Private Stock

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Private Stock Page 26

by Iris Bolling

  Jonathan glared at him. “Bloody hell, mate. What a splendid idea. I wish you had shared that bit of logic with me sooner. Next time I’m calling you first.”

  When they arrived at the airport the shipping order had been placed. The attendants were at the plane loading up the cargo. Gary pulled up to the back end of the plane where multiple boxes of cargo were being loaded.

  “You stay in the van Jonathan. You are a foreigner. They may question what is inside from you. Not so much from me.” Gary said as he stepped out of the van. “Good afternoon. I have a package that is scheduled to go to London. Am I at the right place?”

  “Yeah, this is the London bound cargo.” A young man replied.

  Gary watched the fork lift driver place a load in the back of the plane. “Are these lined up in the order they are being loaded?”

  The young man directing the forklift driver nodded. “Sure are.”

  “Look, my boss told me not to leave until I saw this package put on the plane. Is there any way you could make this the next load?”

  The young man turned to look at him.

  “How deep are your pockets?”

  “As deep as they need to be to guarantee this package is loaded next,” Gary smiled.

  The guy shrugged. “You got a hundred?”

  Gary pulled out his wallet. “How about two for you and your driver?”

  The man waved up at the driver. “Hey hold off on that one.”

  “Hell, for that I will help you unload.”

  “I appreciate that,” Gary said as they walked to the back of the van. He opened the door and picked up the paper work Jonathan had completed. “Here’s all the customs documentation,” he gave the paperwork to the man. “I appreciate you doing this for me. I got a honey waiting for me. This way I can tell my boss I saw the package loaded on the plane without lying.”

  “No problem,” they lifted the box from the van then placed it in front of the forklift. The young man twirled his hand in the air indicating it was a go. The forklift driver, picked up the box, drove up to the back of the plane and placed it inside.

  Gary patted the young man on the back as he hand him four crisp one hundred dollar bills. “I appreciate your customer service.” He turned, walked back to the van and climbed in. “What do you say we go inside the terminal, have a drink and watch that baby take off.”

  “I like the way you see the job to the end.” Jonathan nodded. “I’ll place a call for it to be picked up on the other side.”

  “While we have that drink you could thank me by giving me the low down on your assistant.”


  “You have another assistant I don’t know about?”

  Jonathan chuckled. “Talk about a shark. If you do not approach her right, Sydney will bite your limbs off one by one.” The person on the other end of the call picked up. “Jack, I’m going to need your assistance on a delicate matter,” Jonathan explained. “I’m shipping a package via international cargo. I need it picked up and delivered to an address.”

  “Delicate, you say?”


  “Will you need a delivery confirmation?”

  “Indeed,” Jonathan replied as he drove away from the runway. “I want assurances that the package was delivered somewhat undamaged.” He smiled.

  Gary glared at him. “Remind me to stay on your good side.”


  Winnie was sitting in the family room of her home not believing what her daughter just said. “You got arrested? Behind Elaine?”

  “Yes, Mother,” Grace sat back in the chair across from her and crossed her legs. “I did. And will take the punishment. She deserved that and more.”

  “Yes, but I have to say,” Chrystina giggled from her comfortable position on the sofa with Myles’ arms around her. “The vision of Elaine on the floor of that bar was priceless.”

  “No,” Myles laughed. “That wasn’t the best part. The climax of the scene was when Grace went behind the bar, grabbed another bottle of the Goose, climbed up on said bar, strutting down it like she was on somebody’s run way, opened it and poured it down into an unconscious Elaine’s face.” He laughed. “Now that was classic.”

  “So where did Jonathan disappear to?” Monica asked.

  “He went after his father,” Grace responded. “I would not expect to see Brentwood Michael for a long while.”

  “As long as he doesn’t kill him, I say good riddance,” Monica shook her head. “The moment I saw him in the club I knew he was up to no good.”

  “It did not look that way when you two were on the dance floor,” Winnie replied.

  “Now I never said Brentwood and I did not have good rhythm together, because we did,” Monica smirked. “He just wanted more out of life and he did not care how he had to get it.”

