The Church (The Cloister Book 3)

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The Church (The Cloister Book 3) Page 10

by Celia Aaron

  An idea—not a good one, of course—forms in my mind, and I pull a dress off its hanger and head back out to Adam. “Strip.”

  His eyes widen and he drops onto the couch. “No way.”

  “It’s our only chance.”

  “It’s dumb.” He shakes his head at the black dress with its long skirt and severe black habit.

  “Why do you even have a Spinner costume?” he asks Jez.

  She shrugs. “Some of the guys that come here are into it. The kink of the unavailable.”

  “You going to change your mind about helping us get out of here?” Adam pulls his shirt over his head.

  “I was supposed to keep you here. I’m not going to help you get out. Not when I’m letting my girl down.” She doesn’t move from the floor.

  I hold the dress out to Adam, unable to hide my amusement despite the dire circumstances. “Act girly, okay?”

  He snatches it from me. “Just get me out of here, and I’ll kick your ass for that later.” He pulls the dress over his head. It’s too tight, but it’ll have to do.

  “Follow my lead. You’re a drunk whore. I’m a drunk john. We’ll stumble out into the night together. I’ll hold you up so you don’t give away the fucked up foot.”

  “This is never going to work.” He pulls the wings of the habit tight around his face.

  “Might want to up your enthusiasm a bit.” I pat him on the back. “After all, you’ll be the one blowing the guard if anything goes wrong.”

  Chapter 17


  Grace fetches me from my room earlier than usual, her face an unmoving mask of ire. “Get dressed.” She throws me a white robe—the kind Maidens only wear when we’re leaving the Cloister.

  I don’t ask questions, just slip the robe on over my white dress and step into my flats. Besides, I can guess why she’s angry. I went over her head last night, asked the Prophet face-to-face if I could go to the senator. I’d asked Grace earlier in the day. She’d scoffed at the idea and assured me I was nowhere near ready.

  “Move.” She shoves me out the door and into the main dormitory area. With brisk steps she overtakes me and leads down the hallway and out into the cloudy morning. “This was a mistake on your part.” She starts the golf cart, no driver today. “You’ll see that.” We take off, heading up the hill toward the main house. “I hope he does every horrible thing he can think of to you.”

  “I know.” I pull the robe closer around my neck to ward off the cold. “You’ve been over this.”

  She turns her icy gaze on me. “Maybe he’ll kill you. A man like him, he’d never get in trouble for it. Killing a disposable slut like you wouldn’t matter.”

  “Maybe.” I’ve thought about the grim possibility. These people were able to get rid of Georgia. It probably would be even easier for Evan, especially now that my mother won’t even have the chance to look for me. I’d like to think that if I disappeared and she were free, she would come searching, demanding answers. Thinking that is easier than facing the truth.

  We lurch to a stop near the back door.

  Grace grabs a fistful of my robe and yanks me toward her. “I’m not getting through to you. If you leave here with that senator, you aren’t coming back. Ever.” She shakes her head, confused. “Why are you running toward him?”

  “Why are you trying to convince me to stay?” I return her icy glare. “You’ve been trying scare tactics for days, doing everything you can to keep me here and away from Evan. Why?”

  She flinches. Because I see her, because I can easily spy the outline of her web and avoid its silky strands.

  She shakes me a little, her frustration boiling into the heightened tone of her voice. “Self-preservation isn’t working on you, probably because your freak DNA is broken. Since you don’t seem to be following along with the rest of the class, let me make it clear for you. If you leave here with him, I will walk out of this house, ride this golf cart over to the Rectory, and start cutting pieces off your mother.”

  My ears ring, my body going cold. “No.”

  “Yes.” She releases her hold on me. “I’ll do it. Start with her fingers, move to her face, then to other parts. But I’ll make sure she’ll live. I won’t kill her. I’ll tell her the reason why this is happening to her—because her bitch of a daughter didn’t care enough about her to save her.”

