Half Blood

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Half Blood Page 11

by Isabella De Horta

  Crossbows lowered. Conner walked beside me along with a girl called Camille, whose red hair was pulled back so tightly into a ponytail it made the corner of her eyes stretch. We were heading for the other side of the toilets. My father stopped at another picnic table and gestured for Elena and Tatiana to sit. I stayed on my feet not wanting to catch Tatiana's attention.

  "Tatiana, I'm sure you have some questions," my father raised his eyebrows and waited for her to start talking.

  Her eyes narrowed, "Why do they think I'm a threat? I'm not going to hurt them. Why would they think I would hurt my own kind?"

  "We hunters have been trying to find half bloods. Vampires have known that for quite a while. This means they know we want to recruit them. Half bloods make us stronger; we can use them to defeat the ones out of control. That's why they want to kill you, because if you do become one of us, they're all in danger," my father was using his calm voice, trying to reason with her.

  She drew in a deep breath and took her time digesting all of this information. I had to give it to her though, she was doing pretty damn well. "Why kill my father?" she asked bluntly. This time a dark shadow crossed her face. My heart stopped for a moment as I stared at my father, wanting to see his reaction.

  "You have no idea how sorry I am. One of the hunters disobeyed my orders."

  "Why go to the extreme length of kidnapping my mum and me?" she asked again bluntly.

  "Your so called 'parents'-" my father started.

  Elena suddenly slammed her palms against the wooden table and hovered over my father. He seemed totally unfazed and calm, even bored, as he looked up at her. "Don't you dare," Elena snarled, causing goose bumps to rise on the back of my neck.

  "She has a right to know the truth. Whether you like it or not Elena," he replied, with a dangerous tone.

  "What are you two on about?" Tatiana demanded.

  "She needs to know Elena." My father reasoned with her, "She will find out eventually."

  Elena sat down slowly, her expression showing defeat. She sighed to herself and put her face in her hands. "Tatiana, you have to know that both your father and I love you very much," she rubbed her face roughly.

  "Just tell me," she said grasping Elena's hand in hers.

  "You're not our daughter, by blood."

  "You-you mean I'm adopted?"

  "Not exactly," Elena's voice cracked and her bottom lip trembled.

  "Well?" she asked impatiently.

  Hey, I wouldn't blame her.

  "Tell her," my father encouraged.

  "We took you okay!" her shoulders slumped forward and she hissed at my father, "Happy now, Julian?"

  I looked at Tatiana and she looked confused but cautious, "Took me how?"

  "Elena and Leonardo had a daughter, she was a vampire, but a rare kind. They were called Spiritus Malus which means Evil Spirit in Latin. They were called that because once they taste blood they need it all the time at whatever cost-" said Ethan's father.

  "But don't all vampires feel the same way when they turn, except some can control themselves better than others?" Tatiana interrupted impatiently.

  "That's true, but Spiritus Malus vampires are like that from the moment they are born, they grow faster than normal vampires. Your real father was a hunter and one day he was sent by my father to kill her. She was so out of control he had no choice. Elena and Leonardo wanted revenge, taking you from your home, never to be seen again," he never looked away from Tatiana's gaze.

  Tatiana had paled. Her breath was coming in heavy gasps as she looked over at Elena who was staring at her entwined hands. "You stole me?" she snarled. Tears pricked her eyes as the sun shone on her face.

  Her eyes were so sad and her lower lip trembled slightly. In that moment, I wanted to be there for her. I wanted to hug her close to me and tell her everything was going to be okay even if it wasn't true. Everything she had ever known was now a lie.

  "I'm so sorry … you have no idea!" Elena's voice cracked and her shoulders shook.

  "Did you ever love me?" Tatiana asked her voice tiny and her expression full of pain. I wanted to hold her hand so we could go through it together.

  "Of course we do honey! He adored you, as do I!" she said with desperation in her voice. Elena's hand folded over Tatiana's but she winced and pulled away from her mother's grasp.

