Anything You Want: River Jewel Resort Series Book 1

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Anything You Want: River Jewel Resort Series Book 1 Page 3

by Madison Sevier

  She sidestepped the man and his watchful gaze and instead found the stairs. Quickly, she padded down the lush, burgundy, carpeted steps while the ‘boom, boom, boom’ of her heart echoed in her ears and all the while, she prayed she wouldn’t fall. She marched up to the concierge desk and to Maria with the shiny smile, fully prepared to throw a colossal fit if need be. There was no way she was staying in a twilight zone hotel, even if it was immaculate.

  “I am leaving. I need you to have my luggage loaded into my car and I want my car brought her right now.” Sydney spoke in a low, level tone as to not cause a scene in front of the other guests who were waiting in the lobby. She inwardly shuddered as she looked the other paying guest over. They could stay in this asylum, but she was getting out as fast as she could.

  “Ms. Hartman, what seems to be the problem? Surely, we can fix whatever it is.” Of course, Maria smiled and threw in some eyelash batting for good measure.

  “The problem is, I have changed my mind and I want to leave now.”

  “Was something wrong with your room? We have many others that would certainly fulfill your needs. Would you like to see…?”

  “No! I mean, no, I would not like to see another room. I would like you to get on your fancy phone and please do what I asked you to do.”

  “But Ms. Hartman, our employees are very busy. Perhaps you could go to the hotel bar, have a glass of wine and we’ll see what we can do.”

  Sydney had had all she could take. ‘Go to the bar’? They probably laced the wine with loopy pills powerful enough to knockout a horse.

  “Maria, I am telling you right now that I need to leave. If you won’t help me, then call your boss so I can speak with him. Perhaps he will be more accommodating.”

  Sydney’s last comments erased that annoying smile off of Maria’s face, but only for an instant. “As you wish Ms. Hartman.”

  In hushed tones, Maria requested that the hotel manager come to the front desk, stating only that there was a problem with an unhappy guest. Maria hung up, turned to Sydney and in a voice sweeter than honey, “Ms. Hartman, please have a seat. Our manager will be with you shortly.”

  “Good. Thank you.”

  Sydney sat on an opulent lounge chair and berated herself for enjoying the comfortable piece of furniture. It sure beat the furniture she had at home. Home? She didn’t have a home anymore. She’d packed everything, broken her lease and high-tailed it out of town. And for what? A one way trip to the fanciest loony bin she’d ever seen. How could she have been so stupid?

  “Ms. Hartman?” The sound of the man’s voice caused Sydney to flinch. She hadn’t heard him approach and it was unsettling that people just popped out of thin air at the River Jewel Resort.

  “Yes.” She eyed him warily.

  “Please come with me.”

  The man held out his arm for her to hold onto, but Sydney paid no attention to it. “Where are we going?” The nervousness in her voice was hard to disguise and he smiled before he answered.

  “We’re going to my office.”


  “Yes. Will that be a problem?”

  “No. But just so you know I have a black-belt in karate.”

  “Really?” The man suppressed a snicker. “Well, that’s interesting to say the least. But I assure you the need for you to show what I am positive are amazing karate skills will not arise.”

  So Sydney didn’t know karate but this guy couldn’t know everything about her, could he?

  His name was on the office door, Mark Willburn Now, she could put a name to the expensive-suit-wearing-smirker.

  Mark offered her a seat in front of his enormous desk and sat in the chair opposite hers.

  “Why are you sitting there? Shouldn’t you sit behind your desk?”

  “Would you rather I sat behind my desk, Ms. Hartman? I will do whatever you like.”

  These people and their pleasing ways grated on her already exposed nerves. “Sit wherever you like, Mr. Willburn. It is none of my concern as long as you do your job.”

  “Well, I like to be close to our guests when they need to speak with me. I find it to be a more friendly way of doing business, wouldn’t you agree.”

  “That’s not for me to decide. All I want to do is leave. I’d like my car and my luggage now.”

  “Why may I ask are you so adamant about leaving? Were you treated badly? Was the room horrible? Was it not everything you could ever desire?” His voice flowed over her like a welcoming, warm bubble bath. His mere gaze caused gooseflesh along her arms.

