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Private Stock

Page 28

by Iris Bolling

  “I know.” Preston leaned over and whispered. “That is precisely why I am keeping you.”

  Gina smiled, turned back to the window and was once again excited by the sights of London.

  When they reached the Phase International Headquarters building, Gina gawked. “Wow and I thought Dunning was impressive.”

  “I have to agree,” Preston said as he stepped out. “This is a wow.” He held his hand out to assist Gina from the vehicle.

  To Jack’s surprise the persona of the woman changed right before his eyes. Inside the vehicle she seemed childlike, playful even, but once she stepped onto the walkway in front of Phase International, it was all business. Okay, he thought to himself this might work after all.

  In Chrystina’s office, Grace, Jonathan, AnnieMarie, Gary, Mike and Winnieford sat around the monitor watching the scene unfold before their eyes. Preston had a camera in the lapel of his suit jacket. He stood in the back of the room to give them a full view of the men sitting in the boardroom. They all sat back to see if the plan would work.

  “Good afternoon gentlemen.” Gina walked into the boardroom of six men. She placed the folders she was carrying on the end of the table, then placed her purse on the edge. It fell onto the floor. “Oh my,” she said as she turned her back to the men, then slowly bent over. Several men stood to help her retrieve the items that fell. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” She smiled at the men as they took their seats. She cleared her throat, as she placed her purse in the seat she was to sit in. She giggled. “I am a bit nervous being around so many distinguished looking gentlemen all in one room.” She blushed, took a deep breath then scanned the room to see the reaction of the men. Four out of the six, she knew had been spellbound by her little act. Two, she would have to give the shock and awe treatment. “Thank you for honoring our request to meet with you in a private session. Accompanying me today is Preston Long, Director of Corporate Accounts and a member of the Board at Dunning Bank & Trust. He is here because what we are about to present to you has a direct impact on his life, and Mr. Myles Dunning, our CEO and President felt it was only right for him to see that justice is served.” Gina began pacing around the table. She placed her hands on the shoulder of the one man who had the power to sway the others. “Please allow me to give our presentation in its entirety. I am certain all of your questions will be answered. Will that be all right with everyone?”

  The man patted her hand. “You go right ahead my dear.”

  “Yes, yes,” another man nodded. “We will all listen to what you have to say.”

  Gina smiled brightly at the man. “Thank you very much,” she smiled then began pacing again. “My name is Regina Price. I am here representing the legal department of Dunning Bank and Trust. I will answer the question that I am certain a number of you are asking. Why am I here and Grace Dunning, the Vice President who handles legal issues is not? Well,” she stopped and glanced charmingly around the table. “It is because I am your only hope to stop the plummeting of your ranking with the world banks.” She stopped and scanned the room. “I suggest those of you who are watching my arse rather than listening to my words, readjust your minds.” She paused and waited until their eyes were on her. Now that she had their attention, the smile was gone. The look of a woman delivering a message was now in place. “While Ms. Dunning is prepared to release our findings to the media, Mr. Michael, that would be Jonathan Michael, remembers it was Phase International that opened the doors for him. He not only recognizes your role in his career, he acknowledges it with pride.” She began pacing around the table again, connecting with each member. “It is at his request that Ms. Dunning gives you this one,” she put a finger up and held it there for emphasis, “opportunity to change the illegal….” She let the word hang in the air then continued, “practices of your representative that have come to light.” There were rumblings around the table.

  At Dunning, Chrystina pulled out bags of popcorn and began passing them around.

  “Thank you,” Winnie chuckled. “This is going to be good.”

  “I feel like I’m watching a movie,” Mike said as he put his feet up on the desk then crossed them at the ankles and continued to watch what was unfolding on the screen.

