Ensnaring Lord Starsen

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Ensnaring Lord Starsen Page 14

by Jenn Langston

  After exchanging a confused look with Christopher, they did as they were bid. He expected the girl to help him move through the hallways unnoticed, but if she had brought Isabella out to him, that would be much easier.

  When she stopped, Marcus looked around. There was no door, nor was this a good spot to wait. They were too exposed here. Discomfort prickled down his spine. This wasn’t at all what he had expected.

  A wicked smile touched Elise’s lips. “This is both what you want, and a test of your regard. Right now, you have to decide how badly you would like to see her.”


  She held up a hand. “I don’t need to hear your answer. That is her window, and I imagine it’s unlocked as usual.”

  Marcus glanced up the side of the building to what Elise had pointed out as Isabella’s window. He gulped. The only way up was by using the questionable looking trellis attached to the side of the manor. His leg ached simply looking at it. He’d never make it.

  “You expect him to climb up there?” Christopher sounded appalled.

  “He can do whatever he wishes. My lord, you’d better take care of my girl. If you don’t, I will have no qualms about sending his lordship after you.”

  Christopher clapped him on the back. “So, what are you waiting for? This may be the only chance you have. Go get your lady.”

  “Don’t sway his decision. Come, I’m sure we can find something else to do while Lord Starsen decides.”

  Tuning out the comments from the other two, Marcus focused on the trellis. This may be the only way he would get to see Isabella.

  He opened his hand and dropped his cane.

  ~ ~ ~

  Isabella ran a brush through her hair, staring in the mirror. The girl looking back at her no longer resembled the person she knew. Her life had been reduced to wandering down the halls of the manor aimlessly. She couldn’t even garner enough enthusiasm to walk outside anymore.

  But, he’d sent her letters. The unbidden thought made her slam her hairbrush down with a clink. It didn’t matter. Perhaps Carolyn had tired of his kisses already, and he needed a replacement. Or worse. They could be apologies for all the time he had spent with her in the first place. Explanations of how their relationship had been wrong.

  A scraping sound at her window drew her attention. She turned and a scream lodged in her throat as a shadowed figure entered her room. Terror kept her fused to the chair until the man crumpled to the floor.

  Marcus. Her heart leapt as she hurried across the room. “Are you all right? What are you doing here?”

  He didn’t respond. His jaw was clenched tight, and she could see how much pain he was in. Knowing what she had to do, she helped him to the bed and dropped to the floor in front of him.

  When she put her hands on either side of his left leg, he didn’t protest, a further testament to the amount of pain he currently endured. She began massaging him in the same way she had done for Henry so many times. But, this was different.

  The feel of his warmth through the fabric of his breeches burned her fingers. Whether she was angry with him or not, her body responded. Glancing up at him, she sucked in her breath. His dark eyes watched her with a hunger she’d never seen before.

  She looked away, concentrating on alleviating his pain, nothing more. Moving her hands in the familiar pattern, she reached his knee. Without any direction from him, she wasn’t sure what he needed, or if she was helping him at all.

  Bringing herself up on her knees, she slid her hands up to his muscular thigh. Her pulse raced. This was so much farther than she had gone before, but she couldn’t seem to help herself.

  “Isabella,” Marcus groaned as he reached for her.

  Desperately trying to recall her anger, she avoided his grasp, opting to put herself a safer distance away from him. Once out of his reach, she crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly realizing she remained in only her nightdress.

  “What are you doing here, Marcus?”

  “There was no other way to get to you. I know you’ve been avoiding me.”

  “So, you nearly killed yourself climbing through my window? Not the best decision. It would take one word for me, and you’d be facing a few very angry men.”

  Even in the low light she could see his face soften. “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Why shouldn’t I? Our relationship is over. Did you even stop to think about what Carolyn would say?” She shook her head. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “I know why you are saying this, but you’re wrong. It isn’t over between us, merely getting started. And, as far as Miss Ashford, she will be gone in a few days to have her season. Her thoughts on my presence here are irrelevant.”

  Isabella narrowed her eyes. Simply because his soon to be betrothed was having to go through a pointless season before he claimed her didn’t mean Isabella would become a substitute for him.

  “I have no desire to be your temporary replacement. Go find someone else.”

  He stood, gingerly putting weight on his leg. “I don’t want anyone else. Nor do I want you to be temporary.”

  His rough voice excited her nerve endings and his words stole her breath. She squeezed her eyes shut before opening them again. He was still here. She wasn’t dreaming. This was the most confusing man she’d ever met.

  “I don’t understand.” She cringed at the desperation in her voice.

  “Isabella, I was wrong to treat you like I did. The trouble was that I couldn’t give you up. I refuse to let you go.”

  “Then, why did you make a promise to Carolyn?”

  “She and I made the decision before I realized there was more to marriage than a willing woman. You showed me that.”

  “How does she feel about all this?”

  “Actually, she’s happy for us. Or, at least, she will be once you have forgiven me.”

  “How can I when you were sharing your passion with her, too? She spoke about it.”

  “What are you talking about? You must have misunderstood her meaning. I never shared such a thing with her.”

