Promised Box Set

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Promised Box Set Page 109

by James Kipling

  Gray peered into the neckline of her loose blouse and was rewarded with a glimpse of the rise of her satiny pale breasts, widely separated, hanging like young but ripe fruits. Helen shrugged somehow, and her rosy little boobs came into view. Her nipples peaked and pushed against her blouse. No bra, of course.

  Gray put his hand on her knee, and somehow her skirt twitched upward just in time so he was fondling warm firm flesh instead of fabric. Shivers ran down his spine. This beautiful girl really meant something. He pulled his shoulders back and sucked his belly in.

  Helen put her slim rosy hand on his thigh, not his knee, his thigh! And when she squeezed it hotly, his dick stood up and saluted. He watched her watching the bulge in his pants, and licked his lips. She had a little smile on her face; it was obvious she knew what it was all about, and for once, he didn’t have to shuffle around to hide his hard-on.

  Then she threw her head back, the black shiny hair bouncing, and withdrew. “Get well soon, there’s time for better things.” She managed to force the words out to him through a dry throat. The heat from her hand radiated throughout his body, and his huge bulge stirred and sank back painfully.

  “Hey, Helen, you’d better be careful,” he said thickly. “You don’t want to tease a man like that. Not unless you mean it.”

  “But maybe I mean it.” Her smile was the most alluring and romantic thing he’d seen in his whole life. Her pointed red tongue shot out and licked her soft lips. “This is not the time for it,” she whispered huskily.

  Gray was stunned. His mind accepted her words and computed them, but his hungry prick wouldn’t listen to reason. It swelled even more until he could barely manage to sit on the bed. But just the same, he had enough sense left to know the truth. He had to prove it, though.

  “When?” he managed to say.

  She shrugged. “Depends on how fast you heal yourself, not too much to ask, for what you are going to get.” She put her hand boldly right on top of his swollen prick, and he almost leaped through the ceiling.

  “Goddamn it! How old are you, Helen?”

  “What difference does it make?” She squeezed again, and his spine turned into a puddle of hot melted jelly. “If you really want to know, you like young girls, right? Well I’m twenty-two.”

  He groaned. His hard-on died painfully, leaving a terrible ache in his groin. “Thank you for helping, Helen,” he said. Again, she felt a glow at hearing his warm, slightly drawling voice. “You had better get back to the party.”

  Helen knew that Gray had a strong point about the party needing her presence. It had, after all, been progressing under its own steam, without the hostess. She hastened downstairs, and was almost immediately approached by a couple of young men.

  Helen danced with the sons of the well to do businessmen, watched with keen interest by their parents. Even though the young men were pleasant enough, there was never one among them who could spark feelings of real romance in the independent and modern Miss. Helen. All the time, as she was stepping daintily across the floor, her thoughts were on the young man upstairs, who had come from the midst of the mystery on the edge of her uncle’s life. Rodney Gray’s gentleness and his obvious loneliness had made an impression on her such as she had never before experienced. He was on her mind, constantly.

  At last, the get together came to an end, with vehicles at the door, and Elliot and his niece bidding the guests farewell. None was more overbearing in his thanks than Mr. Balen, who hailed a cab and passed into the night.

  It took him not to his comfortable house, but to a street corner close to the waterfront. He stood there for a short time after dismissing the cab, feeling the sharp breeze. Then a squat man, dark-clad and doubled up against the cold breeze, came hurrying to the corner. The two faced each other.

  “We muffed it, I’m afraid,” said the squat man in a hash voice. “Arun went after him, but couldn’t catch him. He lost his head and fired at him.”

  “I thought as much,” said Balen disgustedly. All trace of lazy hesitancy was gone, and his voice was hard and angry. “You could have sent a couple of Easterners after him to handle him. Midland guys are too fond of firearms, they are quick on the trigger, but not on the brain,” he stated. “Listen, Selva, I hear our leader is concerned about the kind of idiots you are recruiting to deal with this business. You need guys with brains, not just guys with sawdust in their heads.”

  “Leave it to me,” growled Selva. “I’ll stop those plans from reaching their destination.”

  “Be sure you do, but do it with care, and let there be no more shooting in the streets,” Balen warned, dismissing the dark stranger.

  Chapter 3

  There was no doubt that Rodney Gray had the most attractive smile that Helen had ever seen. It had an effect on her such as the smile of no other man ever had. She had developed a cautious resistance to any idea of falling in love too easily. Fate, in the form of a disastrous storm which drowned her seafaring father and her mother when she was just a child, placed her in a society where acquisition of wealth was of paramount importance. There was no shortage of clamoring young men who needed little encouragement to attempt to sweep her off her feet. For not only was she one of the most beautiful girls in the coastal town, capable of attracting long…and longing…stares from the males, she was the only close blood relation of well-to-do Elliot.

