Raining Fools (Madison Creek Bed & Breakfast Book 2)

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Raining Fools (Madison Creek Bed & Breakfast Book 2) Page 28

by Jackie Castle

  Her laptop warned the battery was nearly drained. She’d been working on few training blogs about filming videos for the past two hours. Her readers loved the new tips. Sage Dolan, who would marry Nick Prater next week at the B&B, showed her how to monetize her blog. Already she’d began to see a return on her love for photography.

  She closed out of the programs and turned off her computer. Slipping it into her bag, she decided to remain a while longer. The weather this week had been pleasantly warm so she could finally wear shorts.

  The sound of breaking twigs startled Bekka out of the chair. Hoping some wild animal hadn’t happened along, she spun around.

  “Just me,” Stephen hopped around on his good leg, trying to steady himself on the crutches. “The path is a little slick over here.”

  She rushed to his side and helped him to stand steady until he got one of the crutches tucked under his arm again. A beany sat on his buzzed head while he impatiently waited for his hair to grow back over the healing cuts. He leaned closer for a kiss and almost lost his balance again.

  “Let’s get you seated, mister.” Bekka guided him down the short boardwalk to one of the chairs. He fell in, none-too-gracefully, but at least he was safe. “What are you thinking coming down here? You only needed to call. I would have returned to the barn.”

  He grinned while grasping the arm of her chair and pulling it around to face to his. “I wanted somewhere quiet to talk to you, lady. Sit.” His hand made a down motion.

  “You seem in a particularly happy mood today. Did you get a good report from the doctor?”

  He let the crutches drop. They made a loud thunk on the decking. “I get this,” He waved at the brace covering most of his leg, “off next week. So be ready to dance at the Prater wedding.”

  She shook her finger at him. “None of that jitter-bugging, mister. Only slow dances.”

  His brows rose along with his smile. “I like those. Slow dances will work.” He winked. “Guess who I talked to this morning?” Before she could take a guess, he went on more bubbly than the creek passing by. “Beth face-timed with me and Ma. She’s looking really good. Promised to call again later. She wants to meet E-man’s wife.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I told her all about the Blonde Tornado. And about us.”

  Bekka laughed. No wonder he was so excited. Beth Gaines, actually offering to keep in touch. This was big. “You shouldn’t call Haley that. She’s calmed down some now that she has enough help.”

  His nose wrinkled. “Please. She’s always calling me a polecat. Whatever the … well, whatever that is. Who knows with her?”

  Bekka bit her bottom lip. She had no intention of ever explaining that one. Let him figure it out on his own. “I wish Beth would come for a visit. Think that’s possible?”

  “Maybe. She’ll make no promises on anything. You know how she is.”

  “How’s Jean? You said she spoke with both of you? That must mean your mom can have visitors now?”

  He nodded. “Pretty moody, but I think, pray, hope… She seemed good. Especially after we were able to speak with Beth. And when I was telling her about what we’re doing here, Beth got really excited. Ma started crying again. But she does that a lot. Anyway, the two of them gave me something for you.” He dug into his pocket, pulling out his fisted hand which he held against his chest. Scooting off the chair, he wobbled around while trying to balance on his good knee. The other he kept extended in front of them.

  Bekka grabbed his arms to help him keep steady, trying not to laugh. “What are you—?”

  He took her left hand and pressed the back to his bristly cheek. His merry blues intensified like a hot summer sky. “Rebekka, we’ve talked a lot over the past few weeks about our future together.” He opened his hand holding a set of rings, the diamonds shimmering with a translucent blueness. “Ma has been saving these for Beth. I’m stunned she never hocked them, but I suppose they do mean a lot to her. The set belonged to my great-grandmother and has been passed down to each firstborn. Which was usually a girl, until I came along.

  “That’s why Ma wanted to speak to her today. I had no idea until she came right out and asked about them. But when Beth heard I planned to marry you, she was all for them being given to me, to give to you.”

  “They’re beautiful. Is she sure?”

  “Very much so.” He held up the engagement ring. A matching wedding band remained tucked in his palm. “Rebekka Marie Winters, will you—?”


  “—let me finish? I had a whole speech prepared.”

  She shook her head. “No speeches needed. I love you. You’re my best friend, and my life has been empty without you for long enough. Yes, I want to marry you. Soon as you feel you’re ready.”

  “Okay, that was pretty much my whole speech.” He slipped the ring on with a chuckle.

