The edge of forever: A Blackhearts twins novel (Book two)

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The edge of forever: A Blackhearts twins novel (Book two) Page 6

by Rachael Tonks

  “Mine.” He moans. “You belong to me. This fucking pussy, it’s all mine, you hear me?” His dark lust-filled eyes meet mine.

  “Always,” I choke out through my labored breaths.

  “Fuck,” he roars, his head falls against my shoulder, and his cock pulsates inside me. He pants loudly, his rhythm coming to an eventual stop. He slowly lifts his head, his eyes glazed as he leans in to kiss me on the lips, his body crashing down on the bed beside me. I start to tremble. A mixture of nerves and feeling cold. Ryder reaches over me to grab the edge of the blanket. He pulls it over me, rolling me closer toward him. I’m swaddled in the blanket, being held by the man who saved my life.

  “I dreamed of having you in my arms so many fucking times. Now, it’s actually happening, and I can’t believe it’s true.”

  “Was I, uh… okay?” I ask, my voice trembling.

  “Pip, you were more than okay.” He sighs loudly. “I’ve been with a lot of women,” he murmurs, “but none of them ever meant anything to me. You, you mean fucking everything, and that, for me, was the best experience of my life. Better than I could have ever fucking imagined.” His voice shakes, and I sense his nervousness.

  “Really?” I ask, propping myself up on my hand.

  “Every word, Pip. You’ll only ever get the truth from me; you have my fucking word.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper, pressing my lips against his. “I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life. Like I was teetering on the edge, and you brought me back.”

  “You have always been mine, even before tonight. Since the minute you arrived in that goddamn trailer park, your heart was mine to own. You just didn’t know it,” he says, kissing me deeply and rolling me onto my back. “You were so worth the wait.”

  “I think I did know, deep down,” I reply shyly, “I just didn’t want to admit it.” I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him, pouring in every ounce of emotion I have to give. His body is soon pressing into me, his hardness resting against my stomach. I pull back a little, widening my eyes, letting them drift down and then back up to meet his.

  “Again?” I ask with a giggle.

  “I don’t think I will ever have a limp dick again around you. You know, now that you’re mine and all.”

  We laugh together, my head falling back as he kisses my neck softly.

  I have a feeling this will be a long, tiring night.

  A loud knock on the door startles me from my deep sleep. My hand fists the sheets, holding them over my naked body. Ryder’s large frame sleeps soundly beside me, something I didn’t think he’d ever do.

  “Hello,” I call out cautiously.

  “Kailee, it’s me, Layla.” She taps gently on the adjoining door.

  “I’ll be right there,” I whisper-shout, gently removing the bulky arm strewn over me. I reach down, retrieving the jersey from the floor, and slip it over my head. I dash into the small bathroom, rifling through the bag of clothes Marco arranged to have here for us. I find a package of panties at the bottom of the bag. I take them out, pulling them on as I hop out of the bedroom and over to the adjoining door. I glance over my shoulder, checking that Ryder is still asleep. I feel like I’m running on pure adrenaline because we got very little sleep last night. It doesn’t surprise me that he’s dead to the world.

  I open the door cautiously, spotting Layla perched on the edge of the bed. My eyes are drawn to her knee, which bounces vigorously; her hands clenched together as they rest on her shaking legs.

  “Hey,” I greet her with a smile. “You okay?”

  She shakes her head freely from side to side. “I really just want to go home,” she chokes out, tears stinging her eyes as I can see her fighting back the tears. “I didn’t sleep at all, and every noise made me jump.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I say, dashing over to her, sitting on the bed beside her. I cover her hand with mine, squeezing her hand gently. “I thought we were doing the right thing by bringing you here and keeping you safe,” I try to explain.

  “I’m thankful, really I am, more than you will ever know. I’m alive, and that’s thanks to you and your boyfriend.” Shuddering, her eyes clamp shut, her head dropping forward. “I can’t even imagine where I’d be right now if it wasn’t for you.”