  Helen was a girl with fresh ideas, which marked her as something of a rebel. She was in no hurry to plunge into any kind of romance or marriage, and her uncle was not the man to push her into an unsuitable one. Personable, admired, and happy in male company, she was nevertheless careful not to fall for any man’s romantic charms.

  Helen lived quietly, in an almost totally closed society, bounded by her uncle’s comfortable home and the confines of the coastal town’s business circles. Expecting her true love to appear out of nowhere was surely something made of the dream-stuff of fairytales? But when she saw Rodney’s smile, she had the feeling that her fairy-tale was coming true. It was the reaction of her fully awakened womanliness to his quiet but exciting manliness.

  His smile welcomed her when she took his meals to the comfortable upstairs room at the rear of the house where her uncle had installed him. Elliot insisted that Helen should take up Rodney’s meals and dress his wound when he was not present to do so himself. He was extremely cagey about allowing the servants to get close to the injured man, for fear that in their off duty moments, they might be sought out and pumped for information by the rebels lurking outside.

  Helen privately thought that the warlike activities of men were regrettable stupidity. When she was in the presence of quietly attractive Rodney Gray, whose smile worked such charm in her, she was grateful that his involvement in the dangerous business had not brought him a worse injury.

  With his arm heavily bandaged, he kept to his room; Helen saw to it and took great care, giving it the healing touch. The reason for this caution became apparent when she peeped discreetly from the front windows. Always, it seemed there was at least one man lounging somewhere in view. Sometimes there were two, who otherwise appeared to be innocently passing, would have their eyes turned upon the house.

  Helen noted the signs of siege around the house and the anxiety which was shown by both her uncle and Rodney, although they tried hard to disguise it; but she said nothing. Instead, she tried to keep up a friendly and hospitable attitude towards their guest.

  In no time at all, she found that she was taking a little extra care about the neatness of her dress and hair before she took his meals or went into his room to dress his injured hand. And always her heart lifted when she was welcomed by Rodney’s smile.

  Their youth caused each other to be attracted to the other, and within a couple of days, Helen was aware of an intensification of that almost mystic rapport which she felt when he first laid hands on her.

  Their friendship grew in the moments when, having helped him out of his one-handed difficulty by putting on
his shirt and pants for him, she accepted his invitation to sit for a while and chat. She found she could talk to him easily, even of the private sorrowful things in her heart.

  The relationship between Helen and Rodney grew quietly but rapidly. Helen no longer went up to see the guest only when she took his meals or dressed his wound. She called on him quite frequently. Every time she saw him, there was a more perceptible leaping of her heart, and the surging reaction which came from somewhere deep in her being was more marked. She now felt that it was really romance that kindled her heart.

  Rodney’s smile signaled his happiness at seeing her every time he opened the door of his room to her. They would settle into conversation, and he had a gift for making her brim over with laughter, filling her heart with warmth it had never known in the presence of any other young man.

  Helen was aware of the slight edge of anxiety which occasionally showed in Rodney’s demeanor. There was a restlessness, too, which she detected, although he tried hard to conceal it. Soon, Rodney would want to go out into the midst of whatever dangers lay in wait for him. She feared for him, but she knew that he would argue that he had a duty to do…and he would pursue it to the end.

  He had been in the house not quite a week, when Helen went into his room on a day made memorable because of its promise of good weather, and remained memorable because of the bitter-sweetness it brought to her.

  Rodney was standing to one side of the window, as usual keeping out of line with it. He was straight-backed, and his air of restlessness was that of a man of action too long cooped indoors. As ever, his smile for Helen was welcoming, and there was tenderness in his eyes. She felt more strongly than ever the pull of that magnetism which had drawn them together when, as a stricken intruder, he had hovered on the edge of the get together.

  Rodney felt the magnetism, too, as sunshine splashed through the window of his room on the spot where Helen halted entering. Her stately, full breasted figure in its silk gown of white and blue, her youth and her beauty, were totally in tune.

  Without speaking, Rodney took two long strides towards her, stretched out his hands, and took both of hers. She yielded them willingly, and she and Rodney stood for a moment simply holding hands. Then he drew slightly on her arms, and she moved towards him, not so much pulled as impelled by the magical rapport between them.

  “Helen, you’ve been kind to me, and you’ve brought something more than kindness in these last few days,” he said. “I have spent the happiest moments of my life with you, here in the quietness of this room. But I cannot linger for ever. Time is pressing. I must leave very soon.” Helen felt a shudder quivering through her. For the first time, she realized how greatly she dreaded his leaving.