  She held up her hand so the stone caught the sunlight. “It fits perfectly.”

  He nodded again. “Figured it would when I tried it on my pinky. I really love you, beautiful lady. So much.” Pulling her from her seat, they both ended up sitting on the deck, arms entwined as his lips found hers. She held him tight, promising she’d never let go again. Not after almost losing him a second time. His kisses trailed along her jaw and down along her neck as he wrapped her securely in his strong arms. That one place she loved being most.

  “I could stay like this, right here, forever,” She whispered against his cheek.

  “Me too.” His warm breath washed over her shoulder.

  “Oh man,” Jeremy dropped the tackle box on the deck. “Dad, isn’t there anywhere around this place where a fellow can go without the danger of bumping into someone making out?”

  Frank Winters followed his son onto the deck, and stopped at the sight of them with an exaggerated roll of his eyes.

  “Daddy,” Bekka waved her fingers to show them the ring. “Look, he just proposed.”

  Stephen eyed the pole that Frank gripped in his fist with trepidation.

  Frank’s brows shot up amongst the creases covering his forehead. “Well, did he now? Good thing. I was thinking how I can use this pole for more than catching fish. Maybe I won’t have to beat him to a pulp after all. Today.”


  Ethan Winters had to admit, his wife’s idea of adorning the backyard oaks with lights did give the backyard a magical effect that he liked. The ache in his back was totally worth it.

  “We did it, handsome,” Haley’s arms threaded around his waist, managing to tuck inside his smoky-gray dress coat. “Pulled off another wedding. Your Ma is a wonder with planning. Think this was just a spit in the fire compared to the plans she’s cooking up for our wedding and your sissy’s.”

  He brushed a kiss on her forehead. “No kidding. I’m afraid the beast has been unleashed.”

  “She’s having fun. I love it.”

  “Me too, beautiful. I can’t say I’ve ever seen my parents this lively and excited about something.” He squeezed her tighter. “I’m happy for them.”

  Bekka waved over the crowd’s heads from the dance area, catching his attention. She and Stephen hadn’t stopped dancing since the music started.

  Ethan smiled. Another one of his family members who had come alive right before his very eyes. Now Stephen would officially be a member of the family, not that he didn’t have that honorary title anyway.

  “Hey, Haley Belle,” Bekka called over the noise. “Sage says to get over here. She’s about to toss the bouquet.”

  Haley started to shake her head when Ethan leaned closer to her ear, “You better go. People will be wondering why if you don’t.”

  “Be glad when December gets here.” She blew out an irritated snort. “Oh yeah, I decided on a dress. Did I tell you?” She pulled him along with her as she took the steps off the deck and out to the canopy tent set up for the main reception. When he shook his head, she grinned that grin that sent his skin crawling. “I decided I want the Ice Queen dress Bekka made for me. You do sti
ll have the elf king suit, right?”

  “Oh no. Woman, we are not—”

  Haley silenced his protest with a yank of his tie as she pressed her full lips to his. She gave him one of those kinds of kisses that made him want to sing country songs.

  “It was your idea, remember?” She tapped the tip of his nose with her finger, then hurried over to join the other women.

  “We’ll talk about this… later.”

  “You’ll lose, brother.” Stephen limped over and took one of the empty chairs beside him. “You know you’ll lose.”

  “Probably. But if I don’t put up a little bit of a fight, you’ll be demanding my man card.” Ethan slumped into the seat beside his friend, knowing he should have burned the elf garb as soon as Bekka called the video done.

  Stephen patted his shoulder. “You lost that the first time you put on that hilarious costume.”

  From the center of the gathering, Nick Prater helped his bride Sage stand above the crowd on a chair. His grin nearly touched his ears as he held her by the waist to keep her steady. Ethan shook his head and had to chuckle.

  Stephen stuck his fingers to his mouth and blew out a shrill whistle. “Come on Bekka baby! Show those gals how it’s done. You get that bouquet, lady.”

  A few of the others started cheering their girls on. Haley shot Ethan a don’tcha dare glare. He didn’t miss how she’d moved toward the back to allow the other girls a chance. After all, she was there under false pretenses.

  Like Haley, he didn’t think the holiday season could get here soon enough. Maybe by then, their lives would settle down into a comfortable rhythm.

  Haley let out a loud whoop, telling Sage to get on with it and toss the bouquet before they all dried up and turned to dusty bones.

  Yeah, he wouldn’t hold his breath on hoping for that comfortable rhythm. The boot stomping moves his wife brought to their lives were fun, too.

