Ensnaring Lord Starsen

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Ensnaring Lord Starsen Page 20

by Jenn Langston

  Marcus greedily drank as if he hadn’t had anything to sustain him in days, not really caring at the odd taste of it. “Thank you.”

  “The doctor assures me you shall be fine in a month or two.” She sat down in a rocking chair beside the bed. “He also said you were very lucky. Had the blade been a little farther over to the side . . . Well, no reason to dwell on what could have happened.”

  “How long have I been out? What have I missed?” He was desperate to ask about Isabella, but held his tongue. No doubt his mother wouldn’t wish to discuss her.

  “Viscount Burman didn’t survive. Raymond was taken into custody and his wounds tended to, and Lady Burman is naturally distraught, but she shall adjust to her new circumstances.”

  Marcus let out a breath as sleep beckoned. He owed Lady Burman more than he could say. Had she not thought to send the butler to Midcliffe, Isabella might not be alive right now. After he’d intercepted the distraught man on his way to see the earl, Marcus had set out for Burman Manor while the butler had gone off to inform Midcliffe.

  “What will become of the viscountess?” His voice emerged slurred.

  “Her nephew has been notified about his new obligations. Until then, Lord Midcliffe arranged for a few of his staff to offer assistance. Clearly, Lord Burman hadn’t seen fit to retain a full complement of staff.”

  Satisfied, Marcus tried to nod, but his body would not cooperate. “And, Lady Isabella? How is she?”

  His mother’s lips pinched tight. “That girl is a stubborn little thing. It took the threat of bodily harm to get her to leave your side. If Lord Midcliffe is to be believed, he’s locked her in her bedchamber with a guard to watch over her.”

  His heart swelled at the thought she had fought to remain with him. After Midcliffe’s promises, he fully intended to marry Isabella soon. A stab of pain shot through his left side. Well, perhaps as soon as he had fully healed.

  “Although I hate to admit it, I believe my opinions on that girl have been drastically altered. Any woman who draws a pistol on a man in order to save my son is welcome in my home. And, in my family.”

  A smile touched his lips as fog began to creep into the edges of his consciousness. He glared at the traitorous glass. Clearly, his mother had doused him with laudanum.

  Isabella’s sweet face invaded his thoughts as he drifted off to sleep.

  ~ ~ ~

  Irritated, Isabella paced the rug in her room, wishing she could wear a hole through it. That would serve Henry right. How could he do this to her after what she’d just gone through?

  “My lady, please calm yourself.” Elise’s eyes followed her path across the room.

  “You have no right to tell me what to do. You are betraying me.”

  Elise let out a long sigh. “I’m doing this for you. If I allowed you to escape, I know where you would go. Christopher told me Lord Starsen spent the entire day and night asleep. The man is in a tremendous amount of pain.”

  “I know, but don’t you see how that makes it important for me to be there for him? He’s hurt because of me.”

  Although she’d been assured, and reassured, she needed to see that Marcus was well with her own eyes. Nothing else would do. Regardless of how she’d treated him in the past, he had saved her.

  “From how that man feels about you. I’d imagine he would happily take any amount of suffering to protect you.”

  The reminder of Raymond’s warning struck her in the chest. Marcus had been hurt yesterday because of her, and if she tried to keep their relationship, he would be again. After all, Henry had practically dragged her from Avange Manor.

  A knock at the door brought her no comfort. Elise was right. She couldn’t go back to Marcus. Perhaps it was better this way. No doubt Marcus wouldn’t be about due to his injury, so she would allow this time to give him a chance to accustom himself to being without her.

  “My lady, Lord Midcliffe requests your presence in his study.”

  Forcing herself to her feet, Isabella nodded, then followed the housekeeper downstairs. She didn’t even care what her half-brother wanted. Likely, he would insist she remain indoors for eternity since Raymond could no longer accompany her.

  Once in the study, she saw her half-brother sitting behind his desk with an unfamiliar look on his face. If she didn’t know better, she would think him to be afraid.

  “Isabella, please come and sit.”

  The door clicked shut behind her. “Have I done something wrong? As you see, I haven’t left my bedchamber.”

  His lips tightened. “This has nothing to do with your disobedience. I had a very interesting conversation with Lord Starsen yesterday, and a few matters arose that you and I must discuss at present.”

  Knowing Marcus wouldn’t betray her trust, she straightened her back. “I can’t imagine what you are referring to.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t imagine that you would. You see, I’ve been keeping a secret from you. It was done in order to protect you, but it is past time I tell you the truth.”

  The pause in the conversation set her heart to racing. “Go on.”

  “When the previous earl, my father, married your mother, he was already very old. She was young, beautiful, and full of the same spirit that you, yourself, have.”

  Isabella smiled. “I would have loved to have known her.”

  “She would have adored you.” The spark of happiness in his face dissolved as he began his tale again. “I fell deeply in love with her. A feeling, she returned.”

  Isabella’s eyes widened as she swallowed.

  “As I said, my father was very advanced in years,” he continued. “Due to that, he could not claim her in the manner a husband does a wife. But, I could. Isabella, I’m not your brother. I’m your father.”

