Origin Z

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Origin Z Page 24

by Tony Hartzell

  Laudner jumped down next to them as Jax’s hand flashed out to grab O’Reilly. But he was enhanced. He just dodged to the right and slapped his hand away. “It’s not like when we were kids, bonehead. You may be bigger, but you’re definitely not stronger or faster.”

  Jax shook his head. “I’m going to have to get used to this.”

  Tin appeared at the ledge. “Are you goons going to get us some chompers already?”

  They all looked up at him.

  “Let’s go, girls. This isn’t a knitting circle!”

  Jax turned and jumped down to the hood of the ambulance, close enough to take a quick step and grab one of the things and yank it out of the crowd like a roadie bringing a chosen fan onto the stage.

  Tin threw straps that he had brought onto the floor next to him. “Pass them up, and I’ll strap them down.”

  Jax turned back to the crowd of groupies and reached out for the closest one. He grabbed his arm and yanked, and it tore right off in his hand. Jax looked at the arm and heard the chomper growl even louder and continue to grab with his other arm.

  O’Reilly laughed. “Watch it, bonehead. We need the whole thing, not in pieces.”

  Laudner hid a chuckle behind his hand.

  Jax looked at them and smiled as he tossed the arm over his shoulder. Reaching down, he grabbed the next closest by both arms and eased him out of the wedged chompers. He pulled with all his strength and then launched the chomper up and into the arms of O’Reilly and Laudner.

  They wrapped his arms and moved over to pass him up to Tin. As Tin grabbed the chomper, he looked past the two men handing him up to where his brother was still standing and looking up at the operation. Pulling the man out of the crowd had made room for others to wiggle free. They were climbing toward Jax across the hood.

  “Jax! Heads up!”

  He turned as one grabbed his leg and pulled. The metal of the truck was slick from the rain, so he lost his balance and flopped down on the hood. Two of them had his leg now and were clacking their teeth dangerously close to his calf. He kicked with his other leg frantically and managed to smash one of them with his boot. The other had a grip on his leg and took a large bite as others moved up to try to drag him down.

  O’Reilly and Laudner were there then, kicking the growling monsters away from their companion. They had cleared all except the one that had taken the bite. He just stopped moving and fell away, his head thumping down on the hood of the ambulance. The flesh from Jax’s leg rolled out of his mouth and plopped onto the metal.

  Teeny had moved up next to Tin. “That’s all we need, boys. My theory is proven. Your blood puts them down for good.”

  O’Reilly and Laudner grabbed Jax under his arms and tossed him to the roof of the ambulance and then hopped up themselves.

  The wind and rain started again. This time they weren’t protected by the angled cove of the emergency entrance, as the wind was going the opposite direction. Branches and loose objects started buffeting the walls around them.

  O’Reilly and Laudner boosted Jax up to the ledge and jumped up themselves just before the shell of a metal shed bounced across the roof of the ambulance and smashed into the wall right beside where they had just been standing.

  After they all got over the shock of the close call, Teeny slapped Jax on the shoulder. “You, down to the exam room so we can patch you up. The rest of you get this poor soul down to the pathology lab.”

  More debris hitting the wall emphasized her last statement.


  They were sitting in the chapel on the fourth floor. Seven men were sitting in the pews, and the reverend was standing on the dais in front of the altar.

  Hector shook his head at the reverend. “No, Father. I don’t have a problem with doing God’s work, no matter what it is.”

  When the reverend looked around the room at the rest of his troop, they all nodded in turn.

  “Good. God has told me that the twins are demon spawn, and the other two soldiers have demonic powers. We have seen them jump higher and move faster than any normal man is able.” He paused for effect. “Heaven awaits the righteous. You shall all be taken into his kingdom.”

  They all bowed their heads. Some raised their arms to the heavens, mimicking what they had seen the reverend do.

  “They are formidable. We must be careful when dealing with agents of the devil.”

  He clasped his hands behind his back and paced back and forth across the dais. The men all lowered their arms and raised their heads to watch and listen.

  “We must dispatch the demons and not cause harm to the women. They will be used to reseed the earth with a population properly indoctrinated in the Word of God.”

  Several of the men answered his words. “Amen.”

  He continued to pace as he thought. “Leave me. I must commune with God to see what his plan is for us.”


  Teeny sprayed saline spiked with Jax’s blood on their guinea pig’s bared chest. Rocky and Marty both shook their heads as they watched.

  Marty said, “Try spraying it in his eyes.”

  Teeny sprayed it directly in his eyes. The only effect was that he became agitated and started clacking his teeth quickly. It was disturbing how quickly the teeth chattered, sounding as though the man were pounding a quarter beat on the edge of a snare drum.

  “Thit, that-th thisthdurbing.”

  Teeny looked at Marty. “I think you can take the gauze off now, honey.”

  He pulled the bandage out of his mouth and waggled his tongue. “Water.”

  He went to the sink and poured some water in one of the small paper cups there. When he turned back around, both of the women were looking at him.

  “What? My mouth actually had cotton in it!”

  Teeny smiled. “Nice to hear you have some of your sass back. When you’re ready, we can work on straightening some bones. I’m afraid there isn’t much we’re going to be able to do with your face, though.”