  The bouquet flew through the air into a wave of outstretched hands. Both Stephen and Ethan leaned forward waiting to see who the lucky one would be. A few awwws went through the crowd as the women dispersed, leaving the one holding the flowers standing alone.

  Haley was back at his side. She hadn’t even tried. He was about to scold her when she shook her head. “Would you look at that? Give a gal a new short and sassy hairstyle and she’s practically a brand-spanking new woman.”

  Ethan gasped. Karen Borgman waved the flowers over her head in victory.

  His wife wasn’t kidding. Last time he’d seen Karen, the president of the historical society and member of the town council, her hair was still in that severe bob cut, and she only wore dark dress suits.

  She was barely recognizable. Her features were smoother, her clothing brighter and more fashionable. And now that he thought about it, she actually smiled more often when he met her around town. “Has she met someone?” He started ticking off a list of available men in the community.

  Haley perched herself on his lap. “Nope. But that don’t mean she’s not open to the idea, I suppose.” A slow smile trailed across her lips. “I have a few possibilities in mind.”

  “Don’t even think about it Haley Isabelle…Madison.”

  She leaned closer. “Winters.”

  “That too.” He shook his finger at her. “What have I said about you interfering in people’s relationships?”

  Her grin didn’t waver, but that playful wink told him her answer was most likely, “Yeah right, don’t be ridiculous Yankee.”

  Before You Go…

  Thank you for taking the time to read Raining Fools. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated. Thank you.

  Jackie Castle

  Check out the Madison Creek site by going to:


  Dear Reader,

  All authors depend on the grassroots efforts of readers to help get their books noticed. If you enjoyed this story, please visit my webpage, leave comments, and sign up for my newsletter. Other ways you can help is to leave reviews, like my author’s page and book, share what you’re reading on Facebook and Twitter and Goodreads.

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  Thanks again for reading my story, and I hope your own journey will lead you into the grandest adventures.

  Jackie Castle

  More from Madison Creek

  Snow Belle – Book One

  Haley Madison packed her big dreams and drove to the Arctic. Well, all right, so it’s Madison Creek, Michigan. But for a Texas gal this frozen land ought to come with a sled and huskies. If it wasn’t for her family’s rundown property, she’d have stayed where the sun shone bright and warm. However, she has grand ideas for her inheritance even if the town has thrown up their objections to her plans.

  Ethan Winters hated going home and admitting failure. Sure, he has a special talent with the violin, but he has bigger ambitions than playing at the local bowling alley. And then there was the idea of facing his father. No, he wasn’t ready to go home just yet. He veered off the interstate and drove to a little town named Madison Creek. Maybe his luck would change.

  Click here to read the first chapter.

  Secretly in Love - novella

  Sage Dolan glanced at Nikolai Prater and inwardly whined that she’d made the pact in high school with him and her BFF, Moi Tamsyn, that the three of them would be friends forever. Nothing but friends. Yet, when Nikolai returned from the mission trip last year, Sage’s feelings for him exploded and her pact gets harder to keep.

  Then on April fool’s day, she receives a letter from a secret admirer. A joke from her twin siblings.

  Nikolai’s life changed after the mission trip. One thing he has to face is his feelings for Sage. Pact or no pact, he needs to let her know how he feels. Overhearing Sage and Moi talk about how they wished they received real love letters, Nikolai comes up with the perfect solution. He sends her an anonymous love letter, but instead of love, he reaps the wild, whirlwind of Sage who is already angry about being made a fool of once and won’t stand for being the fool twice.

  Read first chapter here

  About the Author

  Jackie Castle looks for the extraordinary in every ordinary day that she experiences. She is the author of The White Road Chronicles a fantasy series, The Sentinel Archives for school-age readers, and newly released Madison Creek Bed & Breakfast romance series. She has also published articles and short stories in numerous magazines. She's enjoyed many crazy adventures from working as a hairstylist, to her bravest quest: teaching children in daycare and elementary schools. Eventually, she settled down to a somewhat safer pursuit of being a Story-weaver.

  Now she lives in her comfortable Texas home where she spins marvelous tales and enjoys relaxing in the evenings with her husband Bob, their children and grandchild.

  Her favorite pastime, besides reading, is traipsing through her imaginary worlds in search of another story.

  Find out more about her shenanigans over at Jackie Castle's Story World: www.jackiecastle.com. There you can also sign up for her monthly newsletter.

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