Blood of the Son (Book #1 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series) (Skye Morrison Series)

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Blood of the Son (Book #1 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series) (Skye Morrison Series) Page 15

by J. L. McCoy

  I hung my messenger bag up and dug through it to find my bottle opener. I forgot to put it in my cubby after the last shift, with everything that had gone down with my injury. I found it and stuck it in my back pocket, coming around his desk to sit on the edge.

  “The leg is doing a lot better, D. Thanks for asking,” I said with a smile. “By the way, how have you been doing? Are you still seeing Lola Finch?” I asked, trying hard to hide my disgust.

  He laughed bitterly, and shook his head. “Hell no. You were right about her, Skye. The second I turned my back, she was all over some guy here yesterday. Can you believe her?” he asked, incredulously.

  I nodded my head and sighed, feeling a bit sorry for him. “Hate to say it, but I told you so, babe. That whole family isn’t right in the head.”

  He nodded his head in agreement. “It must be in the water,” he joked.

  “Something like that,” I chuckled.

  He stood up and came over to sit by me. “Guess what?”

  I looked over at him. He looked like he was anxious to tell me something. “Uh, okay…what, D.?” I replied.

  He smiled mischievously and crossed his arms over his chest. “The Manky Langer is playing here again tonight.”

  I smiled and nodded my head. I was bad at lying so I decided to tell him that I already knew. “Yeah, I heard. I’m so excited!” I said with a big grin.

  His face fell. “How did you know already?” he whined. “Alright, who told you? I want to know because I wanted it to be a surprise. It was Nikki, wasn’t it?”

  I blushed a little and looked down at my feet. “Um…well…Jameson kind of…told me…yesterday,” I said gently.

  His mouth fell open in surprise. “Really?” he smiled. “Are you seeing Jameson now?”

  I stood up and quickly clarified. “No, no. It’s nothing like that. Jameson and I are… kind of… friends now. You see, I had a job interview Monday with his brother Archer and…”

  Dan’s face suddenly fell and I stopped talking mid-sentence, realizing my mistake. “You had a job interview on Monday?” he asked, looking a bit confused and maybe even a little hurt. “Before you got injured?”

  Oh shit. I cringed and ran my fingers through my hair. “Uh,…yeah, I did.” I walked over to the couch and sat down. “Listen, D. I told you Monday when I came in that we needed to talk. Well, that’s kind of what it was about,” I said gently. “I don’t have time to go into it right this second, because we are about to open, but you said that you’d make time today for us to talk. We need to talk, D.”

  Dan sat down on the edge of his desk and looked at the floor. “You found another job already, didn’t you?” he said carefully.

  I sighed and went over to sit next to him on the desk. I put my hand on his knee and answered him.

  “Yes, I did. This was not something I could pass up, Dan. The money was way too good, beyond anything I had ever hoped for. I’d be an idiot to pass this up.”

  He took a deep breath. “Where will you be working?” he asked, sounding a little dejected.

  “At this nightclub called The Mausoleum. I’ll be the executive assistant to the club owner, who, just so happens to be Archer Rhys, Jameson’s brother. I had no idea they were related until Monday night,” I said quickly.

  “Well, that sounds like a good job,” he said, sounding more like himself. “When do you need to start?”

  I played with my fingernails and bit the corner of my lip. “Well, see,…that’s the problem I’m having right now,” I explained. “The club opens next Wednesday and Archer needs me to work that night…and every night after that.”

  Dan raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You’re telling me that you are quitting here in five days?” he asked, raising his voice a little.

  “I know it’s sudden, D., and I’m sorry. I’m SO sorry. But, this is an opportunity of a lifetime,” I said, holding my hands out in a placating way. “I couldn’t tell him no, D. Please try to understand what this job is going to mean for me and my life.”

  He took a deep breath and got up. He walked over to the wall calendar and stared at it for a few moments. “I told you that I’d always stand by you and be here for you, Skye, whenever you needed me,” he said with a small, lopsided grin, turning to me. “I may not like losing you as an employee, but I’m always going to be your friend.”