  “If you will take a look at the documents in the folders Mr. Long is distributing, you will see a pattern of years of abuse of power by Richard Dewberry III. I wish to convey to each of you that Jonathan Michael provided the basic information on each unlawful act, he has not released or shared any internal memorandums or documents concerning Phase International the entity, with Dunning executives. Everything you have is solely on Richard Dewberry. Dunning Bank & Trust has no interest in declaring ranking wars with Phase International or America’s Bank. We believe in a fair system of commerce for all. With that said, we will protect the integrity of our family of banks across the world. If Richard Dewberry is not removed from the leadership role he holds at Phase International, we will have no choice but to release the documents you have before you to the media.” She paused and smiled. “Gentlemen, to show we are not your enemy Mr. Michael used his considerable talent and time to deliver the culprit who caused the shutdown of your system last month. You all know Mr. Michael’s technological talents. You built your organization around his talents. Therefore, you should have no reason to question his findings. However, at the odd chance that you do, step by step documentation of his findings is included in your package. Before I reveal the name, Mr. Micheal has extended the offer of mentoring the team of your choosing to prevent the breach from ever happening again. As for the breach which took place last month, it was a simple error that originated from the private computer of Mr. Dewberry.”

  There was a rumbling of noise outside the door. Seconds later Richard Dewberry walked in. “What in the bloody hell is happening here?”

  “Perfect timing Mr. Dewberry,” Gina smiled, then graced each man at the table with the brilliance of it. “You have been a most attentive audience.” She leaned over to adjust her shoe. All eyes in the room went to her with the exception of the man she needed to sway. His eyes were set squarely on the one and only Richard Dewberry.

  “Answer me,” Richard stomped. “Why was this meeting called without notification?”

  Gina stood and laughed. “Oh, that was at my request, Richard.”

  “Who in the bloody hell are you?”

  “A woman with assets you would never understand.” She turned to the men. “Dunning Bank & Trust will be waiting for your response.” She almost curtseyed as she waved. “It was a pleasure to meet all of you. Bye-bye now.” She turned and strutted out the door.

  Preston stood to follow Gina out as a member said, “Cut the bluster, Richard and have a seat. We have changes to make.”

  In Chrystina’s office Grace and Jonathan smiled. “Bee’s knees, I think she did it.”

  The group looked at Grace. “Cool.”

  They all nodded in understanding. “Definitely cool,” Gary gave a high five.

  “I suspect that will be the end of Richard Dewberry at Phase,” Jonathan stated.

  “How did things go with Elaine, Mother?” Grace asked.

  Winnie sighed. “You know, I was going to let her go, but I just could not do it. I turned the file over to the authorities the moment I left the hospital. I expect her to be behind bars before long.”

  Grace smiled. “You did the right thing. Never leave an enemy the opportunity to come after you again.”

  AnnieMarie thought about those words. “I think I may have done that.”

  “Done what?” Chrystina asked.

  AnnieMarie glanced at Mike. “I should not have let her go.”

  “Well I damn sure wasn’t going to let you throw her off the roof,” Mike replied.

  “Throw who off the roof?” Chrystina asked

  “Yeah Mike,” Gary asked. “What are you talking about?”

  Mike raised an eyebrow at AnnieMarie. “Are you going to tell them?”

  “No, and n
either are you.” AnnieMarie huffed. Mike started to speak but she cut him off. “Say one word and Judy is off limits to you.”

  Mike looked stunned.

  “Who in the hell is Judy?’ Winnie asked.

  “Why is everyone in here?”

  They all turned to the connecting door between Chrystina’s and Myles’ offices.

  “Um…I have to get back to my office,” Grace said as she kissed her mother on the cheek. Then quickly walked out the other door. “Jonathan I need to speak to you.”

  Jonathan nodded then followed along.

  “Yes,” Gary cleared his throat. “I have phone calls to return.”

  “Mother?” Myles raised an eyebrow.

  “AnnieMarie, your office. I want to know about this roof incident. Mike you come too.” Winnie kissed Myles on the cheek. “I will talk with you later honey.”

  Myles looked around at all the empty seats in the office, then glared at Chrystina.

  She smiled and said. “We were all just looking at a movie,” then shoved popcorn in her mouth.


