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Joshoku Page 7

by Hildred Billings

  “Then I’ll keep making you feel special.” Reina wrapped her arm around Aiko.

  She loves me. Aiko had never heard those words from Reina’s lips, but she didn’t need to. Reina wouldn’t have stuck with her for two years if love wasn’t a factor. None of my boyfriends said they loved me. Not while they were dating, anyway.

  “Do you think we’ll be together for a long time?” Aiko asked, playing with the buttons on Reina’s sweater. “We jumped into this so quickly. And yet it’s been two years already. I admit, I’m pleasantly surprised...”

  “Why? Thought I would have dumped you by now?”

  Aiko stopped fidgeting. “Perhaps...”

  “Eh, don’t think about that. I have no complaints.”

  “Still, we could be together for a long time...”

  “I guess. I don’t think that far into the future.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s pointless. What’s the use of planning so far in advance? Anything can go to hell between now and then. Short-term plans are great. Long-term? Worry when we get there.”

  “You’re so lackadaisical.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  Aiko giggled. “Nothing in particular. By the way, did you get me a gift?” No. But she had to ask. “Maybe an early Christmas present? Eh?”

  As if on cue, Reina looked away, her eyes settling on the empty cake plates before them. “Jya, about that...”

  Playful smacks landed on Reina’s chest. “You didn’t get me anything. I should have known.” Two years hadn’t taught Aiko everything there was to know about her girlfriend, but knowing that she was not crazy about buying gifts for anyone was a freebie.

  “I don’t have much money right now. I don’t work as much as I used to.”

  “You could’ve made me something. I made you cookies.”

  “Do you really want me cooking?”

  Heavens no. Reina’s cooking was the result of fusing incompetence with willful ignorance. The one time Aiko tried to get her girlfriend to help her cook something... smoke alarms were not meant to make such ear-splitting sounds.

  “Besides,” Reina continued, running her fingers through the long strands of Aiko’s hair, “I have my ways of giving gifts to my girlfriend. Cheaply and effectively, nonetheless.”

  She didn’t say what she had in mind, but Aiko knew. The union of our bodies. Reina kissed her cheek and then her neck, pecking her skin with the gentleness of a spring breeze. Why do I still get nervous making love to her? Because Reina was beautiful, dangerous, the kind of woman young girls weren’t supposed to give themselves to. All it took was one keen look and Aiko was done for. “Do you like doing it with me?” she asked, her skin wet from Reina’s kisses.

  “Of course I do.” Reina did not relent her affection, gripping Aiko’s shoulder to make it easier to plant a tiny hickey on her girlfriend’s neck. “I wouldn’t keep doing it with you if I didn’t like it.”

  “I suppose...” Reina was open with her love – not that she called it that – but she could be quite finicky as well. The worst thing someone could do was bore her. I guess I haven’t bored her yet. “Happy anniversary, Reina-chan.”

  Her girlfriend kissed her on the lips before guiding her down onto the futon. Two years ago... Their first date. Ice cream and uncomfortable conversations. I kissed her on the cheek. Now Reina kissed her throat again, undulating against her. The space heater beeped its announcement that its run had ended. Aiko and Reina were about to make their own heat anyway.

  “Since it’s your present,” Reina said, reaching between Aiko’s legs and rubbing her thigh, “you should tell me what you want. Be specific.”

  “Eh?” Aiko was too busy enjoying her girlfriend’s touch to respond. “I want you.”

  “No, no, I mean what you want me to do to you.” Those fingers grazed Aiko’s omanko through her jeans. “Anything you want. I think I’ve exposed you to enough by now.”

  She could say that again! Sometimes Aiko swore she would learn nothing from a sex book. If it was a position two women could get in, Reina had introduced her to it. Yet Aiko had her favorites. “I like it when you put your mouth on me.”


  From how deeply Aiko blushed, one would think the heat was on full blast in there. “You know... on my body. You lips feel good everywhere.”

  “Ah, but especially on your omanko, eh?”


  “And my tongue?” Reina licked her girlfriend’s ear, sending a chill through her body. “I bet you really like that.”

  “I like it when you put your tongue inside me.”

  “Oh, like in your mouth?”