  “Well, he has Jonathan to deal with now,” Grace chuckled. “I don’t think he will kill him, only make him wish he was dead.”

  “Myles, enough is enough,” Winnie stated. “Tomorrow I want papers drawn up rescinding all benefits allotted to Elaine in the exit package she received from Dunning. Grace I want you to look into filing charges against her for conspiring to share trade secrets.” She narrowed her eyes as she looked at everyone in the room. “It is time for the gloves to come off. These people need to be taught, you come after Dunning and there will be a price to pay.” The tone of her voice caused Myles, Grace and Chrystina to sit up straight. “I want it to be known to anyone who has thoughts of hiring her, exactly what she has been up to at Dunning. And if they choose to hire her as a dog catcher, consider Dunning an enemy.”

  “You should know that Savannah Whitfield sent a reference request to us for Elaine,” Grace advised.

  “Did she, now?” Winnie pulled out her cell phone. Looked through her contacts, then pushed her call button. She cleared her throat and waited. “Spencer, It’s Winnieford.”

  Myles and Chrystina glanced at each other. Then Myles glanced at Grace. Grace shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m wonderful. I hope you are too.” She listened. “Yes, that was an evening I will not soon forget. I want to thank you for coming to my rescue. However, I am afraid we have a situation. It seems Savannah is planning on hiring Elaine Jacobson for her new company. Now Spencer, you know I respect and adore you. However, it would be a grave mistake if I discover Elaine is working for Savannah in any capacity. At some point, I will be happy to fill you in on issues we have discovered at Dunning.” She listened for a moment then smiled. “Thank you for understanding Spencer.” She nodded. “Dinner?” She fumbled with the hem of her dress. “Saturday? Consider it a date. See you then.”

  She looked up. “Yes, well Elaine will not be working anywhere in this city.”

  “So you have a date?” Monica smiled.

  Winnie glanced around the room. All eyes were on her, waiting for a reply. She shrugged. “Dinner between friends.”

  “Un huh,” Monica smirked.

  “Well,” Myles nodded, “Winnieford Dunning has spoken. So it has been said, so it has been done.”

  “I want her out of this city before Monday morning,” Winnie continued. “I will deliver the news to her in person.”

  “Hey, where is everybody?”

  Winnie replied to Gary’s voice. “In the family room.”

  Gary walked in the doorway grinning. “Well, I’ve had an eventful afternoon. What about you all?”

  “We’ve had a laugh or two,” Chrystina replied.

  “Grace, Jonathan went home to shower and change. He said to meet him there.”

  Grace stood. “Well, it has been a long day. Mother, I will have that paperwork ready first thing in the morning.”

  “Thank you, my darling. It’s time for Elaine’s gravy train to end.”


  AnnieMarie decided to order the furniture for the upstairs master suite. It was her hope that Cainan would be back soon. It may be unrealistic for her to think he would be back in a few
days. She had to believe that sometime next week they would be together. Was she crazy, like Pauline said? Nikolai did not think so. He understood why she needed to let Pauline know that she had no problems taking her out if she came for her again. It was about respect. Just like this house, she thought as she looked around. Her purchase of the house was about respect for their ancestors. Even what Cainan was doing was about respect for the law.

  “Ms. Dunning.”

  “Yes, Judy. I’m in the sunroom.”

  Judy appeared in the doorway. “This message was delivered to you by messenger.”

  AnnieMarie set her computer aside. “Thank you, Judy.”

  “I brought you a cup of tea as well.” She set the glass on the side table. “Dinner will be ready soon.”

  She looked at the blue envelope, then turned it over. There was a gold seal with a cursive W in the center. Her eyes grew wide with excitement. It was a message from Cainan, she thought as she carefully opened the envelope. The matching note paper was folded in half. She opened it and began reading.


