False Start (Mavericks #1)

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False Start (Mavericks #1) Page 2

by Julianna Marley

  “Oh come on, Chels, you know I’m just waiting for you to leave this bonehead boyfriend of yours so we can run away together,” he joked, placing his large hands in his pockets, chuckling as Trevor put his arm back around Chelsea. Looking back at her again, his smile faltered a fraction.

  “Oh, that’s right, y’all haven’t been properly introduced, yet,” Chelsea said flashing a shifty grin. She knew that look. It meant she was up to something. “Alivia Moore, this is Jax Monaghan, your host for the evening. Jax, this is Liv, my best friend and event planner extraordinaire.”

  Oh sweet Jesus. This was the man she was working for and talking to for over a month? Struggling to keep her mouth from dropping, she felt the blood rising to her cheeks. She didn’t particularly know what to expect from a star football player, but this was not it. He was like a golden god in a tuxedo, his skin a muted tan, as if he spent most days in the sun. If she were a gambling woman, she’d bet he was a self-entitled star used to getting whatever he needed from people, whatever he wanted from a woman. Or maybe a pompous ass? Yes, that seemed more logical because in no universe would a man that looked like the one standing in front of her, also be a perfect gentleman. It’s just not how it worked.

  “It’s great to finally meet you, Mr. Monaghan,” she said, miraculously forming words. Gorgeous or not, this man was a client and she had a level of professionalism to uphold. Extending her hand she looked back at Jax watching her closely, her perfectly manicured hand hanging between them. Shifting under his scrutiny, everyone watched him as slow seconds ticked by before he reached his strong hand to finally link hers. The amount of hot blood running through her arm was almost crippling as his entire hand devoured hers, his long fingers spreading past her rapidly beating pulse.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, still watching her. “I just didn’t expect you to be the woman I’ve been talking to all month.”

  Tell me about it.


  What did that mean?

  “I mean, I expected someone different,” he corrected quickly.

  Everyone fell silent, the smooth violin music circling around them as he shook his head once more and she couldn’t help but smile. Definitely not a pompous ass. Sinful as all hell, but also kind of adorable.

  “I’m sorry. Can we start over?” he asked, grinning to reveal startling dimples she just now discovered gracing both sides of his face, one larger than the other. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Moore. This place looks amazing,” his eyes searched her body, “And so do you.”

  Humming under her breath Chelsea grinned as Trevor rolled his eyes.

  “Thank you. But you can call me Liv,” she said, surprising herself that she was still holding his gaze because she could not take her eyes off this man. He was too mesmerizing and too big and for some crazy reason that she didn’t want to question, he was looking at her as if she were the only woman in the room. Which was absolutely ridiculous because the ballroom was filling quickly with young, beautiful women who were all looking at him with the same intensity that he was looking at her right now.

  “When do we eat?” Trevor grumbled breaking the silence.

  “Now,” she said quickly, coming out of her hazy stupor reluctantly pulling her hand away from Jax’s firm grip, which still didn’t stop the heat from racing up her arm or the flutter in her stomach. Smiling, she excused herself from the three of them, but not without stealing another quick peek up into Jax’s emerald eyes. Gosh, they were so green. Making her way towards the kitchen, she felt a little more unbalanced than she had when she arrived. It would have been nice if she were a little more prepared to meet the king of the entire male species. Although stepping through the double doors, she couldn’t help but smile softly to herself. Maybe Ross was right. Maybe the night would turn out to be great after all.

  * * *


  Taking a long draw of his Corona, Jax watched his gorgeous new event planner disappeared into the kitchen. Shaking his head, he assessed the room. He never had a problem talking to any woman.


  But he also hadn’t expected her. They had spoken a few times over the past couple of weeks and he had learned quickly that she was all business. But if he knew the planning schematics were coming from the sweet little mouth of that woman, he would have made for damn sure he was more involved.

  But that still didn’t mean he wanted to be here.

  There would be no other reason for him to be at a stuffy, over the top dinner, the exact kind of party he hated, dressed in a monkey suit and chatting it up with the National Football League’s commissioner, than for his charity. It was important to give back to the community that had already given him so much support, he knew that, but he would have much rather preferred to donate a large sum of money and visit the center a few times a year, especially a center that helped both women and children living in unsafe living conditions obtain new homes and support. But his agent had convinced him that it would be great publicity if the community saw the new quarterback giving back. Not that he gave a damn about publicity or exposure, but the amount of money he could donate would be nothing compared to the amount of contributions the center could receive from some of the wealthiest people in the city.

  Being grilled by another local newspaper columnist about his charity of choice and his intentions for the upcoming season, he was rewarded with another glimpse of his event planner urging guests to take their seats for dinner.

  She. Was. Stunning.

  Watching her long blonde hair sway down her back was making his arm twitch, battling the urge to reach out and rub the smooth curls between his fingers, wondering if they were as soft as they looked. The lights from the chandeliers picked up golden strands as his eyes traveled down thoroughly enjoying the way her hips moved above her mouthwatering long legs. It didn’t help matters that she had an ass that-

  “Mr. Monaghan?”

