Duplicitous: The Leordian Chronicles

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Duplicitous: The Leordian Chronicles Page 9

by JC Dameron

  "Come in," I said, expecting Ethan, ready to escort me to breakfast, though I wasn't really in the mood for food today.

  "Hey Vel," Leaha said somberly, as she walked into the room. I noticed that her face was swollen as though she had been crying for hours, and in her hands, she carried a tray with two meals. "I don't really feel much like company today, and I figured that you may not either. Would it be okay with you if we ate together in here, just the two of us?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes.

  I smiled at my greatest friend. She knew me better than anyone, and on a day where we would mourn the loss of another great friend, Leaha knew exactly how to be there.

  "That would be great," I said, tearing up as well as I embraced her.

  We ate in silence, both knowing that conversation would lead us to tears. It wasn't time to break down, rather, it was a time to prepare how we would celebrate our fallen friend.

  "Vel," Leaha started, breaking the silence. "I would very much like to have each of us speak today at Regali's Berf if you're okay with that?" She inquired, seeking my approval.

  Traditionally, the family would speak, followed by the ruler of Leordia, be they, king or queen, to commemorate the dead to the Land of the gods.

  "In this land, Leaha, we are family. I believe Regali would have liked that very much," I offered, fighting back my tears.

  "Very well, I will let the other's know, and I’ll see you at noon," she said, walking out of the room.

  I sat in my bed for hours, alone, and I struggled to think of the right things to say about a man who had been such an inspiration to me for my entire life. Regali Astor was chief among my father's captains and remained so in my court. Though he was born into poverty, he lifted himself up and became something more. He enlisted into The Royal Leordian Army as soon as he was able, little more than another foot soldier. When the tribes to the South formed an alliance under Omar Hedgeston's rule and began their assault on Leordia City, Regali stood with those on the front line, outmanned and overwhelmed. He bore the scars that earned him the rank of Captain. He became known as ‘The Defender’, frequently shielding others with his own body. Once, during the Battle of Rothin Ridge where Omar Hedgeston was captured, Regali saved my father's life by placing himself between his King and Omar's Wrathgate invocation. My father would herald Regali's praises to Astiel and me, claiming that none could form a barrier as strong, and Regali would simply nod and say, "One must protect those he can, and avenge those he can't, my lord."

  My memories were broken by a knock at the door. I looked frantically at the device known as a clock to see if I had daydreamed my time away and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that I still had a little time before the Berf.

  "Come in," I called out, uncertain whom to expect.

  "Majesty," Grimaldi said, kneeling just inside the doorway.

  "Rise, Grimaldi," I said, standing to meet him.

  "Majesty, I am at a loss as to what I can say to honor Regali at his Berf," Grimaldi admitted, looking to the ground in shame. "As queen, You have experience with this, what would you advise?" He asked.

  I was equally ashamed that I had no idea what I would say. "To be honest, Grimaldi, I am at a loss as well," I admitted. "I want to convey honor to Regali, such as he deserves, but I find myself unable to find the words to do so," I wiped an errant tear from my cheek.

  "Majesty," Grimaldi began, finally looking me in the eyes, his own stained red. "Would it be okay if I just spoke from my heart, in the moment?" He asked.

  It had never occurred to me to do so. In Leordia, there were those who would write beautiful speeches which I would rehearse in the hours leading to a Berf. But here, in this world, we had no such luxury, nor would one be appropriate for someone who was such and integral part of my world.

  "I think that's a wonderful idea," I said to Grimaldi, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Regali would want you to be yourself in this moment, so make the moment your own, my friend," I finished, stepping back. I could see him fighting back his own tears.

  "Yes, Majesty, I will," He said, bowing before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  Ironically, I felt a sense of relief, as though a great burden had been lifted. I didn't expect that I could truly do Regali's legacy justice speaking from my heart, but I did know that if he were here, he would want nothing less. In the hours that followed, I laughed, I cried, and I remembered all the things I loved about my friend, Regali. When the time came for the Berf, I heard a knock on the door and followed Leaha, Seles, and Grimaldi to a chapel where Ethan and several UTF agents waited, some of whom lived this day because of Regali's protective barrier.