  She mentally chided herself for the outfit she’d chosen to wear, a thin, silk shift of a dress that didn’t cover as much as she’d wanted it to right then. Surely he had seen her nipples rise into hard peaks when he touched her hand. How mortifying! Her divorce wasn’t even final and just hearing this man had her creaming her panties like a common street whore!

  “Ms. Hartman?”

  “Sydney. My name is Sydney.”

  “Very well, Sydney. Why don’t you just tell me what the problem is so we may remedy the situation?” Mark stood and went to a fully-stocked bar. “What’ll it be?”

  “Silver Patron on ice, please.”

  “As you wish.” He handed her the glass, poured himself a glass of water and returned to sit by her.

  After Sydney had taken a few sips of her tequila, Mark questioned, “So, where shall we begin?”

  With a sigh, Sydney occupied herself with imaginary wrinkles in her dress. “I know it sounds crazy, but you all freak me out.”

  He laughed, not a condescending laugh, more like an endearing, ‘tell me more’ chuckle. “Sydney, we would never want to cause any of our guests to feel ‘freaked out’. Our goal is to make everyone happy.”

  “I know, but how do you know so much about me? I mean, I’m not even legally divorced yet everyone here calls me by my maiden name.”

  “Now that you mention it, an envelope arrived for you right before you checked in.”

  He got up and retrieved an official looking envelope marked ‘Air Mail: Urgent!’ and handed it to Sydney. She opened it and could hardly believe her eyes. It was a legal copy of her signed divorce papers! It was over. Her marriage was officially over and she wasn’t really sure how she felt about that.

  “But, how? I just signed these yesterday, last night as a matter of fact. And I didn’t tell anyone where I was going. How would anybody know to send these here? This is exactly what I’m talking about! Craziness! Let me out of here!”

  “Sydney, please calm down. According to the sender’s address, they are from an Alexandra Harvey. You know her, do you not?”

  Bewildered, Sydney nodded.

  “Miss Harvey also happens to be your best friend, does she not?”

  “She is. But…”

  “And you are aware that Miss Harvey is also a former client of River Jewel Resort, are you not?”

  “Whoa, what? Former ‘client’? What are you talking about?”

  “Miss Harvey has, how shall I put this…enjoyed our services many times.” Mark’s smile could’ve melted the panties off an ice queen.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Alexandra called us after you left her a message. She said you were leaving your town and she wondered if you were headed here. Of course, client information is a strictly confidential. But in this instance, we confirmed that you were indeed expected here.”

  “How could you do that? Sure, I love Lexi; she’s like my sister, but what if my husband would have called here?”

  “Ex-husband. We wouldn’t have told him or anyone else other than Alexandra a thing. Alexandra or ‘Lexi’ as you call her has been one of our most appreciated customers and each time she has been here, she has wanted you to be here with her. But you were married and of course, it wouldn’t be appropriate for a married woman to um, partake, shall we say, in our amenities.” He paused and got up to replenish Sydney’s empty glass.

  “Not only is Lexi a valued customer, she
is also one of my closest friends. She said Roger had called her and filled her in on what you inconveniently walked in on, yet again and he said you left signed divorce papers on the counter of your former home. He also said you refused to answer your phone and agreed your marriage was over. Lexi called and asked for my help. My boss called his superior and she, Scarlet Noir, took matters into her own hands.”

  “Scarlet Noir? Who is that? Where is she?”

  “Scarlet Noir, you can call her Ms. Scarlet. She is the true owner of this establishment and all it entails. As for where she is, no one knows. That isn’t important. Anyways, Scarlet called a few people and your divorce proceedings were expedited. Lexi picked up the signed documents and had them sent straight away. Once that was attended to, she phoned me, asking that you be well taken care of. After all you’d been through; she felt you deserved the finest our establishment has to offer.”

  Tears welled up in Sydney’s eyes, “Why would this Scarlet woman do that for me? She doesn’t know me. I didn’t even know I was coming here until last night and I’ve never signed up for these ‘services’ you mention. Hell, I’ve never heard of any such thing.”

  “Oh, but you have. Lexi gave you our brochure, did she not?”