  I clasp my shaking hands together. “Why are you like this?” The question is as honest as it is futile. In my experience, monsters don’t self-reflect, they just act. Again and again, destroying whatever they need to in order to get their way.

  “I’m strong, Delilah.” Her blue eyes are stone, her back straight. “Something you’ll never be. Now, unless you want me to send the pieces to you in boxes, you’ll stop this stupidity right now. Go.” She turns and stands, then smooths her already-smooth black dress.

  I stand numbly, my body in some sort of shock from the painfully vivid image Grace painted. What am I going to do?

  “Come on.” She grabs my elbow and pulls me into the house.

  The Prophet’s bodyguard is standing just inside, his dark eyes locking on Grace when we walk in.

  “Stay.” She shoves me against the bar and walks a few feet away to have a whispered conversation with the man. When it’s over, she returns to my side, some color in her cheeks. It must have been good news.

  We walk up the staircase to the main level, and she leads me to the familiar room with the piano and the couches. My stomach churns, and for once I’m glad the Cloister doesn’t offer breakfast. Just being in here, remembering what Evan did to me on this very couch, would likely have me vomiting in the corner if I had anything in my stomach.

  “Don’t move.” She deposits me and walks to the door, then pauses. “And don’t forget about sweet little Mommy over in the Rectory.”

  When she’s gone, I switch to the other couch. The one I haven’t been assaulted on... yet. My fingers tangle together just like my thoughts. I had a plan—not a great one—but it was a plan. Now, Grace’s threats have turned it all upside down. I can’t leave here. My mom hasn’t been there for me, but that doesn’t mean I can turn my back on her now. Not when I know Grace is absolutely serious in her threats and dedicated in her follow-through.

  I rest my head in my hands and hold in the scream that echoes through my mind. I can’t let it out. And worse, I can’t get out.

  “Darling.” Evan strides in.

  I jump. And I hate that I jump.

  He smiles and sits next to me, stretching his long legs out in front of him. “I hear you’re desperate to be mine. That true?”

  My strategy is shot. For now. But maybe I can turn this around somehow.

  “I’ve changed.”

  “You have?” He slings his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close, his expensive cologne spicy and masculine. “What made you come around?” Taking my chin, he pulls my face around to his. Then he squints. “What’s this?” He strokes his finger along the bruise next to my eye.

  “I had an accident.” I shrug. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Don’t lie.” His expression sours.

  I scoot closer to him, even though I hate every bit of contact between us. “Okay, someone hit me. But it doesn’t matter now. You’re here.” I can’t feel the bruise, but I remember perfectly how I got it. Last night, when the Prophet wanted me to suck him, he couldn’t get it up. Somehow, I was to blame, and the bare knuckle hit to the side of my face was my punishment.

  He laughs lightly. “What are you up to, darling? I know you don’t want anything to do with me. It’s one of the reasons I’m crazy about you.” Nuzzling into my hair, he says, “Tell me how you want to kill me again.”

  I push away from him. It’s instinct. And not what I’m supposed to be doing. Damn.

  “See?” He smirks. “You haven’t changed.”

  “I have!” I climb into his lap and straddle him. My heart clenches and shudders, but my mind is right where it needs to be.

sp; His eyes light with surprise, and he rests his hands on my hips. “This should be good.”

  “Look, I admit I don’t want any of this. I want to be free.”

  His fingers dig into my skin. “Never.”

  “I know.” I shift forward until my core rests over his erection, even though I’m dry as dust. “I know I can’t be free. So I’d rather be with you than here.” I run my fingertips along the bruise. “They hurt me at the Cloister.”

  He grins. “I’ll hurt you, too, darling.”

  My palms go clammy, and I rest them on his shoulders. “I know. But you’ll give me pleasure, too, won’t you?”

  “Yes.” He says the word as if it’s obvious.

  “I don’t get that here.” I move my hips slowly, stroking him through his pants. “All I get is pain.”

  He moves his hands around to my sore ass. “I’ll give you plenty of that, but I’ll throw in some pleasure. Though I’m not sure if you’ll be a good girl for me. Only good girls get to come.”