  The chapel was beautiful, pews laced with flowers of all colors, and the isle leading to the coffin where Regali's body lay, was lined with a rich red and gold carpet, showered with rose petals to represent those who had fallen. We were seated, and a cleric read from this world's book of worship, offering Regali and the men lost that day up to God. Though their beliefs were different, in that moment it felt right. When the cleric had finished his readings, the UTF agents from Regali's team who had survived that day fighting alongside Regali spoke first. They accounted for his valor in battle, expressing complete confidence in his protection. Next, Ethan and Leaha stepped forward together. Both had also fought alongside Regali in the founding days of the UTF. They commented that Regali had been a constant source of truth, willing to speak up to reform a system which, in its infancy, had no real directive other than to kill those opposed to itself. They expressed gratitude for the part Regali played in helping define the directives of the UTF, and how he had practiced patience with each of them, answering gently when faced with tough questions. As Leaha spoke, she broke down into tears, and Ethan embraced her as they walked to their seats.

  Soon after, Seles stepped forward, her face stained with her own tears. "Regali was the closest thing to a father that I have ever known. My own father was killed during a hunt before I was even born, and so I never really knew him. During my childhood, Regali would frequently visit the shelter where my mother and I stayed, bringing food to those of us in need," she recounted. "When I was six, my mother died from a disease, and I was left all alone. Regali would bring me and the other children toys, but more than that, he would tell us stories of glorious battles, stories of bravery, and stories of friendship," she continued as tears began to fall down her cheeks. "Regali was the primary reason that I joined The Royal Leordian Army truth be told. I asked him once why he always talked about protecting others, and his answer was simple; he said that by protecting people, he was ensuring that they wouldn't feel the pain he had felt. By taking the pain on himself, he could see the smiles of those who were pain-free, hear the laughs of those who didn't hurt, and the joy of those who didn't know the ache that his sacrifices brought with them," she said, looking back to his coffin. "You gave your life to save mine, and as the cleric read; greater love hath no man than this, that a man would give his life for his friend. Goodbye, my friend."

  The chapel filled with cries and the sound of mourning. Men and women alike.

  Grimaldi stood from his seat and walked near the casket. "Greater love, indeed," Grimaldi said, nodding to Seles. "My time as a Captain, alongside Regali, has been more than I ever could have anticipated. Regali never once told me how to lead, rather, he showed me by example. Regali was more of a man than any other I've known, and likely ever will," he declared, turning to face Regali's coffin. "You were an inspiration in life, and you will continue to be so in death. In your sacrifice, you have reached me in a way that no one else could. I have been forever changed because of my time with you, and although you will never know how little I deserved your friendship, I will honor you in the friendship you gave. Goodbye, my friend," he finished, as he bowed his tear stained face and quickly returned to his seat.

