Promised Box Set

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Promised Box Set Page 78

by James Kipling

  “Hi, Missy! I’m Samantha.” As Samantha shook hands with Missy, she noticed the slightly red eye. “This here is Gina. Please come in. Better wash out that eye. It looks irritated.”


  “No problem. You can redo your makeup afterwards. Everything is out on the bathroom counter.”

  Just as Missy disappeared into the bathroom, Samantha turned her attention towards the tension in the room only to find them standing mute, staring at various objects in her living room.

  “Soo … what’s going on guys?”

  “Nothing,” they both rumbled simultaneously.

  Samantha stared at Finn and then at Gina trying to figure it out but finally just shrugged and decided to let it go for the time being. She’d been trying on her heels when she heard Finn’s voice and walked out to see some serious sparks fly. Obviously, her best friend and her partner knew each other, probably from the coffee place. What she did not know was in exactly what capacity they were acquainted.

  “I should get going. You girls look great, by the way. Have fun tonight and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Finn said with ease giving all his attention to Samantha.

  “There’s a lot you wouldn’t do, Mr. Uptight. So that last bit is lost on us,” Missy quipped stepping back into the room, eye looking normal again.

  “Haha, wiseass,” Finn said, throwing a mock glare his sister’s way. “You watch out for her. She’ll get you into trouble.”

  “Oh God. Stop worrying. We’re fine. She’s fine. We’re going loosen up just like you said. Now go do whatever it is that you do on weekends,” Samantha said, pushing him out the door.

  “He watches the Ellen Show in his favorite jammies,” Missy whispered in an exaggerated voice causing Gina to laugh out.

  “Don’t listen to the little liar.”

  “I like you,” Gina said at the same time, giving the shorter woman a wide grin and a high five.

  Finn began to think the whole idea of his sister hanging out with the two women was not such a good one but it was too late. His sister had won them over and they were not ready to let her go. Although, he was certain it was mostly the free drinks part that they were looking forward to. Making a cross, he prayed that his dignity would still be intact once the alcohol flooded Missy’s system or he would never hear the end of it. Especially from Gina. God, that woman was so infuriating and so beautiful at the same time. He groaned silently thinking about how her warm body had been flush against his before Samantha had walked in on them. Pressing down on the accelerator, he shook his head hoping to get rid of the X-rated thoughts that were running through his mind but to no avail. Damn it. He was going to have to take that cold shower now.

  “Look at this place,” Missy gushed staring at the club as they stood on the sidewalk where the cab had deposited them.

  Whoever had come up with the design for the club Blaze was a genius. It was an architectural wonder. True to its name, the structure resembled it strongly, especially the color splashes of black and orange. It was new, that was for sure because Samantha knew most of the clubs in the city. And she had not heard of Blaze until Finn had handed her the passes. On her time off, she got lonely. Extremely lonely. So she chucked the tailored suit and donned her night costume hunting clubs around the city, looking to pass her time and not spent the night in a cold bed all alone. Sometimes she found what she was looking for but most of the times, she had to face the bitterness of it.

  A mountain of muscle blocked the entrance after they were patted down by security, squinting down at their passes.

  “You’re at the wrong place,” he said gruffly, handing the passes back.


  “Look, mister, my brother got those and he’s an FBI agent. They’re genuine and have the club’s name on them so –.”

  “They’re VIP passes. The entrance for that is over there,” the mountain interrupted Missy’s irate speech, pointing to his left.

  “Oh,” Missy snapped her mouth shut, a blush stealing across her cheeks. “Sorry.”

  “Wow.” Gina whistled as they were ushered into the VIP section of the club. “We’re VIP’s who get free drinks? Sweet! I’m so loving tonight and it’s barely begun.”

  “Look, the bar!” Missy squealed, dragging Gina with her.

