Private Stock

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Private Stock Page 17

by Iris Bolling

  “He never touched one of AnnieMarie’s dolls after that, did he?” Monica asked.

  “Nothing…” Winnie laughed. “To this day you can’t pay Mike to touch anything that belongs to AnnieMarie without her permission.”

  “And he still don’t wear any drawers,” Daisy laughed.

  “My my, she may have Jonathan beat,” Monica smiled, “Let’s hope that Mike doesn’t come back at her as payback in the future.”

  Winnie and Daisy glanced at each other. “I’m sure he would not,” Winnie replied. “Mike isn’t a revengeful type of person.”

  “Brentwood is,”Monica stated.

  “Ole Brenty,” Winnie moaned. “Daisy would you find me some aspirin or something.”

  “Daisy if you have a shot gun or two bring that back with you,” Monica requested.

  Winnie laughed, then regretted the act. “Monica, don’t make me laugh. My head still isn’t on straight. Now tell me. What happened after I left?”

  “It was not a pretty scene. My mild-mannered son went bonkers on his father. Not that he did not deserve it.”

  “Wait, from the look of things you two were great friends, I would even have said lovers on the dance floor.”

  “My ex-husband is a manipulator of monumental proportions. If you allow him to think he is getting under your skin he sinks those fangs of his deeper until he draws blood. I have learned to play his game. I act as if nothing he does gets to me.”

  “You put on a good act,” Winnie sipped her tea. “What brings him to Virginia?”

  “Revenge,” Monica replied.

  “On Jonathan?”

  Monica nodded. “Please accept my apology for whatever he is about to do. You see, Brentwood is too much of a coward to come direct. He is going to come after the people Jonathan loves. I happen to be first on his list. Which means your daughter will also be in his sights.”

  “Grace?” Winnie laughed, but this time she couldn’t stop herself. She held her head between her hands. “Oh my, he is in for a very rude awakening.” She settled down, took a deep breath then placed her hand on top of Monica’s. “You do not have to worry about him coming for Grace. Believe me when I tell you that daughter of mine…well for that matter, either daughter of mine will sweep the floor with old Brenty and throw him into the garbage.”

  “Jonathan told his father he was going to dump him into the incinerator, that would be a perfect combination.”

  “The question is how are we going to protect you?”

  “Leave me a picture of this Brentwood,” Daisy said as she returned with the aspirin. “I’ll pass it on to Jerome. He’ll take care of him.”

  Winnie took the aspirin. “Bless you Daisy.”

  “Serves you right for being out there drinking like a fish out of water. I bet you won’t do that again.”

  “Oh it was the most fun I’ve had since I’ve been here,” Monica smiled. “We must do it again tonight.”

  Daisy burst into laughter at the look on Winnie’s face.


  Arriving early to the office, Grace’s mind was on Jonathan’s situation with Dewberry and his father when her assistant Warren held up a document.

  “Handle whatever it is. I have a situation to deal with,” she walked by his desk.

  “I think you will want to handle this personally,” He said as he followed her into her office.

  “I’m sure you will do just fine with it.”

  “Not this time,” Warren stood next to her desk.

  Grace gave him an exasperated look, as she snatched the document from his hand. “Argh.”

  “Don’t give me that look, or your sass. You’re going to love this.”

  “A reference request?” She frowned.

  He pointed to a line on the document. “Look who it is for.” He stepped back and smiled.

  Grace could not believe what she was holding in her hand. “You have got to be kidding,” she chuckled.

  “It’s right there in black and white. I even printed it out so you could hold it, feel it between your little fingers,” he laughed.

  Grace sat down, “Well look at that. Elaine Jacobson has a new position at Whitfield Financial Consultants.” Grace held the document down to look at Warren who was now seated in front of her desk. “Elaine will be working for Savannah Whitfield. Two women scorned by Dunning men.”