  “I’ll fight.” I run my hands up my stomach and cup my breasts. “But I can’t win, can I?”

  “No.” His voice lowers, his eyes locked with mine. “You’ll never win.” Kneading my ass, he leans forward and bites my nipple through the fabric of my dress and robe.

  It hurts. He bites too hard. I whimper just the way he wants.

  “But I can’t go yet.” I move back, but he yanks me back to his erection again.

  “Not yet?” He glares, his eyes somehow darker. “Why not?”

  Have I played him too hard? I want him on my side, want him desperate for me. But I can’t leave yet. I need to back this up some. “There are a few more lessons on how to please you. I want to make sure I understand your needs.”

  “I don’t think so.” He pushes my dress up, then rubs his palms along the bare skin of my thighs. “You need to come with me now.”

  “No.” I shake my head.

  He slaps my ass. “There she is. Buttering me up one second, defying me the next.”

  The sting almost draws tears to my eyes, my skin still recovering from the Prophet’s belt. “I can’t leave yet. I’m not ready.” God, I’ve botched this.

  “You’re ready when I say you are.” He pulls me against him until we’re nose to nose. “And I say you’re ready right now.”

  “Now, Evan.” The Prophet walks in, his hands behind his back and slight chiding expression on his face. “You can’t go too far with her.”

  Evan grabs my chin and wrenches my face around to the Prophet. “I told you I didn’t want any marks on her. Look at this. Care to explain?”

  He sits on the sofa across from us. “Accidents happen. Especially when a Maiden is clumsy or rude.” His withering stare doesn’t affect me. Not anymore.

  “I want her now.” Evan pulls my dress down, making sure my ass is covered.

  I suppose he doesn’t want his property on display just yet.

  “Now?” The Prophet shakes his head. “She isn’t ready.”

  “I say she is. She wants to come with me.”

  “Is that true, Delilah?” The Prophet asks.

  “Yes, but I—”

  “Well, then we can make a deal. But I’m afraid given her damaged nature, I’ll need you to wed her before you bed her. A little insurance policy. I’m sure you understand. I can’t have you using her up and then dumping her out of spite.”

  “I’ll keep my word.” Evan sits me beside him, his icy eyes locked on the Prophet. “I hope you aren’t suggesting otherwise.”

  “Of course not.” The Prophet adopts a placid expression. “I think I have a solution that should make us all happy. How about we have a brief ceremony at this Sunday’s service, make it official, and then you can take her and be on your way. Plan a big to-do later, once you’ve gotten her broken in.”

  Evan’s fingers wrap around my upper arm, pressing hard enough to leave bruises. “I’d rather have her today.”

  “I’m afraid you can’t.” Though he wraps his tone in silk, there’s metal underneath. “But Sunday would be the perfect time.”

  Evan turns to me. “Can you wait that long, darling?”

  I nod, hiding my relief in an obedient, downward gaze. “Yes.”

  “Well, I guess that’ll have to do.” He sighs. “Though I fucking hate to wait.”

  “It’s for the best. You’ll see.” The Prophet stands. “I’ve got the paperwork in my office. Shall we?”

  “Give me a minute with her.”

  The Prophet’s eyes narrow, clearly not liking the command in Evan’s voice, but he walks away all the same. “Of course.”

  Evan slides his arm behind my back and pushes me down onto the couch. Fear coats every thought in my mind with an oily haze, but I have to keep it together. He presses his body onto mine, his unforgiving muscles and hard cock promising me that he’ll always be bigger, stronger, faster.

  “God, the things I’m going to do to you, darling.” He runs his teeth along the line of my jaw. “You’ll hate me so much.” He clenches his arm behind me, squeezing the air from my lungs before letting up and kissing my neck.

  “Are you—” The question gets stuck in my throat.

  “What?” He pulls back and stares down into my eyes, the monster barely restrained.

  “Are you really going to share me?”

  He smiles, as if he thrives on my fear. And maybe he does. “Does that upset you?”

