Ensnaring Lord Starsen

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Ensnaring Lord Starsen Page 22

by Jenn Langston

  “Don’t call me that.”

  She lifted an eyebrow at his irritated tone.

  Dropping the plant she had removed from the dirt, she stood and dusted her hands on her filthy skirt. “Then, you are not a lord?”

  His stare didn’t change. “Considering we haven’t been introduced, I’d prefer you not make assumptions of me. I have made none of you.”

  She tilted her head, trying to get a better look at his face. “Are you suggesting we introduce ourselves?” Although she desperately wanted to know who he was, and how to find him again, the thought of forgoing the strictures of society made her uneasy.

  His eyes narrowed. “Nothing as dramatic as that. You may call me Edmund. And, what will you have me call you?”

  She swallowed. “I hardly think using your Christian name is appropriate.”

  A smile transformed the part of his face not hidden by his hair. “You trespass on private property, take liberties with the grounds, speak to me with a shrewd tongue, and now refuse to call me Edmund? You, girl who dresses like a servant yet speaks like one born to privilege, are confounding.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks as she glanced down at her dirty and tattered dress. She’d never worried over her clothes while in the garden before, and the fact he thought so low of her appearance rankled.

  “My position within society is none of your concern.”

  “I’m not suggesting that it is. As a matter of fact, I don’t want to know.”

  Studying his face, she couldn’t see any signs of ill intent. For some reason, he wanted to remain anonymous. That thought intrigued her. Most men who could afford to wear the quality of garments she’d seen on him the past two days preferred to flaunt their wealth, not hide it. And, those men were the very reason why she’d decided marriage wasn’t for her.

  “Very well. You may call me Carolyn.”

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” He smiled, showing off perfect, white teeth. “Now, tell me. Why are you here?”

  “That, again, is none of your concern. For all you know, I could have obtained permission from the duke, himself, to be here.” She held in a smile while throwing out the excuse he’d used yesterday.

  He crossed his arms over his impossibly large chest as he lifted an eyebrow. “Ah, another clue to the woman. She’s also a liar.”

  Furious he would label her as such, she balled up her fists. “How dare you make such a claim? You know nothing about me.”

  “If you have such a personal relationship with the duke, then prove it. Describe him for me.”

  She wanted to point out the fact that she never said she had actually received permission from His Grace, but she wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face more than she wanted to correct his assumption. Years ago, her brother and his friends had saved the duke from a fire. As such, she knew a little more than most.

  “He’s very tall.”

  He scoffed. “Compared to you, that could describe nearly every gentleman in England.”

  Resisting the urge to grit her teeth, she continued. “He has blond hair and a face one wouldn’t forget.”

  “Such a flattering description.” He moved a step toward her, seeming to grow in size. “Tell me what is so unforgettable about his face.”

  His tight jaw and the anger in his eyes made her feel as if she’d done something wrong. Why did he ask her questions if he didn’t want to hear the answers? Besides, he had no reason to be put out by her description as she hadn’t said anything wrong.

  “As I’m sure you already know, his face was burned as a youth. They say his disfigurement is so extreme, his own mother doesn’t recognize him.”

  He relaxed his shoulders and his eyes fixed upon something over her head. “That is likely an accurate description.” His gaze settled back upon her. “However, you said ‘they say.’ Therefore, your observations don’t come from personal knowledge of the man.”

  “It was your assumption that I had personal knowledge of him, I said nothing of the sort.”

  He opened his mouth, then closed it again. “Then, we are at an impasse.”

  Not being able to bear the thought of being banned from the beloved garden, Carolyn let out a long breath. “Let’s not argue. Instead, do you suppose we can come up with some kind of agreement?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “When I found this place, it was a complete mess. I’ve spent too many hours over the past few years to abandon it now.”

  “You did this?” A touch of awe colored his face. “By yourself?”

  She nodded. “Why do you think I’ve been here each day to tend to the weeds? After my sea—, my time away, this place has become a little overgrown, but I will fix it.”

  A smile curled his lips. “Yes. You shall.”

  “Then, we can agree to each use the garden in our own way? Neither of us will tell the duke?”

