Finding Kate Huntley

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Finding Kate Huntley Page 16

by Ragan, Theresa

  A.J. stepped closer, tripping on broken masonry as he went. There she was. Becky. One pale hand emerged from the rubble. Her engagement ring glittered like a beacon amidst all the broken stone and ash.

  “Becky,” he said as he headed toward her. “Becky.”

  One of the firefighters looked at him and shook his head.

  “That’s my fiancée,” A.J. told him. “We’re getting married next month.” He got down on his knees and crawled to her side while the firefighters continued to remove rubble, trying to dig her out. He held her fingers to his cheek. “Don’t leave me, Becky.” He kissed every finger, felt for a pulse. Nothing.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but you’re going to have to step outside and let us work.”

  Hardly able to breathe, A.J. started moving pieces of brick and stone. His chest felt heavy, his mind numb. “I’m not going anywhere, not without Becky.”

  Chapter 19

  A knock at the door of his hotel room brought Harrison to his feet. To avoid leaving a paper trail, he’d paid cash for the room. He needed privacy, and he could no longer risk talking to Monahan over the phone.

  Roger Cott sat in a cushioned chair in the corner of the hotel room. Lou had sent Roger to Los Angeles to help take care of Coffey once and for all. Although Roger was one of four partners running CFAF, Harrison had only met the man on one other occasion. Roger Cott had shaved his beard since he’d seen him last. Without the whiskers, his face was all creases and broken blood vessels. The poor man’s face looked like it had taken a trip to hell and back.

  Harrison opened the door and let Patrick Monahan inside. Harrison glanced down the empty hallway, shut the door, then turned to face Monahan. “What the hell happened at the lab last night?”

  “I don’t know,” Monahan said. “I brought Jesse to the lab with me to check things out.”

  Blood rushed to Harrison’s face. “I told you not to get anyone else involved.”

  “He’s my cousin. He’s been in and out of jail so many times it would make your head spin. He’s not a threat. Anyhow, a few minutes after we broke into the lab, I noticed that somebody had been tampering with Forstin’s computer only moments before we arrived. Then I saw a surveillance camera. A tiny thing. I’ve never seen such a small camera.”

  “So where is it?”

  “My car alarm went off. After I took care of the alarm, I heard sirens.”

  “So what? You’re a fucking agent with the FBI, the primary investigative arm of the United States! And you’re running from the police?”

  “I couldn’t take any chances with Jesse there. They would have taken him in. He’s already wanted for eight counts of burglary and—”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, shut up.”

  “Who’s that?” Monahan gestured at the man sitting quietly in the corner of the room.

  “Call me Roger,” the man said.

  “Hand over the camera,” Harrison told Monahan, ignoring the other man.

  “I don’t have it. After I went back, it was too late. The camera was there, but it was empty.”

  Harrison cursed under his breath. Reining in his anger, he said calmly, “Do you think anything was in the camera to start with?”

  Monahan nodded. “I thought I saw a red light flashing the first time I noticed the camera. It wasn’t flashing when I returned.”

  “Who do you think has the disc?”

  Monahan swallowed. “My guess would be Jack Coffey. My other guess would have been his friend, A.J. Hanson, but I took care of A.J. by planting a bomb in his condo. He should be singing with the angels about now.”

  Harrison’s fingers curled into fists. Agents were dropping like flies around him. And yet the only agent still standing, the only agent he wanted out of his way, was Coffey. This all needed to stop. Today. Now.

  “A.J. had to go,” Monahan said, no doubt sensing Harrison’s agitation. “He had an appointment to meet with the director.”

  And to think Harrison thought it couldn’t get any worse. “Any ideas where Coffey might be?” Harrison asked.

  Monahan nodded again. “A.J. has a sister who lives in Spring Valley. One of the guys recalled A.J. talking about spending time at her lake house. I figured I’d drive over there today and have a look around, see if Jack’s hiding out at the house.”