  "I want to join!" Tatiana turned away from her mother and looked at my father, her face serious. This time my father was a little hesitant, but I saw his eyes sparkle.

  "Are you sure?"

  "I want to meet my parents," she said, ignoring the question, which must've taken guts to do.

  Was it possible to fall in love even more?



  y heart ached. I felt sick inside. I couldn't handle it, but somehow I did.

  Julian took Jamie, Elena, and I to their camp and lent us homes to stay in while we figured out what to do next. I asked to be separated from my family because whenever I looked at Jamie I saw how innocent he was in all of this, and when I stared at 'Elena' all I saw was another woman.

  A stranger.

  The camp was filled with hunters, who were casually sharpening their weapons or making new ones. Many were practising and learning new tactics. It was rather interesting, yet absurd, to see them learning how to kill us. There were many small homes built for them and there were many younger children learning as well.

  I settled into my new home; it wasn't luxurious, just simple. Cream curtains hung covering the windows and a small plasma television hung on the wall facing a small brown couch. In the corner was a tiny kitchen area and in the other room was my new bedroom with a decent-sized double bed, a study desk beside it, and a small closet on the opposite side of the room.

  Not bad, I thought.

  The bathroom had a toilet and a bathtub, thank god, because I really felt like soaking in a warm bath to relax. As I was about to get ready for my bath I was thinking about Elena and Leonardo's daughter. The word Spiritus Malus stayed in my head; I was dying to know what the words actually meant. I looked around and saw a little tablet lying on the kitchen counter. I frowned and walked towards it, turning it on. Accessing the Internet, I typed in "Spiritus Malus". Two hundred and fifty-three results came up. I clicked on the first one, but it was all about Latin and how to learn it. So I clicked on the next link and was face to face with a picture of a bloodthirsty vampire. I gasped in shock, but, shaking my head at my silliness, I scrolled down the page. Hmm … that was interesting. It read:

  Spiritus Malus meaning 'The Evil Spirit' are the most dangerous of all. Unlike other vampires, the Spiritus Malus never feels full resulting in them feeding all the time and growing faster. It's eyes are hollow and they are stronger than other vampires. Hunters will intervene when the Spiritus Malus has just been born to prevent it from killing innocents …

  I looked at the screen blankly, setting it down before I did anything stupid. I looked back at the bathroom and decided to go in. Putting my suitcase on top of my bed and rummaging through it, I found my pyjamas and headed straight for the bath. The tap released hot water and filled up the tub slowly as the steam rose in the air. I quickly stripped off my clothes and settled into the bathtub. As soon as my whole body was covered in warm water, I relaxed and sighed. I scrubbed my body with soap, enjoying the sensation. I felt clean and savoured the vanilla scent of the soap as I closed my eyes and drifted under the water.

  Just for a moment …

  Something cold touched my cheek and my eyes snapped open. Ethan was hovering over me with a panicked expression.

  "Thank god," he breathed in relief.

  "What're you doing here?" I shoved him away, then looked down self-consciously, but my body was mostly obscured by the bubbles. I also grabbed my towel from the edge of the bath.

  "I came over to talk to you and you didn't answer. I got so worried that I came in and saw you under the water. You scared me to death," he said, searching my eyes with fear.

nbsp; "Did you-?"

  He understood what I meant. "I didn't look, I swear," he smiled gently. "I was so focused on trying to see if you were alright."

  "Oh. Right," I blushed scarlet.

  "Can we talk … as soon as …?" he asked.

  I nodded because I had a feeling he wouldn't leave anyway.

  He walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. As I dressed I battled with myself, wondering what I should say to him; whether to kick him out and slam the door in his face or listen to what he had to say.

  I stared into the mirror, lost in thought, jumping when I heard loud voices; but it was only the television. I finally found the courage to go out and face him, but as I opened the door he was right outside. His face was inches from mine. I could feel his breath on me, making me lean in closer. My brain was telling me not to do it, to stop right now, but my heart just took over. My lips tasted his and it felt like a lifetime ago since our last kiss. His lips were warm and inviting, just like the first time. His hands wrapped around a fistful of my hair and he brushed it back, making me shiver with pleasure.

