by Lynne, Donya
"You give Searcy a message for us, bitch," she said to Lorena. "You tell that bastard he fucked with the wrong assassin, and if he wants to kill me and mine, he'd better bring more than that pathetic knife of his and two pieces of shit like you and his son. You tell him that if he wants to live, he'd best leave Chicago, because I've got more where this came from. If he wants to play, we'll play. And we'll win. You got that?"
Lorena's breath came in angry, wicked bursts.
Gina smacked Lorena's cheek as Vaydon scowled at her. "That's a good little bitch."
Malek popped Vaydon in the jaw. "If you ever come near us again, you're dead." Then he leaned over Lorena, cocked his head, leaned closer, and whispered, "Still feeling spurned that I kicked you from my bed, sweetheart? Because this…" he circled his index finger in the air to indicate what had just gone down. "This is nothing compared to the hell I will rain down on you if you come near either of us again." Then he leaned even closer until his lips almost touched Lorena's ear. "I will kill you if you try to hurt my mate again. Not even the king will be able to stop me. And now that I'm feeding again, not even your Dacian studs here will be able to hold me back. And you know it." The last he almost spat at her as he stood back up and took his place beside Gina.
Pride rose in Gina's heart for her mate. Yes, he was perfect for her. Strong, deadly, and magnanimous in the most powerful way. Gina had no doubt that Malek would move mountains to keep her safe.
"Let's go," Micah said. "Our work here is done."
She and Malek joined him and made for the exit as he radioed the others and checked to make sure the coast was clear. It was.
"This isn't over!" Lorena screamed from the bedroom. "Do you hear me? You bitch! This isn't over!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blow it out your ass, psycho." Gina stepped out onto the back porch and projected herself back to the AKM parking lot. A moment later, Malek appeared beside her and took her hand. Within an instant, Micah showed up and led them inside.
"Nice work," Micah said. "I was impressed."
"So was I." Malek's tone said he was impressed in more ways than one. In fact, he sounded downright turned on.
"You two get out of here," Micah said over his shoulder in such a way that she knew he had picked up on Malek's vibe as she had. "I'll debrief and let the king know how things went."
"You sure?" Malek said.
"Absolutely. Now go home." Micah stopped outside his office, turned, and looked at Malek, and then down at their joined hands. "Damn glad to have you back, brother."
"Damn glad to be back."
Micah pulled him into a brotherly, one-armed hug. "Everything's coming together."
Malek nodded and hugged him. "Yep. You. Me. And Trace is getting out in less than twelve hours."
Gina remembered Trace from the night she shot Severin. She had picked up bits and pieces about what had happened to him since she'd been gone.
"You going to pick him up?" Malek said.
Micah gave a jerky nod. He looked antsy. "Yep. Soon."
"Say hi for me."
"Oh yeah, because I'm sure that'll be the first thing he'll want to hear." Micah laughed, but it didn't sound genuine, and he shoved his fingers through his hair.
"How's his brother? Brak?" Gina said. She knew now that Brak was the one who had saved her life, and she owed him everything.
Micah shrugged. "He's better. He and Cynthia are settled in for the time being, just waiting for Trace to be released."
"Has he seen his dad, yet?" Malek said.
Micah shook his head. "They've moved Maddox to the new facility, and I've been too busy dealing with our 'little problem' to get him over there. Now that Operation Kick Ass is over, I'll try to take him as soon as I get Trace situated at my place." Micah fidgeted again, like he was strung out or something. Then he waved them off. "What are you two still doing here? Get home. Make love to each other or something." He spun and went inside his office.
Five minutes later, Gina sat in the passenger seat of a borrowed SUV as Malek drove them out of the parking lot. "What was that all about in there?" she asked. "Micah seemed tense talking about Trace."
Malek made a face as if he wasn't sure where to start. "Micah and Trace…they have a special relationship,"
"Oh? How special?"
"They keep the details pretty hush-hush, but it's obvious they're close."
