Promised Box Set

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Promised Box Set Page 104

by James Kipling

  “You don’t say? You mean, he just left and nobody knew where he went?” asked Brad.

  “Matt has always been a controversial personality. A number of crimes have occurred in Savannah, but he always appears to be at the opposite end of town when they happen. Personally, I think Matt knows a lot that most people don’t, and that’s best kept secret between you and me. I don’t want him to come looking for me to get me sued for defamation. Other than that, there’s nothing else I can tell you about him. I hope you find your old friend, though. Maybe you can talk some sense into him and get him to slow down a little.”

  “I hope so, too. Thank you for the information. I can assure you, I will keep our secret between you and me.”

  Brad left the paint factory, buoyed by his findings. At least there was a pattern beginning to emerge regarding Matt’s character. It gave Brad the motivation to keep searching for answers about Matt and more conclusive evidence about him as well.

  The next organization Brad visited was an electronic components manufacturer. Fortunately, the place was less formal and the staff members were willing to talk more freely. Security escorted Brad to the production floor, where he was introduced to a couple of workers that were former colleagues of Matt. Brad interviewed them by using the one-on-one approach. The first three were not very cooperative and did not have information that Brad needed at that point. Otherwise, what they mentioned was similar to the few people that Brad had spoken to earlier. However, the last person that Brad talked to was different. He made a startling revelation about Matt.

  “Matt is not a very sociable person. He also has a violent temper that I witnessed at the bar he frequents. I met him a few days ago, and he told me that he was having problems with his girl – something about trying to tie him down. Matt said he was going to fix things once and for all in the next few days.”

  Brad thanked the man and went straight to Sherriff Riley’s office. He did not see any point of digging for more information. This little detail should have been enough to alert Sherriff Riley that Matt was up to no good and was the most likely suspect behind the recent happenings in Shelley’s life. Sherriff Riley noted the information.

  “The truth is that we need concrete evidence, Brad,” Sherriff Riley said. “Not hearsay or allegations. I appreciate your efforts to find the person that’s harassing Shelley, but we need to find solid evidence, or there’s no case.”

  Brad did not know what to tell Sherriff Riley beyond that. He hoped that the Sherriff would call on the person that he had talked to and take a formal statement from him. There was bitter disappointment written all over his face.

  “Is there nothing more your officers can do?” asked Brad. “I mean, if I was able to do that much as a private individual, perhaps your officers could find out more?”

  “It’s not that simple. We do not have the resources to carry out such investigations and rely on people like you to help us catch criminals. When solid evidence is found, we act despite the budgetary constraints that we have.”

  Brad understood the situation clearly. As he also came from a small town, he could see how Sherriff Riley’s hands were tied. The town Mayor had to control expenditure because of the drop in revenues. The economy of Savannah had shrunk and there was not much revenue left to run essential services, including Sherriff Riley’s department. As a result, there had been a slight surge in the crime wave because the criminals knew it was harder to get caught in Savannah with fewer police patrols and shallow investigations being made by the police.

  The only thing to do now was to keep investigating privately and hope that Matt would strike again. Conversely, Brad hoped that whatever Matt did in the future would not harm Shelley, because it would make things even more complicated and obviously, there would be a sad ending to the whole saga. Brad left Sherriff Riley’s office, downcast. However, he was still determined to find a way that would stop Matt from harassing Shelley. It was becoming clear that Matt was not a stable character and had some mental issues that needed to be addressed.

  Conversely, time was running out for Shelley, because it was only a matter of time before Matt got bolder and did the inevitable. He was not going to let Shelley have any peace of mind and would probably try and finish off the job of killing her. He needed to do this without leaving any trail of evidence, and it seemed as if Matt could get away with murder.

  Brad spent the rest of the day digging up clues about Matt and went back to see Jim. He explained to Matt what had happened the previous night and this confirmed Jim’s suspicions.

  “I think what happened to Shelley was planned or carried out by Matt,” said Jim. “I am sorry to admit it, but my gut feeling tells me that you’re dealing with a potential murderer and you’ll have to move fast if you’re going to stop him before it’s too late. The question is how.”

  “Precisely. I want to find him. Maybe get him some help before he hurts her or anyone else,” said Brad.

  “I’ll do you a favor and do some digging myself. I’ll watch him and keep you posted.”

  “I’d appreciate that. Thanks a lot for your help.”

  “Don’t mention it,” said Jim.

  Brad searched for more clues as the day wore on. He went about town and visited a few shops that dealt in used household items. He figured that it was possible to get a lead if some of the items showed up in a shop. Items like used televisions and laptop computers were hot cake. Since most people could not afford them brand new, they would go to the used household items shops and look for what was within their budgets. Brad had the manuals for both making it easy to identify the items as well as their serial numbers. He found models similar to those that Shelley owned but not the real ones. However, at one shop, he talked to the owner who informed him that there had been a man that had paid a visit early that morning enquiring about the possibility of bringing a used television for sale. The man had not left his details.

