Remember Me

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Remember Me Page 10

by Jo-Anna Walker

  "I hate you. I fucking hate you. You hear me, asshole? For everything."

  Garrith threw her on the couch and covered her mouth with his.

  Her body stirred but she pushed him. Before she knew what she was doing, she slapped him. The sound erupted around the room. She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Garrith.”

  His jaw tensed and he kissed her again, shoving his tongue between her lips.

  She shoved out of his grip, wiggling and squirming under his touch. "Stop."

  He wrapped his arms around her and leaned down, resting his head in the crook of her neck and let out a deep shaky breath. His body tensed.

  Keisha closed her eyes, letting the unshed tears fall freely down her cheeks.

  "I love you. So fucking much. I just...I want you to love me back,” Garrith whispered.

  She bit her lip, swallowing past the hard lump in her throat. "I need time."

  Garrith squeezed her harder and broke. His big body shook above her.

  A sob escaped her lips. Would they ever get past this? Would she ever get over the blame that he directed towards her from getting pregnant so long ago? The anger that brewed in her belly over what she had remembered took control of her actions and she pushed him off of her.

  "Keisha," he said, his voice thick.

  "Get off of me,” she pleaded, fighting for control.

  "No. Please. I can't lose you!” he cried.

  "You…” she swallowed. “You should have thought of that before you made me feel like it was my fault. Like everything is my fault."

  Garrith lifted his head and she gasped. His blue eyes, although filled with tears, were cold. "You leave, don't ever think about coming back."

  Keisha gasped. "You don’t mean that. I just need time, Garrith. Please understand."

  He pulled back and rose from the couch before heading into the kitchen.

  She sat up and pulled down her dress, watching him. With shaky hands, she righted herself when a ring of keys entered her vision. She looked up at Garrith but he wouldn’t meet her gaze.

  “The blue car is yours. There’s a GPS with Brett’s address programmed into it,” he mumbled.

  “Thank you.” Keisha took a breath and grabbed hold of the keychain. Their fingers touched, sending a shock between them.

  Their gazes collided before he was on her, crashing his lips to hers. He licked his way into her mouth, cupping the back of her neck with his hand and deepening the kiss. Keisha moaned, gripping his shirt before he pulled away.

  Garrith kissed her nose and then her forehead, letting his lips linger. “I love you, Keisha. Don’t ever forget that.”

  He released her, his back stiff like he was stopping himself from going back to her. Tears burned her eyes as she watched him walk away and head down the stairs to the basement.

  She brought her fingers up to her lips, her mouth tingling from the rough kiss. Her chest tightened as she rose to her feet. She walked to the basement door, the sound of fast deep music coming through the ground at her feet. She looked around at what should be called her home. Was it really? The only thing that made her feel at home there was the man that she had hurt. Well, he had hurt her too, but that was years ago. Could she get over it? Did she ever?

  She swallowed past the hard lump that had formed in her throat and caressed a hand along the wooden door. “I love you,” she whispered, letting the tears fall freely down her cheeks.


  Shit. Shit shit shit.

  What the hell was he thinking, letting her go? Garrith swung at the punching bag, knocking it a foot away from him.

  He should have made her stay. Made her see that he didn’t blame her. He never blamed her. He blamed himself for not taking responsibility as a man when he got his girlfriend pregnant. He pussied out and told her to “get rid of it”. What kind of a man does that? “Me,” he grumbled.

  And then she ended up losing the baby anyways. “Fuck!” he snarled and dove at the heavy bag; wrapping his arms around it, he pushed, his feet digging into the mats. Adrenaline soared through him as he fought to rip the weight off the ceiling. Keisha, his love. If she never came back to him, he didn’t know what he would do.

  The heavy metal music flowed around him, making his heart jump with each beat.

  Was she still there? Did she leave? Of course she left, asshole.

  He should call her. Text her. His stomach clenched. Desperate much? Desperate for her, yes. From the moment she fell in his lap, he was in love. Not that puppy dog bullshit either but a real deep-rooted need for her.

  She needed time.

  As much as it would kill him, he would give it to her. To make her happy. Her love was worth the fucking wait.

  Chapter 13

  The sound of a loud ring jarred Garrith from his sleep. He grumbled and reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “What?”

  A deep smooth chuckle sounded from the other end of the line. “Rough night?”

  Garrith’s eyes shot open. “Who the hell is this?”

  “Who do you think, Garrith?” The slightly accented voice made Garrith’s skin crawl.

  “How did you get my number, fucker?”

  Mathis Verlinden chuckled. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  Garrith sighed and rose to his full height, noting the dents in the punching bag. His body hummed, needing more. “Whenever you call me, it’s always a bad time.”

  “This is my first time calling you.”


  “I think I like you, Garrith.”

  Garrith scoffed and left the weight room. “Sorry, I only like pussy.”

  “Funny, you’re not the only one who’s said that to me lately.”

  “Maybe you should take a hint.” Garrith jogged up the steps to his living room, a slight pang coursing through his body at the emptiness of the small house. “What do you want?”

  “Have you searched out Lucas?”


  “You better get on that.”