  His smile widened. “I promise, the duke shall not hear a word of this from me.”

  “Thank you.” Awkwardness crept around her now that their dispute was settled. “Well, I will let you get back to your solitude.”

  “Oh, no.” He shrugged out of his riding jacket and hung it over a bush before he began rolling up his sleeves.

  Her mouth dried at the sight of his muscular arms. She knew his actions should frighten her, but for some reason, her brain didn’t register the threat. Nor could she tear her eyes away from the flesh being bared to her.

  “Edmund?” she forced out through her suddenly dry throat.

  “I didn’t understand how the garden had been so beautifully preserved, and now that I know, I refuse to sit back and allow you to do all of the work yourself. Show me what to do.”

  Joy welled up inside her. Together they would be able to protect the flowers before the cold set in. She had no idea who this man was, how long he intended to stay, or what set of circumstances brought him to her, but she wouldn’t complain. He was exactly what she needed right now.

  She pointed to the weeds around the flowers she intended to protect.

  “Just remove those so the flowers don’t have to fight for the nutrients.”

  He looked at the ground then back up at her. “And, what will you be doing?”

  Laughing, she sank back down to her previous position and pulled out a weed. “The exact same thing you shall be doing.”

  Concern touched his features, as he looked at her. Without a word, he moved to her left side and got down on his knees.

  “I’ve already finished there. This side requires your attention.”

  Without turning, he glanced at her through the corner of his eyes. “Then, I suppose you should move down.”

  Although confused by his strange behavior, she was only too pleased to move over and put some space between them. She found it odd that he believed her to be the confusing one.

  “Now, make sure you remove the roots when you pull it up. Otherwise, they will just grow back.”

  He sank his fingers into the dirt without hesitation, pulling out the weed and tossing it into the bag she’d brought with her. As he moved on to another, she began on her own side. The silence was companionable and Carolyn had to admit she was enjoying herself.

  Their strange relationship may be inappropriate, but she refused to think on that now. Never before had she tended the garden with anyone who hadn’t been paid to do so. Clearly, this man sought the best for the flowers as well.

  She didn’t know how long he intended to be in town, but she would take advantage of his every second.

  Also by Soul Mate Publishing and Jenn Langston:


  by Jenn Langston


  Richard Carrack received the title of Marquis of Stonemede upon his father’s death six months ago. Knowing of the duties associated with the title, he decides to marry and spend the remainder of his days tending to the estate. His requirements for his bride are simple; he wishes her to be obedient and calm-spirited. When circumstances
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  Brianna Denton knows what she wants out of life. She wishes to marry an untitled lord and live the remainder of her days in the country with no obligations. Only then can she spend her free time painting. When she meets Mr. Richard, she decides he would make the perfect husband. Little does she know, her boldness puts her in a position where she must decide between what she always thought she wanted and what her heart is telling her.

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  Greyson Thorpe, Viscount Merrick, wants respectability above all else. Knowing the fastest way to achieve that state comes through marriage, he challenges Hammond Everett, the Duke of Donetic, to a card game. After winning the match, the duke agrees to exchange his daughter’s hand in marriage for the forgiveness of his debts.

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  By Jenn Langston


  Miss Claire Ashford knows exactly what she wants out of life — to marry for love. When she finds herself alone in the woods with none other than notorious rake Ian Michael Caldwell, Viscount Knightly, her chances of a proper match are ruined. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of her reputation, but she is determined not to marry anyone out of obligation.

  For years, Ian has wanted nothing more than to, one day, marry Miss Claire Ashford. When fate forces them into a compromising situation, he vows to do just that. In spite of every effort, she refuses his suit. Not one to easily give up, Ian drafts assistance from an unlikely source.

  As her first season continues, Claire finds it increasingly difficult to keep her distance from Ian. His charm, and ability to stir feelings inside of her she didn’t know existed, makes it hard to remember why she refused him in the first place. With his relentless pursuit and her weakening resolve, she desperately wants to give in to him. However, after seeing he hasn’t changed his rakish ways, how can she trust him not to break her heart, again?

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