  Loud music blasted through the tastefully decorated room, the beats causing Samantha’s adrenaline to peak. Allowing the sinfully arousing environment to wash over her, she closed her eyes briefly as her body started to sway. Catching Gina’s eye, she gestured that she was heading straight for the dance floor.

  Allowing the crowd to swallow her, she became one of them as her body moved in time to the music. A wide grin fanned across her face, as her mind shut down and limbs took control. She felt at ease. At home. Dancing was right up her alley. She did not necessarily need alcohol to unwind. All she needed was some good music and a few good steps to chase away the latest problems temporarily. Sometimes, that was how she solved cases. She took a break and danced till her mind cleared up, opening it to newer possibilities. It was her dirty little secret. She was not ashamed of it, however, it did not go with her image of a tough crime fighter. And she would never hear the end of it from the other agents.

  Flipping her hair, she hummed in contentment as her heartbeat followed the music’s beat. Bodies pressed up against each other and they started a sensuous sway. That was when she felt it. The fine hairs on the back of her neck rose in attention and a warm flush spread across her skin which had nothing to do with her physical exertion. Her training kicked in and her eyes scanned the crowd around her for the source of her sudden unease. Everything looked as normal as it could. The hairs would not go down, however. Maintaining her calm, she danced up to Gina and Missy who were knocking back shots of vodka and lime.

  “There she is! Girl, you lit up the floor with those moves,” Gina said, licking the salt off the back of her hand and knocking back the shot.

  “Hot,” Missy agreed, knocking her shot glass with her drinking partner’s.

  “What can I get you, beautiful?” The female bartender asked winking in Samantha’s direction.

  “What’s that?” Samantha asked pointing at a vivid looking drink. The arrangement made the dark orange drink look like it was on flames. It looked quite potent.

  “That’s Inferno. One of our best drinks. It might make you wonder where your pants went,” the woman said, pushing the drink towards Samantha.

  “Sounds like my kind of a drink.” Carefully sipping the drink, she moaned and closed her eyes as the flavors flooded her senses. It was a damn good drink. And strong. Just the way she liked it. She took a longer pull, the alcohol burning at the back of her throat.

  “Damn. Even I want one,” Missy said staring at Samantha.

  “How the hell did your brother score VIP passes and free drinks, hmm?” Gina asked turning towards the blond woman.

  “I have no idea, honestly. I told him I wanted to go to the best the city had to offer and the next thing I knew he showed up with these,” Missy said, pulling at the straw of her Inferno and then gestured towards the bartender. “Damn. This is excellent. I’ll have another.”

  “Careful, honey. You’re halfway wasted already.”

  “I plan on being totally wasted tonight. Problem?”

  “Nope. But don’t tell your brother I said that.”

  “Speak for yourself. I haven’t been out in so long. I don’t care as long as I get to dance and drink and dance some more,” Samantha told the duo.

  “Hear, hear!” Gina and Missy echoed.

  They spent the next forty-five minutes on the floor. The music and alcohol coursed through their veins bringing out the vixens in them. Shamelessly they danced, uncaring for just those minutes of what lay in the world outside. Samantha was just about to break away and head to the little girls’ room when she felt the heat on her back.

  “You dance like a she-devil,” a hot whispe
r fanned in her ear.

  Her body tightened like a coil and goosebumps erupted across her exposed skin. Her breathing hitched erratically and she turned around slowly. In the darkened atmosphere, she could make out only the outline of the body in front of her. The form loomed over all of her high-heeled self. She was tall even without her heels but this man was taller. He stepped closer almost stepping on her toes, giving her a better glimpse. Christ. She felt like all the air was sucked out of her lungs.

  The man before her was a Greek God come to life. Perfection. She could tell even in the dimly lit room. She could trace every line of his body with her eyes. The whole room stopped moving around her as her eyes raked over him and finally looked directly into his light eyes. Alluring. Captivating. They seemed to pin her making it impossible to breathe or move. Her lips parted making her gasp as her lungs burned for air. The grey eyes darkened as they alighted on them making her mouth go completely dry.