  Garrith opened his mouth to curse the asshole when the line disconnected. He grumbled and threw his phone on the table.

  “Fuck me.” Without even thinking, Garrith punched the wall. A searing pain shot up his arm and he shook his hand when the phone rang again. He picked up the phone, all the while clenching and unclenching his hand. “Yeah.”

  A deep chuckle rang through the receiver. “Rough night?”

  Garrith scoffed. He was getting asked that a lot lately. “More than you fucking know.”

  Sebastian sighed. “Yeah, I bet. How’s it going?”

  Garrith’s stomach twisted. “I haven’t seen or heard from her in two weeks. Two fucking weeks! I can’t do this.” His body burned at whining like a pussy but he missed her. Needed Keisha like he needed air to breathe.

  “She’ll come—”

  “She remembered shit,” Garrith blurted.


  Garrith walked into the kitchen and pulled the bottle of tequila down from the cupboard. “I got her pregnant years ago.”

  “Fuck, man. She remembered that?”

  “Yes, and my reaction. God, Sebastian, I was a kid but I…” he swallowed. “I blamed her.” Garrith grimaced. A part of him felt lighter now that the words were said. Keisha was right and he had no idea how to win her back.

  He took a swig of the bottle, letting the liquid burn down his throat.

  “You drinking?”

  Garrith paused with the bottle at his lips. “Yeah.”

  “Fight it out, my man.”

  Garrith huffed and slammed the bottle on the counter and headed to the basement.

  “Where is she now?”

  “At home.” Garrith walked down the stairs and, ignoring the pull of the room that was calling to him, headed into the weight room instead.

  “Listen, I need you to come see Lucas with me.”

  Garrith frowned. He put the phone on speaker and placed it on the bench. “Wh
at about Tori?”

  There was a pause on the other end. “She hasn’t been feeling well. So what do you say?”

  “I’ll be here.”


  “I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him if he hurt you, Keisha!” Brett yelled.

  Keisha’s back stiffened as she rose to her feet. “No. You will not touch him.”

  Brett’s blue eyes softened as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “I love you, sis, but you are way too nice.”

  She scoffed and pushed out of his grip. “I think I’m going to—” Her phone rang and before she could pick it up, Brett snatched it from her hands. She frowned.

  Brett winked. “Hey, asshole.”

  “Brett,” Keisha scolded, placing her hands on her hips.

  “Yeah, she’s right here…no…” Brett rolled his eyes. “Really? Is that what you think? You don’t know her at all, do you?”

  Keisha held out her hand. “Brett, give me the phone.”

  Brett searched her face and sighed. “Hold on.” He placed the cell in her hand and kissed her head. “You need anything, call me.”

  She nodded and sat on the couch, curling her feet under her. She took a breath, waited as Brett left the apartment and swallowed hard. Her heart raced, her blood pounding in her ears as she lifted the phone slowly to her ear.


  Tears welled in her eyes at the deep voice flowing into her ear. It had been two weeks since she had left Garrith’s place. Two weeks of hell. She needed time but realized not long after that she needed him more. “Hi.”

  His breath caught. “Hi, kitten.”

  Her heart swelled at the endearment. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Keisha’s cheeks heated as they spoke at the same time.

  “I miss you.”

  She missed him too but the words wouldn’t form on her lips. “Garrith, I—”

  “I just needed to hear the sound of your voice, love.”

  She bit back a sob as she leaned her head against her knees.

  “The GPS has our…my place on it if you wanted to come back, even just to grab some things. I’ll be out but…yeah.”

  Keisha’s heart broke at the sadness in his voice. She wanted to go back. She needed to go back but would he be able to handle it if she never got her memory back? Would just having her there be good enough for him?

  Chapter 14

  Keisha stirred awake, her muscles sore and stiff. She rolled over onto her back and groaned as her body protested the movements.

  The cool satin of the sheets brushed over her exposed skin, making her warm with memories of Garrith’s hands on her a couple of weeks before.

  After getting off the phone with him a couple of hours ago, she drove to their…she frowned…his place, needing to be close to him. Not knowing how their relationship would play out, she wanted to be around him as much as possible. Needing to feel him near her.

  He wasn’t home when she got there so she crawled under the covers of his big king-sized bed. The smell of him wafted into her nostrils making her dreams warm and peaceful.

  Her stomach twisted as the hateful words they had said to each other not that long ago pounded inside her skull.

  And the sex… Oh God, the sex. Keisha’s core throbbed, remembering the way Garrith had known what she needed without her even asking him. It was like he knew what she was thinking.

  He got you pregnant.

  Keisha frowned and placed a hand on her lower belly. Guilt and sorrow flowed through her. She didn’t remember telling her friends that she didn’t want to marry a baby killer. How could she say such a horrible thing? She knew she had a mouth on her but to accuse him of killing their baby was uncalled for. Why did he even still love her?

  Keisha sat up and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she rose to her feet. She was in his bedroom. Their bedroom. She had fallen asleep on the couch after looking through every photo album they had. Nothing triggered her memories in the last couple of weeks. Her stomach flipped. Garrith did. He was the reason she would remember things even if it was only small bits and pieces of a memory.