  Harrison gestured toward the man sitting in the corner. “I want the two of you in Spring Valley now. Take care of Jack Coffey and the woman he’s so fucking determined to protect...and find that disc. I expect all loose ends to be taken care of by the end of day.”

  It was nearly noon and they were still in bed. Jack watched Kate stretch and yawn. With a tired sigh, she opened her eyes and smiled when she noticed Jack watching her. “What are you thinking about?” she asked sleepily.

  “That you’re beautiful.” He pushed wayward strands of hair out of her eyes.

  “You’re beautiful, too.”

  He smiled.

  “Are you just going to stare at me all morning or are you finally going to make love to me?”

  “You’re a pushy broad, aren’t you?”

  “Sticks and stones...”

  He sniffed the air. “I smell fire.”

  “Don’t even think about—” Kate smelled it too, and jerked upward. “You’re right.” Smoke seeped through the space beneath the door.

  A fire alarm went off. They had passed out on the bed after getting home late last night. Jack was still dressed, but he threw Kate one of his T-shirts from across the room and rushed to the kitchen.

  Brooklynn was getting ready to throw a pan of water over the flames covering the pot on the stove.

  “Stop!” Jack shouted.

  Brooklynn froze.

  “Flour,” Jack said. “Grab the flour from the pantry.”

  Adam jumped into action. The kid was in and out of the pantry with a bag of flour in hand by the time Jack was at his side. Jack ripped the bag open and shook flour onto the pan, dousing the flames. The fire was out in an instant, but the smoke was thick and the ceiling was blackened. A few utensils appeared to be melted onto the stovetop. A.J.’s sister was not going to be pleased. Jack ushered Adam away from the smoke. He opened the sliding glass door to air out the place, and then shut off the alarm.

  Kate hovered over Brooklynn. At first Jack thought Brooklynn had been burnt, since the girl was crying, but it turned out only her pride was hurt. Kate rocked the girl in her arms, assuring her it was only a small fire. No damage done.

  Something stirred within Jack. Anyone else would have admonished the teenager for not being careful, but Kate knew as well as he did that Brooklynn had probably been scolded more times than not. Brooklynn needed understanding and love and that’s exactly what Kate was giving her. Something powerful rumbled through his chest.

  A knock sounded at the front door.

  Adam took a look through the peephole. Despite the eyebrow ring, the kid was no dummy. “It’s only Mom.”

  “Let her in,” Kate said as she released Brooklynn and told her to go wash up.

  Barbara Matthews nudged her way past her son. “I could smell smoke all the way down the street. Is everyone okay?”

  “Just a small grease fire,” Jack told her.

  Barbara looked down her nose at Adam.

  “My fault,” Kate blurted. “I wanted to surprise Fred and the kids with pancakes and bacon, but as you can see, I’m not much of a cook.”

  “I’m just glad my kids weren’t involved. They can be a handful.”

  Brooklynn came out of the bathroom. “Hey, Mom. What’s up?”

  “Dad wants to take us out on the boat today. We’re packed and ready to go.” Barbara looked from Kate to Jack. “Thank you.”

  “The pleasure was ours,” Jack said, walking the threesome to the door. “You have two great kids.”

  Adam was already halfway down the street with Brooklynn trailing close behind when Barbara shouted after her kids, “What do you two have to say to Mr. Reed?”

turned and waved. She nudged Adam’s shoulder, prompting him to turn around. He gave Jack a crooked half smile along with some sort of hip sign language.

  Jack gave him the same goofy signal back.

  “Kids,” Barbara said before hurrying after them.

  After eating scrambled eggs and toast, and cleaning the kitchen, Kate found Jack outside with his laptop. Barney rested at his side. “Any luck?”

  “No. The video disc is not a standard size. I’m going to need to find a manufacturer to see what’s on here.”

  She came up behind him and rested her hands on his shoulders. Shivers coursed over her. What was it about this man that made her feel so feminine, so safe?

  Jack felt tense. She rubbed his neck. She wanted to finish what they had begun earlier, but Jack wasn’t responding as she’d hoped.

