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Blood of the Son (Book #1 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series) (Skye Morrison Series)

Page 7

by J. L. McCoy

  “Keep that up, love, and we’ll have another go,” he smiled. “I can’t seem to help myself around you.”

  I blushed and turned my attention to the club’s décor while he busied himself with the drinks. I was just about to ask Jameson about the metal cages when I heard a voice from above.

  “Well hello, little brother. I see you’ve met our newest employee.”

  I turned and saw Archer descending the massive metal staircase. He was wearing an expensive pair of low rise blue jeans and nothing else. I tried hard not to stare at his sculpted form. He was even more beautiful topless, if that were even possible. I swallowed hard and focused my attention on the others. Archer was followed by Gunnar and two young, petite brunette females. He walked over to the bar and sat down beside me. Gunnar and the females stood off to his right, a few steps back.

  “Miss Morrison, pleasure seeing you again, although I wasn’t expecting your company until later,” he said, smiling.

  I was just about to explain my unexpected visit when Jameson broke in. “Skye is my guest, brother. She had a mishap at work and I offered to drive her home. I needed to come by here first, so I brought her with me,” he said, sitting my drink in front of me and pouring one for him and Archer.

  “I see,” Archer said, looking me over. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

  I shrugged, slightly embarrassed of my injuries. “It isn’t too serious. I fell and twisted my ankle and knee.”

  “Aye, and you’ve hit your head, I see,” he said, leaning over and gently swiping his thumb over the bump on my eyebrow. I blushed at his forwardness and remembered that that small contact should have hurt, but it didn’t. But I couldn’t think about that now. His beautifully captivating ice blue eyes were staring at the injury.

  “Here, brother,” Jameson said as he held out a damp napkin to Archer. “She was bleeding a bit earlier. I hadn’t had a chance to clean her up yet.”

  Archer raised one questioning eyebrow at Jameson and took the napkin from him. He then turned and smiled down at me. There was something so comforting in that smile. He put one hand under my chin and tilted my head up. I allowed him to gently wipe off the dried blood from my eyebrow and forehead. His touch was feather soft, his strokes slow and gentle. His eyes were kind and reminded me of the color of Arctic icebergs.

  “There. All done,” he said as he put the damp napkin down on the bar.

  Archer lifted my glass and handed it to me. “Drink this. It’ll help with the pain.” He picked up his own and downed it in one big gulp.

  I glanced over at Jameson as he held up his glass in a salute and downed his just as his brother had. I looked at my drink for the first time and noticed that it was a mixed drink, not liquor like the men had been drinking. I took a tentative sip and was met with a delicious concoction. I had never had anything like this before. I took hold of my straw and eagerly drank over half of it before I had noticed. I was so thirsty all of the sudden. I finished my drink as Jameson poured him and Archer another.

  “Can I get you another one, love?” Jameson asked sweetly.

  “Please,” I said, eager to quench my sudden thirst.

  He mixed up my drink and sat it down in front of me. I thanked him and started to down the delicious drink. I noticed that Archer and Jameson were staring at each other, almost as if they were having a silent conversation.

  “Let’s take this to my office, brother, shall we?” Archer asked, standing up and gesturing to the stairs. He turned to his burly doorman and slipped him what looked like money. “Gunnar, please show the ladies out and thank them for me,” he said as he turned back to me.

  I watched Gunnar lead the ladies to the front door and walk them out. I wondered what that was all about, but shook my head and reminded myself that it was none of my business what Archer did on his own time.

  Jameson caught my eye as he walked around the bar, towards me, and stopped right in front of me. He leaned over and kissed the hollow of my neck, causing me to shiver, as he gently lifted me in his arms.

  “May I take my drink, Jameson?” I eagerly asked, not wanting to leave the yummy goodness behind.

  “Aye, love,” he said with a chuckle.

  We followed Archer up the wide metal stairs and to the second floor. He held the door for Jameson and me as we went up the smaller spiral staircase to Archer’s office. The door was open, so Jameson carried me in and over to the couch. He tenderly set me down and walked over to the mini-fridge.