  She turned on the lamp and looked around the room. Their room.

  Nothing in it helped her memory. Keisha fell to her knees, the anxiety in her chest gripping her soul like it wanted to take control. "Please, God. Make me remember my love. Please. I'm begging you."

  Tears burned her eyes as she cradled her head in her hands. "Please," she repeated over and over. Sobs wracked her body as her shoulders shook. After what felt like minutes, maybe even longer, a heavy weight lifted off of her.

  Keisha took a breath and sat back on her haunches. She wiped the tears from under her eyes and smiled. For the first time since losing her memory a couple of months before, she had hope. The overwhelming feeling of no control over her life was gone, disappeared like it was never there to begin with.

  She knew then that although she still didn't remember Garrith, her life would change for the better. She just didn't know how or when but she finally had faith. Faith that all of this was for a reason. Maybe to bring them closer. She wasn't sure but she couldn't wait to find out.

  My love. She remembered that term of endearment but when she called Garrith it, it didn’t even seem to faze him.

  Her gaze searched around the room for anything that reminded her of her time with him. She knew that she loved him but couldn’t figure out if it was just because she was told that she did or if she did in fact love him.

  She walked to the dresser and pulled open each drawer. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for but she needed…something.

  The last drawer she opened had white t-shirts folded neatly. A soft smile splayed on her lips. She wondered if she was the organized one or if it was Garrith. She pulled off her dress and replaced it with the soft cotton and put on a pair of his boxers, needing to feel some sort of connection to him.

  She closed the drawer and ran her hand over the dark cherry wood of the dresser. She noticed that there were no pictures in the room.

  She left the room in search of Garrith. Needing to see him. To apologize. To just have him hold her. They had shit to work through and would probably be working through it for a while but she couldn’t do it alone.

  Keisha reached the living room and felt the floor vibrating beneath her feet. A deep bass from the basement pumped through her body, making her heart jump.

  She took a deep breath and pulled the basement door open. A wave of fast, angry heavy metal music washed over her as she made her way down the stairs.

  A small sitting room laid before her with a large TV mounted on the far wall and two black leather recliners in front of it. Keisha sighed and saw three closed doors. She felt a pull from one, drawing her to it but she followed the hard beat of the music instead.

  She walked down a short hall that opened into a large space. First thing she saw was Garrith throwing kicks at a punching bag that was bigger than her. He wore sweat pants only and his muscles rippled on his broad tanned back as he moved back and forth.

  He was gorgeous. Everything he did was perfect. The way he moved, the way he talked. God, she loved him, but hadn’t told him that yet, had she? She shook her head and watched him move, her body heating at the beautiful dance between man and object.

  Sweat glistened on his golden skin as he shook out his arms. His back stiffened. He pressed a button on a panel on the wall that turned off the music. Leaning his head from side to side, his thick neck cracked before he looked at her over his shoulder. His deep blue eyes bored into hers, darkened by adrenaline and hunger.

  Keisha swallowed and couldn’t take her gaze away. She meant to talk to him. Apologize, but her body reacted to him in a way that left her breathless. They hadn’t seen each other for two weeks. The scruff was heavier on his jaw, like he hadn’t shaved in days, but he was beautiful.

  Her nipples hardened to sharp peaks at his intense stare.

  The corners of his lips
turned up, a smug smile splaying on his face as he waited for her to make the first move.

  Keisha’s pussy ached for him. Even though it was late and she was mentally exhausted, she wanted him. Needed him on a deeper level.

  Their gazes locked as she hooked her thumbs in the shorts, pushing them down to her ankles. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it off of her while kicking the shorts to the side.

  Garrith’s nostrils flared as he took in her naked form.

  Keisha watched as he stalked towards her, the bulge in his pants growing with each stride. Her skin tingled as he caressed her with his heated gaze.

  She met him halfway and their mouths crashed together. She gripped his shoulders as he lifted her and lowered them both to the green mats lining the floor. Keisha scratched his sweat-slicked back, making him growl as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. She tightened her thighs around his waist and lifted her hips, rubbing her core over the erection in his pants. God, he felt good.

  He groaned against her mouth and reached between them.

  Keisha ran her fingers through the hair at his nape, tugging gently.

  Garrith grabbed her hands from around his neck and linked their fingers, kissing her knuckles before holding her arms above her head.

  She gasped when he sank into her and planted her feet on the mat, lifting her hips. She met him thrust for thrust, her muscles burning from the overuse.

  He grunted, pumping into her with a fervor she never felt before.

  She spread her legs, opening to him as he pounded into her pussy. A slow tingle spread from her core. Her body tensed.

  Garrith pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth, devouring her as he sped up his hips.

  Keisha moaned, the release hovering through her. Her thigh muscles burned and her core contracted at the deep delicious thrusts of his cock. He filled her in every way.

  He released her mouth and nipped along her jaw at the same time as he slowed his thrusts. Garrith let go of her hands and gripped her knees, spreading her as far as her muscles would allow.

  She panted as he pulled out of her and lifted his head, keeping his hands on her knees. A wicked glint flashed in his eyes.


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