  “You didn’t deserve this, Layla. None of us did. But believe me when I say we were the lucky ones. We got out. We get to live the rest of our lives in freedom.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, the stark reality hits me like a ton of bricks. If it wasn’t for Ryder, I could have been in some psycho’s house having God knows what done to me.

  I shake my head to clear my thoughts. “I’ll make sure you get home safe, but staying here was the only way we could ensure your safety last night. You do understand, don’t you,” I ask, leaning forward to place my face in her line of sight.

  “I understand,” she answers with a small flick of her head. I hear her stomach rumbling, and her hand flies down to press against it.

  “I can’t remember the last time I ate.” She throws me an apologetic look.

  “Well, let’s do something about that,” I say, slapping my hand against my thigh and jumping up enthusiastically from the bed. “I’ll just go get some more clothes on.” I smile, heading back over to the door between the rooms. I race back through, grabbing a comfy looking pair of leggings. I slide them on and then slip on the Chucks I found in the bag of clothes. Stopping for a second, I glance at myself in the reflection in the mottled mirror. My long red hair dried into a natural wave after our shower last night. I bite my lip of at the memory of Ryder taking me in the shower and right here, on the counter. Last night wasn’t just about sex; it was the exchange of love, physically, between two people. Two people who have saved each other. Or at least, that’s how I see it. Last night was memorable, all right. The most memorable birthday I think I’ll ever have.

  I tiptoe through the bedroom, making my way back to Layla. I take a fleeting glance at him lying in bed. Just as I reach for the door, his loud voice booms, causing me to jump.

  “Where the fuck are you going?” he demands, throwing back the sheets and exposing every inch of his naked body.

  “Uh, I’m taking Layla to get breakfast. Poor girl is hungry. She can’t even remember the last time she had something to eat.” My voice wavers, and by the look on Ryder’s face, I’m not sure if he’s genuinely angry with me or not. “Why are you doing that?” I ask, looking him up and down as he stands stretching beside the bed.

  “Doing what?” He yawns.

  “You were scowling at me; you look mad?” I tilt my head, resting my hand on my chin, waiting for him to answer me.

  “You two were just going to go wandering out there by yourselves? Really?” He emphasizes the word.

  I grimace a little, realizing we may not be as safe as I first thought.

  “I didn’t think…” I let my words trail off, and before I know it, he’s standing in front of me, finger hooked under my chin. He lifts it, causing our eyes to meet.

  “I won’t fucking lose you,” he murmurs, planting a soft kiss on my lips. “I only just found you,” he says with a grin that highlights those hidden dimples he has. “I wish we could hide out here all day and forget about the rest of the shit happening right now.” He sighs a little. “I want to make this a birthday you’ll never forget.”

  “Oh, you already have.” I smile widely, pressing my body against his naked one. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I reach down, slapping his firm ass.

  “Go get dressed then, lover. Your girl’s hungry.” I giggle, stepping back and racing into the room where Layla is. I can hear the loud rumble of his laughter even in the other room. I slam the door shut, resting my back against it as my heart pounds in my chest. Something that is becoming a regular occurrence. Memories of last night flash through my mind, and I can’t fight the wide grin that appears on my face. I never thought I could feel this way. So alive and so wanted by someone. Maybe I really did have to k
iss the worst possible frog to find my prince.

  Layla clears her throat to gain my attention. My eyes fly open. “You look so happy,” she says with a sad smile.

  “I am,” I confirm, my smile reflecting how I feel on the inside. “And it’s all because of him.”


  We sit in the small, dingy looking eating area just off from the reception. I can’t say that Marco pulled out all the stops, but he made sure we were safe. And that’s the most I could hope for. Thoughts of where to go from here and what to do about my brother weigh heavily on my mind. I can never forgive him for trying to take Kailee away from me, brother or not. No matter if I can be the man Kailee needs in her life. But that would mean giving up everything I know and going straight. One thing I know with absolute fucking certainty is that I will do whatever is necessary to keep her. I never realized how much I needed someone until Kailee came along and unleashed a whole range of emotions I’ve never felt before.

