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Our Kinda Love

Page 7

by Deanna Eshler

  He presses his lips together and raises his brow. “You gonna tell me you haven't been thinking about that kiss for the last two weeks?"

  It’s probably a really bad idea to tell him that yes, in fact, I have been thinking about that kiss, but my honest tongue gets ahead of me.

  “Okay, I’ll admit, you’re more skilled with your mouth then I wouldn't have expected, but,” I wave a hand between us, “We have to put an end to this game. I'm here to finish school and, unfortunately, work. I don't know where you get the money to party every day, but I don't have that luxury. I have bills to pay. So, I'm done playing this back and forth of sexually teasing each other."

  He pushes to his feet and crosses the room until he’s a foot away. The beer he’s holding hangs at his side as he lowers his voice. “Then let's stop teasing and give in to what we both want," he says as if that’s an obvious answer.

  I close my eyes and give my head a quick shake, ridding my mind of the big fat "okay" that almost slips out. Sleeping with Adrian is a way, way, way worse idea than sleeping with Ryder.

  "Look," I begin. "I don't lie and I almost always say what's on my mind. I'll be honest and admit that for some extremely odd reason, I am attracted to you. But I'm not interested in being a part of your strange little harem. And, I certainly have no intentions of starting a friends-with-benefits relationship with one of my housemates. That would get complicated, quickly."

  He frowns. "How do you know I'm only talking about a physical relationship? Why would you assume that I don't want more?"

  I roll my eyes. "Because anyone can see that you're not the relationship kind of guy. Besides, I'm certainly not looking for a relationship either. I don't have time for the complications of a guy."

  "Please," he says, spreading his hands out in front of him, as he takes a step back, "tell me how it's so obvious that I'm not the relationship type."

  I shrug, telling him what I’ve heard. “Well, I know that you have two, maybe three, regular girls that you take turns hooking up with. That, to me, doesn't scream relationship."

  His expression cooled ten degrees as he crosses his arms over his chest. "That's it? That's all you know about me?"

  I open my mouth to reply but then realize I have nothing to say. Awkward silence fills the room as he waits for a response that I don't have. His usual playful mood has again been hijacked, and his sardonic smile creates a small pang of guilt for judging him so harshly. He's right; I don't know anything about him.

  Before I can apologize, and maybe ask a few questions so that I can get to know him, Gemma bounces through the front door.

  "You guys about ready to go?" she asks, not feeling the mood of the room.

  “For what?” I ask, still watching Adrian.

  “We’re all going out,” she informs me then looks at Adrian. “You’re going, right?”

  With his frigged stare fixed on me, Adrian stands as he replies, "Yep, my harem awaits."

  His tone is cold and mocking, making me feel like complete shit. I know I can be judgmental, especially when it comes to guys. Now, seeing fun, playful Adrian switch to angry, bitter Adrian because of me, I’m thinking I may have judged him wrong.

  "Adrian," I say, and plead with my eyes, but he turns to go, ignoring my plea.

  "What was that all about?" I jump, having forgot that Gemma was here. With a long exhausted sigh, I fall onto the couch.

  "That,” I say, staring in the direction he left, “is the reason for my hormonal imbalance. One minute he's cute and fun, then he's all sexy and irresistible, and then he’s sullen and grumpy. I never know what I'm going to get with him."

  Gemma wrinkles her nose. "Would you be mad if I told you I think you two would make the perfect couple?"

  I wrinkle my face like hers. "Would you be mad if I shave your eyebrows while you sleep?"

  She gasps, and covers her eyebrows reflexively. "I didn't actually say it, I was just asking."

  I shrug. "I didn't actually do it, I was just asking."

  With a groan, Gemma stomps off to her room. "I don't know why I even try."

  "I don't either," I agree, with a halfhearted laugh.



  As soon as I’m in my room, I pull up Katie’s contact on my phone. If Keegan’s going to judge me and believe the rumors, then I’ll produce her contrived harem tonight. I punch in the text telling Katie to bring her roommates and meet me at the bar.