  My hands wound around his neck and I played with his hair. A deep moan escaped from my throat and I deepened the kiss wanting more; more of him. Suddenly his arms went around my thighs and he lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hand travelled down my spine, slowly, and the goose bumps rose all over my body.

  His hands were in my hair again and he tugged on it gently so I would put my head back, giving him access to my neck. He walked forward until my back hit the wall, laying trails of kisses along my jaw and neck. I was melting inside. If I'd been standing up I would've collapsed by now, but then again he wouldn't mind. His hand travelled high up my thigh and, of course, I was the one to stop him, finally gaining the control to pull away. I tried to catch my breath as I looked at him. I saw the hunger in his eyes as he tried to even his breath as well. He put me down slowly, never breaking eye contact. Then, with my senses restored, I roughly pushed him away feeling angry at both him and myself. I pushed my hair back from my face and stalked into the kitchen.

  "I'm so sorry. You have no idea how guilty I feel Tatiana," Ethan said, desperately trying to get me to understand.

  I sat down on the brown couch and he sat beside me. "You lied to me. This whole time did you know I was a half blood?" I asked gulping.

  "Yes. At first I didn't know, but when my father found out you were here he told me to keep an eye on you. I tried to keep my emotions in check, but I couldn't just push aside my feelings for you," he was laying out the whole truth.

  "Why did you do that?" I asked, feeling the tears coming; my heart ached.

  "My dad and I don't have the best relationship. He's always giving me these jobs and somehow I fail him and this time I hoped I would make him proud. I guess I just wanted to feel special. I know that's no excuse but when I told you I love you, I meant it."

  I felt the weight of his gaze on me and I tried not to look up but of course I did. I wasn't the only one crying, his face was a mess as fresh tears trickled down his cheeks. His eyes were sad and empty, like he had nothing, and his hands shook where they lay on his lap entwined together tightly. "I know this is a lot to ask, but will you give me another chance, to start over?" he asked; pleading, begging.

  "I don't-" I started.

  "Even as friends, if that's what you want," he said suddenly looking down at his hands.

  "Can you give me some time to think about it?" I asked.

  "Can we be friends in the mean time?" he asked still looking down.

  "I'd love that."

  His head snapped up and he smiled. I settled closer to him and wiped away his tears, as he wiped away mine, with feathery touches. I hesitantly leaned my head against his chest and I heard his heart beat faster. He lowered his head back and we both lay down on the couch in each other's arms. I knew I shouldn't have but I wanted to be held by him.

  "By the way, are there any jealous ex-girlfriends I should be worried about here?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood.

  He laughed half-heartedly. "No, no one here has been in a relationship with me."

  There was comfortable silence in the room and we both just listened to our breathing and the occasional voices coming from the television.

  "Tell me what it was like, in Chicago," he whispered into my ear gently.

  "It was peaceful. I had a best friend there called Bradley. We did most things together. Since he's a vampire, my parents approved of him. When I left Chicago it was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life," I said feeling my throat close up with emotion.

  "Was he your boyfriend?" he asked whispering. I hoped he wasn't jealous, there was nothing to be jealous about, but I heard no trace of jealousy in his voice.

  "No, my parents always had hopes for us, I've never loved him in that way. I never thought he would think of me in that way either, but the day I left he begged me not to go and he kissed me," I forced myself to swallow as my chest ached.

  "I was so shocked, so speechless, that I just ran. I didn't say goodbye and I regret it. I wish I told him that I never felt that way because I might never see him again."

  "He knew you were leaving and he kissed you? That's not fair on you," he replied.

  I sighed feeling overwhelmed with everything that had happened today. Finding out about my real parents, that Ethan was a hunter, and vampires were out to get me. If I were a normal person I would've had a heart attack. "I know."