  Sliding my hand under the table, I firmly grip Kailee’s tiny thigh. She turns, looking at me before covering her hand with mine. I lean into her, my mouth stopping next to her ear.

  “I’m sorry today couldn’t have been better for you. I promise to make it up to you,” I whisper. “I promise. We will celebrate your birthday in style. Shit, I haven’t even gotten you a gift.” I exhale heavily. She turns to me, nose to nose, her hand resting gently on the side of my face.

  “I’m with you. I’m safe. That’s the greatest gift you could ever have given me.”

  I nod, ever so slightly. “Believe me, Pip. The best is yet to come.”

  “Really?” she asks, lifting her brow.

  “Hmmm,” I hum, sliding my hand up her thigh and to the waistband of her pants. The oversized table cover hides my actions under the table. I continue to eat the tasteless pastries piled on my plate while my other hand works between her legs. She tenses and squirms under my touch, but she doesn’t refuse it. I glance at her for a second; her head is down and shielded by her hand as she tries to sip on the glass of OJ. I slowly work my finger in a circular motion over her clit.

  “You okay, Kailee?” Layla asks, noticing her head down.

  “Fine.” She blurts out, her voice shaky. “I’m just tired,” she whispers before rolling her lip between her teeth. Layla looks at me suspiciously then back at Kailee before shaking her head in dismissal. She turns to Aston, making small talk with him. Or at least trying.

  Kailee places her arm around my shoulders and presses her head into the crook of my neck.

  “We need a word,” she whispers in my ear.

  “Let me just finish up here,” I answer with a smirk. I reach my arm around her, pulling her closer. She leans into me, hiding her face from the others as I revel in taking her here, right in front of the others. Feeling her fall apart in my arms.

  I work faster and harder until her body shudders against me, and she bites the skin on my neck, her hand squeezing mine so fucking tight with a strength I didn’t know that she had until now.

  I position my mouth right next to her ear. “You did good, Pip.”

  She straightens herself as I remove my hand, her eyes boring into me.

  “Not fair,” she mumbles, grabbing a pastry and taking a huge bite. “Be prepared for payback,” she warns, giving me the side eye.

  “Can’t wait.” I press my lips together, cocking a brow in her direction.

  “So tell me” — Aston leans a little over the table — “what’s the plan?”

  “The plan right now is to go and have a smoke,” I say, scraping my chair as I stand from the table.

  “I’ll come with you,” Aston insists, stepping up from the table.

  I lean down, kissing Pip lightly on the head. “We’ll be just outside the main door.”

  I step out, pulling out my smokes, lighting one up, and taking a huge drag. I have to sort shit out. Not just a plan, but the shit that’s flying through my head right now. Accepting that the bond I had with my brother is broken, irreparable, is like a goddamn punch to my stomach. But Marco is right. What he did was unforgivable, something I will never forget, but going to war with him, well, I’m just not sure that’s something I got in me.

  “So here’s what we’ll do,” I say, letting out a mouthful of smoke. “We drop the girl a few feet from the nearest police station.” He nods in agreement. “I will then drop you wherever you need to be.”

  He narrows his eyes until they’re almost nothing but tiny slits. “But Marco said the car would be mine, man.”

  “They saw the car. If they got the registration, there’s every chance they will be on the lookout for it,” I try to explain to him. But the truth is I need this vehicle. “I’ll make sure to compensate you for your trouble,” I add.

  “Sure, man,” he says, patting me heavily on the back. “If you need it, it’s all yours.”

  “Thanks,” I say, pulling the cigarette between my lips and taking another drag. “Let’s get our shit together and make a move.” I smile before flicking my cigarette butt to the ground.

  We make our way back through to the small room where the girls are chatting; Kailee wears the biggest goddamn smile on her face, and my heart picks up pace. I’ll never tire of how that makes me feel, especially when I know I’m the one responsible for putting that smile on her face. I walk to the chair beside Kailee, leaning down on the backrest.