  “I’m kind a new in town and don’t really know who’s who yet,” said the shop owner. “Still getting familiar with the locals.”

  Brad probed further. “Did he seem impatient or in a hurry?”

  “Now that you mention it, he did seem to be in a hurry to sell the television set. Perhaps he was leaving town and needed some cash.”

  Brad thought otherwise. He knew the reason why there was a need for a quick sale of the television. It was because the person did not want to get caught with it.

  “Did he mention any other items for sale or was it just the television?” he asked.

  “No,” the shop owner answered. “Just the television.”

  Brad thanked the owner and left. He realized that if it was Matt, the reason he approached the shop owner was because he knew he would not be recognized. Brad scouted around the town looking for other clues. There was no other used items dealer that got an offer for a laptop computer, and this meant that Matt was probably going through Shelley’s files on the laptop.

  Brad then went to the local bus station to enquire about Matt. He gave a description of Matt’s face, but did not get any positive responses. Brad concluded that Matt was not leaving town and was out to finish his business with Shelley any time. This was of the most concern to Brad and Shelley. It was a desperate situation and the whole affair was agitating Brad. He went out of his way to protect Shelley.

  Brad found that he had developed feelings for Shelley, but tried to suppress them beyond the point he had reached in the relationship. He felt that the timing of the relationship was not really suitable for him and it could interfere with his work. It was getting harder to detach himself from Shelley and stay focused on what had initially brought him to Savannah. At the same time, he was happy to help Shelley because she was special. Brad admitted inwardly that he had never met such an attractive woman with a great personality like Shelley. What scared Brad the most was the fact that they had known each other for less than a week and their relationship was blossoming. Staying at Shelley’s house
was a sign of the trust between the two and they respected each other. Both Brad and Shelley did not want to rush things and this made Brad more attracted to her because she was willing to be patient and give him space so that he could make a decision regarding their relationship after due consideration.

  After driving around Savannah, Brad decided to go back to Shelley’s house and review the day. It was three o’clock in the afternoon and he needed to catch up on some writing regarding his feature story on Savannah.

  Brad got down to writing. He had forgotten to call his boss and contacted him before the end of the day.

  “Good afternoon, sir. Sorry for the silence. I’ve been following different leads and investigating all throughout the week since the last time we talked.”

  “How are you?” his boss asked. “I hope you’ve started compiling the material. We’ll need a complete story by next week. I’ve already created a slot on the paper for your story.”

  “Yes, sir. I should be through with the first story by the end of the week. The second story has proven to be more difficult than I first thought. The suspect is quite smart and evasive. I’m hoping something will come up and we’ll be able to nab him. The local town Sherriff’s hands are tied. The department is running on a shoestring budget and investigations are slow. Can you give me a little more time?”

  “Of course, Brad, as long as it’s a story worth compiling. Take your time and get to the bottom of it. When you’re done with the first one, email it to me directly. We can print that while you finish the second one.”

  “Thank you for your patience and understanding, sir.”

  Brad’s boss hung up. Brad felt a sense of relief. His boss had reaffirmed his confidence in him. This gave Brad a renewed vigor to get Matt arrested and jailed for the rest of his life. He continued with the feature story.

  Shelley found Brad busy on his laptop, finishing off a chapter on the history of Savannah.

  “Hi. How was your day?” she asked.

  “Better than yesterday. Jim confirmed that Matt is a loose cannon and has a tendency to involve himself in crime that he can get away with.”


  “In fact, I found out that there was a television set like yours that someone wanted to sell to the new used items shop owner in town. The man that made the offer to sell the television fitted Matt’s description and character. But, he didn’t leave the television set there and left in a hurry.”

  “Did you tell Sherriff Riley about it?” asked Shelley.

  “No, I didn’t. I realized that Sherriff Riley would not have enough evidence to arrest Matt, even with such information.”

  Shelley could not hide the disappointment on her face. Brad reassured her that it was only a matter of time because it was unlikely that Matt would skip town. He was still after Shelley, and as long as she took precaution, it would not be easy for him to harass her so easily again. They decided to wait another twenty-four hours and see if Matt would put Shelley’s television, laptop, or any of the other items that he had stolen on the market and would then make fresh enquiries the following day.

  Chapter 7

  Shelley was due for her monthly check up. The month had ended and she needed to visit Dr. Johnson. Being a Friday, she had requested permission from Mr. Finley to do so. Brad felt a little awkward, as he was not the father of the baby but had developed a fondness for Shelley. She asked him to accompany her to the doctor’s clinic.

  “Are you sure about this? I mean, I don’t want to be intrusive or anything of that kind,” said Brad nervously.

  Shelley teased him. “Are you afraid of visiting the doctor’s clinic with me?’

  “Well… It’s just that I’m not the father and I’m trying to get Matt behind bars. What would the baby think of me?”

  Shelley laughed. She couldn’t believe Brad’s apprehension. She told him not to worry. The baby wouldn’t be able to tell the difference at such an early stage of its development.