  “What?” Sydney began to protest until she realized the ‘brochure he spoke of was for none other than Scarlet Nights dating service. She rummaged through her purse and pulled the pamphlet out, her eyes wide with shock. That’s why the resort’s name was so familiar! She shook her head in disbelief and looked Mark dead in the eye.

  “Mark, there’s been a terrible mistake. I did not sign up for a dating service. I only wanted a relaxing get away. A man is the last thing I need. I’m so sorry, but I really think it’s best if I leave.”

  He leaned back in his chair and asked, “Sydney do you believe you can be happy?”

  “What? Yes I can be happy. I am happy. Why would you ask that? I’ve always been happy.” Well, until that whore-bag came along she’d been happy. Hadn’t she? Mark’s expression of concern and his arched brow unsettled her. Why did he have to be so handsome? Why was he staring at her like that? She sat upright in her chair, pressing her spine firmly against the fine Italian upholstery and straightened her dress as she made an awful attempt at assuring Mark and herself that she was indeed a very happy woman.

  “If that’s the case, why don’t you stay just for tonight? No charge and I will personally see to and rectify any complaints you may have about your room.”

  “Really, I can’t. This just isn’t for me. It’s weird. Besides, you still haven’t explained how you know so much about me. Just because you spoke to Lexi, that doesn’t explain the booklet upstairs. How could you know I dreamt of that grotto? Why do you even care?”

  “Lexi filled us in on a lot. The rest of the information came via Ms. Scarlet. She has a certain knack for knowing what our clients need and we…”

  “Yeah, yeah ‘aim to please’. Whatever, I’ve heard that a hundred times already.”

  “Please Sydney, just give us a chance. Let go of your inhibitions and fears, allow us to give you what you want. Everything you want and need is just a call away. It’s our job to make our clients happy and I intend to do my job.”

  Something about the way he’d said that last part sent shivers up and down her rigid spine. Sydney knew she should have demanded, screamed to get her way and packed to leave immediately. Instead, that mischievous twinkle in Mark’s eye turned her to putty and she relented. After all, she’d come to the resort for some relaxation and to find herself again. It was about time she did something she wanted.

  Before the filter from her brain to her mouth could work, Sydney blurted; “Fine, Mark. I’ll stay. I’ll allow your resort to show me, according to Lexi, ‘what I’ve been missing’. I want to feel more alive, fulfilled and satisfied than I’ve ever been! That’s what I want. Happy now?” Maybe that would stop the incessant sales pitch!

  Mark folded his hands together and brought them to his lips for a moment, leaned forward, his eyes full of desire and replied, “Immensely, Sydney.”

  Chapter Eight

  Sydney left Mark’s office and returned to her suite, her steps as fast as they were when she’d gone down to the lobby and requested to leave. Though now, her rapid pace was more a result of embarrassment not fear. Something about Mark stirred dormant desire within Sydney and she had no idea what to do about it. Surely a man so handsome and charming would have a wife. Had he been wearing a wedding band? Sydney didn’t recall seeing one. But she truly hadn’t paid much attention.

  The man’s eyes were all she could remember. Blue, like the waters surrounding Fiji and just as deep. There was only one way to describe them and him…dangerous. Especially for an inexperienced swimmer such as herself. If Sydney let herself fall into those depths, she’d be a goner. He was rich, powerful and a lot like Roger. She couldn’t let any more pain into her life and with Mark, she’d be sure to get more of the same.

  What was she thinking? It wasn’t as if he’d even asked her out. Sure, there had been sly innuendos but it was part of the sales pitch. Besides, he knew Lexi. Not that Lexi was a tramp, but she sure knew how to get what she wanted from every man she met. Most of the time what Lexi wanted was a romp with no commitment. Chances were Mark had given Lexi ‘anything’ she wanted, also and that meant Mark was not Sydney’s type at all.

  His slightly mussed hair, slick suit and well-built body were off limits. Besides, she wasn’t at the River Jewel Resort for a romp, she was there to relax. Romping was not relaxing. Romps and escapades led to messes, both physical and emotional. Sydney wasn’t about to run about the hotel shagging strange men. No, Sydney would lounge around by the pool, catch up on some reading and work on her tan. That was all.