  “She spoke of your passion. Actually, her words were quite favorable.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “Likely she was trying to convince you I was capable of feeling it. You see, she has been trying to push us together.”

  “But, she saw your passion. Firsthand. How can you expect me to trust you when you couldn’t remain faithful to either of us?”

  “If she saw the emotion on my face, it was thoughts of you that brought it out. I shared one innocent kiss with her, a brotherly one really. Trust me, there was no passion behind it. That has only been reserved for you.”

  She raised a brow, loving how he squirmed as well as the hope his words ignited within her. “So, you did kiss her.”

  Closing his eyes, he drew in a breath before letting it out slowly. “To prove a point. It was the only way to show her she wasn’t really interested in me. And, that I had my attention focused on someone else. On you.”

  A smile tugged at her lips. How could she remain mad at him in light of his confession? He wanted her forever. Joy bubbled up inside her. She couldn’t even imagine something so wonderful happening after these past few days.

  “I don’t know.” She tapped her finger against her cheek. “I suppose if you were kissing me, this decision would be easier.”

  Marcus’s smile encouraged her to return it fully. Without wasting another second, she threw herself into his arms. He caught her to him, but his leg crumbled and they toppled backwards onto the bed. Feeling guilty, she pulled away, but he caught her and drew her mouth down to his.

  She melted against him, her legs on either side of him. Pleasure sprang through her body at the contact. His mouth devoured hers as his fingers tangled in her loose hair. She’d missed this. She’d missed him.

  Needing to see the truth in his eyes she drew back, then gasped. Her gown had been hitched high on her leg and the only thing separating them was the fabric of his trousers. Feeling b
old, she ground herself against him, and another spike of pleasure shot through her body.

  “Isabella, don’t,” Marcus pleaded. “I want you too badly to control myself right now.”

  She pressed down again, and his hands gripped her thighs. Whether to stop her, or encourage her, she didn’t know. The sensation of his hands on her bare skin only increased the aching in her core. She wanted him to touch her. The idea set her pulse racing.

  “Maybe I don’t want you to control yourself,” she purred. “I think this situation calls for little more than just our mouths to be wild.”

  A tortured moan escaped his lips as his grip on her thighs tightened. “What are you saying?”

  His whispered voice held a hint of unease that she hadn’t been expecting from him. Needing him to fully understand what she wanted, she leaned forward, her hair closing them in like a curtain. Lightly capturing his bottom lip between her teeth, she tugged before sucking it into her mouth.

  To her surprise, his hands slid up her bare body, tickling her sides, and leaving a trail of aching flesh in his wake. His touch was Heaven, and she wanted a whole lot more of it.

  She drew back, staring at his midnight blue eyes. “You know exactly what I’m saying. I want you, Marcus.”

  Instead of continuing like she’d hoped, his hands grasped her waist and pulled her off of him. Then, he sat up with his fists balled against the mattress on either side of him. She didn’t like this change in him.

  “I should leave. Tomorrow we can talk and make a plan.”

  Curling her legs beneath her, she lifted up onto her knees, wrapped her arms around him, and lightly kissed his neck. When he didn’t pull away, she slid her hands under his waistcoat while running her tongue along his warm flesh.

  “You can’t leave yet.” She blew across the wet trail on his neck. “Not with your leg still hurting you.”

  She popped open the buttons of his waistcoat before he stopped her. “You don’t understand, Isabella. I . . . I’ve never done this before.”

  She froze. Never done this before? The idea both confused and elated her. From what she’d heard, most men didn’t survive their youth without having enjoyed at least one woman. How had Marcus managed it?

  “I haven’t done this, either.” She peeled his waistcoat and jacket off at the same time, thrilled that he didn’t stop her.

  Marcus faced her. “That’s different, and you know it. I’m supposed to be the experienced one. Ever since the fire ten years ago, I’ve lived my life differently than everyone else my age. I’ve kept my passion locked away.”

  “I like it when you let it out.” She grabbed his face in her hands. “Let’s figure this out together. I’m sure the knowledge from our questionable reading will help.”

  His eyes darkened. “Don’t think for one second that I don’t know what to do.”

  “Good.” She inched her body closer to his. “Then, show me.”

  “If that is what you want, how can I refuse?” He ran his mouth along her jaw. “However, if there is something you want, don’t hesitate to tell me.”

  Excitement and fear welled up inside her, and she glanced away. They were actually going to do this. Right here. Right now. She swallowed. Was she truly ready for this?

  “Look at me,” Marcus demanded, and she complied. “You must promise me something first.”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice of the moment.

  “If there is something you don’t want, you tell me right then. You’re in control. One ‘no’ from your lips, and I’ll stop.”

  His intense expression and serious words eradicated all her fear. A smile spread across her face as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his. With less clothes between them than before, the context sizzled, but she longed for more. Gripping the fabric of his shirt, she tugged it upward until he had to pull away to disentangle himself from the garment.