  “I need to get this video disc to A.J.,” he said as she worked the tightness from his neck and shoulders.

  “But you said A.J. wouldn’t be coming back for a few days.”

  “Exactly why I need to take the disc to him myself.”

  “Why don’t you mail it to him?”

  He looked over his shoulder at her, clearly appalled by the idea. “My future could be tied to this disc. I can’t risk putting it in the mail. You’re talking about entrusting my life with the United States Postal Service.”

  She smiled, amused by his passionate burst of stubbornness. There was more to Jack Coffey than justice and the American way, after all. His life was at stake. “If we’re going out in daylight to find A.J.,” she said, “we’re going to need to change the way we look. I saw some hair dye we could use on you in the bathroom cabinet. We’ll start there.”

  “Whatever you say.” He gave her a wink, which annoyed her. The man was a tease.

  “Come on Barney,” Kate called, but the little dog ran in circles, hoping to play. She’d never had a dog before, and she hated the thought of leaving Barney alone. “We don’t have all day,” she said as she scooped Barney into her arms, laughing when he licked her chin.

  After coloring his hair and rinsing off in the shower, Jack came out of the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist. Kate patted the chair in front of the mirror, letting him know he needed to take a seat. His chest was bare, and she had a difficult time keeping her eyes off of him. Damn. She was hornier than hell, and she wanted Jack Coffey to take her here and now, hard and fast. But he seemed intent on getting on with the day. The fact that he seemed disinterested only made her want him more.

  Using a fluffy white towel, she dried his hair, a little too hard, a little too fast. When she was done, she caught his gaze through the reflection in the mirror.

  “Is something the matter?” he asked.


  “You’re sure?”


  She combed her fingers through his hair. There it was again...a non-stop tingling in the pit of her belly. Why would she care that he hardly spared her a glance since the kids had left this morning? She wanted to think his disinterest had to do with his current situation, but maybe he decided she wasn’t his type. If that were the case though, why did he keep kissing her when she least expected it? Why did he tell her she was beautiful? This was ridiculous. She had more important things to worry about.

  Grabbing the scissors, she cut an inch of hair from the top of Jack’s head. Maybe Jack did have a girlfriend and now that he had time to think about it, the guilt had settled in. After snipping the hair short around his ears, she put her mouth to his ear and blew the little hairs away.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she caught him staring at her through the mirror. She blew at the other ear. Her lips brushed like a breeze over his earlobe. She looked at his reflection. This time he didn’t look away, forcing her to look away first since she didn’t want to cut his ear off in the process.

  After cutting another half inch all around, she sifted her fingers through his new bleached-blond locks. “I like the color. What do you think?”

  “It’s not bad if you like the Billy Idol look.”

  She stood back and examined him further. Blond and blue-eyed with a slight tan. “Yeah, you look like a rock star.”

  He smiled half-heartedly.

  “Is that good enough?” she asked, “or do you want more?”

  “I’m good,” was all he said.

  She walked to the bed where she’d laid out the cotton dress she bought the other day and had already worn once. After she pulled the extra-long T-shirt off, she realized the dress still had a price tag on it. She tried to bite the plastic thing off with her teeth. No go. She sauntered back over to the chair where she’d left Jack and noticed that his eyes were still on her.

  She had his attention.

  Standing before him in a pair of new lacey thongs and nothing else, she held up the little plastic thingamajig and gestured with her chin toward the scissors. “Do you mind?”

  He took the dress from her, reached for the scissors, and snipped the tag off.

  She rubbed her hand over her neck and down her throat. “It’s hot in here.”

  “That does it.” He stood so quick his chair tipped over behind him. Her dress dropped from his hands to the floor.

  She took a step back, but he was fast when he wanted to be, and he stepped forward and scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. None too gently, he placed her on the middle of the mattress and crawled on top of her, losing the towel on the way. A moan escaped her as he lodged a knee between her legs. Excitement coursed through her veins as her hands smoothed over chiseled muscles.

