One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3)

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One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3) Page 7

by Amanda Siegrist

  “What do you mean another rose and a note? From who? What did it say?”

  He didn’t mean to whip out question after question to her, but the panic that entered back at home ratcheted up another notch. Almost painful, dropping him to his knees.

  “I think it’s from my neighbor, but I’m not sure, it didn’t say who it’s from. It just said I’m sorry.”

  The air left his body as he almost staggered back in excruciating pain. A quick sucker punch to the gut. I’m sorry? No. It couldn’t be.

  “Did you keep the note?”

  She rolled her eyes. The gesture should’ve annoyed him, but it only made her look so damn adorable.

  “I said I threw the note away with the flower.”


  “In the garbage.”

  He grabbed her face, breathing in deeply. “Not the time to be sarcastic.”

  Her lips turned up into a sweet grin, devilish in a way, but sweet, nonetheless. “Are you going to kiss me again?”

  “Are you trying to make me kiss you by acting this way?”


  He was tempted to wipe that cocky smirk off her face with another kiss; instead, he dropped his hands and took a step back. If she knew why he wanted to see that note, maybe she’d act scared for once.

  “What garbage can did you throw the note away in?”

  “You’re stuck on that note, aren’t you? Why?”

  “What garbage can?”

  “Tell me why.”


  She huffed in indignation and then crossed her arms as her brows rose.

  He could play that game as well. She thought he was a shy guy. Yeah, he wouldn’t dispute that. But his job—just call him a bulldog. Nobody messed with him, especially the bad guys. He wasn’t about to let some asshole, some killer out there, hurt her. She wanted to be difficult, well, he could be, too.

  He turned around and started to walk away.

  “Where are you going, Sauer? You can’t just walk away from me. I didn’t tell you what garbage can I threw it away in.”

  He looked back at her. “I need to do my job, whether you’re going to cooperate with me or not. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. I’ll search every damn garbage can if I have to.”

  She deflated right before his eyes. Her posture slouched, her eyes turned down, her smile slid away. “On the side of the house.”

  “Thank you.” He cursed under his breath when he realized he didn’t ask one of the most important questions of the night. “Did you get a good look at his face?”

  “No. It was dark. Maybe he has dark hair, that’s all I can really say. It happened so quickly.”

  “Not enough for a sketch?”

  “No. Why would a simple break in require a sketch artist?”

  “You’re hurt. Nothing about this was simple. I’ll be right back.” He started for the house again to tell Susan the new developments.


  He stopped walking. Before he could turn around, she asked, “You know who did this, don’t you?”

  “I have an idea, yes.” He kept walking before he gave in and pulled her into his arms again. It wasn’t his shyness that had him walking away. It was his determination to find this killer and keep Dee safe at all costs.


  Dee looked around Sauer’s foyer, more so than the last time she came here, liking the simplicity of it. He had a small coat rack in the corner, probably because there was no closet to hang coats. A long green rug, that matched the gray walls, ran a pathway down the hallway that she knew led to the kitchen at the end and the living room to the right. She assumed the opening a short ways down to the left led to the bedrooms.

  A cute house. No neighbors surrounded him as he lived a few miles out of town in the country. It was very quiet. Kind of like him. His silence sometimes grated on her nerves. Got her so fired up. No man could ever fire her up the way he could.

  He just didn’t listen to her either. No matter how many times she tried to tell him she’d be okay on her own, even as the thought disturbed her a bit, he argued in the silent way he had perfected that she would be going home with him. End of discussion. He actually said those words to her, then remained silent while she badgered him with question after question after question about who attacked her.

  Nothing. Zilch. Sauer refused to say anything. It royally pissed her off. She wasn’t some meek, mild woman who needed saving from a man. Of course, she didn’t say that to him. Deep down, she liked the attention he was giving her. She liked that he seemed to care enough to want to keep her safe. No one had ever made her feel safe like that before. No one had ever seemed to care like he did.

  “I’ll show you the bathroom. I’ll put your stuff in the spare room. And then you can take a shower.”

  “A shower?”

  He pointed up and down her body.

  She followed the path. She had changed clothes at her house, gladly handing them over to Susan as evidence. Then she saw it. A smear of blood on her arm.

  So disgusting.

  Evidence of the man attacking her sucked the life right out of her.

  “Come on. Shower.”

  For once, she silently followed Sauer. Or more like, he dragged her by the hand to the bathroom. There wasn’t much she could say. A shower sounded like the best damn idea ever. She needed to wipe every speck of that man off her. Suddenly, she couldn’t stand it. It was as if a million tiny bugs were invading her skin. Prickling goose bumps scoured over every inch.

  She practically slammed the door in his face, and with jerky movements, ripped her clothes off. Each article of clothing hit the trashcan next to the toilet without hesitation. They weren’t the clothes she had been wearing when she was attacked, but still. She couldn’t stand the sight of them anymore.

  Jumping into the shower, she twisted the knob and let the water rain down. Cold. Hot. She couldn’t tell. All she knew was she needed to feel clean.

