Only in Her Dreams

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Only in Her Dreams Page 16

by Christina McKnight

  “I’m so happy you’re finally seeing someone,” Julie shrieked.

  Lucessa looked around, several customers staring their way. Coffee delivered, she grabbed Julie’s arm and pulled her toward the kitchen, before Maxim heard them.

  “Shhhh! He’s sitting right there.”

  “The question is, why is he sitting there? Spill it, Lucessa!”

  Lucessa leaned on the kitchen counter. “Okay, we’ve been hanging out a bit. It’s nothing big, just a few dinners.”

  “Tell me everything!”

  “I have more to tell you than that. Greg’s back.”

  “Okay, what in the hell is going on? Greg’s back? We go two days without working together and you have a husband and a boyfriend? This is amazing. But I don’t understand...”

  Lucessa had a lot of explaining to do. I wish I knew what’s going on.

  “It is definitely an interesting story, but right now we, correct that, you have customers. I’m clocking out.” Lucessa removed her apron and hung it on the hook next to the swinging door.

  “Really, Lucessa? You’re going to leave without giving me any of the juicy details?”

  “I sure am. We’ll do lunch next week and I’ll tell you all about him.” Lucessa winked and pushed through the kitchen door. She wouldn’t be able to stall Julie for long. Right now she wanted some alone time with the guy who’d been staring at her for six hours.

  # # #

  They left the restaurant, Maxim carrying two brown bags. The smell of Chinese food filled the car as they drove home. He was happy Lucessa had agreed to Chinese food again after the wasted meal the other night.

  “Let me get that door for you.” She hurried and opened the passenger door.

  “Thank you.” He set the bags on the floor board and slid onto the seat.

  What an enlightening day. He’d watched Lucessa for six hours straight. Any normal person would’ve been bored and prayed for the time to pass quickly, but not him. She conversed with customers in such a natural way, quick to laugh at jokes but compassionate if bad news arose.

  This woman will never stop amazing me.

  At the coffee shop, he’d wanted to be a part of every conversation, a party to every joke, and there to hold her tight when Mr. Jacobs spoke of his cancer. Instead, he’d receded into the shadows, not wanting to impose on her life any more than necessary. I’ll be gone soon enough. My place is the background.

  All too soon the car turned onto Lucessa’s street. Maxim stared out the window, scanning the area as they pulled into the driveway. Two sets of glowing eyes watched from across the street. Lucessa and Maxim made their way up the front steps and into the house.

  He glanced over his shoulder as he pushed the door closed. The eyes were gone.

  # # #

  “That was indeed wonderful.” Maxim stood from the dining room table.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m going to clean up and head to bed, another early morning for me.”

  “Can I help?” he asked.

  “No, it’ll only take a minute.”

  “See you tomorrow then.” Maxim headed out of the kitchen, stopping to check the lock on the front door before she heard him start up the stairs.

  Lucessa dropped their paper dinner plates in the garbage can and put the leftover food in the fridge. She wondered if Maxim would accompany her again tomorrow. It’d seemed awkward to have him sit in the shop all day and watch her work. She couldn’t deny how safe she felt with him there.

  They’d had such a lovely dinner. She hadn’t seen Greg all evening. It’d been nice to eat with Maxim without Greg complicating the situation, but she wondered where he’d run off to. Will he disappear again? Probably gone without a good-bye. Her fears were quashed when she opened her bedroom door.

  He sat on her bed.

  “Finally! I’ve been waiting in here for hours. What were you doing down there?” Greg asked irritably.

  His presence and question took her by surprise. “I was cleaning up dinner. What’re you doing in my room?” She backed out the door.

  “I need to talk to you, but you’re always with him.”

  “Like I said, until you’re ready to tell me where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing, you’ve no say with whom I spend my time.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  His face contorted in a sneer. “I just wanted to warn you. He isn’t who you think he is.” His face relaxed. “God, Lucessa! I’m trying to help you.”

  “I know who he is.”

  “Do you?”

  “I do, he’s been completely honest with me.”

  “So, he told you he works for your father?”

  “My father?” Lucessa’s arms fell to her sides and her hands balled into fists. “That’s just cruel and hurtful. You know as well as I do my father died twenty-two years ago. You believe this?” He was jealous and trying to ruin a relationship that didn’t even exist.

  “Yes, I guess technically he did die, but now he’s the leader of some place called Erebos. And, how sure are you he’s even your father?” He paused, taking in her expression. “Maybe Maxim hasn’t been as honest as you first thought.”

  What does he mean he’s not my father? How does he know about Erebos? “I need to talk to Maxim. I don’t believe you.” But it was too late. The wheels in her head were spinning, connecting the dots. Maxim’s appearance at the crash...his arrival in her dreams...his desire to protect her. does he know this?

  “Oh, and there’s so much more.” It was Greg’s turn to cross his arms, a satisfied look firmly on his face.

  “Like what? What more can there possibly be?” Her heartbeat increased as the blood pumped through her body at an accelerated speed.

  “There’s plenty of time to talk...after you throw him out.”

  Chapter 28

  “He saw us, I’m sure of it,” Alexander said.