"As in…?"
He shrugged. "I really can't say, but knowing Micah, I wouldn't want to place bets it's strictly platonic."
"But he's mated."
Malek hit the highway toward their new home. "I stopped trying to figure out Micah a long time ago. He doesn't seem to be like the rest of us."
"How so?"
He took her hand from across the console and pulled it to his lips. "What's with all the questions about Micah? You're going to make me jealous." He was teasing her.
"I'm just trying to get to know my new teammates is all." She was now officially a member of Micah's team. The announcement had been made yesterday.
Malek settled her hand on his lap, and layered his over it. His thumb caressed her knuckles back and forth, back and forth. "Micah's just different. It's hard to explain, but you'll see. If you're around him enough, you'll figure it out."
"You two were close once." This was nice. The two of them talking about their lives with one another like a married human couple.
"Yes, we were. Hopefully, we can be again. We were like brothers from the moment we met when we were kids." He chuffed. "And our lives have mirrored each other's ever since. He took a mate, I took a mate. His mate died, my mate died. His mate couldn't bear young, and my mate couldn't bear young. And a few months ago, he mated again, and now I've mated again. Only this time, he's the one who mated a human and I'm the one who mated a vampire." He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers but kept his eyes on the road.
"Can his new mate bear young?" she asked softly. If Micah's and Malek's lives mirrored each other's so closely, if Sam was fertile maybe she would be, too? And how insane was that? She already knew she was barren.
"I don't know." He squeezed her hand reassuringly as if to comfort her. As if he knew why she was asking. If anything, he probably hoped he and Micah didn't replay history again so that Micah could have a child with his new mate. "Sam was newly transitioned when he had his calling, and she had almost been killed by dreck venom, so her body was probably too weak to accept a child. We'll have to wait until his next calling to find out."
They drove the rest of the way home in silence, his hand over hers on his lap.
Once home, Malek led her to the kitchen.
"I'm going to grab a shower," she said.
"Okay, piccolina." He kissed her. "I'll make us some dinner." He kissed her again and slipped his arms around her waist. "What are you in the mood for?"
"You," she said without hesitation.
He grinned against her mouth. "I can arrange that."
She kissed him, and then slowly pulled out of his arms. "I'll be right back."
"I'll be here." He winked and started digging inside the fridge.
She was in and out of the shower in less than ten minutes and smiled at the dainty nightgown loaned from Tristan's mate, Josie. Until she could return to her old home in Atlanta and pack her own things, she would have to make do with what she could borrow or buy.
After combing her hair and dabbing a drop of vanilla perfume behind each ear, she dressed in the red, lacy negligee and checked her reflection. This getup would torture poor Malek. But everyone deserved to be tortured once in a while, and she had a feeling he wouldn't complain.
The aroma of steak and asparagus wafted down from the kitchen, and she checked her reflection one last time. In so many ways, she still couldn't believe she was here. She felt like she was dreaming…and she didn't want to wake up.
* * *
Malek pan-seared two New York strips and put them in the oven with butter, and then blanched the asparagus.
Then he opened a bottle of red wine, poured two glasses, took a sip, and turned his gaze to his abandoned vest over the arm of the new easy chair in the living room.
Micah had gone all out getting him into this furnished behemoth of a home. He and Gina had already discussed what would stay and what would go, but the one thing that was definitely staying was the built-in bookcases that took up walls in both the living room and the den.
But that wasn't all Micah had done for Malek. He set his wine glass on the counter, peeked over his shoulder to make sure Gina wasn't coming, and then fished out the velvet case inside one of the pockets in the vest. Micah had stashed it there for him before he and Gina arrived at AKM this evening. He cracked open the lid and licked his lips as sixty diamonds arranged in a wreath sparkled up at him.
This was the first of many necklaces he planned on purchasing for Gina, and Micah had helped him buy it so he could surprise her with it tonight.
He carefully lifted the wreath from the case and slipped it inside his pocket just as Gina's scent announced she was on her way.