  I got up and hurried over to him, hugging him hard and burying my face in his chest. “Oh, D., I was so worried about what you’d say. I’ve been sick for days just thinking about this.”

  He rubbed comforting circles on my back with his broad hands. “I bet you were, Skye. You always worry too much,” he said, gently pulling back. “We’ll talk more later about this if you want. But right now you’d better hurry out there, doll. I’d like you to take the bar first, if you don’t mind, then switch to tables toward the end of your shift. We lost Heather last night. Some rookie college kid puked on her and she said she had had enough of kids who couldn’t handle their liquor and walked out. You and Nikki are all I have that can work the bar now. Fiona can bartend as soon as I can get her trained.”

  “Man that sucks, D,” I said, cringing a little. “Heather was one of the good ones. I hate that she quit. But, you got it, babe. I’ll take the bar first,” I said and hurried out the office door and up the few steps to push my way through the floor door.

  It was twenty minutes until opening, so I checked all the bottles to make sure none were almost empty. I put out more napkins, filled the garnish trays, and cut up a few limes. The first few hours were really slow, so I ended up stealing the newspaper off of Dan’s desk and reading it. There were a couple of stories out of the Houston area that talked about a sharp increase in violent homicides in the entertainment district downtown. The police had no suspects and residents were in fear. I silently prayed that it was no one Archer’s friend knew.

  It was six pm by the time Nikki showed up. She looked a little better than she did when I saw her this morning, but not by much.

  “Ugh, I am never drinking again,” she said, sitting down at one of the bar stools and looking haggard.

  I chuckled. “Uh-huh, you say that now, but give it a few days and you’ll be ready to party again.”

  Nikki shook her head, then suddenly stopped and looked a little queasy.

  “What you need is a little ‘Hair of the Dog’, my friend. It’ll make you right as rain. How about a ‘Corpse Reviver’ for lunch?” I asked, grinning.

  She shot me an un-amused look and gave me the finger. I laughed as she got up and walked behind the bar. I let her take over and headed out to the floor to take some orders.

  The evening was passing quickly and it was 7:30 before I knew it. I looked around and didn’t see Fiona, my supposed replacement, anywhere. I walked up to the bar and asked Dan where Fiona was.

  “She’s running late, doll,” he said, mixing up a drink and pouring it into a large glass. “I’ll tell her to go straight to you as soon as she comes in. For now, would you mind staying until she gets here?”

  I smiled and hid my mild annoyance. “Sure thing, handsome,” I said and walked back over to my section.

  I was busy taking a table full of tourist’s orders when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Archer sit at one of my booths. I groaned inwardly. When I was done with their orders, I sighed, prepared myself, and walked over to his table.

  “Geez, Skye. Don’t look so happy to see me,” he said sarcastically, looking a bit hurt.

  I sighed again and took a seat across from him. “You know why it’s difficult for me to be around you sometimes, don’t act like you don’t,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “AND, you can read my mind, so you know how I feel about the whole situation.”

  He sat there for a few moments and looked deeply into my eyes. The room seemed to swim for a second, but the sensation passed as quickly as it came. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Weird, I thought. I had had plenty to eat today thanks to the breakfast Jameson made for
me, so I knew the feeling wasn’t from lack of food this time. I looked up at Archer who sat there silently, looking at me.

  “I’ll have a bottle of Merlot, please, and two glasses,” he said, smiling.

  “Um, okay…sure,” I said feeling a little confused. I got up and put in the orders I had with Dan. He quickly made up the drinks and fetched a good bottle of Merlot from the wine rack.

  I carefully balanced everything on my tray and walked over to the table of tourists first. I doled out the shots and beers and turned to take the bottle of wine to Archer when Fiona came up to me.

  “Shit, Skye. I’m so sorry I’m late,” she said, a little out of breath. “You wouldn’t believe my day.”

  I held up my hand to let her know that she did not need to elaborate further. “No problem, Fi. Everyone has been waited on right now, so you have a few minutes to go in the back if you need to.” I took the order pad from my back pocket and peeled off the active tabs, handing them to her. “Have fun!” I called as I turned toward Archer’s table.