  “Isn’t that special,” Warren smirked. “What I cannot understand is why Savannah Whitfield would request a reference from us. She has to know Elaine Jacobson was fired.”

  “No, we gave her a retirement package. As far as the financial world is concerned, she simply retired.”

  “Quite noble of Myles, I would say.”

  “Yes, it was. Let’s hope it does not come back to bite us in the arse.”

  “Oh, we are using London terminology now?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Grace smiled. “A mere slip of the tongue.”

  “More of Mr. Michael rubbing off on you. You actually seem nicer.”

  “Is that good or bad?” She frowned.

  “Good for your employees, bad for business. How do you want to handle that request?”

  “Pull her exit package,” Grace said as she placed the document on her desk. “If it were anyone else I would say hell no don’t hire her. But with Savannah in the mix, it could be a trap to see how we respond. I don’t need an ethics violation against us.”

  Warren stood, “Will do. Mr. Long has requested a little help with setting up his new department…”

  Grace cut him off, “Get him all the help he needs. Check with AnnieMarie to see if Phillip can help.”

  “I’ll probably pull Pam in as well. Do you think Gina will be helpful?”

  “Gina Price, Chrystina’s sister?”


  “I’m pretty sure she will be heading it up.”


  “Yes,” Grace nodded. “She and Preston seem to be quite close.”

  “Oh…I hadn’t noticed.”

  Grace glanced up. “I know that tone,” she laughed. “Haven’t been able to hit that one yet…hunh?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “No one is immune to my charm.”

  “I am.”

  “You don’t count. You were a bigger whore than I am.”

  “Was, is the operative word. I got the man I want. And believe me when I say he satisfies every corner of my desires and more.”

  Warren held up his hand to stop her. “Say no more. That is too much information for me to handle.”

  “Hey, Warren,” Grace called back to him.

  “Yes,” he stuck his head back into her office. She was silent as she stared at him. “You do realize you called me back, but you’re not saying anything.”

  Grace sat backing thinking. “Back during the takeover was Elaine ever connected with Phase International?”

  Warren leaned against the doorjamb. “I remember her name mentioned in connection with Jonathan in one of the Board meeting transcripts.”

  Grace jumped to her feet. “That’s who it is?” She rushed out the door past Warren.

  “That’s who…what is?’ He called out.

  “That bitch is at it again,” Grace rushed out the entrance.

  Less than a minute later, she walked into the reception area of Jonathan’s office. “Is he free?”

  Sydney nodded as Grace burst by her. “Yes,” she said to the woman’s back.

  “It’s Elaine Jacobson.”

  Grace and Jonathan said simultaneously, then laughed.

  “What tipped you off?” Jonathan asked.

  “She had the connection between you and Phase,” Sydney said from the doorway.

  Grace looked back over her shoulder at Sydney. “Exactly,” she turned to Jonathan. “Now, how can we prove it.”

  “I have checked,” Sydney said. “There is no communication between Elaine and Dewberry.”

  “Then they have an intermediary,” Jonathan added.

learly,” Grace agreed. “But who?”

  “Brentwood Micheal.” Sydney smirked.

  “Spot on, Sydney,” Jonathan nodded. “Check with Gary. Get the account number he has for Brentwood. See if we can get a tracker on him.”

  “On it,” Sydney hurried out the office.

  “I may have an in with Elaine,” Grace added. “I’ll follow up on that.”

  “One more thing,” Jonathan stopped her before she walked out the door. “Contact the Board members at Phase. I have a feeling they are unaware of Dewberry’s covert actions.”

  “They are going to want proof, Jonathan,” Grace shook her head. “I will contact them when we have evidence of whatever they are up to.”


  “Hello Annatasha,” Gina spoke as she walked into the administration offices. “Is Myles free? I need a minute of his time.” Annatasha was still getting used to her new position. Mrs. Vasquez had warned her about thinking Myles wasn’t busy simply because no one was in his office. Always check with him before allowing anyone to walk right in.