  “I saw the video. I saw what you like to… do.”

  “I like to watch, to film, to savor it frame by frame. And then I like to fuck.” He presses his lips to my ear. “Worried?”

  Yes. I fold in on myself, making myself small on the inside, trying to hide my soul from him. But I know I can’t. There’s no escape from him.

  “I’ll share you, darling. With friends. Haven’t decided if I’ll let them fuck you proper or not. But you’ll have to suck them, let them in your ass, rub their come all over your tits. Then I’ll fuck you while they watch. How’s that sound?”

  He must feel me shaking, because he laughs low in his throat. Pressing his lips to my ear, he whispers, “I like you angry, darling. But I love you scared.”

  Chapter 18


  “Jesus Christ, this is fucking insane.” Noah kneels at the foot of the bed, his gaze on my unwrapped foot. “They’re just gone.”

  “I know.”

  “What do you think they did with them?”


  “What did they do with the two toes they cut off?” He scratches his ear and stares.

  “I don’t know. I guess they threw them away.” I sigh. “Are you going to check the sites for infection or just gawk?”

  Gregory stands stoic in his tank behind Noah’s back, and Felix slinks around near the door. I’m in the spare room Noah uses as his pet sanctuary. No cameras in here. Noah keeps the room locked ever since the “roasted Gregory” ruse we pulled on Dad. My brother’s become adept at navigating around the surveillance.

  “I mean, they sewed you up. Everything looks clean. I don’t think I can take the stitches out yet. The skin is still sort of … raw where they cut them off.” He presses the back of his hand to his mouth and gags a little.


  “Yeah.” He nods and stands, his hands on his hips. “In this case, I concur. Cannot handle that shit. Do you still feel them?”

  “Yep. As far as my brain knows, those two toes are still alive and well.” He sits next to me and grabs my right hand, then starts unwrapping the gauze.

  “I really thought we were going to get busted at the Chapel. Fuck, that was close.”

  “I was doing fine. You were the one who was acting suspicious. All we had to do was stagger past, but you had to go and start talking. ‘I sure did drink a lot. I’m really trashed. Wow, I don’t know if I can drive. Man, I had too—’”

  Color rises in his cheeks. “Yeah, yeah. We got out though.”

  “You’re a nervous talker.”
  “Whatever.” He finishes unwrapping my hand and stares at it. “This is…”

  “I know.” I can’t close my fist on either hand. I’ve tried several times, but the pain is too intense. “Some of the damage is permanent.”

  “Fuck, Adam.” He turns my hand over and stares at the stitches in my palm. “Fuck.”

  Honestly, it’s the only thing to say. I just nod and relax as he unbandages the other hand and inspects it.

  He clears his throat. “Nothing’s infected. Those hookers know how to close a wound and keep it that way. God bless the Chapel.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself.” I wince as he feels around the back of my right hand. The first day I woke up—really woke up—I vomited from the pain. But Noah doesn’t need to know that. This is bearable. I can take it, even when he smooths some antibiotic ointment onto the wounds.

  “Good point. But surely Jez will reconsider this whole dynamite plan.” He pulls some fresh gauze from a box and gets to work.

  “I don’t think so. Dad has pushed her too far for too long.”

  He stops mid-wrap and peers at me with blue eyes that I don’t think will ever look anything but boyish to me. “Maybe I’m a fool, but I can’t believe Jez would actually go through with this.”

  “It’s not just her, though. Chastity, Ruth, and several of the other women are in on it. And it’s not new—they’ve been planning for a while. They’d originally thought they could burn the place down, but thanks to Dad’s farm plans, now they’ve gotten their hands on the dynamite.”

  Realization breaks across his face. “Oh, fuck. The stuff we’re using to clear the stone outcrops.”

  “Exactly. They’ve already stockpiled enough to bring the church down, and they intend to do it during service. They think it’s justice.”

  “All those children. How the fuck could that ever be justice?” He slaps the gauze onto my hand.


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