  “Other places too.”

  Reina lifted Aiko’s sweater over her chest, kissing the tops of her breasts before slipping the sweater over head and arms. It landed on the bedroom floor, and the chilly night air made Aiko’s skin feel like a sheet of ice. She melted beneath Reina’s sturdy frame. “You like it when I put just about anything inside of you.”

  “I like your fingers.”

  Those fingers now rubbed the brunt of Aiko’s omanko through denim and lace. “I’ve put my fingers inside you quite a bit these past two years.”

  “You liked it...”

  “Like I said, I wouldn’t do something I didn’t like.” Reina unzipped Aiko’s jeans and helped her take off her clothes.

  It was everything Aiko could have wanted for their anniversary night. Reina was attentive and willing to do almost anything her girlfriend asked of her. Kiss me all over. Aiko got to feel those thin lips on every inch of skin, that tongue dragging across everything in its wake. Make me feel good. Reina slipped her tongue inside her girlfriend’s body, slowly stroking her flesh until she began to writhe in orgasm. I’d be happy with this. If Reina would cuddle her afterward, she would say it was a good session.

  But this was Reina, and nothing was ever that short.

  “Did you like that?” she asked, blowing into her girlfriend’s ear. Aiko caught her breath before gazing into Reina’s countenance. “I could give you more.”

  “You don’t have to.” But I wouldn’t mind giving to you. Getting Reina to roll over and let Aiko pleasure her was another battle, however. Aiko wasn’t as good at it yet, even after all her practice. Not like Reina. She could lick her lips and make a woman climax from across the room.

  Reina whispered what she wanted to do to her. It took her saying it again to get Aiko to snap her eyes open.

  “I want to fuck you.” That statement kept swirling in Aiko’s head even after Reina sat up and rooted through her box of sex toys. They didn’t fool around with those very often. Maybe once every three months, when Reina was feeling adventurous, and Aiko willing to have her legs be sore for a day. On our anniversary? They had done what Aiko wanted. Maybe it was time to let Reina do what she wanted.

  She pulled the straps over her legs and settled between Aiko’s again. The phallus hanging from her waist rubbed against Aiko’s wet omanko. “Do you want it?” Reina asked, guiding the tip into her girlfriend’s hole. “Because I want to give it to you. I want to feel it moving in and out of you with my body.”

  Pitiful moans were released from Aiko’s throat as the toy pushed into her. Bigger than Reina’s fingers. Harder, too. The rigidity always surprised Aiko since she was used to her girlfriend’s fingers being able to contort to fit as they willed. Although she knew this could not be what it was really like to be with a man, it made her think of it every time, imagining that her girlfriend was suddenly a boyfriend and about to get his rocks off inside her.

  “Holy shit, it feels good.” Reina was panting even before she started moving. Her hips moved the toy in and out of her girlfriend while her finger rubbed Aiko off. More moaning, more thrusting. “It’s like I can feel it for myself.”

  If Aiko were not distracted with how it felt on her end – hard, deep, and relentless – she would have asked how that was pos
sible. Don’t care. She clasped her girlfriend’s shoulders and pulled her knees higher into the air. “Iku...”

  As strange as it was to admit it, coming like that was always the most intense. The surprising thing was when Reina came with her, crying out as if her phallus were really stimulating her.

  Later, when some clothes were back on and the lights were off, Aiko lay curled up in Reina’s arms with only their skin between them. It’s sore, like always. A pleasurable soreness, although Aiko would feel awkward walking the next day. Maybe one day Reina’s fun perversion wouldn’t affect Aiko so much. Maybe we could do it more often one day. Not what she thought of as anniversary lovemaking material, but feeling so satisfied between the legs made her want to be closer to her girlfriend.

  “Suki da yo,” Aiko said, nuzzling against Reina’s chest. They burrowed beneath the heavy comforter where it was safe and warm. “Do you love me?”

  Reina rolled on top of giggling Aiko, kissing her with ardor as their feet kicked out from beneath the futon. She’s never told me she loves me.

  Maybe it would be enough to get them through a few more years. The thought of spending more of her life with Reina made Aiko’s heart flutter as if it had wings.

