Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9)

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Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9) Page 50

by Donald Wigboldy

  “They have only just figured out how to make a portal. Do you think that they have managed to track your gates as well?”

  Palose had been considering that since he had first noticed the destruction of his portals and his answer remained conjecture as he said, “Since they are new to the magic, someone may have come across the idea of using a map to chart portals. Not everyone can keep the points separated in their minds and a map can be used to give them a marker to focus on a gate.”

  A small frown nearly made the pretty girl pout at his statement and he laughed. Touching the tip of her nose playfully before moving closer to kiss her sweet lips, the dark mage clarified with a rueful chuckle, “I hadn’t meant you. If sharing our magic makes it possible for you to create portals in the future, so much the better; but I have used a map to find the points set by the warlocks as well. Those I am familiar with like mine or those I have used in Ensolus I can keep straight, but there are others that I need the help.

  “No, I am just thinking it would be a learning tool for a wizard new to the magic and likely that someone might discover it or maybe already has.”

  His mind considered who knew him well enough to chart his spells in particular and frowned. Sylvaine noted the look and asked, “You think that he figured out how to return to Alus?”

  Sylvaine was his confidante and had been in New Harbor when Palose had battled Sebastian. She knew his nemesis by face now and had even fought against the girl who had disrupted their fight. The blond wizard had released lightning into the gate which he and Sebastian had fallen into while they struggled. It had shifted the placement of the portal stranding them in the Silver World, but Palose had used her distraction to leave them both behind.

  While the dark mage had thought it funny and a good place to leave his rival, he had always figured that Sebastian would discover how to escape somehow. The mizard was a genius at translating wizard and warlock magic into usable spells for battle mages. It was likely that he might manage to figure out a way to find Alus and a way home. Portals were tricky to use for those just learning and could strand a warlock anywhere. Not just getting lost in the Silver World or elsewhere on Alus was possible. Warnings had revealed that other worlds could be discovered as well.

  The likelihood of a complete novice, without supervision, figuring out how to accurately use portal magic was low, but the proof that it could be done was manifest from the battle at the Twins. Calling their gates to multiple places around the battlefield meant someone had discovered how to use them almost as well as those taught in Ensolus.

  “I wouldn’t put it past Sebastian,” he finally answered as the two walked holding hands looking like the young lovers that they were. Palose had another place in mind for the gate and hoped that if it was far enough away, whoever was targeting his gates would be unable to track down the charged stones of Sylvaine. “When we fought in New Harbor, he countered every new spell I had except for portals. At least, he countered every new one I tried anyway.

  “His knowledge and power seem to grow every time that I see him. To think that I could be rid of him forever was probably just wishful thinking.”

  Sylvaine glanced towards his face from the corner of her eye. She waited a moment before asking, “Do you truly wish that? I would think that you would still like to beat him first.”

  The girl knew him too well and she was correct. Until he managed to defeat the man once and for all, Palose would hope to see him again and figure out how to do that. Sebastian wasn’t invincible and he had thought him killed over a year ago during the invasion of Windmeer. It was just dumb luck that had let the mizard survive. He had left his execution to others and in that Palose had failed. Leaving it to others had left Sebastian to plague him ever since.

  “I want to be the one to kill him, I think,” the young man replied less than definitively. “Well, I want to win against him for sure anyway.”

  Stopping in an alleyway a few blocks away, Palose looked to see if there was enough seclusion to keep prying eyes from seeing a glowing portal opening. If they were discovered by the locals, it would be hard to erase that mistake as well.

  “Does he scare you?” Sylvaine asked after the mage set the stones where he believed they would be safe.

  Frowning at the question, Palose complained, “Why would you ask that? I’ve already faced death and returned. What could he do to me that I would have to fear?”

  It was a protest that was more bluster than true. He had seen Sebastian use his sword to deliver unbelievably powerful attacks and then the mizard had caught his sword blocking it with his arm as if he wore plate armor. How could he do things that he had never seen before or imagined? Stone skin couldn’t have defended the mizard so well and no fire sword spell could do all the things he had managed with his weapon.

  “Maybe that is what worries you. I bet that you also don’t want to see him killed before he finishes growing into whatever he is becoming. You want to be able to beat him when he is at his best,” the girl stated turning her face away just enough to seem to disappear behind a curtain of dark curls.

  “You think too much,” he grumbled, but hated to admit that she was probably right. His complaining made her giggle which brightened his mood. A serious girl, her laughter always made his mood brighten. She was like light to him.

  “Let’s go to Siltrene next,” he said starting to move the fingers of his hands to gesture for the next portal.

  A playful, little pout started on her lips at the suggestion and he laughed. “Work now and play later. Come on. I need to protect the portals I have left.”

  Despite her joking manner, the dark haired girl took his hand readily as they leaped through to the next city on his list.

  Sebastian awoke in the bed he shared with Ashleen. She still enjoyed wearing very little, but he couldn’t bring himself to do more than hold her. Her warm, bare body was as much a comfort to him as it was a continuous worry.