  Grabbing a bottle from the corner of the tub without checking if it was soap or shampoo or conditioner, she poured an enormous glob into her hand and started to furiously rub everywhere. Her chest, her arms, her legs, her hair, her face. Every single inch of her body.

  She just kept pouring and scrubbing and pouring and scrubbing before she realized nothing more came out of the container. Nothing but air.

  The bottle fell from her hands.

  As did the tears. Slowly at first, then a little heavier.

  Slumping down, she wrapped her arms around her waist. The tears wouldn’t stop. She wasn’t a crier. Tears signaled weakness. An emotion that solved nothing.

  How many times did her mother cry when another man walked out of their lives? Every time. Did the tears do anything? Did they magically make the man reappear? Did it mend her mother’s broken heart? No. They did diddlysquat.

  Why was she crying? Besides a bump on her head and a few aches and pains from tussling around with him, she was fine. She hurt him. She jabbed him good in the thigh. Tears were useless. Yet, she couldn’t stop them as the water poured over her head.

  Nothing registered. Not the water. Not the tears. Not the voice calling to her. Just complete numbness.

  A pair of warm hands grasped her shoulders. Then suddenly, Sauer cocooned her in a warm embrace.

  “Shit, Dee. This water is freezing.”

  She buried her head into Sauer’s chest, the rough material of his shirt almost soothing. He had stepped into the shower clothed. To comfort her. To help her. Why did he always have to be such a nice guy?

  The water stopped flowing. His warmth disappeared, then just as quickly it was replaced with a towel. So soft and inviting. Without warning, he had her cradled in his arms, his clothes soaked to the bone.

  “You’re shivering like crazy.” He kissed her head.

  He smelled divine. Or was that her? She smelled like him now after using his stuff from the shower. She could get used to this if she let herself. Why couldn’t s
he? Would it be so wrong to give into her feelings?

  Everything was wrong. Didn’t she learn anything when every time her mother let in a new man and he waltzed out just as quickly? Life was easier when she just dated and got rid of the man first. No broken heart. No tears. No reason to feel anything remotely bad.

  As soon as he laid her on the softest bed she’d ever felt in her life and the covers yanked over her body, she missed him.


  Her eyes pleaded with him with what she couldn’t say out loud. She needed him to hold her just a little longer. She needed his strong, warm arms around her. That was all.

  He hesitated, but only for a second before he started to disrobe right before her eyes. She imagined he would’ve never done that in front of her if his clothes hadn’t been wet.

  Just like that, he was naked like her. She didn’t have time to revel in his hard body as he quickly joined her in bed, nestling nicely under the covers. He grabbed her immediately. She didn’t hesitate to rest her head onto his chest. His warmth instantly soothed her.

  “You’re shaking. It’s okay. Everything’s okay now.”

  Until he said that, she hadn’t realized she was shaking. But she was. From the cold. Because she didn’t even take a warm shower. From the attack. Because she’d never been attacked before. She could’ve died tonight.

  “Who was that man?”

  He rubbed his hand up and down her back, his quiet breathing calming her. His lack of words, not so much.


  “I don’t know.”

  She lifted her head. “You do, too.” Suddenly, her timid behavior from moments before disappeared. She couldn’t believe she acted so weak. That wasn’t her. She was strong and in control of her emotions. She wasn’t starting to feel better just because he was comforting her, his hands roaming her back and soothing her. Not the reason at all.

  “Tell me now, Sauer.”

  “I don’t know. If I did, I’d be arresting his ass for even thinking about you.”

  “What are you leaving out? You’re not telling me something.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Nothing for you to worry about.”

  She slapped his chest. “I’m not some meek and mild woman who needs to be taken care of. Tell me.”

  He laughed. The man had the audacity to laugh. “You’re the strongest woman I know.” His hand glided down her back and up again as he kissed her forehead once more. “But I’m still not saying anything.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s my job. It’s your job to stay out of it.”

  She bent her head, inhaling his musky scent, relishing in the heavenly smell. “Why do you even care?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You’re amazing. I’ve known that since the moment I met you…” He chuckled. “Even if I only said one word to you. I always get tongue-tied around beautiful women. But you, it’s like ten times worse.”

  “It’s rather cute when you blush and stutter over your words.”

  “I don’t blush.”

  Her eyes lifted. “You do. I wouldn’t be good for you. We’re so mismatched.”

  His brows burrowed. She had to admit, she didn’t like it when he looked sad. “Why would you say that? You’re perfect.”

  “I’m a bitch.”

  “I wouldn’t change one thing about you.”

  She slapped his chest again. “Oh my God. Did you just agree I’m a bitch?”

  He laughed. “Of course not. So you don’t hold back what you say. That doesn’t make you a bitch. Some people can’t stand that, but I like everything about you. I wouldn’t change one thing.”

  “I need you to start acting like a man I hate. Not one who makes me wish for things I can’t have.”

  “Is this you trying to maintain only friends between us?” He lowered his mouth, kissing her gently. “We are naked in this bed.”

  “Why aren’t you doing something about that?”