  The air rushed from her lungs at his revelation. She gazed upon Henry—no, her father—with new eyes. So many questions raced through her mind, but she couldn’t form the words. How could this even be possible?

  “I see you are shocked, but Starsen thought I should tell you. As you’ve grown up into a lovely woman, I know you have felt that I’ve been hard on you, but I couldn’t lose you the way I lost your mother. You are all I have left of her.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she finally managed to squeak out.

  “My father and I thought it best to let you live as one of his children. I didn’t want you raised in scandal, so I agreed. Now that you are older, I trust you to handle the information as you will.”

  This little bit of truth changed nothing, and everything at the same time. She wasn’t even sure how to address the man before her. However, she agreed with his assessment. She didn’t want her parentage to be known.

  “I-I prefer nothing become common knowledge.”

  He nodded. “At present you, me, and Starsen are the only ones who know the truth. I would like to believe we can trust that man.”

  Marcus’s name had come up several times in their conversation now, and she wondered at it. Clearly, Henry hadn’t intended to harm him during their talk. Raymond had thankfully been wrong.

  “How does Lord Starsen fit in all of this? I find it odd to discover him in your confidence.”

  “Yes, well, the man has proved his mettle. Although I’m not overly excited by his handicap, I can see he still has the ability to fight should the situation call for it.”

  Traitorous hope began to fill her chest. Perhaps with time, Henry could come to see Marcus as a potential husband for her. She would do anything in her power to ensure that happened.

  “I have also noticed he seems to be protective,” she added.

  The look he shot her seemed to delve into her soul. “Raymond seems to believe you have formed some kind of attachment to the man. Would this be an accurate assessment?”

  Not trusting her voice, she nodded.

  “That will certainly make the transition easier. You see, I have decided to give you to him.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Give me to him?”
/>   “Yes. After Starsen has healed, of course. We certainly can’t have him abed while you wander around without protection.”

  She closed her eyes as joy exploded in her chest. Taking deep breaths, she tried to contain her relief. She was free to marry the man she loved. As long as he still wanted her.

  “Have you told Lord Starsen of your plan?”

  “I did. He hasn’t given me an answer, but I’m sure you can figure out a way to be persuasive.”

  Her happiness waned. Perhaps Marcus had decided she wasn’t worth the trouble. The idea made her stomach queasy.

  “Now that he has had a chance to rest, do you think I would be able to pay him a visit? Perhaps my presence could only help his decision. After all, he would be able to see that I can be an attentive wife.”

  He leaned back and studied her. “You are right. He should see that you would be a help to him when he’s in pain. First, go change your clothes. It might serve you better to wear something more flattering to your . . . assets.”

  The idea that she would have to work to gain Marcus’s attention once again made her slightly uncomfortable. However, he was worth the discomfort. She stood, ready to do whatever it took.

  “Very well. You can call for the carriage while I see to my clothing.” As she hurried out of his study and made her way upstairs, all she could think about was what she was going to say to Marcus. She couldn’t allow him to give up on her.

  ~ ~ ~

  Frustration burned through Marcus. “Damn it, Woman. Leave me be.”

  “Don’t speak to me like that.” His mother put her hands on her hips. “You were stabbed yesterday. Get back in bed.”

  “Return my cane to me, or I shall go without it.”

  Currently his leg wasn’t hurting, but with the pain radiating through him from his shoulder, he didn’t want to give his body another reason for discomfort. This would be hard enough having to lean on his right arm in order to walk.

  “You are a fool if you think I’d allow you to go anywhere in your current condition.”

  He let out a long sigh. “I’m not a child anymore. You can’t control my movements. I have to see Lady Isabella.”

  “She knows exactly where to find you. I imagine she will come if she wishes to see you.”

  “Not necessarily. What if she—”

  A knock at the door brought the butler. “My lady, there are visitors.”

  Before the man could read the calling card, Marcus knew who it was. She’d finally come to him. As he moved toward the doorway, he sucked in a breath as the jostling pierced through him.

  His mother dismissed the butler then gently touched his arm. “Please, Marcus. I can’t bear to see you in such pain.”

  “Then, send her to me. I’ll give you five minutes before I’m coming down.”

  His mother let out a sigh before dropping her shoulders. “If Lord Midcliffe permits it, then you shall see her.”

  Settling himself back on the bed, Marcus watched his mother leave the room. Then, he waited. Honestly, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to make it downstairs, but he refused to be kept away while knowing Isabella was so close. He needed to see her more than he needed his next breath.

  When a tentative knock sounded at the door, his pulse took off. “Enter.”

  Isabella appeared, alone, and he fought against the urge to stand and close the distance between them.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked as she stopped in the middle of his room, an unsure look on her face.

  “Much better now that you are here,” he rasped.

  She smiled, but her eyes turned sad. “I’m sorry you were stabbed because of me.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, he studied her face. So, that was why she was acting distant. “If I recall correctly, you saved me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “With an empty pistol only seconds before he passed out? I don’t think so. If only I’d reacted sooner. Hadn’t panicked.”