  A knock at the door repeated reminding the mage why he had stirred awake.

  The sun peaked through the split between the curtains striking the far wall. It was still fairly early, but Sebastian felt tired. The battle at the Twins had taken a lot out of him, though he felt like he had done so little during the fight.

  Opening gates with Bairh’loore’s help to bring much of Hala’s troops and the couple miles of running to the wall might be blamed by some people, but Sebastian knew that wasn’t it. His pushing of what should be done with the power of the earth to rain fire down on the enemy was the start of what really tired him.

  He had done what Darius and even Yara had warned him to avoid. In his arrogance for using the power of the earth so many times safely, the mage had upset the balance and drawn out too much to try and kill the enemy. His fire had also harmed the land and perhaps that was another reason to receive the warning or even take a penalty.

  While he hoped using his magic to heal and even for mercy to send the creatures back to the emperor would restore the balance, Sebastian wasn’t sure what would keep him from killing himself. Was just maintaining a balance of destruction and healing a means to keep from dying young, if he continued using the dangerous power? He knew Darius would warn him to simply not risk his life and certainly Yara had requested as much of him time and time again, but they were no longer together. Even though their love had been tested and for now they were apart, he had a feeling that she would feel the same.

  Adjusting the single sheet they had across their legs thanks to the lingering warmth in the air from the previous day, Sebastian covered Ashleen’s bare torso before walking to the door. He could sense the auras of battle mages and didn’t worry over someone thinking to catch him unawares for a robbing.

  A pair of men in the falcon uniforms of his faction stood in the hall and looked surprised when he didn’t open the door more than a crack.

  The larger of the two men stated, “Falcon Trillon, you are to report to Raven Leros in the king’s castle. The king and his advisors want a
report from you immediately.”

  Feeling his exhaustion making him want to complain Sebastian reined in his frustration enough to only ask, “At this hour? I was healing for hours after the battle and this couldn’t wait until after noon?”

  The mage placed his hand on the door putting weight on it as if he planned to enter.

  “When the king and raven want you, you come, even if it seems early to you,” the man stated and looked surprised when the younger man’s hand refused to give even part of an inch.

  “Unless I have done something to become a criminal that you feel you can enter my room without permission, you will have to wait for me downstairs,” he informed the falcons as calmly as he could muster for the early hour’s intrusion.

  The man’s eyes flicked towards the wood as if he could look through the door. “Why what do you have that we shouldn’t see?”

  The man looked a little too interested for Sebastian’s taste and he simply stated, “My companion isn’t dressed and deserves her privacy. Now go down and wait for me to get dressed.”

  The falcon gave an extra push as if to propel himself away from the door to walk away. When the door still didn’t budge in Sebastian’s hand, he looked even more surprised but joined his companion in going down the stairs.

  The runes on his arm flared into visibility for only a moment as the strength runes adjusted instantly to compensate for the larger man’s strength and size. His acquired gift from the shaman on Grimnal Island continued to yield new benefits, the mage thought as he closed the door.

  “What was that about?” Ashleen asked as she sat up letting the sheet drop into her lap giving him a show as the girl rubbed her eyes. Being as tired as he was most likely, Sebastian gave her a pass as forgetting her appearance as opposed to her continual teasing him with her body.

  “Apparently I am being called to the castle for an early meeting with Leros and the king’s advisors,” he stated pulling a uniform from the dresser on the right. Ashleen’s clothing was in the other and dominated the wardrobe. The girl had her clothing returned when the others arrived on the Sea Dragon and she still continued to shop when they weren’t busy with other things it seemed.

  “Are you in trouble?” she asked worriedly based on their conversation the night before.

  “I doubt it, though they might want to know why I healed and sent some of the enemy home,” Bas replied pulling his pants on first.

  Ashleen moved as he stood having pulled on his boots. Before he could take his shirt, the girl jumped from the bed to wrap her legs around his waist. Her arms went around his neck and shoulders bringing her face close to his to give him a kiss. Sebastian’s arms supported Ashleen with her impetuous advance.

  “What was that for?” he asked not regretting her action, though he was surprised that she was so energetic and flirtatious.

  “Just for good luck,” the girl replied with a grin. Her bare upper body met his skin making him enjoy the contact even more. “You’re still sure that you aren’t in trouble?”

  “I have my reasons for sending them back to Ensolus. They were as much a message to the emperor and his forces as being merciful,” the owl answered as if he was already justifying his actions. Ashleen was on his side and already knew most of why the man had done what he had.

  Stepping closer to the messed up bed, Sebastian set her gently down onto the mattress. She kneeled and was nearly able to look him in the eye thanks to a high mattress.

  “Well, just make sure that you come back to me safely,” the girl replied. “Of course, if you have to make a run for it, we can always go to Kardor. My parents have a small castle and plenty of room for us.”

  It was a joke, but Sebastian had a feeling that it was also where Ashleen’s heart was as well. Being from two different countries was one of the reasons that he hadn’t let himself completely fall for her, but she remained with him letting Sebastian know that for her, he came first.