  I dropped off his bottle of wine and two glasses. I was about to ask who the second glass was for, but reminded myself that it wasn’t my business. Archer reached out and touched my hand. “It’s for you, silly girl,” he said with a small smile. “You said you’d have a drink with me, remember?”

  I nodded my head and smiled, a little embarrassed. “Yeah, ok…well, let me go get my things and I’ll be right back out,” I said, turning and taking my tray back up to the bar.

  “You’re staying for the show, right?” Dan asked me as I sat my tray down.

  “You bet I am,” I happily replied. “I’ll catch you later, D.”


  I made my way over to the floor door to the sounds of the band warming up. Once in Dan’s office, I placed my bottle opener in my cubby and grabbed my messenger bag. I sat down on the leather couch and quickly changed out of my heels and into my comfortable black converse Chucks. I stopped by the employee restroom to freshen up my makeup and check my hair. I spritzed a bit of perfume on my wrists and neck and then made my way back out to my car. I didn’t want to have to carry my bag around all night, so I locked it in my trunk. I stuffed the keys in my skirt pocket, went back inside, and made my way over to Archer’s table.

  “Welcome back,” Archer said, pouring me a glass of wine as I sat down on the bench across from him.

  I smiled and gratefully accepted the glass, taking a sip. “This is pretty good.”

  “Aye,” he said, taking a sip from his glass. “You smell amazing, by the way.”

  “Oh, um…thank you,” I said, my cheeks blushing a little. “So, how did your interviews go today?”

  Archer set his wine glass down and relaxed back into his seat, sighing. “They went well. We have 15 new dancers and I hired five others to assist with cleaning and stocking.” He paused for a few seconds and then resumed. “I will be leaving for four days starting tomorrow, so I’ll need you to give them the grand tour, make up their schedules for the next month, and train them in whatever areas you deem appropriate.” He took in my wide eyes and worried expression and chuckled. “Don’t fret. Jameson will be there to help you. Also, I will be bringing back additional staff to work the bars and doors. You need not worry about their schedules. I will personally take care of that myself.”

  “Of course,” I replied automatically. He sure is trusting me with a lot, and so soon, too. I stopped fiddling with my napkin and looked up at him. He was staring off into the crowd that was gathered by the stage. He looked a little worn out and preoccupied. I wondered why he was leaving and if he was alright.

  “I’m fine,” Archer replied dismissively. “I just have to tend to some business, that’s all. Do not worry yourself.”

  I nodded my head and resumed sipping my wine. Something was bothering Archer, but I knew better than to press him for details. I had never seen him like this before and it worried me. I silently hoped that whatever it was worked itself out soon.

  Just then, the Manky Langer took the stage to ecstatic cheers from an increasingly rowdy crowd. Jameson was last to enter. He was wearing a pair of tight, ripped Levi’s and his studded leather biker jacket. He walked up to the mike, said a few welcoming words to the crowd, and immediately broke into a fast song.

  My position in the booth was not ideal for watching the show, so I got up and scooted in on Archer’s side, next to him. He looked over at me and smiled, a little surprised. I shrugged one shoulder, met his smile with my own, and then returned my attention to the stage.

  I finished my wine as the third song ended. I asked Archer if he wanted to dance with me, but he declined, saying he preferred to watch me tonight instead. I gave him my best pouty look, but he wouldn’t budge, so I left him there with the rest of his bottle of wine and made my way over to the bar.

  “Can I get a glass of Irish whiskey, straight up?” I asked Nikki, when she finally made her way over to me. The bar was swamped with customers vying for an empty space to stand in, some not waiting very patiently for current customers to exit theirs before they tried filling it.

  “Why is it that every time this band plays, it ends up being a complete mad-house in here?” she asked, sounding annoyed.

  I laughed as I paid for the drink. “It’s because they rock, Nik. They are the hottest band in Austin right now. What else do you expect?”

