Raining Fools (Madison Creek Bed & Breakfast Book 2)

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Raining Fools (Madison Creek Bed & Breakfast Book 2) Page 23

by Jackie Castle

  “No thanks, honey.” Jean blew a puff of air onto her meal. “What’s a country gal like you doing way up here?”

  “Freezin’ for the most part.” Haley rested back in the chair and sipped her tea. There was a familiar sparkle in her blue eyes that unnerved Ethan. “This here land belonged to my Mama’s folks, rest her soul. I inherited this ol’ house and the land.”

  What was Haley playing at, going all countrified with Jean? She was a country girl but seemed to be laying the accent on thick at the moment. Then she turned to him and said, “Baby, I forgot to put away Betty. Will you take care of my rifle for me?”

  Since when did that gun get a name? Haley had named her dented blue truck Lady Blue, but this was new. “Uh, sure.”

  “Thank you, handsome. Be careful, I don’t think I set the safety.”

  Jean’s head whipped around toward the door, and her eyes widened when she spotted the weapon propped against the closet. Ethan quickly returned it to the cabinet and hit the lock.

  “Cain’t ever be too careful. Girl’s gotta know how to protect herself. Least that’s what my step-daddy always said. His name’s Mad Maddix. Always was a sandwich and pickle short of a picnic, know what I mean?” Haley’s legs were crossed at the knee, her face as expressionless as if she discussed the weather. “Anyhoo, he’s in prison now. Killed my Ma. Or least, that’s what the courts declared.” She sipped her tea again, as if giving pause to let that bit of information sink in for a moment. “Umm, I like this blend. How’s that soup, Mrs. Gaines?”

  “Uhh,” Jean took another bite and after swallowing, said, “delicious. You make this?”

  Haley smiled sweetly. “Oh yeah, learned all about cooking from the ranch boss’ wife. Why she knew every aspect of feeding a big crew of hungry men, from killin’ to grillin’. Taught me all she knew, bless her heart.”

  Ethan lingered in the closet longer than necessary, trying to regain control of his urge to laugh. Now he understood. His wife was playing her crazy deck and playing it like a card shark.

  Jean said no more while she finished off her meal. Ethan took the seat next to Haley and gulped down his tea, thinking he’d need something with more caffeine. He’d not be able to sleep tonight with Jean under their roof. The woman wasn’t trustworthy. And the way she was rubbing her arms and fidgeting with her silverware, he knew she’d want something to calm her nerves.

  Jean finally pushed the empty bowl away. “Ethan baby, where is my son?” Her fingers twisted the cloth napkin.

  “He took a little road trip to visit a friend of ours. Doubt he’ll return until late tonight.”

  She blew out a long breath. “Don’t suppose he left any cigarettes laying around, did he? I’m completely out.”

  “He quit,” Ethan said, pride for his friend filling his chest. He hoped Jean’s appearance wouldn’t cause him a setback.

  Haley interjected, “This here is a smoke-free establishment, anyway, Mrs. Gaines. We have kids in residence at times, and I insist on keeping it family friendly.” She narrowed her eyes at Jean as if daring her to argue.

  Jean rubbed her hand over the wrinkled skin on her arm. “So, asking for something a little stronger to drink would probably also be out of the question?” She made Ethan think of parchment paper, all thin, wrinkled and old. Way older than her years deserved.

  He was about to tell her absolutely not when Haley gave a nod. “I can fix something up that will help you sleep like a newborn babe.”

  “You will?” She tugged the blanket tighter around her shoulders. “You can call me Jean like the boys do. Ethan here is like one of my own, I love him like a son.”

  Oh man, he hated when she did that. The only person Jean Gaines really cared about was herself. He almost considered taking some of the money he’d been given and just send her on her way, but knew she’d be back and way too soon if she thought there was a stream of cash here. Besides, that wouldn’t help Stephen, either. They needed to stay firm. He’d give her this one night, but that was it.