  Stiffening, he turned around looking down at a man with combed over hair and a very unique bowtie.

  “Allow me to formally introduce myself. I’m Ross Warren, Ms. Moore’s assistant,” he held out his hand, a suspicious crossing his face and Jax had an inkling that the neat and tidy assistant had just caught him checking out his boss. “The first course will be served shortly, allow me to show you to your seat.”

  Excusing himself from the reporter, he stole another glance at Liv, now talking to the owner of the team as he followed Ross to a round table in front of a small platform and podium. Pleased to find that everyone seated at his table were close friends. No managers or commissioners that he had to make forced small talk with. Just Trevor, Chelsea, two of his new teammates and their dates and his agent Mike Brody with his fiancée. Taking his seat, he draped the white napkin across his knee. One thing was for certain as he took another sip of his beer, Ms. Moore was exceeding all expectations for the evening.

  Three hours, five courses and a humbling speech from the SCWC director about the center’s efforts, the party was in full swing. The band lured guests onto the dance floor with their version of Michael Buble, as Jax sat back watching various team members and staff moving around the floor, resisting the urge to laugh at Trevor dancing in the middle of the crowd with as much finesse as a fourteen year-old kid. He was glad to be back on the field with Trevor, they had played ball together back in college before being drafted to different teams. He was one hell of a tight end and an even better friend. He was happy for Trevor too, that he found someone as great as Chelsea. Not many women would have picked up their lives and moved to another city with their boyfriend without a complaint or a second thought. He had spent most weekends and holidays with them, they were like family, but being in their company was difficult sometimes, making it hard to shake the disappointment in his own life. He was lonely. Having no parents or extended family would do that to a man. After a bad and very public breakup with his last girlfriend nearly six months ago, he promised himself he was going to focus more on matters of th
e field and less on matters of the heart.

  This year was his year. He would do what he was brought to Carolina to do. To help build strong players and lead his new team not only into the playoffs, but secure a spot in the championship and win. It was his first year for the Mavs and he had a lot to prove to his team, to the organization, and to himself. No excuses. No distractions.

  Taking a small swig of his beer, he leaned it back against his leg feeling a gentle hand rest on his shoulder. Jolting slightly, he looked over his shoulder, nearly colliding with Liv.

  “I’m so sorry,” she apologized, quickly removing her hand, leaving warmth in its wake. “I didn’t mean to startle you, but its time for you to present the check for the total amount that was raised for the evening,” she explained, competing with the loud music. The feeling of her delicate breath against his face was sending sensations to places that were suddenly making his tuxedo pants tighter. Looking in her eyes a moment he watched her. Damn. A man could get lost in those eyes and since meeting her a mere few hours prior he became painfully aware that he could also see every emotion unfold inside her eyes, like a movie. Like surprise when she had met him for the first time.

  Slowly shaking his head he grumbled. “Do I have to? I hate speaking at these things.”

  A genuine smile washed across her face for the first time all evening, and he couldn’t have been more grateful that he was sitting down. Her smile was so bright, lighting up her entire face and powerful enough to have knocked him on his ass.

  “Yes. As the host, it’s kind of your duty,” she said looking straight back at him entertained. She wasn’t going to let him off the hook. He could tell. Usually all it took was a small grin and a flash of the dimples he inherited from his mother to get anything he ever wanted from a woman. But not this woman.

  “Couldn’t you do it for me?” he asked, deciding to flash his infamous grin anyway.

  “I mean you did such a fantastic job with everything else.” He added gesturing his free hand slightly around the room.

  Slowly shaking her head, she leaned closer into his ear and he was hit with the scent of light coconut coming from her smooth neck.

  “I have an idea,” she whispered as he gripped his Corona harder. Oh, he couldn’t wait to hear her idea. She was turning him on already and all she was doing was breathing. “You sit here and drink your beer and I will thank all of your guests for attending your event and present your charity with your check,” she chuckled as he sucked in a small breath.

  “You would do that for me?” he teased looking back into her face. She definitely wasn’t going to let him get his way, although at the moment, getting his way meant less about getting out of speaking in front of a crowd and more about the two of them in the back of a limo while getting up close and personal with those legs he had been admiring all evening.


  Standing up quickly she crossed her arms across her chest. And she had a great chest. Nodding towards the podium, she looked amused, but also sexy as hell. When he didn’t move, she grinned leaning back down into his ear and he wasn’t entirely confident he wasn’t going to burst. Why was this woman driving him crazy? Was it her? Or had it just been that long since he got laid?

  “You’re a big boy, Captain.”

  You have no idea.

  “I would be wildly disappointed to learn that the biggest player in the NFL needs a girl to do his job for him.” She winked tapping him softly on his shoulder pointing to the podium before walking away. Nope, it was definitely her.