  He pulled me tighter against him and I snuggled closer to him feeling safe and warm in his arms. Finally feeling loved.



  felt warm inside as I opened my eyes. The surroundings were familiar and I was still lying on the couch with Tatiana beside me. I looked at her as she slept. She looked so peaceful, so comfortable, in my arms that I felt like I could look at her sleep all night. It felt so normal, like she was made for me, like I was made for her.

  She stirred a little, mumbling something that I didn't hear. Then she said it again more clearly. "I love you, Ethan," she sighed and yawned in her sleep.

  My heart felt like it might explode with emotion. Just knowing that she still loved me made me want to cry with happiness. She loved me no matter what happened between us. Then I realised something, if she couldn't be with me I would not beg her or make her feel guilty, I would be her friend. I'd be there for her and I would be and do anything for her.

  "Ethan?" she mumbled. Was she talking in her sleep? "Ethan, NO!" she screamed all of a sudden. She kicked and thrashed and I got a hold of her arms before she could do any real damage.

  My heart was racing with concern. "Tatiana, wake up!" I whispered desperately.

  Her eyes snapped open and she looked around confused, breathing heavily. When her gaze landed on mine her face turned from fear to relief. I was sitting up now and she was in my lap. As I held her arms against my chest, I let her go slowly without breaking eye contact.

  "I had the worst dream," she breathed and I could see that she was crying.

  "It's okay now," I soothed her.

  "You were fighting a vampire and he … he killed you," she said, whispering like she thought it was real.

  "I'm here," I said. I grabbed her hand guiding it to my chest where my heart was beating. "I'm here."

  Her gaze landed on our entwined hands and she looked up. "Did I sleep talk?" she asked hesitantly.

  I nodded.

  "What did I say?" she asked, completely embarrassed.

  "That you loved me," I whispered.

  She covered her mouth with her other hand and she blushed so beautifully I wanted to grab her face and kiss her. "How embarrassing!" she said.

  I chuckled to myself, feeling nervous all of a sudden. "I love you too."

  Her head snapped up and her gazed locked with mine. My heart jumped out of my chest when she brought her hand up to my face, caressing my cheek. I felt myself leaning in, wanting to touch her lips again, to feel those lip
s moving against mine. A sudden knock on the front door made us both jump apart.

  "Excuse me Tatiana, have you seen Ethan?" Camille walked in and stopped mid-step, her face showing surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry, but there's been an attack. A hunter has been killed and another injured," she said. I heard her voice crack. All of the hunters knew each other like family. We were all close.

  "Who was it?" I asked suddenly standing up with worry.

  "Sam Drake is injured and Noel is gone." Noel was her friend. They had known each other for a while now and the rumours suggested they were into each other.

  "Does my father know?" I asked.

  She shook her head and I could tell she was trying to hold it all in. "He went back into town to grab a few more supplies for Elena." Elena? Why would she need more supplies? She had everything she needed here … I looked behind me. Tatiana wasn't there anymore and I knew exactly where she was headed. Without another word I ran out of the house and started towards Elena's safe house. My hair flew back as I ran with all my strength; I wanted to get there before anything happened, before she did something she would regret. I found the door ajar and my heart stopped for a second. I opened the door further to find Tatiana and Elena standing in the middle of the living room. Jamie was trying to get to Tatiana, but Elena was holding onto him with all of her strength.

  "Why Elena?" Tatiana demanded. "Why kill someone?"

  "I have to get out of here. We have to get out of here," she pleaded.

  "Tatiana!" Jamie called out.

  "Jamie, it's okay." Tatiana sighed, "We can't leave."

  "Yes, we can and we will, while Julian is gone," Elena said, desperately trying to get her to understand.

  "I'm not going anywhere. I want to be here with Ethan," Tatiana said.

  I froze. She wanted to stay with me.

  Elena responded stiffly, "Fine, say goodbye to your brother while you're here."

  Jamie whimpered and Tatiana sniffled, holding out her arms for Jamie. "I love you," she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. My heart went out to her. Even though I sometimes hated my brother, I would still feel sad if we were separated.


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