  “Spill it,” Winnie ordered as she took a seat in front of AnnieMarie’s desk.

  Mike cleared his throat as she raised an eyebrow at AnnieMarie.

  AnnieMarie sighed. “It really wasn’t all that bad.”

  “Stop stalling girl,” Winnie shifted in her seat. “What happened?”

  “Pauline Giuliani showed up at my house the other day.”

  “Who is Pauline Giuliani?” Winnie asked.

  “A member of the crime family Cainan is testifying against in New York.”

  “What?” Winnie almost jumped from her seat.

  Mike placed his hand on her arm holding her back. “It has all been handled.”

  “How did they know where you live?” Winnie huffed. “Daisy was right. You should not be in that house alone.”

  “Mother, Pauley was the one in danger, not AnnieMarie,” Mike said. “We have got to stop treating AnnieMarie and Gary like they are still children. I have stayed at the estate with AnnieMarie every night she has been there. She is more than capable of living alone. The security is tight. Mrs. Judy is now living on the grounds too. When AnnieMarie decides to move in completely, there is no reason any of us should object.”

  “All right,” Winnie began to settle down. “Why was this Pauline in danger?”

  Mike glared at AnnieMarie.

  AnnieMarie huffed. “I kind of had her on the roof. Mike thought I was going to push her off. But that would have messed up my garden below. And you know I would never do that.”

  “You can talk as fast as you like. I know that tactic,” Winnie smirked. “Why did you have the woman on your roof?”

  “To get a point across,” AnnieMarie hissed. “I needed her to know she wasn’t the only crazy woman out here. She needed to understand the depth I would go to, to have the life I want with Cainan. I told her, woman to woman, in no uncertain terms that if she or her people came after me or Cainan it was going to be a battle. She may be a thug, but I’m crazy and I gave her a demonstration.”

  Winnie stared at her. “I don’t see anything wrong with that. Sometimes you have to show people, you can’t just tell them what you will do.”

  AnnieMarie smiled at Mike with a raised eyebrow.

  “Look, I love all of you, but I think all the women in this family have a little crazy in them.”

  “Only when someone is trying to hurt the person we love.” Winnie patted Mike’s arm. “When does Cainan have to appear in court again?”

  “Tomorrow,” Mike replied.

  Winnie nodded then looked at AnnieMarie. “Are you going?”

  “I want to, but the last time I went, Cainan asked Mike to take me out.”


  “Pauley and her father were in the courtroom,” Mike explained. “Something spooked him.”

  “If it was dangerous for me to be there, it has to be more dangerous for him.” AnnieMarie stated then exhaled. “Yes, Mother, like it or not I am going to be by the side of the man I love.”

  Winnie smiled. “Good decision,” she stood. “I will be right there with you.”

  “What?” Mike asked.

  “I’m going to court tomorrow to show my support of AnnieMarie and Cainan.” She walked towards the door. “In fact, I think we should all be there. That young man has been a part of our family for over two years. He has earned the right to have all of our support during this time. I know in my heart that is what Hepburn would have done.”

  “Are you going to talk to Myles about this?” Mike asked.”

  “No, but you are welcome to. And when you do, tell him I expect to see him on that plane in the morning.”

  “Mother, I need to discuss something with you before you leave.” AnnieMarie looked at her brother. “Mike, would you give us a few minutes alone?”

  “Sure,” Mike stood. “I’ll go tell Myles to cancel his meetings for tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, my son,” Winnie said as he walked by.

  AnnieMarie took a deep breath when her mother sat back in the chair in front of her desk.

  “What is it darling?”

  She stood, walked over to the chair Mike had previously occupied. AnnieMarie reached out and took her mother’s hand in hers. “I remember you once said knowledge is power, but with that knowledge comes responsibility.”

  “I firmly believe that,” Winnie replied.

  AnnieMarie nodded. “You know I have been sorting through the documents I found in the trunks at the estate.”