  Archer came in, closed the door behind him, and took a seat in the lazy boy in front of me. He smiled a breath taking smile and looked me over with his piercing blue eyes. I felt my face flush hot and had to look away from his penetrating gaze. I took a sip of my drink, wondering why he was staring at me so intently.

  Just then Jameson returned with an icepack for my ankle. He sat down beside me, deftly lifted my legs onto his lap, and put the large icepack on my swollen ankle. It was immediately cold and the feeling sent a shiver up my body. He smiled at me and patted my leg reassuringly.

  “You wanted to see me, brother?” Jameson asked as he settled back into the couch and got comfortable.

  “Aye, Youngblood, I did indeed,” Archer said, crossing his legs and clasping his hands in his lap. A worried look replaced his smile. He looked at me and seemed to want to say something to me, but continued. “There has been another one, I am afraid, and we are still no closer to finding out who did it.”

  Jameson sat up straighter and looked worried. “Are you sure, brother? It has been confirmed?” he asked, looking worried.

  “Aye, Jameson, it has,” Archer said, looking suddenly worn out. “Greyson Mead called me personally this evening and broke the news. That brings the total to four in their area. I have notified the others to be on the lookout, just in case.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked, glancing back and forth between the two men, having noticed the severity of the conversation.

  Jameson and Archer looked at each other for quite a while before someone answered me. Archer stood up, took out a crystal decanter of what looked like red wine from the fridge, walked over to the mini bar under the TV, and selected two highball glasses from underneath it. He filled the two glasses with the red liquid and placed the decanter back inside the mini-fridge. He handed Jameson a glass and then looked at me. He seemed to be contemplating what he was going to say. Jameson looked at his brother intently for a few moments and then nodded his head. Archer sighed and sat back down in the lazy boy, taking a long sip from his glass.

  “Things have not been well in Houston, Skye. I have…an associate that owns numerous clubs and hotels there. Lately, some of his employees have come up…deceased.”

  I swallowed the knot in my throat. Dead employees were definitely bad news, no matter where you are. “My god, Archer,” I said, putting my hand to my chest “That’s horrible. Do they know how the employees died? What have the police done so far to catch the person who did it?”

  Archer studied my face intently and Jameson put his arm protectively around me. “That is unnecessary, Youngblood,” Archer said to Jameson as he waved his hand in a bored and dismissive manner. “You said it yourself and I trust your judgment. Besides, I hired her myself earlier.”

  I looked back and forth between the two men, feeling very confused. “Um…am I…missing something here?” I asked, starting to get a freaky vibe. Did I say something wrong? Why are they acting so weird?

  Archer chose to ignore my last question, but answered my former one. “They were found murdered Miss. Morrison, and violently so. All attempts to find the culprit have, thus far, been in vain. The…proper authorities have been notified, but this is not something we freely discuss, and you will do good to remember that. Everything we say here tonight stays here…between us,” he said, looking at me intently, his eyes narrowed.

  I nodded my head in agreement and looked down at my hands. “Of course, Mr. Rhys,” I said, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. The warm, friendly person I
had met on the street and earlier today during my interview was nowhere to be found. In his place was a kind of cold, stern person. I couldn’t imagine what had changed so suddenly to put him in this mood, other than the murders. That must be it, I thought to myself. The murders have upset him and he’s worried. And for good reason.

  Jameson reached over and took my hand. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the back of my hand, almost like he was reassuring me. I smiled a timid smile up at him and watched as he downed the last of his red wine. I, too, drank the last of my mixed drink. I was still thirsty, but decided that this wasn’t the best time to ask for another.

  Archer took a deep breath and gave Jameson a tired smile. He seemed to be trying to lighten the mood a bit. “Brother, I would like you to update our associates on the subject of Greyson Mead’s call. Tell them that if they have any questions or information, that they are to come to me directly. You may do so after you take our newest employee home.” Archer turned to me and smiled wider. “Skye, if you are feeling up to it, I’d like to have you sign some paperwork and give you a quick tour of the club. That way, when you come in tomorrow night, if your leg is feeling better of course, you’ll be familiar with our surroundings and be ready to work. I’m going to need you on top of things tomorrow.”