  I’m pretty sure Keegan was going to apologize, before I stormed out, but it’s best that she doesn’t. She’s right, we should put an end to our little game, whatever it is. Plus, I don’t have the time to put into chasing someone like Keegan, so it’s best she show her true colors now before I start the chase.

  Chapter 17

  Bad Boys

  I don’t want to go out tonight, but now I feel obligated so I can apologize to Adrian. About thirty minutes later, everyone, except Kade and Shyanne, loads into the cars. Apparently they prefer each other’s company to ours. I’m not surprised. Kade seems to be pretty reserved, and Shy doesn’t like meeting new people. I’m happy she’s spending time with Kade but hope their little thing doesn’t blow up and mess with the dynamics of the house.

  Gemma and I drive separate from the boys, but we get there at the same time. Adrian doesn’t speak to me when we get out of the car. It’s not just that he doesn’t speak to me—he’s blatantly ignoring me. When we get inside, I see Adrian wasn’t kidding; his harem is waiting. He gets a beer, then goes straight to the table to sit with Katie and her friends.

  Once Gemma, Max, and I get our drinks and a table, I draw in a long breath, blowing out my cheeks when I release it. I feel the urge to get up and yank Katie by her ponytail out the back door. The visual makes me smile, but I’m frustrated that I let his moods and behaviors, impact mine.

  I remind myself that he’s not my type. He's the opposite of my type, somehow that doesn’t make me feel better.

  Gemma clears her throat. “So,” she begins, looking at Max. “How have your classes been?”

  That’s her lame attempt at lightening the mood, but I still appreciate it.

  “Good,” he says, but before he can elaborate, there’s an eruption of laughter from the harem table.

  I don’t want to see, but that doesn’t stop me from looking over my shoulder. Katie is pressing into Adrian’s arm as all the other girls listen intently to whatever ever he’s saying. Wanting to swing just one girl around by the ponytail, I turn away before I act on that urge.

  As if sent to rescue me, I see a hot guy wearing a tight black T-shirt, and several tattoos, enter. He and his friend take seats at the bar while beckoning the bartender. As I’m watching him to see if there are any girls with him, he turns and catches me staring. He lifts his chin and gestures to the empty bar stool next to him. Like a lamb being called to slaughter, I stand and start walking toward him.

  I hear Gemma ask where I’m going.

  "I see someone I need to get to know,” I say simply.

  As I make my way to the stranger, I straighten my shirt, tugging down on the front to be sure I'm showing plenty of cleavage. I'm tempted to see if Adrian is watching, but I resist.

  As I start to climb onto the bar stool, he reaches out his hand to help me up. I take it and sit facing him, crossing my legs then place one arm on my knee, leaning closer to him.

  “I’m Keegan.”

  Lifting his chin, he replies, “Charlie.”

  Mmm, like English Charlie, who plays a hot biker on TV.

  My Charlie has medium length black hair, which could probably use a good wash, and dark green eyes. He’s good looking, no Ryder Reed, but not bad.

  We watch each other for a few seconds before I, not very subtly, lower my gaze to his arms. Arms can tell you a lot about a guy. If he spends time in the sun, works out, and if he does have tats, that can tell you more. Once I met a guy who was incredibly attractive, funny, and could drink a navy seal under the table. Halfway into the n
ight, I was checking out the tats on his arm when I found he had pictures of three kids inked on his arm. When I asked about them, he went on and on about how much he loved them, then finally admitted he’d lost custody to the state.

  No, thanks. I’ll be moving on now.

  Charlie here has the bottom half of a huge skull showing from under his sleeve. I touch the hem of his sleeve but look to him for permission first.

  “Go ahead,” he says, one side of his mouth tipping up.

  I bite my lip as I lift his sleeve. “That’s freakin’ awesome,” I tell him.