  He lowered his head and nibbled on her earlobe. She turned her head until his mouth covered hers. His lips fit hers perfectly. As he deepened the kiss, every part of her tingled with anticipation. She reached down and smoothed her hands over his firm buttocks. He drew his lips away. “So, you think I’m a prude, huh?”

  “Yeah. I do.”

  “You’ve been teasing me all morning, testing my limit,” he said.

  “Yeah. I have.”

  “You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

  “It crossed my mind.”

  “You want me to talk dirty while I plunge myself deep inside of you? Or should I take my time, torture you until you beg for mercy?”

  She remained silent, breathless.

  “So, the question is: are we going to fuck or are we going to make love?”

  She sucked in a breath, nodded and reached for his chest.

  He took her hand and pinned it to the mattress by her head. Then he did the same with her other hand. “I can’t hear you.”

  “Both. Do both.”

  A growl erupted from the back of his throat as he moved in for the kill and put his mouth over her breast, his wicked tongue causing chills to dance across her body. She arched closer as he teased and tasted. He was rock-hard, pulsing against her thigh, his erection in stark contrast to the softness of his mouth. For the first time since the day they met, she had him right where she wanted him.

  Her body vibrated and hummed. She tried to release her hands from his hold, but he remained firmly in control. She was at his mercy, she realized as he tortured her with his tongue, tasting every inch of her and making her writhe with pleasure.

  She bit her tongue, not wanting to beg for more as waves of desire coursed through her. Not even the feel of his hot tongue weaving a path over her body would make her beg. But damn she wanted hell with it. “Please, Jack. Now. Take me now.”

  “Your skin is soft,” he said without any sign of the urgency she felt. “You smell good, too.”

  Finally, she freed her hands from his grasp and used them to touch and explore the hard smooth muscles of his back. She traced her fingers down his sides, his muscles responding as she continued on. Her fingers brushed over well-muscled abs. A feathering of hair beneath his navel led her to hidden treasures. She stroked the length of him, thick and throbbing beneath her fingers.

  When she looked into his eyes, h
e smiled at her, a devilish smile that made her insides flutter. She lifted her lips to his chin and jaw, kissing and nibbling before working her way down his neck and collarbone. He was all long and lean, lithe and hard, all sinewy muscle and tendons. He smelled like soap and sandalwood. His neck was corded and bronzed, his face and jaw a maze of hard angles and masculinity. Sexy as hell.

  Jack didn’t know how to fuck, she decided. If he did, it would be over already. He was making love to her instead, making every part of her come alive. His splayed fingers moved slowly over her hips, kneading, exploring. His mouth followed, hot against her skin until her entire being hummed with anticipation. She came at once...hardly able to breathe as intense waves of pleasure and release swept over her. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes as he hovered over her, his erection thick and hard as he moved inside of her, gently at first before diving deeper. A moan of pleasure escaped as every thrust built in intensity. And then she exploded again with climatic pleasure, shuddering beneath him as they came together. A low, vibrating growl came from his lips when she pressed her hips against him as he climaxed. Her fingertips made a path across his shoulders as his full weight relaxed against her.

  After a moment, he rolled to his back and pulled her close to his side. His eyes were closed as she leaned into him and trailed her fingers over the steely hardness of his stomach and chest. Satisfied, she rested her head in the crook of his arm and sighed.

  Chapter 20

  Later that day, Kate watched Jack as he worked on the computer again. He looked tense, his jaw muscles tightening as he read whatever was on the monitor.

  Ever since they’d made love, she felt something she hadn’t felt in a very long time...satisfied and happy. She knew the feeling wouldn’t last forever, but she didn’t care because she would never forget her time spent with Jack. Nothing could ever change that. She would find the person or persons responsible for her father’s death, and she would make them pay, even if it meant spending the rest of her life in prison. She had one purpose in life and anything less would be cheating herself of ever feeling whole again.


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