Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 19

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Charity?” Maximus called her name, wondering what information Dravo was referring to. He didn’t like the fact that the vampire knew more about his mate’s life than her mates.

  “I am asking you for just a little more time, Maximus. I must wait for Lexi and Antoinette to arrive. They need to be part of this.”

  They prepared to interrogate the prisoners.

  * * * *

  Charity looked out the window as her men gave orders to interrogate the prisoners and prepare the mansion for attack. The position of the home, the vast and excessive amount of land surrounding it, would be hidden from human society. It was a fortress that kept their secrets and existence within, but also, if infiltrated, would provide cover for the enemy as well. In the hours that passed, she allowed her men complete control over the strategic plans to secure their home and their pack members. By her suggestion silently to Luther, all Alphas were to return to their packs to protect them and nearby packs were called to provide extra security and protection for the Venificus family. She contacted her people at Caliber and asked that they initiate Caliber’s emergency protection plan. Her mates were going to need some extra help introducing her forces with their forces. There was no time or room for animosity or power trips.

  “You will need help making the decisions with my people and appointing them their positions. I have the perfect person in mind for this,” Charity told Maximus.

  Then she felt the Fey Knight’s presence and knew that Feldman was there. Charity looked to Celeste and held her gaze.

  Brutas left the room, leaving Charity, her mates, Dravo, and her mate’s parents.

  Charity sensed the evil presence. She knew that it was Devlon, Davis the wizard, and Storm who were combining forces. She needed to get to her spirit sisters. They would have to handle this situation together.

  * * * *

  “Charity, are you okay?” Dante asked as he pulled her into his arms.

  She hugged him tight then smiled.

  “My spirit sisters will be here any moment. There is someone else I would like you all to meet.”

  Everyone looked at Charity then around the room, as if wondering of whom she was speaking. She was giving orders but looking toward her mates for assistance, and they seemed grateful.

  “Show yourself, old friend. The Princess summons you,” Dravo stated aloud.

  Instantly, a large, attractive young man appeared before them all.

  The others gasped as the man knelt down before the Princess and bowed.

  Charity placed her hand on Feldman’s shoulder. Her mates growled low and took position next to her.

  “Rise, my friend. There’s no need for formalities. I want you to meet my mates,” Charity stated, and Feldman rose.

  He locked gazes with the Alphas and absorbed their personalities.

  “So it is true, Princess?” Feldman asked, and Charity smiled then took his hand.

  “I would like you to meet Maximus, Dante, and Luther Venificus, my mates,” she stated as Feldman bowed his head then extended his hand.

  “This is Feldman, and as I am certain you figured out from his unique entrance, he is of magic.”

  “What kind of magic?” Luther asked, sounding a bit on edge.

  “The good kind,” Feldman replied then smiled.

  Feldman continued to meet the family and stopped in front of the Alpha’s mother and father.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Celeste.” He held her gaze.

  “Ahh. I sense a little bit of magic in you. Interesting.”

  She smiled back and then Dravo interrupted.

  “We have much to prepare for, my friend.”

  Feldman looked at Dravo. “Then let’s begin to plan. I believe that the others should be arriving any moment.”

  “They are arriving as we speak. So before any fights begin, I think you should start to organize my friends from Caliber. They are waiting patiently,” Charity stated to Feldman then smiled.

  He bowed before her.

  “As you wish, Princess.” Then he bowed to the Alphas before leaving the room in a flash.

  * * * *

  They all gathered around the room, discussing the locations for their armies to take position. Charity and the others had joined them at the Alphas guards’ request. There were some controversies over the people from Caliber and their instant takeover of troops. It took Maximus, Dante, and Luther to calm their soldiers down and explain Charity’s position. By the time they were done, Charity had no choice but to reveal her identity and her need for cooperation. Their tempers disappeared, and a sense of loyalty and commitment to the fight for goodness and for their royal Alphas emerged among them. Charity realized that every one of her mates’ packs’ members were loyal and willing to sacrifice their lives for them. She prayed to the spirits that they wouldn’t have to.

  * * * *

  She listened in as Maximus gave the positions of where he felt the troops should be stationed. There would be hundreds scattered from the perimeter of the house to the perimeter of the estate.

  “The plan sounds good, however, due to the fact that we are unsure who we are dealing with other than Storm and Davis the Wizard, we may need some extra power,” Feldman suggested.

  “Princess, now would be the time,” Dravo stated to Charity.

  She swallowed hard then clasped her fingers in front of her.

  Everyone watched her, and if her mates’ scowls were any true indication, then she was certain they felt her anxiety and fear.

  “Charity?” Dante whispered.

  She gave him a small smile.

  “Everyone in this room knows how I escaped being captured. You all know why I had established Caliber. My objective is to ensure that the Venificus family, the Circle of Elders, and the main head Alphas of all major wolf packs continue to thrive and maintain power. With the assistance of Dravo, Feldman, my spirit sisters Lexi and Antoinette, along with my mates, we will need to work together to fight this evil. I can assure you that it is like no other.”

  “Who is the leader?” Maximus asked.

  Charity looked around the room then at Celeste.