  “Alright,” he said standing up before she had a chance to get too far. “But you owe me Ms. Moore,” he promised pointing at her. Rolling her eyes playfully she left him standing there, a little amused, a little curious, and ridiculously turned on.


  Reaching for the glass doors of her office nestled inside a brick building on West Avenue in the heart of town, Alivia was anxious to see if Save the Date had received any positive feedback from Saturday night’s event. The party had gone great. Better than great, it had been terrific. Walking into the sunlight drenched space decorated from floor to ceiling in bridal ivory; the only pop of color provided by the lush mock table settings, faux cake displays and the mint green arm chairs available for guests and clients, she was pleased that everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the event. Maybe even more satisfied that the event had raised a ton of money for such a wonderful cause, because really, there was nothing more fulfilling to her than helping people who needed it the most. Placing a macchiato on the wide front desk for her receptionist, she was welcomed by a giant bouquet of stunning roses, nearly occupying half of the desk.

  “Where did these come from?” she mouthed quietly to Charlotte who was on the phone, pointing to the bouquet curiously.

  “They came a few minutes ago for you,” Charlotte whispered. “There’s a card.”

  Bending down to smell a large rose bud, she found the card, delicately removing it from the round arrangement opening the envelope. It wasn’t uncommon for flowers to be delivered to the office, usually from local florists around town showcasing their work in an attempt to get on the preferred vendor list for weddings and events, but this bouquet was much more impressive and ornate than anything she had ever seen delivered. The three different shades of purple roses contouring around a crystal base smelled even better than they looked.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Ross’s yells traveled over the entire square footage of the office, his door swinging open causing both her and Charlotte to jump. Running down the small hallway carrying the newspaper, showing no signs of slowing his pace, he grabbed her into a giant hug, lifting her off the floor.

  “What?” she asked confused, trying to get out of his suffocating chokehold, something so unlike him.

  “Not only has our phone been ringing off the hook today with people from Saturday night’s event,” he said nodding at Charlotte for confirmation, “but we managed to get four big accounts including two weddings, a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, and a sweet sixteen,” he exclaimed smiling so brightly his eyes looked as though they were going to pop out of his head.

  “But that’s not all! We are also featured in the local paper!” he squealed. Again, something so unlike him, as he pushed the day’s issue of The Charleston Post into her hands. Placing the unread card down on the desk, she quickly scanned the last page of the sport’s section for the article in the right hand corner reading it aloud:

  “Monaghan’s Big Win for Charity.”

  Her eyes immediately finding the picture of Jax handing the giant check to the founder of the SCWC for the amount of three hundred and fifty three thousand dollars, she couldn’t hide her grin. He tried so hard to get out of speaking at the event, it was endearing actually, and the way he had been looking at her while he pleaded still had her blushing, even now. Reading the small print under the charming photo, her heart paused.

  “I’m glad that tonight was a success for the women and children’s center, but I really can’t take any of the credit for this event. It was all the gracious guests who donated and my incredible event planner, Alivia Moore of Save the Date events.”

  Alivia’s eyes went wide at his acknowledgement, holding back the urge to scream and jump up and down because Charlotte was still on the phone with a potential client. Hopping over to Ross and giving him another huge hug, she felt the sting in her eyes begin.

  This was it.

  This was why she left Virginia.

  This was why she worked so hard.

  And this was why she had spent every day for the past twelve months putting all she had -mentally, emotionally and physically - into this business. This was the payoff and it felt so damn good.

  Assuming Jax had no idea what he had done by mentioning her name in the paper associated with such a major event, she was beyond grateful that he had just given her the extra push she so desperately needed into the direction she just knew she was headed.

what’s the plan now, boss?” Ross asked, smiling so hard his face was red. She had been so worried that night when she arrived at the dinner and he had told her to just trust her abilities as a planner and he had been right.

  She hated when he was right.

  “Well.” She looked around placing her hands on her hips deciding where to start with four new accounts at once, as the phone rang for the third time since walking into the office.

  “Set-up appointments with every one of these new clients. I want to talk to them and get a real good feel for who they are and what direction they want to go with their parties, especially the weddings,” she instructed letting out another satisfied sigh. She couldn’t believe it. The phone hadn’t stopped ringing and she was finally feeling what she spent so many days longing for; the reassurance that the business was going to be okay. There had been so many months wasted in the office with nothing but silence filling the space and too many sleepless nights worrying about failing. The only reason she had hired Charlotte in the first place was because she needed Ross’s full attention after taking over Jax’s account.

  Sliding up to the bouquet of flowers sitting on the desk, Ross leaned down smelling the bright colored roses that now matched her cheery mood.

  “And who are these for?”

  Looking down on the desk, she picked up the small white card.

  “They are for me,” she smiled opening the card, reading it aloud, her heart flipping inside her chest.


  Thank you again for making me look good Saturday night.

  Everything was perfect.


  P.S. You still owe me.


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