we can wreak havoc on their ranking. That will put Phase solid in the number two spot.”

  “That doesn’t save your leadership position on the Board.”

  “They would have to call another board meeting to vote on that. By that time Dunning’s ranking would have dropped. Phase’s future will look brighter.” Dewberry stated. “Do your part and you will be richly rewarded.”

  Brentwood disconnected the call. Dewberry had his desired outcome, and he would make certain it was accomplished. It never hurt to have people in high places beholden to you. But he had another plan. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. It was time for his so-called family to pay the price for interfering in his life. His plan was to destroy Jonathan Michael on every level imaginable. Beginning with his mother.

  Brentwood checked his watch. He needed to shower and dress. According to his research, Elaine Jacobson had a thing for older distinguished looking gentlemen. A little charm would be called for to advance his mission. Taking a look in the mirror he smiled at his reflection. It was his good looks and charming ways that had gotten him to where he was, until Jonathan. The smiled disappeared. Yes, his son destroyed his life. It was time for him to repay the deed.

  An hour later, Brentwood walked into the restaurant the woman had recommended. Glancing around, he did not see anyone resembling the picture he had of Elaine Jacobson. He decided to have a seat at the bar until she arrived. He had ordered his drink and was about to take his first taste when a woman appeared in the doorway of the bar. It was Elaine Jacobson

  “This is going to be interesting,” he said to himself. He was about to set the glass down when the woman turned to him. With a faint smile on her face, she walked towards him. The legs on the woman were mesmerizing. Not bad for an older woman. This may not be a bad assignment after all, he thought to himself.

  “Mr. Michael,” she said as she approached him. “I can see where your son gets his good looks”, she extended her hand. “Elaine Jacobson.”

  “Brentwood Michael,” he brought her hand to his lips then kissed it.

  Elaine smirked as she took the seat next to him at the bar. “I’ll take whatever he is having,” she said to the bartender. “The charm nor the accent are going to get you between my legs Mr. Michael. “Shall we talk business?”

  “A woman who gets right to the point. I am impressed.”

  “Don’t be, I have had plenty of practice dealing with men like you. Eventually the accent and charm wear off, I end up with egg on my face and a pissed off wife. So I say let’s cut the pretense and tell me what you want from me. Thank you,” she said to the bartender who placed a drink in front of her.

  “Are all women
in the States as brash as you?”

  “I don’t know Mr. Michael. Are all men from the UK full of bull crap or do you and your son have a monopoly on that?”

  “It is apparent somewhere along the way my son ruffled your feathers. I am here to offer you an opportunity to repay the favor.”

  “Keep talking.”

  “Why don’t we get a private table to discuss this further.”

  “What’s in it for me?”

  “The satisfaction of bringing the Dunnings down a notch or two.”

  Elaine smiled. “Lead the way.”

  “I plan on bringing Jonathan to his knees,” Brentwood said as he sat at the table opposite Elaine. “To do that, I am going to have to include Dunning in every way. The bank and the family. I need your knowledge to do that.”

  “Now that we have your personal goal, what is Phase’s connection to all of this?”

  “Dewberry is funding this little venture.” Brentwood said as he took a drink.

  “Is he aware of that?”

  He shrugged, “As long as he gets what he needs, what difference does it make?”

  Elaine glared at the man for a long moment. “What can I do to help you bring down the almighty Dunnings?”

  Brentwood smiled. “Tell me everything you know about the family, beginning with their weakest link.”

  “He’s dead,” Elaine huffed, “Walker Jr. was the only weak link in the family. Believe me, I have been around them for more than twenty years. I know every child’s, strength and weakness. The all perfect Winnieford has no weakness other than her husband Hepburn. Hell she seems to be stronger since his death.”

  “What about the children?”

  Elaine laughed. “All self-assured, unbelievable confidence in who they are and what their path in life is,” she shook her head, “go against one of them and all will fight you to the end. Walker kidnapped Grace-Heather. The family had her back in less than twenty-four hours. William Mitchell decided to try a takeover of the bank. All his accomplices ended up transferred or out like me. Mitch is now in a mental institution.”

  “Hmm… sounds like formidable opponents. Tell me about Angelina Long.”

  “Ah…yes, the woman who killed Hepburn for his brother Walker,” Elaine sat back, “Angelina is still hung up on Walker, even after his death. She was dangerous and would do anything if Walker asked her to, including murder.”

  “What about the son? How does he play into all of this now?”

  “Preston? He is, or was, a pretty stable man. Bright, good hearted, very close to his mother. I’m not sure how all of this is impacting him. I was ushered out before all the details of his parentage came to light.”

  “You didn’t know?”

  “That Walker was Preston’s father,” Elaine shook her head. “Had no idea until it all came out in the news. But I can’t say I was surprised, Walker was an ass. I can see him disowning a child.”

  “What about the Dunnings? Do you think they will welcome Preston into the family with open arms?”

  “Myles is the uniter of the family. The rest will follow his lead, with the exception of Grace-Heather.”

  “The oldest sister?” Brentwood asked.

  “Yes, the bitch of bitches,” Elaine gave a fake smile. “She is not easily persuaded. She’s like her mother that way,” she glanced up. “According to the grapevine she will also be your daughter-in-law.”

  “Do you think Jonathan is in love with her?”

  “Think?” She laughed. “I know he is. He’s had a hard on for Grace-Heather for over ten years.”