  “That’s what we wanted,” Darius countered.

  “Then why did he ignore us?”

  Darius tired of Alexander’s continued questioning. “Because he hasn’t told her the whole truth, you idiot! That means we can still get to her.”

  Understanding bloomed across Alexander’s face. “Of course, Master. This is just as you planned.”

  “My twin needs to know we’re here...watching. Close enough to take her.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “We wait.”

  “Wait for what?” Alexander turned a questioning stare at Darius.

  “For Flynn to complete his task and bring her to us. You did let him in on a few of our secrets?”

  “Of course. I was very discreet, as you asked.” His second in command stood a little taller.

  “That’s good. He’ll tell her and then she’ll turn away from Maxim. The trust between the two must be broken. With the break will come our hope.” Darius smiled to himself, proud his plan was coming to fruition under the three days the Dark One had given him. He’d hate to kill the lovely Dr. Adams. He hadn’t yet had the breakthrough he hoped for with her. She still resisted him and he continued to chase her. He’d zigged and she’d zagged. Maybe a bit of courting was in order.

  “Let us return home to wait.”

  # # #

  “You bastard!” she screamed. The bedroom door crashed into the wall behind it. She couldn’t keep this inside. First, the dream of her mother, and secondly, the information her father was alive, somewhere.

  And Maxim knew! Had known all along. They’d reminisced about their childhoods together. The topic of their parents’ deaths had been discussed, the perfect opportunity for him to clue her in. Something like, ‘...and by the way, your father’s alive, and doing well. As a matter of fact, he’s running a damn kingdom.’

  Maxim shot out of bed. “Excuse me?”

  She stalked to the side of his bed. “You work for my father!” It wasn’t a question. She knew the answer.

  If it had been a question, she wouldn’t have needed a
n answer. The guilt showed clearly on his face, his eyes never met hers.

  “Well, what do you have to say? I thought you were honest with me.” She couldn’t stop the words. “I was an idiot to welcome you into my home--without question or explanation. You and Greg are the same. You both have secrets and enjoy keeping me in the dark.”

  She should’ve felt better after she vented her anger. Instead, emptiness consumed her. She couldn’t trust Maxim, was never able to trust Greg, and she hadn’t a soul to talk to about it. Her shoulders and chin dropped. She turned, ready to withdraw from the room without another word.

  “It’s true, I haven’t been completely honest with you Lucessa. But you’re wrong about Greg, he and I have nothing in common. I have kept things from you--to protect you--and because it wasn’t my secret to share. Surely you understand.”

  How can I possibly understand? “Tell me what I should understand. I want the truth, the whole truth. This is my life!” Desperation took over her body and her words. Desperation to know what was going on and how her father, her beloved dad, fit in to all of this.

  “Please sit down and let me explain.” He gestured to the bed.

  She continued to pace the room. The last thing she wanted to do was sit down.

  “Okay, then continue pacing.”

  “Do not tell me what to do!” she yelled. Her hands shook. I’m losing control.

  “It is true that I serve your father and I’m here at his request but I did not intend to keep this from you indefinitely.”

  “Then when were you going to tell me? The day you were planning to disappear again or now...only after Greg told me the truth?”

  “I was going to tell you soon. Guy, your father, gave me leave to tell you everything.”

  “You’ve seen my father recently?”

  “Of course.”

  “Why isn’t he here telling me himself?”

  “It’s not safe for him here.”

  “It was perfectly safe for him to live here before and raise a daughter that didn’t even belong to him!”

  “Lucessa, that isn’t the way of things.” His eyes seemed to plead with her to understand. But she couldn’t understand. “It was safe before but things changed.”

  “What changed? Why are you here?”

  “It is a complicated matter.” Maxim ran his hand through his hair. “But I can tell you your father loves you very much, and it was at his request that I’ve watched over you all these years.”


  “What do you want me to say, Lucessa?”

  “The truth, damn it!”

  Maxim shrugged his shoulders as if in defeat.

  “Maxim, I think it’s time you leave. I can take care of myself.”

  # # #

  There was nothing else Maxim could say to convince her he was there for her. Not because of a promise to her father or a duty to Erebos, but for her. He now understood why Guy had given up Erebos to live with Marie on Earth. He had been--and still was--in love.

  Now, there was nothing he could do, but leave. He’d consult with Guy. His brother always knew what to do. “I will leave with all haste. But please agree that you’ll be vigilant, do not trust Greg.”

  “At least he’s been partly honest with me.”

  “But how does he know any of this? Who told him these things about your family? And most of all, why did he come back now?”

  “Please leave, Maxim. I’m not your responsibility anymore.”

  You will always be my responsibility.

  Maxim looked around the room. He’d brought nothing with him, but the clothes on his back. He hoped he’d given her a few things to think about. With one last look into her blue eyes he walked out the door, down the stairs, and into the cold night.

  Chapter 29

  Greg shrugged into his corduroy jacket and opened the back door. A set of glowing eyes beckoned him to the far reaches of the yard and to a secluded spot among low lying tree branches. The shelter of the leafy foliage blocked the worst of the cold wind that blew this time of year.