  Her mouth dried at the sight of the perfection before her. She traced her fingertips along the formed muscles dusted with a light spattering of hair. So focused on the display, she hadn’t noticed Marcus’s intent until he drew her nightdress over her head. She knew she should feel embarrassed to be naked in front of him, but everything with Marcus felt right.

  “Bloody hell, you’re perfect,” he rasped before catching her to him, pushing them back against the mattress.

  The contact of his bare skin against hers was almost too much to take. His warm, strong body covered hers as his mouth devoured her. She squirmed against him, wishing her legs weren’t trapped between his.

  As his mouth moved down her face, his hand closed over her breast. She gasped at his touch, arching her back to press herself further into his palm. Then, his mouth closed over her nipple, and she cried out at the pleasure of it.

  This sensation of his hand caressing her while he suckled her was too much. A throbbing began between her legs, demanding more. She squirmed beneath him.

  “Marcus,” she pleaded.

  He froze, then slowly lifted his head to hers. His eyes were wild as his breath came out in gasps. “Yes?”

  “I—I’m ready to do this. Now.”

  A tight smile spread his lips. “Not quite.”


  He silenced her with his lips on hers. She couldn’t complain as his frantic mouth brought her other delights. Then, his knee gently nudged her legs apart and she thought she would die from the anticipation of what was to come. She fisted her hands in his hair, keeping him close to her.

  Shock stole her breath when his hand touched her most private place. Thought melted away as his fingers slipped inside her. This wasn’t what she had expected, but as he moved within her, nothing else mattered. Pleasure built deep down within her and she couldn’t stop herself from moving with his hand.

  Stars exploded behind her eyes in an unexpected array of colors as pleasure rocked her whole body. She cried out as the sensation took her to a height she’d never dreamed existed. Hugging Marcus tightly, she sailed through the skies, never wanting to return to the ground. Then, his mouth was on her again, kissing her with a fury she’d never seen before in him. Her body instantly responded, wanting him to touch her again.

  She whimpered when he abruptly pulled back, kneeling between her legs.

  “Now you’re ready.” His rough voice called out to a part deep inside of her.

  Yes. She was ready.

  When he unfastened his breeches and pulled them down, she gasped. The bulge she’d witnessed before hadn’t even hinted at something quite so large. Considering how much more substantial that part of him was compared to his finger, she knew there was a mistake. This wouldn’t work. Her hands shook as fear settled in.

  “No,” she whispered. “No, Marcus. We can’t.”

  He let out a low groan and squeezed his eyes shut. He held his body so tightly, she was afraid to move, lest he snap. This hadn’t been a good idea. She shouldn’t have pressed him. The reality of their situation made her face burn as hot tears spilled down her cheeks. She would never be able to have this with him.

  “Are you crying? Damn it, Isabella. I’m so sorry.” He began to move away, but she wasn’t ready to let go of him just yet. This would be the last time they would be like this.

  “Don’t go,” she begged, thrilled at the feel of his weight on her once again.

  “I have to.” He dropped a kiss in her hair before sitting back. His jaw was clenched tight, and his hands shook. “Otherwise, I’m going to do something you’re not ready for.”

  She shook her head. “I’m ready, but don’t you see? This will never work. You won’t fit.”

  Chapter 12

  Marcus looked down at Isabella. At the moment, all his mind could focus on was burying himself inside her. It was so overwhelming he could barely see straight. Not to mention, the loss of hearing due to the blood pounding in his ears.

  “What did you say?” he forced through his lust filled haze.

  “We can’t do this. You’re t
oo big. I never thought size would be a consideration when choosing a—”

  “Stop,” he rumbled, unable to be gentle in his current state. “Is your only objection my size?”

  She nodded, another tear running down her face. “I’m so sorry. I really wanted this to work.”

  Marcus would have laughed had he not been so tightly wound. However, relief that she wasn’t rejecting him managed to ease him a little. Lowering himself over her again, he gritted his teeth against the feel of her. His member nudged at her entrance, and he had to call upon every ounce of self-control to hold himself back.

  Placing his lips at his favorite part of her neck, he flicked his tongue over the sensitive flesh. She moaned, and he reveled in the sound. She was so responsive. He wanted to hear her scream again. This time with his name on her lips.

  “It is not the size that’s a problem.” He cupped one breast in his palm, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “It’s how ready you are. Do you want me, Isabella?”

  She whimpered as he moved his hand down her body to place himself at her entrance. Her heat beckoned him, and he could barely handle it. He had waited for this moment for much too long. A war waged inside of him, but surely another couple of minutes wouldn’t kill him. At least, he hoped not.

  “Tell me,” he ordered, his voice emerging rough.

  “Yes, Marcus. I want you. But—”

  He silenced her with his mouth, no longer having the patience to accept her claims. This would work. Isabella was made for him. Their whole lives had brought them together to this one moment. When he pulled back, he looked into her passion filled face. She was ready now.

  Slowly, he inched inside of her. She was so slick and tight, he let out a groan. Her body gripped him, bringing pleasure with every torturous movement. Fighting the urge to move faster, he gripped the coverlet roughly in his hands. Then, he reached her barrier.

  Isabella began squirming under him, and he bit down hard on his teeth.


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