  “His name is Devlon, and he is a very powerful and magical were.”

  Celeste covered her mouth and gasped along with her husband, who held her close.

  “So you see, as soon as the others arrive, we will discuss our options,” Charity added then looked away from everyone. She hated to minimize Devlon’s power and ability to place fear in her.

  As Maximus approached, she felt his hands on her shoulders, and instinctively she closed her eyes and leaned back against his muscular chest. The feel of his embrace lessened her anxiety.

  “What are you not telling us?” he whispered next to her ear.

  She tensed immediately, but before she could answer, Dravo spoke from behind her.

  “Devlon is the evilest of spirits. He killed her parents when she was first born and attempted to capture her. Your ancestors, the Venificus, risked their lives to save her.”

  Maximus, Dante, and Luther listened as the stories continued.

  “We were very close with her parents, Pasarra and Lukon. We had thought that the Princess died in the fire that had destroyed the mansion in Europe. Our family fought against Devlon’s troops and failed. We were forced to retreat,” Celeste added with tears in her eyes.

  “But the Goddesses lent a helping hand and placed me in hiding,” Charity added as Maximus hugged her tightly.

  There was a knock at the door, interrupting the conversation. Marcus opened the door, and one of the Venificus guards stated that the guests had arrived.

  “Send them up please,” Maximus ordered to Marcus, and then the silence filled the room.

  “We will need to work together on this. There can be no conflicts or fight for lead power.”

  “Why are you looking at me like that? I’m so easygoing,” Dravo teased, but Charity held his gaze. In a moment, there was going to be a burst of questions and accusations,
and she would have to initiate an abrupt interruption and explain what was going on.

  Chapter 13

  The room swelled with excitement and appreciation for authority and power. As introductions were made and pleasantries exchanged, there was a hum of camaraderie surrounding them.

  Lexi and her men, along with Antoinette and her men, bowed before the Princess.

  “It is a pleasure to meet my spirit sisters in person. We have much to discuss. But first, how is the family?” Charity asked, directing her question toward Lexi, Saber, Andre, and Paul. Lexi’s mates were very attractive and strong-spirited men. They were dominant in nature and loving with their mate.

  “The children are doing well, Princess. They have accompanied us and are under the security of both Crimson, McFay and Venificus guards,” Lexi responded.

  “And you, Antoinette. How are you feeling?” the Princess asked as she eyed Antoinette’s belly with a smile.

  Antoinette placed her hands over the small mound and smiled. “I am feeling well. Thank you, Princess.”

  Jacob, Troy, Luke, and Brad just stared at Charity. She smiled at them. Their wolves were strong and courageous. They would need to be vigilant in protecting their mate and their unborn cubs.

  “Please come sit down, and we can talk some more about our plans. I am afraid that the time and opportunity for pleasantries will need to wait for now. It is imperative that we discuss our enemy’s abilities and agenda,” Charity stated, and everyone scattered around the room to take a seat. Charity indicated for Antoinette and Lexi to sit on either side of her. The moment they did, a sensation of unity encompassed the three of them. They each felt it as they smiled at one another.

  * * * *

  Antoinette had a funny sensation in her belly as she listened to the Venificus men talk. At first, she thought it was because of their aura, good looks, and superiority as royal Alphas, but then she sensed the vampire behind her.

  She listened to the conversation but every so often glanced over her shoulder at Dravo. His eyes were dark and mysterious. He stared at her so intently she could practically feel a hole burning through her skin. She also felt not attracted to him, but connected to him. It was so strange. Something tingled inside her, and it felt as if it traveled through her blood stream.

  Her mates caught her gaze and began to growl. All conversation in the room halted.

  “What seems to be the problem?” Maximus asked, and Antoinette’s men stared at Dravo.

  “The vamp has been in a dead stare at our mate since we arrived,” Jacob stated as he remained staring at Dravo.

  Dravo looked at Charity then stood up, prepared to leave the room. Antoinette and her mates stood up as well. Her men moved toward Dravo, but Antoinette raised her hands at both her men and Dravo.

  “Wait.” She raised her voice, and they stopped their approach.

  Antoinette looked at Charity for assistance, and Charity instantly rose from her seat and walked toward them.

  “We don’t have time for this. The enemy approaches, and we need to know what the plan is. I have an overwhelming feeling to protect my mate and also shift,” Jacob added to the conversation.

  Charity took Antoinette’s hand in her own then looked toward her mates.

  “This will be the easiest way,” Charity whispered.

  “Take her hand and each of you hold hands.” The men took their mate’s hand, and Antoinette locked gazes with Dravo looking uncertain but curious.

  “Princess, you shouldn’t overextend your powers. You will need everything you have shortly,” Dravo stated with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  “Dravo, you need this. You need to know the connection in order to help me fight against Devlon.”

  Dravo’s eyes widened, but he slowly reached his hands toward Charity. The moment they connected their eyes closed and the vision took over. Charity spoke to all of them and immediately they saw a reenactment of what had taken place as Charity narrated the entire thing.