  She grumbled unintelligibly as I picked up the glass and made my way over to the side of the stage. Once the song was over, I let out a loud whistle to get Jameson’s attention. He immediately turned to me, gave me a heart stopping smile, and sauntered over to me.

  “Well, hello, beautiful. Is that for me?” he asked, taking off his jacket and squatting down in front of me.

  My eyes went immediately to his bare chest and I fought to look away. His pecks and abs were lightly glistening with sweat and he smelled so incredibly good. My lower abdomen tightened. “Y…yes. I am. I mean…it…it is,” I stumbled, embarrassed at my display.

  Jameson laughed, amused, and gratefully accepted the drink. He downed it in two big gulps, handed the glass back to me, and leaned forward to place a soft kiss on my forehead. “Thank you, love. That was very sweet of you.”

  “Anytime…” I managed to say as he stood up and made his way back over to the mike. I clutched the empty glass to my chest and took a few deep breaths. Why does being around Jameson and Archer make me feel this way,…like a bumbling, horny fool? I silently wondered. Will it be this way forever? On my way back over to the bar, I noticed Archer following me with his eyes. I tried my best to clear my mind and not think about either of the vampires, but I didn’t know how good of a job I was doing. It was so awkward knowing that Archer could hear my every thought.

  Once I deposited the empty glass on the bar, I went out onto the dance floor and started moving and rocking my body to the beat. After the song ended, Jameson turned up the heat with my favorite song, “Knackered Jacks”. He was just getting to my favorite part, when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I stopped dancing and slowly turned around, almost afraid of whom I’d find.

  “Well, look who it is!” Gavin shouted over the music. “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  I clutched my chest in relief. Thank you, God. It wasn’t Jesse this time. Gavin was dressed in dark wash blue jeans and a Manky Langer t-shirt. He had a beer in his hand and a huge smile on his face.

  “Hey! Gavin, right?” I asked, smiling.

  “Yep! You remembered,” he said, nodding his head then taking a sip of beer. “What brings you out here?”

  I smiled and resumed moving to the music. “I work here, remember?”

  He looked confused for a few moments, then his face lit up and he hit his forehead with the palm of his right hand. “The business card. That’s right! Duh!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the silly gesture. “Yeah, well, technically, I’m not working right now. I stayed after to see the band. It’s my new favorite,” I said, leaning into
him so he could hear me over the music.

  “Mine, too,” he said, beginning to dance. “I saw them six weeks ago at Harry’s Hole In The Wall. They were really awesome…I’ve been trying to catch every show since.”

  I stopped dancing and studied him for a few seconds. “I wouldn’t have figured that you’d be the type who liked hard-core Irish punk.”

  He laughed, took a step back, and motioned to my outfit with his free hand. “I wouldn’t have figured you’d be either.”

  I laughed and started dancing again. “I guess we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, then, huh? Looks CAN be deceiving.”

  Gavin nodded his head in agreement as he drained the last few sips out of his beer bottle. “Hey, I’ll be right back,” Gavin said seriously, holding up one finger and smiling. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  I laughed and agreed, then turned my attention back to the stage. Jameson was gripping the mike tightly, screaming into it about government control to the crowd, but his eyes were only for me. They were dazzlingly green, so captivating and penetrating. I stared into them as he skillfully screaked out the anarchistic track. I felt myself blush at the attention and I reluctantly dropped my gaze. Seeing him up on the stage, surrounded by screaming women, and knowing his gaze is only for me made my heart pound in excitement. I took a deep breath and slowly blew it out, silently willing my heart to slow down.

  “Here you go,” Gavin said, returning, and handing me a bottle of local beer from the bar. I smiled, clinked bottles with him, and took a long drink. The dark liquid felt good as it slid down my parched throat. I held the cold bottle to my forehead and rolled it across. It was getting so hot in here.

  Gavin grabbed my hand. “Come dance with me,” he said as he tried to lead me closer to the stage.

  “I think I’m going to sit this one out, Gavin. But you go ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

  Gavin looked reluctant to leave me, but finally nodded his head and started to weave his way through the tight crowd towards the front of the stage.


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