  “I’m almost done with this crap. Lucessa threw him out.” Greg spoke in hushed tones to Alexander.

  “Are you sure?”

  Alexander stood in front of him, dressed in pair of dark jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Yes, I heard her. I only told her what I had to. If she resists I’ll use the rest.”

  “That was smart of you. You are suited to this line of work. Master will be pleased to hear this.”

  “How’s Sandy?” They better take good care of her.

  “She is well.” Alexander laughed. “Master is keeping her company while you are away.”

  Greg sensed the man wasn’t telling the whole truth, but he didn’t have a choice. He had to do what he was told if he wanted to survive. He didn’t doubt Darius would kill both him and Sandy, if he couldn’t convince Lucessa to come with him.

  “What do you want me to do next?” Greg asked Alexander’s retreating form.

  “Await further directions.” He called over his shoulder.

  Greg watched. Alexander moved easily through the greenery, disappearing right before the side gate.

  “What the...”

  # # #

  “Come out and join me for dinner, my dear.”

  Sandy sat in the bathtub. The last thing she wanted to do was leave the security of the bathroom. After two days, dressed in the flannel pants and ratty robe, Darius had brought her a clean outfit. The atrocity barely covered her assets.

  One more day, she told herself. Greg would do what they wanted and they’d be able to leave. She looked forward to a hot shower and getting back to Uganda.

  “I’m not hungry,” she said in response to his summons.

  “Come, Sandy. You must eat or you’ll waste away to nothing. No one likes a skeleton.” His dark frame filled the shadowy doorway.

  He talks like he cares about me. “I said I don’t want to eat.”

  Darius stepped into the room, holding out a clean looking blanket. “It’s cold in here. Come sit with me while I eat. We can talk.”

  He’s kept me in this freezing bathroom and now he’s holding a peace offering. He’s demented! Sandy rose from the tub and stepped onto the tattered rug. Her hand shot out and grasped the blanket, wrapping it around herself. He’d make her sit with him but he couldn’t command her to look at him.

  With her eyes focused on the floor, she sat down on the toilet lid. I’d like to see him drag me out of here!

  “Don’t play coy with me, Doctor. We both know we’re attracted to each other. I believe modesty is overrated. Please come and let me appreciate the outfit I took so much time selecting for you.”

  Sandy stood, her palms sweating. The red corset laces cinched loosely up her back to keep her breasts inside the thin fabric. There wasn’t much she could do about the g-string that fit perfectly between her rounded cheeks. The entire outfit was transparent. She stepped over the threshold and into the bedroom.

  “You do this outfit justice, but these can be tightened up a bit.” He reached out and turned her around. Grabbing the laces he began to tighten them.

  She stiffened. If he tries to take this thing off he’s getting a knee to the groin. As He pulled the strings tight, her breasts strained against and above the lace.

  “There, that’s better. Turn so I can admire my choice.”

  Slowly, Sandy rotated to face him in the dim doorway, her bare feet cold on the dirty tile floor. He guided her around, his fingers lightly touching her hip where the underwear cut away to show her skin. Her skin tingled where his finger trailed.

  “You are lovely--a sight of perfection.” Darius’s hand moved up her front to the lace barely covering her exposed cleavage. His finger followed the top of the corset across her breast. A shiver coursed down her spine and moisture bloomed between her thighs.

  Her eyes snapped to his. His glowed in her direction. Impossible. Was her body reacting to this disgusting, cruel man’s touch?
r />   # # #

  The resemblance stole his breath away. It’d been years, but he’d always remember the look of her...dressed similarly to Sandy. The hair, the eyes, the defiance. Stop thinking about her, you idiot. She’s gone! She didn’t want you!

  But Sandy did.

  Darius recognized the lust in her eyes. He hadn’t seen that look in many years, but his body reacted in an instant. Taking a step toward her, he slipped his finger into the top of the red, lacey corset, feeling for her erect nipple. His finger grazed the hard bud and her back arched. Don’t deny your desire, he thought.

  His tongue traveled over his dry lips and his finger continued to tease her nipple. Their eyes locked, he was unable to look away. Had her tongue also darted out to moisten her parched lips?

  “You look stunning, my darling. Red suits your complexion.” His finger slipped from the corset and extended to take her hand.

  She gasped.

  She feels the spark between us.

  “Please, join me for dinner.” Unless you want to skip the meal and accompany me to my bed. He’d promised to be a better host. It’d been a while, but rushing Sandy to his bed and taking her with his clothes still on wasn’t the best of manners. I’m a bit rusty in the ‘knight and shining armor’ role.

  Sighing, she stared at his proffered hand. It nearly shattered his resolve to treat her like a lady.

  “Um, okay, I’ll eat,” she muttered. She slipped past him--refusing his proffered hand--and made her way to the table.

  He wasn’t opposed to a strong female. In fact, he looked forward to breaking her. Darius pulled her chair out for her. Who says I can’t be dashing when I want to be?

  Her rounded bottom tightened as she sat in the chair, her legs gliding under the table. A pair of black stiletto heels would have completed the outfit perfectly, he thought.


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