  “And you’re the devil,” the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. Ears burning, she hoped that the noise level had drowned them but then the devil leaned down and chuckled in her hair.

  “How appropriate,” he grinned down, flashing pearly whites at her.

  There was nothing appropriate about that. Neither was there anything appropriate about the thoughts Samantha was starting to have. Images of naked flesh and panting filled her mind as she desperately tried to control her body’s reaction to the mysterious man. She had never reacted this way before. Her mind had completely shut down. Maybe she had too much to drink but she watched dazed as her hand inched towards him and splayed across his warm, hard chest.

  She shivered as she felt the muscle rise and fall beneath her fingers. Shifting her gaze higher, she saw his lips moving but could not hear the words. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips as a sinful urge took over her. He moved fast after that. Hot hands tunneled through her hair, gripping the strands in an almost painful yet arousing manner, dragging her head towards his. Harsh breath washed over her lips and instinctively she parted them.

  Chapter 4

  Silken heat coursed through Samantha and she felt like she was standing in a flame that was deliciously licking away at her. The fire spread so far across leaving her panting and aching for more. A cautious voice started to push through the fog in her head but it disappeared the instant the mystery man took command of her mouth.

  Hot, wet lips moved against each other, exploring, tasting and taking more. A rumble started in his chest, causing her moan as the movement caused vibrations in hers. Her nipples turned into shards of diamonds pushing against the fabric of her dress with the highest peak of sensitivity. An all-consuming heat took over and shrouded them in its blanket. The fingers in her hair tightened as their tongues fought for dominance and she let him win. A cry arose from deep within her which he greedily swallowed, sucking her warmth into him.

  Someone jostled them, causing Samantha to go slightly off balance and disconnecting their stupor filled action. Fingers untangled themselves from her hair and went to her shoulders to steady her body. For what seemed like an eternity, they stood in their sweet, heat filled bubble staring at each other, enjoying what stood before them.

  Samantha sucked in a deep breath as a sharp pain in her abdomen brought her out of the fog. Her bladder called to attention and she immediately straightened up and stepped back.

  “I need to use the ladies’ room. Excuse me,” she told him in a steady voice and quickly moved away while he stared after her with a blank expression on his well-cut features.

  Walking as quickly as she could without tripping, she headed straight in the direction marked toilets. The music and the warmth faded away as she stepped inside the cold, disinfectant smelling room and hunched over a sink. The calm receded and all emotions hit her at once. Confusion. Lust. Adrenaline. More confusion. She had been seconds away from having her way with the Greek God on the dance floor. A dance floor filled with people. People that included her friends.

  A giggle started at the back of her throat and came out as a choke as she imagined the looks of horrors on Missy and Gina’s faces at her public act of indecency. Then she turned somber as heat curled in her stomach and her core pulsed at the thought of being taken by him. Never had she experienced such a need before. And it had all just been because of one kiss.

  The door opening and the sound of drunken slurs snapped her out of her erotic thoughts and she pushed into a stall. As the pressure on her bladder vanished, she waited until the room was empty again before stepping out.

  Staring in the mirror, she saw a woman who looked thoroughly kissed. Her hair was slightly messy from his fingers pulling at them and her skin looked flushed in a good way. Her lipstick was not out of place but it did look a shade darker now. Her eyes twinkled brightly as she straightened herself up and made sure everything was in place before heading out.

  Briefly, Samantha did have a flight or stay moment. The intensity of what had occurred between her and mystery man had shaken her. But she never turned away from a challenge. It was an interesting and very arousing challenge. She definitely intended to have all the fun tonight.