  The major watering hole for women under thirty was bustling one Friday night in January. It was the week after New Year’s, when people were coming back from their family reunions across the region, but the young adults had few responsibilities to return to. No school for another week, work didn’t have extra hours, and families were sick of their kids hanging around. So to be welcomed by a crowded and friendly lesbian bar one cold winter’s night was a welcomed escape indeed.

  When she was younger, Reina knew most of the people in any given bar, especially those as small as this one: a single bar with stools, a few crowded tables, and two booths pushed into the corner. But Reina couldn’t say she knew everyone that night. There were familiar faces, but they were acquaintances at best. She didn’t take into account that the bar was best known for being a place for new faces in the Tokyo lesbian scene to make their debuts.

  Like Kiki, who now sat across from Aiko and Reina in their booth, bottle of beer half drank and fresh young face absorbing the tales they told.

  “There’s a strip club around here, for lesbians,” Reina said, taking joy in watching Kiki’s face grow wide in shock. “I transferred to a college here from a small town in Yamaguchi Prefecture. It’s so crazy here in Tokyo!” she had said when Reina caught the girl alone and lost even in that small bar. No wonder, when she was shoulder-to-shoulder with couples and groups of friends. Seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring her into the fold. It’s what I do. “I can’t promise that the strippers themselves are all gay, but it’s a decent place if you really want to see some tits in the flesh, so to speak.”

  Kiki cocked her head, curly brown hair spilling off her shoulder. “Is that... legal?”

  Reina held her finger up to her lips. “Shh. Himitsu da.” Also a secret that she used to be famous in the VIP section of that club for having sex with any woman that came in. Not that she was paid for it. In retrospect, Reina sometimes wished she had succumbed to prostitution if she wasn’t so chickenshit about getting caught by the authorities. She hadn’t even told Aiko about her stint as some rich woman’s plaything in exchange for money. That seemed like a lifetime ago.

  Beside her, Aiko picked up her glass of gin and smiled over the rim. “Reina-chan took me there once. I recommend going with a friend.”

  Shy Kiki looked down into her lap and folded her hands. “I don’t have any friends I could do that with yet... my only friends are from my new school... and they’re straight.”

  Pity. Reina couldn’t even imagine the thought. Having no one to hang out with but the likes of Hitomi and Yoko – who sneered at Reina and laughed behind her back – was too much to bear. How had this girl not yet ran back to Yamaguchi? Oh, right. Because it was Yamaguchi. Reina counted her blessings every day that she was fortunate enough to be born in Tokyo. Nowhere else in Japan could contain her levels of homoeroticism. I wouldn’t have met the best people either. She glanced at Aiko, who blushed when Kiki looked at her. Hmm.

  That’s when Reina knew it was time to turn on her charm. A sweet girl like Kiki would be perfect for getting Aiko back into the ménage life. Nonthreatening. Cute. Inexperienced enough that Aiko wouldn’t feel insecure sharing a love hotel room with her, but experienced enough that Reina wouldn’t have to give her a crash course in lesbian sex. “Has anyone in this God forsaken town told you that you’re very pretty yet?”

  Aiko stiffened beside her girlfriend but said nothing. Yeah, you should be on to me by now. Kiki, on the other hand, giggled into her palm and shielded her face behind her long hair. “No... this is my first time here.”

  Something pinched Reina’s thigh. She caught a wan look from her girlfriend and backed into her seat. Time to switch to Plan B – the one where she didn’t make Aiko jealous.

  For Reina, it was easy to seduce a girl, even from across a table in a loud bar. The hard part was convincing a sweet thing like Kiki to have sex with two women at once. Not that Reina approached it that way. Her method was to politely ask Kiki about her past experiences – her girlfriends, how long she’d known she was gay – and then segue into the kinds of things she liked to do. Even better if she could slide into the booth next to her and lay the flirting on thick. But with Aiko with her, Reina couldn’t do that. I’d call her a clit-blocker, but it’s the opposite.

  “So what do you think?” she asked her girlfriend after Kiki left to go to the restroom. “She’s cute, huh?”