  You amaze me with your sense of family, understanding and love. From the moment I met you, it was clear you had the ability to make me laugh when all I wanted to do was kill. After two years it is amazing how your eyes still have the same affect on me as they did the first day we met. That your smile still punches me in my gut with its brightness. That your feminine ways make me thank God for women. The thought of your kisses still lingers on my lips. Your words stir my juices, leaving me throbbing to be inside of you. Thinking of you makes me hard, my veins pulse longing to have you beneath me as I make love to you. I can feel your muscles tightening around me just writing these words. Can you feel me moving in and out of you, faster and faster until neither of us can take any more? Can you hear my groan as my back arches from the explosion of our orgasms? Soon, my darling AnnieMarie. Soon we will be together and you will be amazed just how much our love will fill our lives forever.


  AnnieMarie wiped the tear that was running down her cheek. “Oh hell yes,” she said as she crossed her legs to stop her core from vibrating from his words. She had to write him back.

  AnnieMarie literally ran to the elevator to get her note pad to write back to Cainan. His note was beautiful. It wiped all the craziness of the day away and gave her hope that this nightmare would be over soon. When it was, she was going to get down on her knees and ask Cainan…no beg him to marry her. The thought made her smile as she stepped off the elevator. “That should knock him and a few other people off their rockers.”

  AnnieMarie slowed her steps when she heard a scraping noise. Her eyes checked the windows on both sides of the house. They were closed. She heard the sound again and exhaled. “Not again.” She walked towards the trunks.

  “Daisy this is the third time I’ve found you in this attic combing through grandfather’s files. It does not take a rocket scientist to know you are searching for something. What are you searching for?”

  Daisy had the folder in her hand. There was no way she could let this information get out. For the family’s sake this file needed to be destroyed. This family had suffered enough. She had to destroy the file, it is what Walker would want.

  “I can’t answer that question AnnieMarie,” Daisy said as she turned to face the child she raised from birth.

  “Could the answer be in that file you are holding?”

  “No one will ever know.” Daisy clicked the lighter she held in her hand.

  “I will know Daisy,” AnnieMarie took a step forward. “When you destroy that file, you will have to eliminate me too. Is it your intention to keep me quiet about what you have in your hand?”

  “You have no idea what is in here AnnieMarie,” Daisy replied.

  “No, but it has to be something damaging for you to take this stance against me.”

  “This is not against you AnnieMarie,” Daisy said almost in a plea. “If you knew what was here, you would agree it has to be destroyed.”

  “Then tell me, Daisy. Tell me what is inside that file.”

  Daisy was torn. The last thing she would ever want was for one of her babies to think poorly of her. She may not have given birth to them, but each of the Dunning children held a place in her heart. It was ironic. The standoff taking place was to protect them from more hurt and pain. Would she have to hurt AnnieMarie to keep Walker’s secret?

  “You raised me Daisy. Do you doubt I would be able to process whatever is in that folder? Secrets have historically come back to bite this family in the ass,” AnnieMarie stated. “Daddy kept the secret about Uncle Walker and Angelina and it ended up killing him. Myles kept the secret about Cainan and it damn near killed me. Don’t you think it’s time for the secrets to end?”

  Damn if that girl did not have a sharp mind. Daisy sighed. “I am trying to protect your family, AnnieMarie. Do you think I would do anything to hurt you?”

  “Well, we are about to find out,” AnnieMarie said as she walked up to the woman she loved like a mother. “If you try to burn that folder, you will have to burn me too.”

  “AnnieMarie I would hate to have to whip your ass.”

  “Daisy, I love and respect you and I would hate to have to kick your ass while you try.” She chuckled, “Remember you were the one who taught me not to back down when I knew something was wrong. Let’s contemplate that for a moment.”

  That statement almost made her laugh. Daisy loved the young woman AnnieMarie had become. There was no way she could harm a hair on the child’s head. She clicked the lighter closed then smiled. “We should sit and have some tea.” She could see AnnieMarie physically relax.

  AnnieMarie gestured for Daisy to walk in front of her. When the woman reached her side, AnnieMarie hooked Daisy’s arm with hers. “I think a little chamomile tea is in order to calm this shit down. What do you think?”

  “As long as you add some brandy. This is going to be a rough conversation.”