  I looked up at Jameson to see if he was okay with that. He chuckled a bit and rubbed my thigh. “Whatever the boss wants, the boss gets, love. Come now, don’t worry. I’ll be happy to carry you around so you don’t have to walk.”

  I was already embarrassed by my injuries and didn’t want Jameson to have to carry me around all night. Plus, I didn’t like appearing weak in front of such gorgeous company. “I think I might be able to manage, Jameson.” I lowered my legs from his lap and stood up, rather unsteadily, using one foot. “Would you mind holding on to me, just in case?” I leaned in, asking Jameson in a low whisper.

  He gave me an understanding smile. “Aye, love. I’d be happy to.” He took my arm as Archer stood up and motioned to his desk.

  “This way, Skye. I need you to fill out a W-4 form and some insurance paperwork. I’ll have you put on the payroll tonight and your wages will start today,” Archer said, sitting down at his massive desk and rifling through his drawers. I slowly made my way over and took a seat. The pain was not near as bad as it was earlier. It must have been the drinks I just finished that were dulling my pain. I’d have to remember to ask Jameson what he gave me. That stuff was gold!

  “Oy! Where’s my pay, brother?” Jameson joked as he took the seat beside me.

  Archer winked at him and pulled a thick envelope out of his drawer and tossed it at him. “This should tide you over, Youngblood. I also put a bit extra in there so you could restock the fridge at home with that red wine you like so much. Remember to get me a few bottles of my vintage while you’re at it,” he said with a playful smirk.

  “You work for Archer, too?” I asked, glancing over at Jameson while I took the paperwork that Archer was handing me.

  “Aye, that he does, Skye,” Archer said, leaning back in his chair and interlocking his fingers behind his head. “Jameson will be working here whenever he’s not working with his band. He’ll be taking care of our platinum level VIP guests, isn’t that right?”

  “Aye, brother,” Jameson said with a laugh, shaking his head. “It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it.”

  I smiled at him and finished filling out the paperwork. When I was done I handed it back to Archer, who put it in his desk and retrieved another envelope.

  “This is your own corporate credit card, Skye,” he said, handing it to me.

  I reached inside and pulled out a shiny black charge card. My eyes got big when I noticed the prestigious logo. This was a card that few people actually had access to. They didn’t give it to just anyone. I looked up at Archer, wide eyed, and thoroughly impressed.

  “The card has no limit, and neither do you,” he said with a mischievous grin. “We have a dress code here and you’ll need to shop accordingly.”

  I looked down at my outfit, suddenly feeling sub-par. “Um…what kind of dress code?” I asked.

  “We are a Gothic/Industrial club, Skye, and I need you to dress that way,” he said, cocking an eyebrow and standing up. “There is a shop a few streets over that will meet your needs. It’s called The Underground and everything in there is acceptable attire…unless it’s on sale.”

  I nodded my head, put the card back in the envelope, and stuffed it in my back pocket for safe keeping. “Thank you, Archer.” I looked over at Jameson, but he only smiled. I was guessing he had to adhere to the dress code, too, when he was working.

  I looked back at Archer as he was coming out of a skyward reaching stretch. Dear God, that man has a magnificent body. I swallowed hard and silently prayed that he would put a shirt on soon. I didn’t know how much more I could stand. It’s like having a cupcake thrust in front of your face and not being allowed to have a lick of the icing.

  Archer laughed, but tried to disguise it as a cough. Jameson looked over at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Shall we start the tour now, Skye?” Archer asked.

  I nodded my head, and looked anywhere but directly at Archer. Jameson stood up and grabbed my left elbow to help me stand.

  “We might as well start here,” Archer said, motioning to the door between his desk and the couch.

  I looked at him, confused. “The bathroom?”

  Jameson laughed and said “Right? That’s what I thought it was at first, too.” He motioned for me to follow Archer and I did.

  Archer opened the door and walked in. “This is my private apartment, my…home away from home, shall we say. Most of the time I will be in my office, but if you can’t find me, I will most likely be in here.”