When she appeared from the back hallway, Malek's heart flipped and he groaned. "You look..." Red satin and lace looked good on her. Very good. And her subtle vanilla fragrance sent shivers down his spine.
She stepped forward and ran her fingers down the front of his shirt, over his chest. "Amazing? Stunning?"
"Breathtaking," he said.
Her perfect smile beamed. "You're not so bad yourself, handsome. Maybe a little overdressed, but still a looker."
She nodded.
"And I bet you have a plan to correct that, don't you?
She nodded again. "I've always got a plan."
"So do I." A pleased grin spread over his face.
Her eyes narrowed. "What are you up to?"
He brushed his fingertips over the fabric covering her nipples, which responded and formed tight peaks against the shimmery satin. "Nothing. I just think you're a little underdressed. That's all."
The way she leaned in and pressed herself to him filled him with warmth and pulled a moan from deep within his chest. She brushed her lips against his ear and whispered. "If I were any more underdressed, I'd be naked."
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, and her lips played naughty wonders over his skin. If he wasn't surprising her with her first necklace tonight, he'd more than willingly let her continue, but that would have to be for another time.
"That's a thought, piccolina, but maybe you'll like my idea better." With his hands on her hips, he turned her around to face the counter and nibbled the back of her neck.
"What are you doing?"
"Hush." He slipped the necklace from his pocket and kissed a trail down the side of her neck. "Close your eyes," he said between kisses.
"Shush. Close them." She sighed as he pulled back slightly and unfastened the necklace's clasp. "Are your eyes closed?"
She grumbled good-naturedly, and he could almost see her rolling her eyes. "Yes. They're closed."
Slowly, he draped the wreath around her neck. "For you, piccolina." He fastened the clasp. "Open your eyes."
She looked down an instant before she gasped. "Malek!" She spun and met his gaze. "Oh my God." Her fingertips caressed the diamonds as she glanced back down at the small fortune around her neck.
"I told you I was going to buy you a necklace for every day of the month," he said. "This is number one." He pinched the red satin at her hips and slid it up her torso. "And do you remember what else I told you?"
A smile spread over her face. "The steaks are going to burn, tesoro."
He arched one eyebrow and grinned. "No changing the subject. Now…do you remember?"
Her hands glided up his chest and over his shoulders as she bit her lip and nodded. "You said you would make love to me."
"And…?" He worked the negligee farther up her body.
She lifted her arms so he could take it off. "You said that all I'd be wearing was one of those necklaces."
"Uh-huh." He nodded, lifted the skimpy nighty over her head, and tossed it behind him. She wore nothing underneath. "And what are you wearing right now, baby?"
Her fingers already worked the buttons of his fly. "A necklace."
"Only a necklace," he said as his pants fell to the floor. He stepped out of them. A few seconds later, his shirt joined them, as did his boxers, socks, and shoes.
"What about the steaks?" Gina said as he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his hips.
"Hold on to me," he said.
She laughed and gripped his shoulders as he quickly shut off the oven, pulled out the steaks, and dropped the pan onto the stove with a clang.
"Now…where were we?" He wrapped his arms around her and carried her out of the kitchen.
"I think we were about to christen necklace number one," she said.
"Mmm, yes, I think you're right."
He carried her downstairs, laid her on the bed, and christen the necklace they did.
* * *
Gina settled into the mound of pillows that rested against the leather, cushioned headboard of their new bed and smiled as she fingered the necklace Malek had given her. No one had ever given her such an opulent gift, and the diamonds brought out the long-repressed female inside her. For the first time, she could see herself putting on an evening gown, a pair of heels, and doing up her hair for an evening out rather than to manipulate a target. Always before, her appearance had been meant as a way to work her way in, project a certain image, and get close to her victims. Now, she simply wanted to look good for Malek.
It was all about Malek now.