  Winnie nodded. “Yes, I know. Did you find something that is bothering you?”

  “Yes and no. It’s not so much that it bothers me,” AnnieMarie sighed. “I’m concerned how what I found will impact others.”

  “When you say others, are you referring to the family?”


  “I see,” Winnie nodded as she held her daughter’s hand a little tighter. “Darling, if the last year hasn’t taught us anything else, it taught us that secrets can come around a corner and bite you in the ass at any given moment.” They chuckled. “What you have to do is ask yourself is the family better off knowing, not knowing, or is the information you have a clear wash.”

  “Meaning no change in our life if we know it or not.”

  AnnieMarie sat back in the chair. “Do you remember how Daisy became a part of our lives?”

  Winnie smiled. “I do. You weren’t born yet, but Myles went missing. I believe your grandfather thought that Walker had something to do with Myles’ disappearance, so he suggested Hepburn hire a detective to watch over me and all of you.”

  AnnieMarie nodded. “That’s about right. But do you know how he met Daisy?”

  “I can’t say that I do.”

  “I do and at the time Daisy was in the Homicide Division of the Police Department. She was sent to the house to investigate a homicide.”

  Winnie closed her eyes. “Your grandmother?”

  “You knew?” AnnieMarie sat back up.

  “No, your father never told me, but there was something missing in the story of his mother’s death. I never understood exactly what happened but never asked.”

  “I read the official report, and the original report. Walker killed his mother. Daisy helped grandfather cover it up.” AnnieMarie shook her head. “I do not see how putting that information out there will help our family in any way. I only see how it could hurt Aunt Viv. She has been through so much, Mother. I do not want to be the one to lay this on her too.”

  “I understand,” Winnie nodded. “Well, you can’t un-know what you know. But you can let old dogs lie.”

  “Is that what you think I should do?”

  “I can’t answer that for you,” Winnie smiled. “You are the right person to handle the family history. There are going to be many more secrets in those old trunks. Just remember, with knowledge comes power. With power comes responsibility. I have no doubt you are going to do what you feel is

  $ $ $

  The next morning the Wagner household was up bright and early. When Cainan came out of his room and walked into the kitchen he kissed his mother on the cheek. “You look nice today.”

  “Thank you, son.” She placed a cup of coffee on the island in front of him. “So, this should be it?”

  Cainan nodded his head. “Should be.”

  “Good, it’s time for this family to get back to the living.”

  “I agree,” Kennedy said as she walked in the kitchen. “How did that letter go over?”

  Cainan smiled. “I haven’t heard back. I’m not even sure she has received it yet.”

  “What letter?” Kaitlyn asked as she gave Kennedy a cup of coffee.

  “Cainan wrote AnnieMarie a love letter.”

  “Do you have to tell everything?” Cainan smirked.

  “Yes, it’s an integral part of being a sister.”

  “I agree,” Kandace said as she slowly came into the room.

  “Will you go sit down somewhere before you explode?” Cainan laughed.

  “I am going to tell your niece how you talked about her before she was born,” she chuckled.

  “Where are you going all dressed up?” Cainan helped her into a chair.

  “To court.” Kandace replied.

  “To what court?” Kennedy barked.

  “Oh no you are not,” Kaitlyn barked at the same time.

  “I want to be there to support Cainan,” Kandace replied.

  “No, Kandace,” Cainan shook his head. “You can support me from right here.”

  “Wayne get your wife,” Kennedy said when he walked into the kitchen dressed in a suit.

  “Don’t tell me you are dressed to go to court too?” Cainan asked.

  “Yes, my wife is going, I’m going.” Wayne replied.

  “No. You nor Kandace is going to court,” Scott said as he adjusted his tie. “You are going to stay here and make sure my grand baby is safe.”

  “Daddy you’re not going?” Cainan asked.

  “Yes, son. Your mother and I are going to court with you today. Look,” he said as Cainan began to protest. “You have been through this by yourself for two years.”


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