  His eyes wrinkle at the sides as he looks at me questioningly. “Really?” he asks, looking surprised

  We talk for a few minutes, and I find Charlie less than interesting. He works at one of those cash advance places, still lives with his parents, and smells like his hair looks—could use a good wash. This is definitely a case of don’t judge a book by its cover. I would’ve left after his admission that he still lives with his parents, but, if I’m being honest, I want Adrian to see me talking to another guy. I know I was an assuming bitch earlier, and he has a right to be pissed, but seeing him with those girls affected me. I’m kinda hoping that him seeing me with someone else will affect him too.

  I feel a hand the small of my back, interrupting my thoughts, and the ramblings of the loser. I turn to find Adrian standing there. I want to jump into his arms and beg him to carry me away from loser Charlie, but that’s not the effect I’m going for right now.

  He lifts my left hand from my lap, inspecting it, then looks back to me with a tortured expression. “You took your ring off,” he says, confusing me.

  Before I can ask what the hell he’s talking about, he goes on. “It was just a fight, couples have fights, but it’s not worth ending a marriage.”

  Chapter 18

  Keep Your Herpes

  What’s this now? Ending a marriage?

  He shoots a quick glance at Charlie, and I see his lip twitch, and then I understand his game.

  I yank my hand from his. “Adrian, you need to leave,” is all I manage to say. He’s knocked me off balance again and I have no come back.

  He straightens his face, looking like a wounded husband. “Please baby, don’t do anything we’ll both regret.” Then with a sad smile, he turns, hanging his head, and slowly makes his way to Gemma and Max.

  He’s good, I have to give him that.

  Several people are watching me, obviously having heard the exchange. I turn back to Charlie and he gives me an insincere smile. He believed that shit.

  Oh whatever.

  I say an uncomfortable goodbye and make my way back to my table where Adrian is now sitting.

  He’s leaned back in his chair watching me the whole way. His smile is not as satisfied as I expected, it's more like a boyfriend watching his girlfriend return to him. His smile reaches his eyes and I almost get sidetracked from my mission. Almost. When I reach the table, I give him a super sweet smile right before I pick up the almost full picture of beer and dump it over his head.

  As he sputters through the beer dripping down his face, attempting to wipe it away, I lean down, getting my mouth close to his ear.

  “You were pissed, I get it. Now we’re even,” I say, thinking I don’t have to apologize now that he pulled that crap.

  Adrian stands quickly, surprising me, and wraps his arms around me, soaking the front of my clothes. "Baby, I'm sorry. I swear I’ll never talk to another girl again. I told you she means nothing to me. Please forgive me."

  He says all this loud enough for the entire bar to hear, leaving everyone to believe I'm some crazy jealous girlfriend. This guy is good. I'm almost tempted to high-five him for a well-played comeback, but I still have a fight to win.

  I push at his chest. “Maybe you were just talking this time, but the herpes prove you've done more with her than talk." This was also said loud enough for everyone in the bar to hear.

  Everyone in the bar has gone silent, watching this drama unfold. When a chair scoots out from a table behind me, the sound echoes through the room. I look over my shoulder to see Katie standing, gathering her friends to leave. She shoots me a nasty look, then gives Adrian a sad one.

  Nate speaks up from behind the bar. “Adrian, how about you take this conversation outside.”

  Adrian smiles and glances quickly at Nate, before leaning between two guys, at a table next to us, and grabbing their pitcher. He lunges toward me in an attempt to dump the beer over my head, but I throw up my hands in defense, knocking the pitcher from his hand. It goes flying toward its unintended target—Katie’s table. I hear her scream before I turn to find her white tank top, soaked with beer, now completely see through. When her eyes meet mine, I see the fury.

  “You bitch,” she bites out, before picking up the pitcher on their table and coming for me.

  I have to force myself not to laugh at how ridiculous she looks rushing toward me. I easily deflect her attack, sending her pitcher into a table of guys. From there, chaos ensues. People begin dumping drinks on other people, who in turn, dump theirs on someone else. Most people are laughing in the midst of this beer fight, but not Nate. Over the laughter, and the sound of glasses hitting the floor, the bartender yells for Adrian and I to get out, making this my first official ejection from a bar.

  I give Adrian my most irritated look, as I turn to shoulder my way through the room full of alcohol soaked patrons. I see his lip twitching in amusement and I have to fight back my own smile.