  “I hope that answers your question,” she said. “Anyway, I want you to come with me. I like your company and can’t stand the prying looks of the nurses in the waiting room. You’re my escort. Remember? Imagine if I met Matt on the way there. I don’t think you would like that or would you?”

  That ended Brad’s resistance. He had no choice but to accompany Shelley to the clinic. His research and compilation of material for the feature on Savannah would have to wait. Brad thought that he should have a day off from investigating Matt to complete his work. It bothered him a little, though, because he knew a visit to the clinic would only take an hour or two at the most.

  Brad went into the shower and was out in ten minutes. He was trying to save as much time as possible. A quick shave and scrub-down was all he could afford. At the same time, he did not want Shelley to know that he was under pressure to complete his feature story. This surprised Shelley, who took a minimum of twenty minutes in the bathroom. In fact, since she was going to the clinic for a checkup, she took more time than usual. Brad concealed his impatience and waited. They had breakfast and it felt like they were already leading the life of a married couple. The whole meal was becoming a routine and Brad wondered if this was what it meant to be married.

  They were out of the house by eight o’clock in the morning. Brad had gotten used to sleeping on the floor in his sleeping bag. Shelley had her concerns because of all Brad was doing for her. There were moments when she wanted to share her bed with Brad. Depending on what the doctor said about her condition and intimacy, Shelley would be happy to have Brad sleeping by her side. It may have seemed a little outrageous – the thought of making love to a man who wasn’t the father of the baby she was expecting. This is why Shelley had decided to ask the doctor for his opinion.

  Brad had considered the possibility of sharing a bed with Shelley as well. But he thought she would have none of it. He was getting used to sleeping on the floor, but would have accepted the invitation. The only concern he had was if they started making love. What would happen to the baby? Shelley and Brad had been drawn together by circumstances and, despite the trauma, they seemed to have a genuine attraction for each other. It was something not born out of the perilous circumstances under which they had met.

  The trip to Dr. Johnson’s clinic pulled out a surprise from nowhere. Twenty minutes into their journey, Brad stopped at the traffic lights just before the right turn that would mark the end of the journey. A pickup truck pulled up alongside them on Brad’s side. Shelley recognized the pickup immediately. On peering through the tinted windows, she noticed Matt at the wheel. There was momentary eye contact before the lights turned green. Matt started revving the engine of the truck in earnest and this caught Brad’s attention. Brad also recognized Matt and sensed the fear building up in Shelley. In a situation like this, Brad chose to remain calm. Matt sneered at him.

  “I know you,” Matt said. “You’re the hotshot investigative journalist that’s been asking around about me. I know people, and you ought to have known that the minute you stepped into this town!”

  “Leave him alone,” yelled Shelley. “He’s done no harm to you!”

  “Oh yeah? Well, if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll stop snooping around. It’s my town, not his!”

  Brad asked Matt, “Why does it bother you? You seem to be the hotshot around here.”

  “I’m warning you,” said Matt. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop snooping around…”

  Matt sped off. Shelley was visibly upset and Brad tried to calm her, but she burst out in anger, “Just who does that maniac think he is? One of these days….”

  Brad put his hand on her cheek. “We will get him sooner than he thinks. I will not leave Savannah until I get him!”

  They stopped outside Dr. Johnson’s clinic and sat for a while in the car. Shelley needed to regain her composure. The entire ordeal was not good for her condition and this disturbed Brad a great deal. Brad switched on the radio and pla
yed Shelley’s favorite music. She looked into his eyes and smiled. Shelley appreciated what Matt was doing for her. She had become attached to him and did not know what she could have done without him. Brad knew this too and was glad to help in the best way that he could. He knew Shelley needed emotional support. After thirty odd minutes, they got out of Brad’s car and ascended the short staircase to Dr. Johnson’s office.

  Friday was a busy day at the clinic. It was reserved for maternal care. There were mothers with newborn babies as well as near full-term women. Shelley was in the early stages of her pregnancy and was put in the third category of patients that did not need urgent medical attention. This meant that they would need to wait a little longer than usual, considering the long queue of women that were waiting to see Dr. Johnson.

  Shelley waited for a while, glad to have Brad by her side. They had not had a normal conversation for a while.

  “Have you ever been in this kind of clinic before?” she asked Brad.

  “Never seen so many women in one place before. Especially the pregnant ones.”

  Shelley laughed. “You must be kidding. Where else would you expect to find them?”

  “I don’t really know,” Brad said.


  Shelley turned and looked at Brad straight in the face and asked him, “Are you planning on having your own kids some day?”

  Brad smiled and put his hand on Shelley’s. “Well, if I find the right gal.”

  Shelley blushed. She felt a warmth inside that she had never felt before. Matt had never made her feel so comfortable and appreciated. She knew she was falling in love with Brad and all this was happening so fast. Her initial apprehensions about rushing him were gone. There was more silence. Then Shelley continued.

  “I’ve been wondering what to name the baby. I know it’s still early, but I’m just a bit curious. Any suggestions?’

  “Well I wouldn’t want to impose….”

  “You’re not. I asked you, remember?”


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