  “So… we are thinking of making a move,” I say cautiously. “We’ll drop you at the nearest station,” I inform her, my eyes landing on Layla. I almost see a smile there, but as her lips pull together, she lets out a controlled breath.

  “I’m ready.” She gulps down. I can only imagine how fucking difficult this is for her. “Remember what we said. You have to make sure there is no mention of any of us.”

  “Got it,” she answers, interlinking her fingers and rubbing her hands together. “I escaped. I hitchhiked. I arrived at the station. No mention of you.”

  “Good. Now, let’s get you home.”

  Kailee reaches for my hand, and our fingers intertwine. “What about me?” She looks at me with those huge baby blue eyes. I pull my brows together as I narrow my eyes on her.

  “You’re coming with me,” I bark, almost annoyed that she felt she needed to ask that question.

  “But where, Ryder? Where do we go from here? Eric’s gone, your brother’s most likely on the warpath, and I’m not sure I’m even safe to be on my own anymore.”

  “Don’t worry about Jax. I will figure that out. He won’t lay another fucking finger on you. He won’t even dare look at you in the wrong way, or so help me God.” I clench my teeth together as my words come out with a growl. I can feel the pulse in my neck thudding as the anger inside me reaches a boiling point.

  “There’s only one place we can go.”

  “Please not Marco’s,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “That guy is a whole different level of crazy.”

  I laugh loudly. “Not Marco’s, Pip.” I watch as her expression deepens to one of confusion. “Mom’s,” I whisper.

  “Really? Are you sure about this?”

  “It’s the only way I can keep my eye on both of you. Plus, Mom owes me some answers. I need the fucking truth about Eric. I need to know it was all lies.”

  She smiles sympathetically. “I wish I could find out the truth about my father.”

  “It’s on my to-do list, Pip.” I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her from the ground until her chest rests against mine. Fuck, I love the way her tits feel against my body, how her tiny frame fits so unexpectedly with mine. She tilts her head, planting a kiss on my lips.

  “I’m not sure I ever did anything good enough to deserve you,” she says as she locks her eyes with mine. I’m fixed on her; the longer I gaze into her ocean blue eyes, the harder it seems to break the connection. My heart aches as it pounds so frantically inside my chest. Kailee pulls back, letting her eyes flutter shut as heat rushes to her cheeks, and the redness gives it away. Did
she feel it? Did she feel the way my heart is reacting to having her in my arms?


  “Nothing,” she replies with a slight shake of her head. “I just realized that today feels like the start of the rest of my life.”

  “Sure is, Pip,” I agree, as she nuzzles her face into my neck.

  “I also discovered I’m not the only one whose heart beats like mad when I’m with a certain someone.”

  “You too, huh?” I ask, feeling the warmth of her breath against my neck as she lets out a little giggle. The sweetest goddamn sound.

  Pulling up a few feet from the police station, Kailee and Layla step out and talk on the sidewalk. I watch intently for a few minutes, giving the girls time to talk over whatever shit needs to be said. I breathe out deeply before stepping from the vehicle, making my way to them.

  “I guess this is goodbye,” I say with a slight nod, offering my hand to her. Instead, she rushes over to me and throws her arms tightly around my waist. I stand there momentarily, feeling totally fucking awkward. I look up to see Kailee with her eyes wide as if instructing me to hug her back. I gently wrap my arms around her loosely, patting her gently on the back. After a few seconds, I swallow hard as I nervously part from the young girl. The look on her face gives me clarity. She’s like a caged bird being set free, and I’m the one who’s freed her. I’ve done a lot of fucking bad things in my life, but each bad act came with its own level of satisfaction, like some kind of sick thrill. But this feeling, this one right here, beats any thrill I ever got from the bad things I’ve done. Like this one good thing gives a real meaning to life. To know that I saved her life from whatever fate was waiting for her on the other side of that motherfucking curtain.


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