  “I’ll take being able to move better.” He looked down at the floor with a sorrowful look on his mangled face. “Who knows, maybe there’s a plastic surgeon survivor out there.”

  There was a period of silence before Teeny growled, “We need to make Reed pay for what he allowed to happen.”

  Marty stared at her with tears running down his face.

  After a silent exchange of thoughts, he pointed at the dead man. “In his mouth should work.”

  Rocky shook her head. “I believe it will, but are we to spray it in their mouths in the middle of a pitched battle?”

  After another minute of silence, Teeny spoke. “I need food. Let’s go down to the cafeteria.”

  Rocky smiled at her. “When was the last time we ate a meal?”

  Marty spoke up, “Almost a week for me. Leonard had an IV keeping me alive for his pleasure.”

  As they got closer to the cafeteria, the smell of food wafted down the hallway. Somebody was already cooking.

  The scene looked almost normal when they arrived. Two of the reverend’s men were behind the serving counter placing food on the offered trays as the other men filed by. The four men in their group were in that line. The reverend and his two closest cronies were already sitting but hadn’t started eating.

  When he saw them enter, the reverend got up from his table and approached them. “Good afternoon. I would be honored if you ladies would join me for the meal.”

  All three just stared at him until Marty spoke. “You’re not our type, sweetheart.”

  The reverend stared lasers at him as he replied through clenched teeth, “The invitation was not for you, abomination.”

  Marty gave as much of a smile as he was able. “I can’t help what that sick son of a bitch did to me.”

  “No, son. That isn’t what makes you an abomination. Your chosen lifestyl
e does.”

  Marty’s eyes widened through the slits of gauze covering his face. There was a retort on his lips when Teeny spoke up to interrupt.

  “We are not interested, sir.”

  The reverend and Marty held their stares for a few seconds until the reverend turned to Teeny and nodded. “As you wish. Perhaps another time?”

  Both Teeny and Rocky crossed their arms and made no reply.

  When he turned around to return to his table, everyone in the room had stopped and was watching the exchange.

  He spoke up with a loud baritone voice. “Please get your food and be seated so that I may bless this meal.”

  Everyone started moving again.

  Rocky’s belly growled loudly. “Shit, man. Let’s get some food already.”

  They moved up and got generous portions of baked ham, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. There was also a large chocolate sheet cake at the end of the serving counter.

  After they had filled their plates, they moved toward where Tin and the team were sitting. The reverend had not sat at his table yet and was still staring at them.

  When they sat at the table, the loud baritone voice started again. “Please bow your heads so that I may bless this meal.”

  O’Reilly started eating immediately as he stared defiance at the man. Laudner bowed his head before he noticed. O’Reilly elbowed him on the arm, and Laudner grabbed it.

  Jax watched the exchange before laughing and started eating also. Everyone else on their team sat in silence except Marty. He put mac and cheese in his mouth and chewed it, sticking his tongue out at the men sitting across the room.

  The reverend made his blessing, and Tin and Teeny exchanged concerned glances.

  No one spoke while they ate. Everyone was just too hungry to waste the effort.

  After finishing large pieces of cake, they continued their conversation about the experiment. Tin was the first to speak up. “So what did you find out?”

  Teeny shook her head. “We know if they ingest your blood, they die. Or finish dying, really. We tried spaying it on their skin and in their eyes to no avail.”

  Rocky spoke up. “Actually, spraying it in his eyes made him angry.”

  They all sat silently, and Marty watched as one of the reverend’s team lit a cigarette.

  Rocky was exasperated. “The problem is getting the blood to penetrate the blood brain barrier.”

  Marty was visibly agitated by the man smoking. “He should quit. Smoking is gross.”

  He spoke loud enough for the man to hear him, so he gave Marty a sour look and the finger.

  Marty smiled behind his gauze. “Get some nicotine patches, for Christ’s sake. It’s the twenty-first century.”

  Teeny’s eyes lit up. “Marty, you’re a fucking genius!”

  They all turned to her, and Marty replied, “Of course. About time you realized that.” After a short hesitation, he asked, “OK, why am I a genius this time?”

  “Nicotine patches.”

  Everyone got puzzled looks on their faces until Rocky realized what she was speaking about. “Dimethyl sulfoxide.”

  Jax looked at her. “Dima what?”

  “Dimethyl sulfoxide. It’s used with topical medicines or vaccines to help them penetrate the skin and carry medicine into the bloodstream.”

  Tin spoke now. “So we have to wipe it on them?”

  Teeny gave him a quick smirk before answering. “I believe we can make an aerosol.”

  They all filed out of the cafeteria and up toward the exam room where the dead man was still strapped. They passed the pharmacy, and Teeny looked at Rocky. “I need some vials of DMSO, Rocky.”

  Marty peeled off with her to help. “Huh. So I’m not the only one she orders around, then.”


  Teeny drew a syringeful of DMSO from the vial and injected it into the spray bottle that had Jax’s blood and some saline solution. Then she put the top back on as she walked over to the squirming chomper. He made the clacking sound with his teeth, and Marty cringed.