  Aiko couldn’t make eye contact without sputtering in embarrassment. Her body twisted in Reina’s hold, hair slashing across her face as Aiko huddled in the corner of the booth. “Iyaa!” Aiko cried into the curve of her arm. She must have been holding that in for the past fifteen minutes. “From the moment that girl sat down with us, I knew what you wanted.”

  Reina pinched her girlfriend’s cheek. “Don’t you want it too? Maa, I could really go for some extra fun tonight, you know? If we leave early enough with her we could get a good love hotel room for cheap. You know, one with a double bed maybe.” None of that twin bed crap. It was fine for her and Aiko, but trying to add another person... might as well personally ask the sex gods for a broken arm. “Ahh, Ai-chan, what’s that look for?”

  That look was poisonous. Aiko spared Reina one more before puffing out her cheeks and biting her lip. “You can’t just invite some hapless girl along with us. You should ask me first.”

  “Eh? Isn’t that what I’m doing now?”

  “What a roundabout way.”

  “Do you wanna do it with her or not?”

  Aiko leaned her elbow against the table and sighed. “I guess...”

  Reina wrapped her arm around her girlfriend’s shoulders and invaded her personal space like a feline. “Did you see how lovely her skin is? Last time we had another girl, you couldn’t stop talking about how nice it was to touch her skin. Plus, she has a nice rack. Watching you play with tits is something we can’t get just between you and me.” Reina was not even slightly endowed. She could pick my mosquito bites, I guess. Sounded painful. “I can’t lie, I like watching you.”

  The rabble in the bar couldn’t drown out those hot breaths shooting out of Aiko’s nostrils. “I guess I like watching you too...”

  “Oh?” Which part?”

  A shy smile blossomed on Aiko’s face like a happy daisy. “I like watching them be impressed with you. People should know how good I’ve got it...”

  Goal! Ego stroke for an extra two points. Reina leaned back into the booth, self-satisfaction exploding on her face. “Well, it’s not just one way,” she said, quickly working to seal this deal. “It takes two to make a power couple. Just you wait, Ai-chan, in a few years we’ll be legends. Women will line up in bars, begging us to take them home. We’ll be a Ni-chome tourist attraction. Want to have a l
esbian threesome? Call up Yamauchi for some fun today!”

  Aiko rolled her eyes. “Why is it Yamauchi? Why can’t it be Takeda?”

  Because I’m the main attraction, duh. Reina knew better than to say that. “So is that a yes? Because if it is, I need you to help me seduce our country bumpkin. Flash a little skin, eh?”

  “And what would that accomplish?”

  “I always do the talking. I need you to do the visual stimulation. Tease her with what she could see once the three of us are alone.”

  Scandalized Aiko was Reina’s favorite to give a hard time in any situation. Aiko hid behind her hand, flummoxed, glass of gin emptying before she would give her girlfriend an answer. “You want me to arouse her with my body.”

  “Yes. That’s the plan.”

  “But my body isn’t that arousing.”

  Was she serious? Of course... For the past two years Reina had tried to convince her girlfriend that she was gorgeous, glowing, and sexually stimulating. One look at her even on a bad day and that shit melts away. Aiko hid most of her figure beneath baggy clothes, but Reina knew how firm and soft every inch of her body was. Even without the contours of her skin, Reina had no qualms imagining her girlfriend naked and what she would do the moment the clothes came off. Reina supposed that most girls were self-conscious to the point that they didn’t see themselves as attractive in that way. But they were. Especially Aiko. Reina wouldn’t be dating her if that wasn’t a factor.

  “Trust me, Ai-chan,” Reina said, tongue licking the skin beneath Aiko’s ear. “You are plenty arousing to look at. That girl would be daft as hell to not see it. Even if you’re not her type, she’ll still know what a great opportunity is sitting before her.”

  “You are the most ridiculous person sometimes...”

  “Not so ridiculous if I’m helping you bag a threesome. Ah, here she comes.”

  Kiki slid back into her seat, unaware that Reina was about to start phase two of her seduction. Come on Aiko... There it was. A patch of skin as Aiko innocently let her baggy sweater slip off her shoulder. She never hiked it back up like she normally would. Of course, Kiki the country girl stared right at it for a good five seconds before looking at Reina again. Those glazed eyes said everything. This is going to be so easy...


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