  “Stop it. Come here.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He cleared his throat. “Would you mind pouring me some water? The laudanum tends to leave me with a dry throat.”

  “Of course.” She hurried to the nightstand and poured him a glass.

  When she held it out, he grabbed her wrist instead and pulled her to him. “You’re not going to hurt me unless you walk away from me.”

  She set the glass down and sat on the edge of his bed, facing him. “I don’t plan on walking away. I’m here for as long as you want me.” She cast her eyes downward then bit her lower lip. “Do you want me?”

  Her uncertain question made him anxious to prove how much he desired her. He leaned forward, ignoring the fire shooting down the left side of his body, then he pressed his lips to hers. She let out a moan as she melted into his kiss.

  This was exactly what he needed. The feel of her. Her warmth bathing him as her passion spurred him on. The proof that she was still alive. Raymond couldn’t harm her now, but it had been close.

  She pulled away much too soon. “I can feel your heart beating swiftly. Lie back, that can’t be good for your recovery.”

  Running a hand down her cheek, he reveled in her shudder. “There’s nothing wrong with that. It shows I’m alive. However, I promise to lie down if you join me.”

  After shooting him with a suspicious look, she pressed him back against the mattress. “If you hadn’t been stabbed yesterday, I would think you were planning to seduce me.”

  He laughed. “There will be plenty of time for that after we are wed.”

  A smile broke out over her face. “Why, Lord Starsen, are you asking me to marry you?”

  “I suppose I am.”

  “Well, that’s got to be the worst proposal I’ve ever heard.” Her eyes sparkled as she laughed. “I don’t believe I’m inclined to accept.”

  He slid his hand across her cheek, then gently rubbed his thumb over her lips. “My dearest Isabella, you would make me the happiest of men if you would consent to be my wife.”

  “That’s better.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “I want to make you happy. To take random swims in the stream. To stroll through the garden in the moonlight. To watch your face break out in a smile for no apparent reason. And, to hold you in my arms every night. Marry me, Isabella. Say you’ll be my wife because I can’t live without you. I love you.”

  Without giving him a response, she fell against him. Her lips attacked his as her hands delved into his hair. His body protested against the pressure of her against his right side, but he didn’t care. Pain was his constant companion, and he’d endure any amount in order to keep Isabella right where she was.

  When she pulled back, he sucked in his breath to see the love on her face. She was so beautiful, and he loved her so much his heart ached. Never before had he even imagined feeling like this for anyone.

  “I love you, too.” Her voice was thick.

  The sound of those three words made remaining in bed difficult. He wanted to jump up and clasp her tightly to him. Instead, he drew her lips back down to his. Needing more of her, he reached out to pull her closer. A stab of burning pain shot through him at the movement. He threw his head back on the pillow and sucked in his breath.

  “Marcus!” She scrambled off the bed. “I’m sorry. We shouldn’t be doing this. How can I help you?”

  Once his suffering became more manageable, he began breathing again. “I’m sorry.” He squeezed her hand. “I forgot. You see what you do to me?”

  She chuckled. “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of time for that later. After all, I have decided I shall marry you.”

  Marcus grinned. From the moment he’d seen her swimming in the stream, his entire life had been transformed from calm and organized to wild and unpredictable.

  Several months ago, he would have been distressed by the change, but at this moment, everything was perfect.

  She had helped him realize how beneficial a little impulsiveness could be. And, wit
h her by his side, he knew that they would be able to survive anything.


  Isabella spun in a circle, loving the feel of her satin wedding gown fanning out. As she stepped in front of the mirror, she brushed her fingers across the delicate lace covering her bodice. It had been a gift from Marcus.

  “You look beautiful,” Carolyn assured as she pressed in a hairpin that had come loose. “Lord Starsen won’t know what to do with himself.”

  Annalise laughed as she transferred baby Jacob to her other arm. “Judging from the way my brother has been acting lately, I’d imagine he knows exactly what to do. Living with him this past week has been trying. As far as I’m concerned, this wedding can’t happen fast enough.”

  The statement brought a round of excitement flittering through Isabella’s stomach. Over the past two months of their betrothal, she hadn’t been able to spend even one second in Marcus’s company that hadn’t been supervised. She couldn’t wait to have him alone once again.

  “Can we speak of something else?” Isabella pleaded. “My stomach is in knots. I don’t know how I will survive the wait until the ceremony.”

  “What would you have us speak of?” Carolyn appeared genuinely concerned over the topic.

  “How about you tell us the details of your season? I’ve never been to London, or anywhere else for that matter.”

  Annalise shook her head. “Well, that’s going to change very soon. I don’t know what you did to my brother, but I understand traveling will be in your near future.”

  “He is quite wonderful, isn’t he?” Isabella couldn’t contain her girlish giggle. “Now, back to Carolyn’s season.”

  Carolyn let out a sigh. “The season was disappointing. Although I never wanted for a dance partner, the gentlemen seemed to lack the ability to see a woman as anything other than an item.”

  “Don’t you fret,” Annalise said. “In my experience, men are a bunch of trouble. They’re frustrating, pushy, and arrogant. However, if you find the right one, those very qualities can be strengths as well.”


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