  Jameson and I followed him in and I was amazed at what I saw. The room was spacious, easily 1,500 square feet, and way bigger than his office. Everything was open. There were no walls dividing anything. There was a large king sized bed located against the left wall and a closet unit to the right of that. In the middle of the room, there was a claw foot pool table with standing cue racks and a small kitchenette against the back wall. To the right were a leather chaise lounge, a large overstuffed couch, a standing lamp, and a small table covered in books. There were black curtains up against the wall and I asked Archer if he had a window up here. He said no, that it was a sliding glass door that lead out to a balcony which overlooked the whole club. The enclosed bathroom was in the far right corner, off from the kitchenette. In there was a glass shower stall, a toilet and a pedestal sink. Everything was decorated in black and white, I noticed.

  “Nice place you have here, Archer,” I said, impressed.

  “Thank you, Skye,” he said, motioning toward the door again. “Let’s go to the second floor now. Jameson, you lead the way.”

  Jameson took my arm and helped me navigate through the rest of the tour. I had seen most of the club already, but was shown a few places in the storage area that I hadn’t previously seen. The place was really nice and you could tell that Archer spent a lot of money renovating the old warehouse.

  At the end of the tour, Archer led Jameson and I back to the first floor bar. “Pour us up another drink, Youngblood,” Archer said motioning for me to sit down on one of the bar stools.

  I smiled at his offer. I was thirsty and ready for another drink, and my leg was starting to ache again. I figured one more drink would be okay, since I wasn’t feeling any effects from the first two.

  “So, what do you think of the club, Skye?” he asked while Jameson went behind the bar and made us our drinks.

  “I love the place, Archer. It’s my kind of club. And, I like the idea of having dancers in the metal cages,” I said with a smile.

  “Me too,” Archer said, playfully wagging his eyebrows.

  We laughed and Jameson rolled his eyes. “Two glasses of Irish whiskey for the boys and a Vampire’s Kiss for the lady,” he said setting the glasses in
front of us.

  “So that’s what you call that drink you made me earlier. It’s awesome, Jameson. What’s it made with?” I asked, taking a sip of the dark liquid.

  “It’s my secret recipe, love. Let me take you out on a date sometime and I’ll let you in on It,” he said, with a wink.

  I felt my face flush hot. “Jameson…” I said, looking at Archer, wondering what he was going to say.

  Just then, Gunnar entered the room and approached us. “You have an urgent telephone call, Mr. Rhys.”

  Archer sighed and turned to Gunnar. “Thank you, Gunnar. I’ll take it in my office.” Gunnar left and Archer turned back to Jameson and me. “Duty calls. I trust you’ll get her home safely, Youngblood,” he said and finished the last of his whiskey.

  “Aye, brother. I’ll take her now,” Jameson said. Archer stood and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. “Until tomorrow, Skye,” he said and left to go upstairs.

  I touched my hand to my cheek and it felt hot from the blush that was spreading. Archer Rhys just kissed my cheek. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, especially in front of Jameson. After all, we did have a heavy make-out session on the hood of his car earlier this evening. I downed the last of my drink as Jameson came around the bar and took my hand.

  “Ready to go home, love?” he asked softly, leaning in and placing my arm around his waist.

  “Yes,” I said, wrapping my other arm around his waist and pulling him in for a hug. “Thank you for taking such good care of me tonight.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Skye.” Jameson said.

  That affirmation gave me goose bumps and I smiled to hide my amazement. I had had a crush on Jameson Doyle, lead singer of the Manky Langer, since he first performed at Drop Kick Dan’s. Now, here he was, standing in front of me with his arms around me. How did I get this lucky? I pulled him in for a quick kiss on the cheek, then hopped down off the barstool.

  “Not so fast, love,” Jameson said as he bent down and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed in surprise and laughed. My head was hanging down by his lower back and my hair was trailing to his calves. He carried me that way, out to the car, with me laughing the whole time. He relocked the back door and opened his car door. He gently set me down in the seat and gave me a breathtaking kiss.


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