  “You want to hurry up, please? That really creeps me out.”

  Teeny smiled at him, pointed the sprayer at the man’s chest, and pumped it five times. The liquid coated his chest and ran down in diminishing drips.

  The subject’s head whipped back and forth as he growled and clacked his teeth. This went on for fifteen seconds as disappointed looks crossed everyone’s faces.

  Then the man started slowing. After thirty seconds, he nodded three last times and died. Teeny and Rocky both gave a yelp and hugged each other.

  Jax smiled. “All right, all right, that’s enough of that. How about a hug over here?”

  Rocky laughed and jumped into his arms. Teeny did the same to Tin.

  Everyone was all smiles. When O’Reilly looked at Marty, they met eyes, and Marty held his arms open. “Me too.”

  O’Reilly’s smile left his face, and he held up his hands, refusing. Everyone laughed, including O’Reilly.

  After celebrating their victory Teeny took on a serious tone to bring them back to task. “OK, the next step is to see if we can use this to help you two.”

  Everyone had forgotten about their ailment. Looking back and forth between everyone in the room, they waited for anyone to speak the obvious.

  Laudner finally stated what everyone’s fear was. “You don’t know if this will cure us or kill us, right?”

  “That’s right. It could kill you outright.”

  O’Reilly chuckled nervously. “What happens if we don’t get cured?”

  “The RabAvert will stop working, your brain will swell, and you’ll die in extreme pain. The enhancement drugs are the only thing that has been keeping you in good enough shape to continue the rabies courses.”

  “Well, sounds like we have no choice.”

  Teeny gave them a serious look. “There’s more.” She looked at Rocky and then back at the two men. “If we cure you of axola, you’ll be immune.”

  Laudner got it right away. “So no more superhealing, and no more resilient immune system.”

  She nodded. “The enhancement drugs are in your system and part of your DNA now. If you no longer have the ability to heal fast, that may kill you too.”

  O’Reilly shook his head. “Story of my life. I should have been called Murphy because I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”

  Just as he finished saying that, the reverend stepped into the room brandishing his twin .45 pistols. “Damned is what you are, son. You’ll have your chance to be turned away at the gates of heaven if you move a muscle.”

  Everyone froze. He was well positioned with his pistols so that any move to try to take him would result in carnage. His two favorite cronies appeared behind him with ropes.

  Tin growled. “What do you want, demon?”

  “Ah but you and your brother are the demons. I have been told as much by God himself.”

  Teeny dared take a step forward. “If God is talking to you, then you are crazy.”

  That caught him by surprise. His eyes widened, and he hesitated for just a second before replying. “You will come around to my way of thinking. Or I will break you.”

  Tin took a step forward then, and every muscle in his body flexed. Both of the men behind the reverend took a step backward. Then Jax stepped up beside him and similarly flexed.

  Tin growled, “They’re not going anywhere with you.”

  When the guns changed their aim to the two huge twins, Laudner took the opportunity to take an enhanced sprint toward the reverend.

  There were deafening explosions, and the smell of gunpowder filled everyone’s nostrils. A fiery cloud of smoke appeared in front of both pistols, and a spray of blood exploded out of Laudner’s neck and shoulder, spinning him and knocking him down to his back on the floor.

Everyone was stunned by the noise as well as what had transpired. The injury was devastating. Blood was spraying from the wound faster than his enhanced healing would stop it. Teeny stepped up and put both of her hands on his neck to try to stop the blood from leaking.

  “Rocky, grab some gowns out of that cabinet.”

  As she did so, you could hear the loud click of the reverend recocking the pistols. Tin and Jax stepped forward, and he turned the pistols to aim straight at their chests.

  Jerrod stepped up behind the reverend. “Wait! This has gone too far, Isaiah.”

  It was the first time that they had heard any of them address the man as anything other than Father. Everyone froze again.

  The reverend locked stares with the twins. “We’ll talk about this later, brother Jerrod.”

  Jerrod clenched his jaw and looked over the reverend’s shoulder at Tin before he stepped back.

  Teeny reiterated, “Gowns, Rocky!”

  Blood was covering the floor because her hands weren’t big enough to cover the wound. There was a huge hole in the right side of his neck, and his right shoulder was ruined.

  Teeny turned her attention back to the man in black with pistols aimed at her soul mate. She calmly asked through gritted teeth, “What do you want?”

  He turned his piercing gaze on her and replied, “You, my dear. Both of you.” He nodded toward Rocky.

  The muscles in Tin’s jaw and neck rippled as he restrained himself from screaming. It came out as a growl instead. “You can’t have them.”

  The reverend turned to him now. “The choice you have is that I start firing my great-grandfather’s pistols until they’re empty.”

  There was a hesitation and a silent exchange between the two women as Rocky bent to hand Teeny the gowns.

  Teeny looked up at the reverend. “No one else gets hurt.”

  Tin turned. “You can’t be considering this, Teeny.”

  Rocky spoke then. “What choice do we have?”

  Jax growled and continued to stare certain death at the man aiming his guns at them.

  “I’m not going to wait any longer. You two get over here now, or your demon twins will be the first to get judged.”


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