This new direction in her life appealed to her. She had gotten her assassin mojo back, the panic attacks had stopped, and for the first time, she felt a sense of clarity and purpose. Her past was now in perspective, and her future was falling into place. The only thing that would have made her life perfect was to have Gabe back. But even that bitter pill was easier to swallow now that the rest of her life was getting back on track.
"Dinner is served." Malek appeared at the bottom of the spiral stone staircase that led to the basement. He held a tray with two plates and two glasses of wine.
"Thank God. I'm starved." She crossed her legs under the covers and sat up.
Malek set the tray on the bed and slipped out of his sweatpants as she took their glasses of wine and set them on the nightstand. This appeared to be a clothes-optional dinner. No shirt? No shoes? No pants? No problem. And that was fine by her. She liked feasting her eyes on Malek's naked body.
A moment later, he joined her, took a piece of sliced steak in his fingers, and held it out for her to eat. "I had to heat it back up," he said. "How is it?"
She chewed and swallowed. "Delicious."
They ate in silence, but Malek kept sneaking kisses as he fed her bites of food from his own plate.
As he lifted yet another sliver of steak toward her, she shook her head and gently pushed his hand away. "No, tesoro. You need to eat more than I do right now." He looked better than he had several days ago, but he still had about ten pounds to gain, from the looks of him.
He set his plate aside and snuggled against her, his arm over her torso. "I'm good. I want to take care of you."
"You do take care of me." She set her plate on the nightstand and slid down to lie beside him.
"You need to eat, too," he said. "You almost died a few days ago." His fingers skimmed up and down her stomach.
She grinned. "You're just making excuses, baby. I'm fine."
"Excuses?" He pretended to be affronted. "Me? Never." He burrowed closer and nuzzled her neck as his palm caressed her torso.
She giggled. "What am I going to do with you? Are you always going to be like this?"
"If by 'like this' you mean hopelessly, totally, and ridiculously in love with you, then yes. I will always be like this." He nibbled and teased her skin.
Angling he
r head so he had better access, she closed her eyes and let herself be swept away again. Malek was an incredible lover. Attentive, tender, both gentle and fierce. And inventive. Apparently, he had always harbored an interest in the Kama Sutra and tantric sex, and now he wanted to explore both with her. If the little trick he had done to her earlier, which had given her an orgasm that had nearly blown her toes off, was any indication, she would like studying the Kama sutra and tantric sex with him. Very, very much.
Suddenly, Malek's entire body jerked to a standstill. A moment later, he lifted himself on his elbow and stared at his hand on her abdomen.
She opened her eyes. "What? Malek, are you okay?"
His startled expression scared her. What could he sense? Was something wrong? Maybe Brak's nifty magic had only been temporary, and she was dying again…and Malek could feel it. Maybe—
"Gina…" He lifted his wide-eyed gaze to her as a slow smile spread over his face.
"What? Malek, you're scaring me."
He blinked and gently shook his head, and she swore she saw the hint of tears in his eyes.
"Malek, tell me." She placed her hand over his on her stomach.
After a heartbeat of hesitation, he leaned into her and pressed his mouth to her ear. "You're pregnant, piccolina."
What? How? It wasn't possible.
Gina's head snapped around and their gazes locked. "No," she said. "I'm barren. I can't be…it's impossible."
Sincerity and undeniable truth shone back at her as his hand pressed more firmly into her stomach.
"Malek?" How did this happen? How had her womb been rendered fertile when she knew without a doubt for decades that she would never bear children?
"You're pregnant, Gina," Malek said. "I can feel the baby's life force. I'm absolutely positive."
"But how…?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, baby. Maybe Brak did more than just bring you back to life. Maybe he healed your entire body."
For several long moments, Gina processed this change of events. Was Lady Luck trying to make up for all the years of screwing her over? The news that she was pregnant was almost too good to be true, but Malek seemed certain. Even now, he stared in awe at his hand as he wriggled his fingers against her tummy with a proud grin on his face. It was the kind of grin that made her heart flutter. He looked so proud…so happy…and very pleased with himself.