  “Sure thing.” Haley stood and gathered the dishes onto the tray. “Babe, why don’t you show Jean up to the Coral room. Show her where she can find the things she needs.” She faced their guest again. “I have a gown you can borrow for tonight.” She took the tray to the kitchen.

  Ethan helped Jean upstairs. He’d have to talk to Haley about enabling Jean’s drinking. Soon Haley joined them with the promised nightgown and a small glass of what smelled like that whiskey she kept in the freezer to use when marinating. At least the freezer had a lock on it.

  “Oh bless you, sweetheart.” Jean took the glass into her trembling hands and sipped it down in a few swallows then handed it back. “Ah, you are a good one. You know, I lived down near Houston for a few months. Didn’t really like it much. Felt like I was in a steamer.”

  “Tell me. It can get so hot down there, the hens lay hard-boiled eggs.” Haley moved to the linen closet and set a towel on top of the dresser. “Sounds like you’re a little familiar with Texas folks.”

  Jean waved her hand, indicating just a little.

  His beautiful, sweet, kind-hearted wife rolled that empty glass between her hands and said in a chillingly calm voice, “We’re good people, friendly for the most part. But you’ve probably heard our motto. Just so you know, I don’t care to be messed with either.”

  Jean sat on the edge of the bed. She gave a slight nod, her rouge caked lips pursed. “Yes, I remember seeing that a time or two.”

  “Good. Cause this place here might be in Yankee land, but the heart of a Texas gal rules over how things are handled. Living on a ranch, a person has to be tough, rough and just a little crazy to take that hell-fire heat, you know? When a person does me wrong, I can make a hornet look cuddly.” Haley headed for the door, stopping in the entry. “Otherwise, I’m generally sweeter than stolen honey. Good night, Jean. There’ll be breakfast in the morning if you’re interested.”

  Ethan followed her, his heart hammering inside his chest. Clearing his throat, he also bid Jean a good night. “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

  Haley was at the bottom of the stairs when he reached her side and caught her by the arm, turning her around to face him. “You think that was wise feeding her addiction?”

  “Can’t cut her clean off, she’d have driven herself crazy with the withdrawals. Besides, I watered it down and added one of my sleeping pills to help knock her out. She should sleep like a bear in the winter.”

  Ethan’s hands dropped to his sides. “I am so turned on by you right now.”

  She laughed and patted his cheek. “Boy are you in for a treat then. We’ve not even known each other for a full year. You’ve not seen anything yet.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The mustang’s headlights shone on the curving wet road. Stephen watched the woods closely for any deer meandering along the shoulders.

  Bekka’s head rested against the seat’s rest. Her soft breaths told him she was so relaxed in this moment that she may have actually drifted off to sleep. The clock on the dash read 1:38 in the morning. They’d closed down the carnival, then met BeeJibe and his band at a local Big Boys afterward to swap stories and talk more about the summer music event. To Stephen’s delight, Bee was not only willing to sign up for a spot at the event, but he would contact more bands and pass on the information.

  The more artists he could find to participate, the more chances they had of spreading the word about the recording studio. A sense of purpose settled itself on Stephen. Finally, he was doing something that brought satisfaction and excitement to his life. Next week, he’d sit down at the computer with a list of every band he personally knew and find out where they were touring. He’d pop in on every last one if necessary.

  Would Bekka be willing to do some traveling with him? He glanced over at her peaceful face, his heart swelling with love. He’d not dwell on the years lost. Nope, today was a new day, and he’d make the most of this second chance. The counseling sessions wou
ld be a top priority between working for Ethan and traveling to band gigs. Learning to deal with those monsters that reared their ugly heads from time to time would be the key to his staying on course.

  “Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” He gave her a gentle shake when the Victorian came into view. To his surprise a few lights inside remained on. “Wake up, we’re home.”

  Bekka jerked up, swiping her hand across her mouth as she looked around. “Home?” She squinted at the clock. “Wow, I’m not used to these late night outings. I’m a real wimp, aren’t I?”

  He shook his head. “No. If you had been driving, I probably would have been the one to pass out.” He pointed toward the house. “Am I wrong or does it look like someone else is still up?”