  Damien leaned up against the bar, a drink held loosely in his hand as his eyes remained glued in the direction the woman had disappeared. He had been chatting with an associate when the vixen had caught his attention. Among all the swaying bodies in the alcohol reeked environment, he noticed her. The lithe, delicate body called to him like a siren luring her prey. The more he gazed at her the more features he found entrancing. The pout of her lips, and the way she smiled as she danced under the flames went straight to his groin and made him cry out silently. He watched from a distance as she interacted with her female friends, noting every move and action. Her husky voice was his undoing. Still, he did not make his move. He needed to make sure she was unattached.

  Once they moved to the floor, he took a seat at the bar which gave him a full unobstructed view of her. She danced beautifully. And provocatively. He waited and waited till all the signs told him one thing – she was a free woman. Like a moth to a flame, he drew closer and closer till he was near enough to smell her enticing scent. His mouth watered as the smell of chocolate and peaches assaulted his senses. Then she turned around and he saw her up close.

  Bright blue eyes filled with intrigue stared back into his lust filled grey ones igniting a much stronger need within him. Everything about this woman was attractive. Everything drew him in like never before. An ache stole through him. An ache to possess this beautiful creature. To cherish and to protect while showing her all the pleasures in the world. He imagined how beautiful she would look with her dark hair splayed across his bed as passion took hold of her. His cock tightened in his pants and shifted subtly to release some pressure and willed himself not to act out his caveman urges.

  However, Damien lost the battle the second the heard the sweet gasp spill from her lips. The darkness took over as he pulled her up against his body and ravaged her mouth, swallowing her cries. He swelled more when he felt the pinpricks of her nipples against his chest. He had been so far gone that he would have taken her right there in the middle of the dance floor had someone not pushed against them.

  She had been startled and caught unawares. She definitely had not been expecting such intensity and frankly neither had he. After experiencing that, he wanted more. So much more. Like a doe on the run, she had fled and like a predator he waited. He knew she would come back. They always did, but this one was different. There had been a flash of fire in her eyes just before she had turned away. This woman did not back down from challenges. And, he most certainly counted as one. A smirk crept on his face at the thought of battling with her. It was going to be very entertaining, indeed.

  The second Samantha stepped out, she saw him. He was in the clear view from the toilets, casually leaning up against the bar, sipping a drink. Probably whisky. He looked like a whisky man. Her eyes traced his lean frame and gulped as she
saw the bobbing motion of his Adam’s apple. Nerves tingling, she cautiously approached as he stared directly at her. Even with the crowd flitting about, she could feel the heat of his gaze with every step she took.

  “Hi,” she said breathlessly once she was close enough.

  The corner of his luscious lips pulled up. “Hi.”

  “Would you like to dance?”

  “I would love to.” Taking a last sip, he placed the glass on the counter and made a gesture for the bartender before turning towards her.

  Long, callused fingers interlaced through her small ones and led her unhurriedly to the middle of the floor. Samantha watched with her mouth slightly agape as the crowd parted a bit to let them through. The man holding her hand firmly did not seem to notice anything out of the ordinary because he seemed to have eyes only on her. For the first time, she felt slightly self-consciousness in the presence of the other sex. Then they started to dance and her inhibitions immediately lowered.

  Her fingers curled at the base of his neck as her body pressed up against his. His hands lowered from her sides to the dip in her waist and rested there, burning through the fabric of her dress. His lips tilted more appealingly as they moved against each other.

  “You dance well,” she said loudly. She tried to remain focused on just dancing but she could not get her mind to rearrange itself.

  He flashed her a grin then and leaned down. “Not as well as you, Peaches.”

  A thrill went through her and she tried not to show it outward. He already had a nickname for her. A rather sweet one. Men usually stuck with ‘babe’ or ‘honey’ but this seemed more personal. Then she froze. Ever since when did she find a man’s interest in her ‘sweet’? Panic started to cloud her mind and her body seemed to get into a flight mode.

  She hardly knew the guy and she was starting to get invested. This was not like her. Somehow, he sensed her sudden change in mood and slowed their bodies down to a gentle sway. His large hands crept to the base of her neck and gently rubbed the taut muscles there.


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