  “When your mother was pregnant with you, Antoinette, an evil rogue wolf, had wanted to claim your mother as its mate. Your father attempted to protect her. He attempted to fight an army of were, but there were too many. He would have died from losing so much blood until someone of great power sent a vampire through the woods to where your father lay dying. That vampire was compelled by the fey spirits to save him. That is why you have vampire blood in you. Somehow that blood was passed on to you when you were conceived. Your parents tried to protect you as long as they could, but somehow this rogue wolf found out about your existence, and he came after your parents. Your father, along with your mother, was killed while in the process of protecting your identity and your existence. That vampire blood that runs through your veins is—”

  “My blood.” Dravo blurted out, ending the connection as Charity released their hands.

  “Yes, it is true. Dravo is the vampire that saved your father so he could protect you from being captured and killed. This connection between your vampire blood and your sorcerers’ blood will be crucial in your fight. Also, Dravo, it was Antoinette’s father who passed along the sorcerer’s power to you as you aided him. He bestowed upon you the abilities to withstand the sunlight and have more power and magic than other vampires. This is your connection, both of you. I can tell you now that you will need this combined power to fight.”

  Antoinette’s men had released her hand, but Dravo now took her hand into his own. They held one another’s gazes, and Dravo looked a bit unsure of what to do. Then suddenly Antoinette walked closer to him and embraced the vampire.

  It only lasted a moment, and then Antoinette smiled at Dravo then smiled at her men before taking her seat between Lexi and Charity.

  * * * *

  “As you can see, the spirits and Goddesses have been preparing us for this fight. Everything happens for a reason. There are connections to one another for reasons beyond explanation, and it is your duty and obligation to take the position you are directed toward. Follow your heart, and use the strength of your love and connection to your mates and to our union as spirit sisters,” Charity stated then caught everyone’s gazes around her to be sure they understood.

  “Lexi, you are of the powers of both fey and wolf. These powers will be needed to fight against Davis the Wizard. Your men, along with Feldman, will provide assistance in this fight. Remember that strength and power of your love as well as our connection to each other. That is the strongest and most powerful weapon you’ll use.”

  Lexi nodded her head then held her mates’ gazes.

  “And you, Princess, do not tell me that you are planning on fighting Devlon alone,” Dravo asked, and Charity remained silent.

  “Princess?” Dante asked, waiting for an explanation.

  She inhaled then clasped her hands in front of her.

  “We will just have to wait and see,” she whispered, feeling the tiny hint of fear inside of her. She recalled her desperation to be saved when Devlon had nearly captured her.

  “You cannot fight him on your own, Princess,” Dravo added, taking a step closer and eyeing her men.

  Maximus, Dante, and Luther looked concerned.

  “Explain,” Maximus ordered, and Dravo looked at the Princess and waited a moment. When she didn’t respond, he began to speak.

  “Devlon is a very powerful beast. He can take any form and has both were and other magical powers. No one is certain of the intensity, but he nearly captured Charity.”

  “Was he after her powers?” Luther asked.

  “Yes, and his main objective is to capture and mate the Princess. If he were to succeed, then all her powers and abilities would be shared with Devlon.”

  Maximus, Dante, and Luther growled.

  “Why did you not tell us this immediately?” Maximus roared.

  “There is no way we will allow you to be in the presence of him, never mind fight him, Charity,” Luther added, moving toward her.

  “We will protect her. We can keep her in hi
ding if need be,” Dante suggested.

  Charity rose from the seat, her fear, her uncertainty could be felt around the room.

  “There is no way to avoid this confrontation any longer. We must fight for the Venificus family, for the continued existence of were and all other spiritual creatures. If Devlon succeeds in destroying us, then the world will never be the same.”

  The room was silent as Charity’s words sank in.

  “How long before they arrive?” Saber asked.

  “They aren’t far. I can sense the evil moving closer,” Antoinette stated

  “As do I,” Lexi offered then walked closer to Charity.

  “There is more for us to discuss. Can everyone please give Antoinette, Lexi, and I some time alone? This is the first time we are meeting in person, and we have much to talk about,” Charity stated, and everyone rose from their seats. Charity watched as Saber, Paul, and then Andre caressed and kissed Lexi before leaving the room. Antoinette’s men Jacob, Troy, Luke, and Brad did the same to Antoinette then left the room with Dravo, Feldman, Celeste, and Marcus.

  Maximus, Dante, and Luther remained standing in one spot with their arms crossed in front of their chests and looking as if they were not planning on leaving anytime soon.

  Charity raised her eyebrows at them, and they did the same. Antoinette and Lexi took a seat and watched in amazement.

  “That includes the three of you as well.”

  “We are not leaving your side, mate,” Luther professed as he eyed her from head to toe.

  Charity felt her body hum with desire, but now was not the time or the place.

  “Please, Luther. I will be fine here in this room with my spirit sisters.”

  “That’s not a decision you have to make solely by yourself. We are your mates, and we decide what is right for you and best for your protection,” Dante added.

  Charity was shocked at their blatant disregard of her orders and especially at the way they stood there looking so damn superior and sexy. They reeked of intimidation and power. She adored them with every bit of her body and soul.


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