  “Tell me that my boneheaded brother is not waiting up for me. I’ll—”

  “Thank him for being a caring little brother?”

  “Not likely,” she scoffed.

  As he pulled into the parking area, Bekka gathered her things. Stephen got out and hurried around to open her door before she did. He had to move fast, she wasn’t used to guys doing that for her.

  Whatever rain they’d had seemed to have passed on through.

  He took her bag that she kept her camera and tablet in. “Think he’ll be watching out the peephole to make sure I act like a gentleman?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Are you going to come in and tell him what we accomplished?” Her hand wrapped around his as he headed up the walkway toward the porch. “I can make us some tea. Unless you’re tired and want to go on home. It is late.”

  “Yes, to all of that. I’m tired, but I also want to tell Mr. Nosy about Bee.”

  The click of the front door opening preceded a beam of yellow light falling across the front lawn. Ethan’s shadow filled the gap as he stepped out onto the porch.

  “Hey man,” Stephen held up his free hand in surrender. “I was just telling your sister good night. I’ve been a perfect gentleman. You can ask her.”

  Ethan came down the stairs in his bare feet with a shake of his head. “Need to talk to you. I wanted to make sure you didn’t leave.”

  Stephen had known Ethan Winters long enough to recognize by the tone of his voice when something was wrong.

  Ethan grabbed his arm and pulled him aside to whisper in his ear about the late night visitor that had shown up.

  Closing his eyes, Stephen pinched the bridge of his nose. Anger boiled up and he fought hard to keep it from bubbling over. “You let her stay? Here?”

  “Had no choice, Gaines. She was alone. Her car’s broken down about a mile outside of town. She walked here in the rain. What was I supposed to do?” E-man gave a little shiver and rubbed his bare arms.

  Stephen waved Bekka over. She needed to know what was going on, too.

  After filling her in, he turned back to Ethan. “What’s wrong with her car? Does she know?”

  He shook his head, shoving his long bangs from his face. “Probably ran out of gas.”

  “I can fix that.” He started toward the house. “She’s not staying here. I appreciate your trying to help, but I’m taking her back to her car, put some gas in it, and she can be on her way.”

  Ethan moved to block him, pressing his hands to his chest to stop him. “No, she’s already settled in. Haley gave her something to help her sleep.”

  “She what?”

  “I’ve been waiting for you guys to get back. Know you’re not going to like this, but Jean is fine. I checked on her not too long ago, and she’s out. We’ll let her rest and then deal with this in the morning. I just thought you should know.”

  “Winters, what are you thinking? We can’t turn our backs on her.” He hated speaking like this about his mother, but it was the truth. Why now? How did she track him down, anyway? “You sure she came alone?”

  “Yes. She said her boyfriend dumped her. Left her with nothing.”

  Stephen rubbed his hands over his tired face. This was not happening. Not when he was finally getting back on his own feet and moving along the right track. He blew out a long breath knowing he needed to think this through. “Mind if I camp out on your couch? Then I can be here when she wakes up and deal with this swiftly.”

  “Sure. I’ll wake Haley and send her to bed. She dozed off while we were waiting for you.”

  Stephen grabbed Ethan’s arm before he walked away, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with this.”

  “Don’t be. You’re not in this alone, Gaines. Haley and I are both here for you.”

  Maybe so, but this was his problem. He’d not burden his friend with this mess. E-man had enough going on as it was.

  * * * *

  Stephen woke with a crick in his neck and a throbbing in his lower back. Danged couch! Was it made out of rocks like something out of a Flintstone cartoon?

  The smell of bacon hung in the air as voices came from the kitchen. They didn’t exactly sound friendly, but not hateful, either. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and glanced around the empty room. Was Bekka or Ethan up yet? Haley must be the one cooking breakfast. Leon only cooked in the evenings unless Haley needed a stand-in for the mornings.

  The other muffled voice?

  He pushed the blanket aside and went to the guest bath to wash his face and freshen up. Was Jean awake yet? What would he say to her? He knew what he wanted to say, but had a feeling that wouldn’t fix anything.

  Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, he winced. Man, he needed to shave. Needed more sleep to get rid of the dark circles forming under his red-rimmed eyes. He needed….

  “Help. This is new to me.” He stared down at his hands clutching the edge of the sink. “You’ve given me a second chance, haven’t You?” He groaned, closing his eyes. Deep down he felt he needed to do the same. “You don’t make this easy at all, do You?”

  Well, fine. He’d first go see who was in the kitchen. One step at a time. He’d face whatever came at him as it came at him and try, try, try to listen to his heart and not his reasoning.

  His self-empowering resolve boosted him to the swinging kitchen door, then fled like a June bug with a cardinal swooping down on it. Stephen breathed out a very long breath and listened at the door.

  “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?” Mother.

  “That’s a nice way to put it. I’m very protective of those I love. I’d like to help you out, but not if you’re going to mess with my guys and cause trouble.” Haley?

  But who was she talking about? Had Jean tried to get money from E-man? She better not even try hitting up anyone from the Winters’ family for anything. His temper flared.

  “You got something going on with both of them? I know blonds have more fun, but aren’t you engaged?”

  Stephen peered in through the little window in the door to find his mother sitting at the table in the bay peeling potatoes. Haley worked beside her, shredding a plateful of cheese. Neither seemed angry, nor put out.

  “Funny woman you are. That’s a fine way to talk about Ethan after he welcomed you in last night. Is that the kind of guy you think he is?”

  Jean shrugged one shoulder. “I know how my son is.” She set the potato down with a shake of her head. “No, I know better. Ethan is as sweet as they come. Always has been. Quiet and comfortable in his own skin. Never putting on airs. I’m just not used to people I’ve just met talking so…”

  “Truthfully?” Haley interjected at the pause.

  “Bluntly. You don’t hold anything back do you, Chickie?”

  Haley stopped shredding and placed a hand on her hip. “What’s the point in beating around the bush? You came knocking on my door for help, I’m trying to help. You want it or not?”

  “I came looking for my son, which I still haven’t seen.” Jean chopped the potato into chunks and tossed them into a bowl.

  Stephen took that as his cue to show himself. As he entered, Haley spouted, “Well, when you’re tired of acting like a dog snooping around for handouts, let me know.” She grabbed the plate and w
ent over to the stove. “You finished with those spuds yet?”

  “Well,” Jean drew out the word. “Hello son of mine.”

  Haley’s head shot up and when she saw him, her pink lips turned up in a smirking grin as if she were having the time of her life. Crazy southerner.

  “Right.” Stephen pointed toward the back door. “Let’s go out there and talk.” As he passed Haley, he stopped, realizing one of her guys was him. He mouthed, Thanks for trying.

  She leaned closer to him, pretending to brush something off his shoulder and whispered, “Oh, I’ve not even got started yet. I’m like a dog on a bone when I get a notion to do something.”

  “Appreciate it, but you don’t know what you’re dealing with.”

  She snorted a laugh and had the audacity to roll her eyes as if it were him who was clueless. “This isn’t my first rodeo, bub. You’ll see.” Her wink actually made him want to laugh and some of the pent up tension left.

  Jean didn’t hesitate, probably eager to get away from the Blond Tornado, as he’d started calling her. Soon as they were out on the deck, she turned to him, her face as cloudy as the sky overhead. Flicking her fingers in a beckoning gesture, she demanded, “Pass over your smokes. I’m dying here.”

  Tongue in cheek, he patted his pockets then held up his hands in surrender. “I quit. Haven’t had one in three weeks.”

  Her nose wrinkled up in a snort. “As if you’ll last much longer. Drive me down to the supermarket so I can pick up a few necessities. We’ll talk on the way.” She started toward the driveway, but Stephen made no move to follow her.

  “I’m not taking you anywhere.”

  Jean spun around to face him, angry mother face in full force and shooting laser daggers. He remained standing in his spot, undaunted. Stay firm. There’s nothing she can do to you. Stand firm and she’ll move on.


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