  “Give me a moment.” She excused herself, then walked to the closed office door. She tapped, waited a moment as she had been instructed, then opened the door and walked in.

  “Mr. Dunning, Gina Price would like a moment of your time.”

  Myles looked up from his computer. “Please show her in.”

  “Yes, sir.” She turned “Gina, you may go in now.”

  “Thank you.”

  Annatasha nodded then closed the door.

  “Gina,” Myles stood as she entered.

  “Sit, sit,” Gina huffed. “I have something on my mind and you are the only person who will listen to me and understand what the hell I’m saying. Sometimes I ramble until I can get it all clear in my mind. But this takes a more intellectual mind to weed through my thoughts.”

  “Gina.” Myles raised an eyebrow.

  “Give me a minute, I’m getting there.” She looked up when Chrystina walked through the connecting door from her office.

  “What’s going on?” She asked.

  “We haven’t gotten there yet,” Myles smirked.

  “Is it about the wedding?” Chrystina asked.

  “No,” Gina replied. “It’s about Preston.”

  “Oh,” Chrystina took a seat then glanced at Myles, who shook his head.

  “I have no idea.”

  “Okay, look,” Gina sat in the chair next to Chrystina. “You guys know it is no secret I have a number of baby daddys in jail. So I have a pretty good understanding of the visiting procedures. I know when I can visit, how long and the sign in procedure, right?”

  “Okay,” Chrystina nodded.

  “There are procedures for regular visits and a different set for professionals, you know like lawyers or doctors or shrinks..right?”

  “Well, Gina we have no way of knowing. We don’t have men in jail.”

  “I know, I know…but, this thing has been bothering me all night.”

  Myles sat forward. “For the sake of time. Why don’t you start from the beginning, Gina.”

  “Okay, here’s what’s up. I think someone is messing with Preston’s Mom.”

  “Messing with Preston’s Mom? How?” Chrystina asked.

  “Here’s the beginning,” Gina glared at Myles. “This is really your fault. You should have a closer eye on what Preston is going through with his mother.”

  “Is this going somewhere, Gina?” Myles raised an eyebrow.

  “Bear with me. I have a point. So yesterday I went with Preston to visit his mother. The officer behind the desk indicated a visitor had just left. So I peeked over his shoulder to see who had visited his mother. I would scan the sign in log every time I went to see one of my men, so I would know what other heifer was showing up at the jail. You know men get more women when they are locked up than they do on the street. Anyway, Preston is clueless when it comes to things like this.”

  “He’s not the only one,” Myles stated.

  “There is a method to how you deal with men in jail. But back to Preston. See, this visitor kept nagging at my super spider senses. You see a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist would not have to sign in on the visitor’s log because they are there in a professional capacity. Hell they wouldn’t even have to meet in a booth. They would be in a private room to discuss things about her case.”

  She glanced from Myles to Chrystina as if waiting for them to respond. When neither did she sighed.

  “You don’t get it?” She inhaled. “On the way back from visiting his mom, Preston told me a therapist had visited her. This therapist talked to her about his father. In fact, he said she said it actually felt good to talk openly about Walker.” She stopped to think. “So here is my issue. Why would a therapist go through a visitor check point? He or she would go through the proper channels to visit with their patient.”

  “Maybe the visitor wasn’t a therapist,” Chrystina offered. “Maybe it was a friend.”

  “Preston’s mother didn’t have any friends. Besides, Preston specifically said his mother told him a therapist came to see her.”

  “Sounds liked a bit of a jump, Gina,” Chrystina shrugged. “How did you get to someone messing with Preston’s mother?”

  “She suspects the person who visited Mrs. Long is not a therapist.”

  Gina clapped her hands and jumped up from the chair. “Exactly, Myles.”

  “The question I have is why?”