  Of all the Berf's I had attended, this was the most difficult. As he had been for Seles, Regali had also been a constant in my life since I was a ch
ild, and I truly loved him as a mentor and a friend. I walked slowly to the stage, all eyes on me, and as I thought about what I would say, my eyes, which were already filled with tears, began to dry as I considered the wonderful things my friend had accomplished. "To begin, I would like to commemorate all of those lost in battle here in this world. A battle has two sides, both truly believing they are the only side in the right, even if neither are completely so. Though we war for our cause, we cannot devalue the lives lost on either side, human or caster, for they are all precious," I said, looking across the room at the brave men and women who had gathered here for the Berf. "This Berf, however, is to celebrate a captain, comrade, and friend, Regali Astor. It pained me greatly to try and pen these words," I admitted. "It wasn't his death that made it so difficult for me to write down my thoughts, or even that he died sacrificing himself for Seles and me that brought me unbearable pain, it was how he had lived," I stated, looking to Seles and Grimaldi in the pew. "Regali has, for as long as I have known him, been an upstanding man. He was quick to help anyone in need, and slow to anger, even when faced with hardship. He was humble, though he possessed a wellspring of knowledge. He was powerful, more than most, and he had attained a position in the kingdom, yet he gave everything for another," I said, remembering the smile he had flashed as he allowed his Ether to flow into me to save Seles, leaving himself vulnerable. "Sacrifice was a regular aspect of his life, yet he never viewed it as a burden. If he had been born into my family, he could have become known as one of Leordia's greatest kings. Yet, even though he was of low birth, he never showed contempt for me," I said, placing my hand on his coffin. "His gentleness, virtue, and friendship will always be something I carry with me, a memory, a feeling, a life that stood above all others, yet beside each of us. His name shall forever ring from the lips of those who knew him, because he will be ever present within our hearts," I cried aloud, closing my eyes to fight away the tears. "Regali was a hero, he is, even in death, the man to whom I shall always look to as an example. I will miss him terribly, and I will await the day we are reunited on the battlefield in the Land of the gods." I felt a hand on my back, turning to see Leaha. "In the Language of the gods, we lift your name up, that you may be taken in as their champion...Vale, Mi Amice!" I finished, throwing myself into Leaha's arms, unable to contain myself any further.

  "It's done," Leaha whispered into my ear, caressing my hair. "Tonight, Regali will dine in the Land of the gods as the Hero he is," she said in a solemn tone, as she guided me back to my chambers.


  Psuedo Eater

  The next morning I awakened earlier than usual, and I decided that I would make my own way to the lounge without an escort. While I appreciated the fealty of my captains and Leaha, I was not a queen in this world and wanted to embrace my newfound independence. With that in mind, I opted for a more casual appearance than usual and chose a nice pair of pants, which Leaha called boot cut jeans and a vibrant blue v-neck sweater. The blue tied in nicely with the design on my new favorite passion, black cowboy boots. My brief time in this world had opened my mind up to a whole new approach to fashion as this world seemed to combine the best elements of both comfort and appearance in the garb women wore. I tied my hair up in a high no-nonsense ponytail and applied just a touch of lip gloss. After dressing, I walked out of my room and walked toward the Lounge, where I expected I may find Leaha. The hallways in the UTF Headquarters were always well lit, and in many ways resembled the hallway of the hospital that Lucas had taken me to. Upon arriving, I was surprised to see that no one else had made it to the lounge yet.

  I decided to brave the twisted halls in search of someone who could tell me to where I might find Leaha or Ethan, and as I twisted and turned through the maze that was the UTF headquarters, I eventually encountered an agent who explained that Ethan and Leaha were in one of the training rooms down the hall from where we stood. After thanking him, I made my way to where he had directed me, and as I approached the room, I could feel Ether begin to flow into me. Looking into the window, I saw Leaha holding an orb of fire that flowed with green flame. Across from her, stood Ethan, wearing a suit of armor unlike any I had ever seen. The armor had scorch marks and a variety of other flaws across its surface. In his right hand, Ethan held a large gun, and in his left, a shield. Leaha's face held a look of agony as she tried to pour Ether into her invocation, only to have it absorb into me. After a few moments, she thrust her arm forward, and the orb flew at Ethan, who expertly blocked the orb with the shield. I quickly noticed that there was something strange about the shield as the orb burst, exploding into flames that could easily incinerate someone without a barrier. Normally, there would be a danger of a backdraft from the exploding Ether, but the shield absorbed the flames that were released from the explosion. As I wondered about the shield, I noticed Leaha pointing at me through the window, signaling me to come in.

  "Release," I said, releasing Leaha's Ether.

  "I was wondering why I couldn't draw from my Ether," she said, laughing as I entered the room.

  "Good morning," I said, my attention still drawn to the shield.

  "Good morning to you too, Vel. I see you enjoyed a stroll around the facility," Leaha stated, seemingly happy to see me acting independently.

  "What is that?" I asked, unable to let go of my curiosity.