  AnnieMarie nodded. “That is something I can definitely provide.”

  The two walked over to the table. “Would you really have fought me for this folder?”

  “Would you?” AnnieMarie asked as she prepared their tea with the Keurig machine.

  “You and your grandfather had a special connection. It had a lot to do with your love for this space in the attic. This was a very special place for him. This was where his Sarah would spend most of her time.”

  “Grandmother had tea parties?” AnnieMarie asked as she placed a cup of tea in front of Daisy, then sat across from her.

  “Only with your grandfather.”

  “He would sit up here for hours having tea parties with me.”

  Daisy watched as AnnieMarie smiled as if remembering. “It seems you took a lot of her qualities. Viv says when she looks at you it reminds her of pictures of her mother. Your styles are similar.”

  “Did you know her?”

  Daisy sighed. “I only saw her once and that was in death.”

  AnnieMarie set her cup down. “Is that what’s inside that folder?”

  Daisy glanced down at the folder sitting on the table near her. Taking a deep breath she picked up the folder. “What is in this folder is going to impact your family’s happiness. If I had my way, this information would never come to light. I felt Walker Jr. had brought enough sadness to this family. I’ve watched all of you fight your way back to happiness since your father’s death. I hate to see Walker Jr. bring any of you more hurt from the grave. At some point his reign of hatred has to stop.”

  “This is about Uncle Walker?” AnnieMarie asked.

  Daisy opened the folder. “Before I worked for your family, I was a detective with the Richmond Police department.” She opened the folder. “Sarah Dunning was my first case. They say the first is the hardest to get out of your system. Well, this one has stayed with me all these years.”

  Daisy sat back as AnnieMarie pulled the file across the table and began reading. “I was called to this
house for what I wrote up as an accidental death. The truth was Sarah Dunning was killed.”

  AnnieMarie looked up.

  “By your Uncle Walker,” she said, waited for that information to sink in, then continued with the story. “It seems your grandmother was helping your father with some homework when Walker Jr. came in from his baseball game. No one knows what set the child off, but Walker Sr. walked into the room just as his oldest son swung a baseball bat at his brother. Sarah, as any mother would, shielded your father with her body. The bat hit her in the back of her head causing a crack in her skull. Walker Sr. grabbed the bat from his son, who was about to swing it again. Blood was everywhere,” she said as she shook her head. “The image of Walker Sr. protecting his young son from his brother as I walked into that room will never erase from my memory. When I spoke with the young boy, he told me he was trying to hit his brother. He did not mean to hit his mother with the bat. I asked him why. Walker Jr. told me he had to get rid of his brother because he was trying to take his place.”

  “How old was Uncle Walker when this happened?”

  “Walker was fourteen, Viv was twelve and Hepburn was barely eight.

  AnnieMaire looked up at her stunned. “Uncle Walker killed his mother at fourteen?”

  “Yes, he did. Unlike your father, I did not see any redeeming qualities in him as a boy and even less once he became a man. But your grandfather had just suffered the loss of a wife he deeply loved. He could not bring himself to lose a son too.” Daisy cleared her throat. “With his promise to get psychiatric help for Walker Jr and security for his other two children, I agreed to do two reports. The one we turned in to the department and the one you have in your hands.”

  “What about Aunt Viv?”

  “For whatever reason, Walker Jr. did not have any issues with his sister, only his baby brother. Junior and Viv grew up to be very close. What was more amazing than that was Hepburn grew up adoring his big brother. There was nothing Hepburn wouldn’t do for Walker Jr. It wasn’t until he came home with your mother that Hepburn’s eyes were opened.” She sighed. “Walker Sr. told me once that he believed Winnieford saved Hepburn’s life. Hepburn took up for Walker on just about everything, except for his wife. When he saw how Walker treated Winnie, Hepburn bought the house for him and Winnie. Walker Sr. suggested that he hire me to have security around Winnie and the children. What your father never knew was that, Walker Sr. compensated me for the security of his family. He also brought Jerome and his team on board to keep Walker under wraps.”


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