  “Well, if I become a fugitive, at least we have a plan,” he answered wryly.

  Fully dressed, they exchanged a second kiss before Sebastian left the room to find the mages sitting at a table. Hilda stood behind her counter glaring at the men when they weren’t looking. Her eldest daughter was acting as a waitress for a couple other tables with patrons already up for the day at least, but the mages had apparently made a bad impression by forcing their way upstairs to call on him.

  Hilda looked to him and asked, “Do you need anything for breakfast, Sebastian?”

  “Just a quick glass of milk if it’s handy,” he stated moving towards the desk. There were cows kept in the stalls which were fed and walked by the innkeeper’s boys to keep them happy. The Black Smith Inn wasn’t the only one to shelter animals in the city for fresh things like milk, but it seemed odd keeping them inside of all this stone.

  The rude mage stood and looked ready to interrupt him, but the other man placed a hand on his arm. It took only a minute for Hilda to bring him the mug of warm milk and less time for him to drink it all down.

  Wiping his lips with his hand, Sebastian gestured towards the door and said, “Alright, you’ve gotten me up now let’s go then.”

  The two men led him away. Their hands didn’t touch him or otherwise force him to walk, but Sebastian still felt like he was being treated like a prisoner. It was an unusual feeling after so many battle mages looking to him almost adoringly or perhaps more accurately they looked at him as a potential new set of spells.

  He refused to make small talk, but the larger mage conversed with his companion loud enough to make sure that he heard what the man had to say.

  “I hear that he has a real pretty little Kardorian witch that he keeps around him now. She’s blonde and has just the right amount of curves. My cousin told me that she follows him like a pet dog.”

  His companion looked unwilling to speak for a moment, but couldn’t help chastising the larger mage as he questioned, “Who was telling you such things? Even if he has a companion, I am sure that she doesn’t follow him like a dog. It’s pretty rude to even suggest it.”

  The bigger mage shrugged and retorted, “That’s what my cousin says anyway. He said they want to call him an owl instead of a falcon as if he is any different from the rest of us.”

  “He fought wizards in their tournament and keeps discovering new spells for us, idiot. I hardly think that makes him the same as the rest of us.”

  The man turned his head as he walked and said, “So what new spells have you come up with lately, owl? I hear that you wouldn’t even take the time to teach our mages when you came back.

  “You refused to teach Jeriah and stormed out of the compound. You must not think much of us regular falcons to do that.”

  “Let me guess,” Sebastian responded sarcastically, “Jeriah is your cousin that has told you all this. Apparently no one in your family has been taught any manners.

  “I thought that maybe he had moved beyond his pettiness when he accompanied me to the nomads, but maybe I was wrong.”

  The mage turned on him and raised a hand threateningly. His companion looked to want to intervene, but Sebastian didn’t flinch as the man said angrily, “You talk about manners and act like we don’t have a right to learn what you know. I ought to knock some sense into you, boy. You’ve been a falcon for what... a year? Now you act like this?”

  “I am acting like what? I learn spells and pass them on to you all. A wizard learns spells and some they pass on to apprentices while others they guard for themselves. I want to help the corps do more so I pass on my knowledge, but if you want to know spells so badly; then why don’t you do it for yourself?

  “I wish that the other mages would let me just be a regular falcon, but you all are the ones that make me look different. Now can you stop talking and lead me to the castle or should I just do it myself?” he finished maintaining an air of calm despite his words.

  A cry of rage brought eyes from the people around them already beginning their day. The mage’s fist went
for Sebastian’s face, but he was more than ready for the attack. His right hand slapped the arm away and he called on an old spell, “Stone skin.”

  The mages knew the spell as well, but he transferred the magic onto his attacker instead of protecting himself. Instantly, the falcon’s arm and wrist were stuck in a straight line. As the man pulled back his shoulder locked as well. The skin took on a rough, sandy brown appearance looking more like stone than skin. It was one of the first plays on the battle mage spells Sebastian had ever used, but he wondered if this man had ever bothered to listen to that lesson.

  There was no fear in the mage’s eyes, but the spell continued to spread.

  “Release me, boy,” he demanded. “I already know this one. I asked for a new spell.”

  Snapping his fingers, Sebastian walked past the man releasing the magic. “Can we go already?”

  With the warning delivered, the two men stopped messing around and walked him to the castle. A side door used for those involved with security and other service related personnel was their initial destination. The three men continued on following a series of corridors until they found a door guarded by four guardsmen.

  Apparently the king was in attendance and required more protection. Entering the doors, Sebastian was led forward by the two mages until he was in front of Raven Leros, Falconi Neven and Falcondi Westlin along with the white mages, a couple generals, and at their center, King Alain. The mages were dismissed, but the man who had been trying to antagonize him leaned in close and said, “I would have thought that you would have come up with something more original than stone skin. Maybe you’re losing your touch?”

  Sebastian turned his head and said quietly, “You don’t reveal all your cards in a fight. Using what works gives the results needed without wasting time or showing you more.”

  Giving an annoyed grunt in response, the mage left with his companion.


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