  “This is where it’s your fault,” Gina pointed at Myles. “Preston is vulnerable right now. He is questioning his place at the bank and in life. You’re doing okay with the business end but hell, Myles, his personal life is in shambles too. His mother is in jail, probably for the rest of her life and the father that he remembers as a little boy turns out not to be his real father and the one that is real is a whacko murderer who had his own brother killed by a woman who didn’t even know she was killing the man.”

  “What?” Myles exclaimed.

  “Oh yeah, that came out yesterday too,” Gina put her hands on her hips. “If you would spend some time talking to Preston about something other than work he would probably share some of this cray-cray crap with you. But the only thing you talk to him about is work. What about the fact that the man don’t know where he fits in your family? Or how that will impact his mother’s trial or his future here at the bank. You really should be ashamed of yourself, my soon to be brother-in-law.”

  “Hold up!” Myles held his hands up to stop her from talking.

  Gina stared at him. “Did you just raise your voice at me?”

  Chrystina started laughing. “Gina, you are talking a mile a minute. Slow down.”

  “I do not see the humor in this.”

  “Gina,” Myles spoke a little calmer. “You told me a lot. And I’m hearing you loud and clear about Preston.”

  “Are you?” She raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms across her chest.

  “I am,” Myles nodded. “But I need you to back up a little. You mentioned Angelina did not know she was killing my father.”

  “Yes, I mean no. According to Preston, his mother said she didn’t know the serum was going to kill Hepburn. It was supposed to paralyze him until Walker could get control of the Board.”

  Myles and Chrystina shared a look. “Did Preston tell you anything more?”

  “No, but I sure as hell would like to know who B. Michael is?” Gina huffed.

  “Who is B. Michael?” Myles asked as he sat forward.

  “The visitor on the sign in list,” Gina replied. “The so called therapist.”

  “I would like to know who that person is as well,” Myles replied.

  Gina unfolded her arms. “So you are going to talk to Preston?”

  “I certainly will.”

  “And you will not tell him anything I just told you?”

  “Umm…Gina, he may have to if he is going to get Preston to open up to him?” Chrystina stated.

  “You can’t do
that Myles,” Gina huffed. “Look, right now I am the only person Preston has to confide in. I do not want to lose his trust. You’re a smart man. Find a way to get him to confide in you without throwing me under the bus.” She started to walk towards the door. “I will give you a warning. Preston and his mother are vulnerable to your enemies. Somebody out there is trying to play with their minds. It would behoove you…yes I said behoove, to find out who.”

  Myles and Chrystina watched as Gina walked out the door. “Your sister is an amazing woman. Preston is lucky to have her around.”

  Chrystina was sitting in the chair with her mouth gaped open.

  “Chrys?” Myles called out.

  She turned towards him. “I would have never guessed that Gina knew the word behoove much less how to us it.”

  Myles smiled. “She used it well, to get her point across.”

  “You know,” Chrystina walked over and sat in Myles’ lap. She wrapped her arms round his neck. “Gina may have done it in an unconventional manner, but she has a point about your role in Preston’s life now. I think he is pretty secure as far as work is concerned, but personally, he needs his family. As the head of the Dunnings you have to set the mood.”

  “I know,” Myles rested his head against her. “It’s hard to get past the fact that his mother killed my father.”

  “And your Uncle Walker.”

  “He doesn’t count,” Myles sighed.

  “I realize that, but Preston was not a part of any of that. He has got to be a lost soul right now. And Gina has a point, though I have no idea how she reached it. If someone is out there trying to play the Dunnings against Preston angle, it could really tear this family and the bank apart.”

  “Who would do that?” Myles asked. “Who would know enough about the details to attempt that kind of game?”

  Chrystina shrugged. “I’m not sure babe. But it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. Mitchell was playing a psychological game on members of the Board. Elaine played on Mitchell and Walker was doing the same thing with Angelina.”

  Myles held her as he thought. “Of all the people you named, who is still out there?”

  They glared at each other.


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