  "Project Cast," Ethan answered as the armor opened, like a flower in bloom, allowing him to step out. "Project cast is a little side project that Leaha and I have been working on for years."

  Leaha walked to Ethan, surveying him for injuries. "When I first arrived, I spent a lot of time at the forge," Leaha was meticulous in her examination of her other half. Once satisfied that he was indeed alright, she looked back to me. "As you know, I remembered the spell blade your father had forged for you, and I worked tirelessly to recreate his methodology. When I discovered how to mimic your father's technique, I considered that it might be useful if I were able to reverse it's effect, creating a defensive weapon that could absorb the Ether from a casters invocation similarly to how your abilities work," she explained, as she took my hand and dragged me to the shield. "On my own, I never could have accomplished that task, but in conjunction with technology from this world, I was able to amplify the absorption properties within the shield, and today we have a working prototype of a weapon that is essentially an Eater."

  Ethan walked over to where we stood, taking Leaha's hand. "The biggest hurdle we came across was that we didn't have a way to redirect the Ether once it was absorbed. That's why, when we first brought you here, I asked you to use the Ether from Mahnon to manifest an invocation at the target. We were able to analyze the flow of Ether within you using a complex machine called an MRI, and we just completed our first test of that system as you arrived," he said, walking back to the armor, stepping back into its frame.

  "Let's walk out of the room," Leaha cautioned. "This is the first attempt that we've made to transfer the Ether from the shield to the partnering weapon," she explained, waving to Ethan as we walked out of the room.

  We stood in front of the window, looking in, as a target similar to the one that had been in the room where I first met Ethan rose from the ground. I looked to Ethan as the Armor remolded around his frame and he stepped forward. Moments later, the shield began to whistle and the armor generated a bright light. When the light dimmed, the gun in Ethan's right hand shined brightly, generating an aura around itself.

  "Fire when ready," Leaha instructed, pushing a button on the wall that seemed to allow her voice to carry into the room.

  Ethan placed his legs firmly, bracing for the unknown, and raised the gun toward the target. He pulled the trigger and a wave of flame erupted forth, incinerating the target and scarring the wall with the force of a dragon's breath. My mouth dropped open in shock; I couldn't believe what I had seen. Leaha and Ethan had literally created armor that acted as an Eater, even if somewhat limited in its nature. A strong sense of pride quickly overcame my
shock, and it became clear to me that Leaha’s time in this world had changed her in many ways. It seemed to me that she too had managed to embrace her independence and had found a true sense of purpose as well.

  "Woohoo!" Leaha screamed, rushing in to meet Ethan as the armor peeled from him, allowing him to step out.

  As I stood outside of the room, I watched them celebrate together. It was a tremendous accomplishment, for sure. My father would be proud of her; yet for some reason, I felt uneasy.

  "Wasn't that amazing!" Leaha exclaimed, rushing out of the room to embrace me.

  "It was amazing!" I agreed, unable to bring myself to voice my concerns, in this, her moment of triumph.

  "What a wild ride, Vel. If that's only a small fraction of what you can do, I can't even imagine a power like yours," Ethan said, covering his mouth after realizing that he had called me by my name.

  "It's alright, really Ethan," I said, attempting to alleviate his concerns. "In fact, I have an announcement that I would like to make at breakfast. Let’s go and celebrate this, it’s nice to have some good news to share with everyone," I said, smiling as I turned to walk to the lounge. It was actually really nice to hear someone other than Leaha call me by my name. Ethan was quickly becoming someone I trusted, and if he was comfortable addressing me as an equal, that was alright with me.


  The End of a Monarchy

  Upon arriving at the lounge we were greeted by Seles and Grimaldi who were seated at the table alongside the usual group of agents. In the kitchen, some of the agents had taken it upon themselves to prepare breakfast since Ethan and Leaha were working on their project.

  "Good morning, Majesty," Seles and Grimaldi said in unison, bowing as I walked to the table.

  "Good morning to you both as well," I said graciously, taking my seat next to Seles.


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