  Once in her room, Sydney opened the amenities booklet and requested a spot at a private pool. This particular one sat in full sunlight and promised seclusion for the shyest clientele. The description also claimed the grotto was ‘natural’ and a ‘pre-construction’ bonus. Sydney would never have imagined Indianapolis, a bustling city, could offer a secluded setting such as the River Jewel Resort, but she might as well enjoy every moment while she was there.

  She put on her best bikini, picked out a book she hadn’t had the chance to read yet and gathered a few more poolside essentials. Sydney made her way across the hotel’s grounds and through three different gardens. There were other clients and guests each way she went. Some were alone, like her and others were snuggled together or in deep conversation with other guests. All of them seemed peaceful and happy. Their mood was contagious and Sydney couldn’t help but smile as she found the path to her own private pool.

  A pea-gravel trail lined with daisies, her favorite flower, led to the most breathtaking view she’d ever seen. It was like something out of a magazine! The path led into a small forest and she followed the winding, debris-free trail until she came upon the pool of her dreams. The shore was a white, sandy beach and the size of the pool was closer to a small lake and unlike any swimming pool she’d ever seen.

  “Perfect,” was the only word Sydney could think of to describe the peaceful oasis.

  How the resort had managed to create such a spectacular scene was astounding! Sydney removed her sandals and walked to the edge of the water. She dipped her toe into the warm, almost bath-like water, relieved, she tossed her beach bag aside, tore her cover-up off and waded into the shallow water. Though it looked like a lake, it was clear, fresh and intoxicating! Sydney dove deep and resurfaced to swim at the surface of the water in huge circles. As the tension left her body, she felt more invigorated with every stroke.

  “I could stay here forever! I swear this water has healing powers.” She paused, treading water before she broke the surface and flung her arms wide, sending a spray of water all around her.

  Sydney swam, laughed and floated for what felt like hours before she noticed an area of the water that seemed to descend and disappear. She found it strange considerin
g a lake or pool didn’t normally drop off into nothing. Curiosity propelled her forward and she swam until she reached the farthest point of the pool. She bobbed for a moment and with a mind of its own, a current swept under her and Sydney slid into a cavern below.

  She coughed and gagged, from the sudden dunking the water had given her but she landed softly in a shallow pool. As she searched her surroundings, she realized she was in the grotto. Her grotto. Here, the water was much warmer, almost hot and above her the water from the pool poured into the underground pool in a beautiful cascade of blue and green. The walls harbored ledges wide enough to sit upon and there was a string of lights above that illuminated the cavern with an amber glow.

  “Just when I thought I’d seen it all.” Sydney paddled to one of the ledges and pulled herself out of the pool. For a moment, she wished she had someone to share this secret place with, but tossed the thought aside as quickly as it had come.

  Sydney walked further into the cavern and saw niches that only time and water could create. Inside these almost perfect circular cubbies, she found towels, robes, and various necessities that the resort must have ordered for her. The resort’s uncanny ability to foresee what Sydney would need was growing on her. It no longer caused her to feel afraid. Instead, it was almost a welcome feeling to be taken care of.

  She grabbed a fluffy, pink robe from one of the shelves and put it on before making her way deeper into the hideaway. The walls thousands of years old, were smooth and dry. She explored every nick and cranny she saw until she came to what one could only call a room. At least eight feet tall and thirty feet wide, the space contained everything a cabin in the woods might have. There was a bed, a tiny kitchen and a small bathroom area.

  “This has to be a dream.” Sydney felt as if she should pinch herself to find out.

  She wandered on into the room, spinning and twirling like a princess in her cavern castle. With a bit of trepidation, she approached the makeshift bed. How soft could a mattress on top of rock be? Completely soft! Luxurious was the first word that came to mind. She removed her robe and bikini and stretched out on the circular pad covered in the finest linens Sydney had ever seen. Above her, there were etchings and drawings from centuries past adorning the ceiling. An incredible fairy tale type mural depicting scene after scene of lovers entwined from cultures long forgotten. As Sydney snuggled deeper into the bed coverings, surrounded in luxury, she dozed off.


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