  I watch as Keegan stomps off across the parking lot. She’s trying to look pissed, but I saw her smile.

  Okay, so showing her I didn’t care by allowing Katie and her friends to hang all over me didn’t work. I was already getting irritated by Katie when I saw Keegan heading toward the other guy. I was at Gemma’s table before Keegan’s ass was on the barstool.

  Once I had confirmation that Keegan didn’t know the guy, I knew she was trying to make me jealous. So, I put a stop to her flirting before it went too far—purely for her own good.

  I knew the marriage story would piss her off, but I’m starting to like pissed off Keegan. She’s adorable when she looks ready to kill me.

  “You realize you’re crazy,” Max asks, interrupting my thoughts of my beautiful homicidal neighbor.

  I nod. “What if I told you I’m gonna ask her out?”

  I just decided I have to have more of Keegan Hughes.

  Max laughs. “I’d tell you to be sure and wear a cup… no, wait… full body armor would be better.”

  I know Max is right. She may be attracted to me, but Keegan does not like me. Plus, I still have to focus on my schoolwork, and chasing her would take time and energy.

  Time to think creatively.

  Chapter 19

  I Need A Babysitter

  Adrian is missing all day and night Saturday. Again, the tornado hits, then blows out of town leaving behind the wreckage. I decide ask Kade where he goes when he disappears for days, and I learn he goes to see his brothers, who apparently live with his aunt. I want to ask more questions, but I feel like I should ask Adrian, not his friends. I decide the next chance I get, I will try to have an actual conversation with him. If he tries to flirt or make sexual comments, I can ignore it, right?

  Sunday afternoon I’m in my room, completing an assignment that’s due in the morning when Adrian comes busting through my door.

  “Hey, sweet cheeks,” he says, climbing into my bed.

  I’m at my desk, so I spin my chair to face him. He picks up a pillow, inspecting the pink skull and crossbones edging the black pillowcase. He nods approvingly, then looks around my room, taking in all my military, tactical, and Walking Dead decorations. It’s not your typical college girl’s room, but it’s all me.

  I clear my throat, getting his attention. “My door was closed for a reason. What if I were naked?” As soon as the question is out of my mouth, I realize this is Adrian. “Oh never mind,” I s
ay, waving it off.

  He flashes a ridiculous smile. “You’re learning.”

  I circle around to my desk, giving him my back. “What do you want?” I ask, then remember my decision last night to attempt a normal conversation. I search my mind for a question to ask, but I come up blank.

  I hear him get up from the bed, then my chair is being pulled backward, and he spins me around to face him. He’s sitting on the bed, legs spread so that they’re on either side of mine. He takes my hands in his, then lays them on my lap.

  “I have a proposition for you.” His face shows no expression.

  I purse my lips, acting like I’m thinking, then shake my head. “No thanks. Hawk already took care of me today.”

  He closes his eyes and draws in a slow breath. “You have to stop talking about your one-on-one time with your vibrator or I’m going to have no choice but to put cameras in your room.”

  I shrug. “Sorry, I’m not mentally capable of filtering my comments.”

  “Don’t apologize.” He strokes my hands with his thumbs. “You can make it up to me by letting me participate next time.”

  I roll my eyes. “Nice try. Now, what did you want to propose?”

  “Can I at least watch?” he tries again.

  “No chance.”

  His eyes flick down to my mouth, then back to mine. He holds my gaze for several seconds, and when he speaks, his voice is much less playful. “Aren’t you a little interested to see what skills I’ve learned from your lady porn books?”

  I swallow hard and hope he doesn’t notice, then clear my throat. “You had something you were going to ask, and I’m assuming those last few questions don’t count.”

  “Right,” he says, holding up a finger. “I need a babysitter.”

  I blink waiting for him to give me more information.

  "Okay, I can see you're not following."

  Not following? He hasn't told me anything yet. I keep staring.

  He releases my hands and scoots back on the bed. “You may have noticed that I don’t take many things seriously.”


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