  “Good to know,” Brentwood nodded. “I see two ways in. Preston or Grace.”

  “Since you have no chance with Grace-Heather, I suggest you concentrate on Preston.”

  “Oh, don’t underestimate the power of a father-in-law to be,” Brentwood smirked. “Now,” he settled back. “Here’s what I need you to do to help me to satisfy Dewberry. He is under the impression that if we get the twenty-five percent of Dunning stock, then sell it in small pieces it will show instability as if the investors are uncomfortable with the banks new position in the rankings.”

  Elaine shrugged, “that’s a possibility. But what you need is customer dissatisfaction. You see, stockholder’s comfort has never been the number one focus of Dunning. It has always been about the customers. You want to come after Dunning, you have to disrupt the connection they have with their customers.”

  “You worked there. You know the customer base better than anyone. Any ideas on how we can do that?”

  Elaine sat back and smiled. “I may have a plan or two.”


  The visiting time allowed with Angelina was only twenty-five minutes. During that period of time Preston had been keeping the conversation pleasant. He rarely asked questions about her case. He wanted to make the most of his time with his mother. Today was going to be a bit different. He would have to approach the topic of the pictures at her house.

  Seeing his mother behind bars was never easy. He should be seeing her behind the stove at her house cooking pancakes.

  “She is going to be okay, Preston.”

  He looked over at Gina, who true to her word was there with him. As much as he hated to admit it, her presence helped. “I appreciate you coming with me.”

  “I know. No one should have to go through something like this alone.”

  “You know, your family is about to marry into the Dunnings. I can understand it if you need to keep your distance from me.”

  “First of all, you are a damn Dunning.”

  “Not really,” He exhaled.

  “Yes, really you are. Your crazy ass daddy made sure of that,” she huffed, “Second, that family has extended more open doors to you than I would have if your mother had killed my father. But hey, I guess they feel she balanced that with killing your father too. At least she spread the crazy around.”

  Preston glared at her. “You have an interesting way of trying to cheer a man up.”

  “What by telling the truth? That’s not what you need from me Preston. I’m not going to walk on egg shells around the topic of your mother. You need me to keep you grounded and real with the situation.” She opened the passenger door to step out of the car. “The truth and honesty about your feelings are going to help you help your mother and you. Trying to hide that it hurts to see your mother in here, from Myles is not healthy, Preston. And it’s fake. I mean you feel what you feel.”

  Preston listened as they walked into the county jail. He wasn’t certain he could be as open as Gina suggested. While he did agree that honesty was always best, he still had concerns. “The Dunnings may not want to hear that much honesty from me.”

  “Argh!…you are a Dunning.” She stopped at the door and turned to face him. “And guess what. They put their pants on one leg at a time just like you do.” She opened the door then walked inside.

  There was something special about the way Gina looked at life. What he wouldn’t give to be that carefree.

  “Can I help you?” The officer behind the window asked.

  “I’m here to visit Angelina Long,” Preston replied.

  “Hmm. Let me call back to stop them from taking her back upstairs.”

  Preston and Gina shared a glance. Gina took a peek over Preston’s shoulder to see who was on the visitor’s list for his mother. The name was a little ways up the list. Gina made a mental note as Preston turned the login book back to the officer.

  “It shouldn’t be long,” The officer stated.

  Preston stepped away from the window then sat next to Gina on a bench.

  “So, your mother had a visitor?” Gina asked.

  He shrugged, “Probably one of her attorneys.”

  “Probably,” Gina nodded.

  “Mr. Long,” an officer called out.

  Preston stood. Gina did not. “You’re not coming inside?” He asked.

  “No. You need to visit with your mother. One-on-one. You and her. But I will be
right here when you come out.”

  Preston couldn’t explain why, but that made him feel encouraged. “I’ll be back in twenty-five minutes.”

  Preston stepped into the visitation room. There were ten windows with partition dividers between them, sitting stools and a phone. He walked down until he saw his mother at the fifth window. He smiled, took a seat then picked up the phone.

  “Hi Mom.”

  “Preston, how are you?”

  “I’m good Mom. How about you? Are they treating you okay?”

  “About as well as one could expect. But I don’t want you to worry, Preston. I’m going to be okay.”

  “I do worry about you, Mom. How could I not.”

  “I don’t like it here Preston, but just as I told the therapist I know what I did was wrong. These are the consequences of my actions.”

  “You saw a therapist?”

  “Yes. We had just wrapped up before you came.”

  “I had no idea they would send a therapist here. Did your attorney set it up?”

  “I would think so,” Angelina replied. “We had a good talk.”

  “What did you two talk about?” Preston asked thinking this could be a good thing.

  “We talked openly about Walker. It was good therapy. It seems like everyone tiptoes around the subject as if it’s going to break me to talk about him. You do it too.” She smiled. “As many times as you have come to visit with me, you never asked me about your father.”

  “Father is not the word I would associate with Walker Dunning.”

  “You will have to come to terms with that fact, Preston. The sooner you do, the faster you will be able to take your place in the family. I don’t want to think of you being out there alone while I’m in prison.”

  “You’re not going to prison,” Preston corrected.

  “I killed Walker and took the life of Hepburn, which I did not intend to do.”

  Preston sat up. “What do you mean, it wasn’t intentional?”

  “Walker told me the serum would knock Hepburn out for a while. Giving Mitchell and Elaine time to earn the trust of other Board members without his influence.”


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