  His mouth moved away, making her wish he never did that. “Because you’re still shivering. Because I’d never take advantage of you. What happened tonight affected you. You never responded to the comment about being friends, which makes me believe you still want to be just friends.”

  “We are naked, Sauer.”


  Her head fell to his chest once again. “And sometimes you’re almost too perfect. You know exactly what I need even when I don’t. I like you holding me.”

  His hot breath flowed down her neck, making her shiver for an entirely different reason. “I like it, too.”

  Her head jerked up. “You’re sick. You’ve been kissing me and you’re sick.”

  “I’m much better. That soup did wonders.”

  She gave him a stern look, trying to make him squirm as most people did under that look, but he just stared back at her. She couldn’t decipher the emotion in his eyes. He had kissed her. Shy, sweet Sauer, who couldn’t even string together a fluid sentence when asking her out, had kissed her. Each kiss was better than the last. She couldn’t be mad at him for kissing her, even if she did get his cold from it.

  “You better be because I don’t want to get sick.” With that, she lay back down, resting perfectly on his chest. Small, jerky movements rippled below her head. He was laughing. The man had the nerve to laugh again. Damn, if she didn’t want to laugh with him. Instead, she snuggled closer, letting his warmth seep into her bones.

  Then silence rented the air. She didn’t know what to say to the friends comment. It’d be much better if they stayed friends. She liked Sauer. Like, really liked him. More than friends could ruin everything. She didn’t want to lose him from her life. He hadn’t been in her life that long and she didn’t want to lose that. Becoming more than friends would make her lose him. She knew with complete certainty.

  Every relationship she had always failed. Just like her mother. Being more than friends would never work.

  Lying naked together was completely normal. Friends could do that. Of course they could. There was nothing weird about this.

  Talk about temptation, though. Every time his hand wove up then down her back, she wanted him to keep going lower. He never did. He was the utmost gentleman. Just one more reason why Sauer was one of a kind. She could be naked in his arms and not take advantage of the situation.

  Or shit. Maybe he didn’t find her attractive. Maybe he didn’t want to have sex with her.

  No. Dumb thought. She could feel his hard erection against her leg, because she obviously liked to torture them both by draping her leg across him. He was feeling plenty at the moment, but wasn’t straying into that territory. One, because he knew that’s not what she needed right now. She just needed his comfort. His warmth to surround her. Second, because he knew she only wanted friendship. He wouldn’t cross that line even if he wanted to.

  Ugh, but they were naked. She had never in her life laid with a man like this and something sexual didn’t happen. So weird and unusual. But she loved it, just lying here quietly with him as his hands calmed her down.

  For the first time in her life, she found a man who understood her, who liked her for her, crazy bitchy tendencies and all.

  Sauer was making it hard not to fall in love.

  Oh, shit.

  She couldn’t afford to fall in love with the man. But like the idiot she could be sometimes, she did.

  She just fell in love with the sweetest, shyest guy on the planet.

  Chapter 7

  Idiot! Who sleeps with a beautiful woman—a naked beautiful woman—and doesn’t do anything other than hold her? Him. That’s who. Only shy, awkward Sauer would do something like that.

  He imagined most men would’ve taken her up on her subtle offer of going further. She insinuated that he could’ve if he wanted to, because they had been naked.

  But he heard her voice loud and clear. The pain, the slight fear. That man attacking her had affected her more than she wanted to admit. He would never take advantage of her like that,
no matter how badly he wanted her.

  He opened the oven door and shoved the bacon in. Did she like bacon? Maybe she didn’t eat meat. Was she a vegetarian?

  No. That was a dumb thought. She made him chicken noodle soup.

  “Calm down. There’s nothing to be nervous about.” He blew out a breath and grabbed some eggs from the fridge.

  He couldn’t stand the temptation lying in his arms. He had hopped out of bed the moment he woke up and decided to make breakfast. Seeing her sleep so peacefully had made his control almost snap. He wanted to wake her up, his hands roaming to places they didn’t venture to last night.

  Only friends. That thought stopped any movement from him and made him flee from the bed. Last night had taken a toll on Dee. She was always so strong and in control. Last night, she needed comfort. He provided it as best as he could. Like a good friend. Which is something she still obviously wanted to maintain between them.

  She claimed that she wouldn’t be good for him. He laughed as he whipped the eggs. That was clearly her way of saying he just wasn’t the right guy for her. She wasn’t attracted to him. Because she was perfect in every way. She’d be perfect for him.

  “Damn it.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  Sauer whipped around, almost flinging eggs everywhere as the whisk shook in his hand. “You’re awake.”

  Dee smiled, the sleepiness still evident in her eyes as she brushed her hair back from her face. “Is something wrong?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head. No way in hell he was going to share his feelings. A guy could only handle rejection so many times. “I’m making breakfast.”

  Her brow rose. “I know. I could smell the bacon.”

  “Right. I didn’t mean to wake you up yet.”

  Oh God. He couldn’t handle it. He was reverting to his shy, awkward self. He had no idea what to say to her, so he did the only thing he could think of. Turned back toward the stove and poured the egg mixture into the pan sitting on the front left burner.


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