  “Rodney,” she breathed the name as a great emotional wave seemed to wash over her, forcing her into his arms. She was lost in his embrace, feeling his presence like the fulfillment of some need she had long known but could not name.

  He kissed her, holding her to him for a long time, although it ended all too quickly. She dropped her head on his shoulder while he continued to hold her close to him and caressed her.

  Helen ran her hand lightly down Gray’s leg, feeling the soft fuss of hair, the smoothness of tanned skin, the firm long stretch of muscle underneath.

  The room was quiet in the morning sun. She ought to think where her uncle could be, but she had to assume that he would be busy with the kitchen staff. So here she was…high but not dry. Oh, heavens, no, not dry at all! Her cream seeped out in a small trickle, because her pussy was so damn hot she could hardly stand it.

  Helen had already dropped her skirt on the bed, and now she slipped her panties off, too, and tossed them on the bed to join her skirt. The cool air hitting her wet yearning pussy just about made her crazy. It wasn’t coolness she wanted there, but hot male flesh!

  She looked at Gray, and saw his fly give way under the pressure of his swelling dick. She could see the red knob pushing back the foreskin and a drop of juice gleaming. She glanced down at her hands, now stroking and caressing and jerking.

  Helen squeezed her eyes tighter, screwing her face up with intensity of her mood. Gray was freely manipulating his fingers on her pussy. His fingers were a little clumsy, but that was part of the charm. Gray worked them into her dribbling clitoris stiffly, gaining confidence as the dream of fantasy took a stronger hold.

  “Yess, yessss,” she moaned. “That’s the way, dear, now you may kiss it if you like to, kiss it please! Stick your big tongue up my snatch, yeah!” Rocking, undulating with the strength of her need, she felt his warm breath on her inner thighs. Then his tongue moved in, carefully at first as if he were trying it out, not sure he’d like it. Then the rough hot tongue began to stab, hitting the right place on the third or fourth try, slipping up into her steaming passage while his nose and chin smacked loudly on her pussy mound.

  Of course Helen knew all the time what was happening, but she kept her eyes closed, she wouldn’t have to admit it, would she? At least…she could put off the horror of the truth until after she’d had her kicks! Because no matter what her mind and conscience tried to tell her, there was no force in the world which could peel her off the delicious torturing tongue until she’d had at least one cum. Just one lousy little tiny orgasm, she pleaded silently.

  Rodney continued plunging his face into the damp crotch, finding to his surprise that it was a very pleasant feeling. He never would have dreamed it, it sounded nasty when he’d heard talk about eating pussy. But something rippled through him, something dark and exciting.

  “Oh, God. Ooooh,” she moaned, suck my clit, yes, suck it hard!” she put her hand on his head and maneuvered him where she wanted him, so his mouth pressed hot and wet on her clitoris. She wouldn’t let herself think about anything except the thrill at being touched and excited in the most sensitive part of her body.

  “Aaahhh, ooohh!” she moaned. Her butt and labia contracted with her orgasm and cum, as the sweet ripples spread through her. “Ohhh, that’s great, very nice dear!”

  She rubbed her thighs together, in happy release. But her pleasant ecstasy didn’t last long. She knew she had to open her eyes sooner or later. But before she forced herself to it, Rodney crawled up alongside her. This was a golden opportunity for him and he meant to make the most of it.

  He ran his fingers over the smooth flesh, feeling its inner fatness, its soft resilience. He shivered and explored happily, lightly running his fingertips over the soft pebbly circles around her nipples. She drew in a sharp breath when he fingered her tits, but a look at her face told him she liked it. He was thrilled as the pink buds came alive and erect under his touch.

  Rodney shifted his hips, bringing his crotch under her hand, and without realizing what she was doing, she began to stroke his hard penis. The firm yet rubbery prick lay in the curl of her palm, her fingers closing over the smooth white shaft.

  “Helen, you make me feel so good,” Rodney sighed. Smiling at the satisfaction in his voice, she moved her hand harder and faster. “Sheeeet!” the man moaned and bucked thrilled by the play of his prick. She pulled her fingers off of his prick. It took all her will power to unclench her fingers from his surging penis, but she did it.

  “Helen!” The man was outraged.

  “Oh, honey, this is getting…I just can’t!”

  “You don’t love me! You don’t care how my dick hurts!” he looked at her. Childishly appealing, tears pricking his eyes.

  “All right, dear,” she said wearily. “Just this once, because I want it elsewhere.”

  Helen jammed her mouth down on his hot rod, kissing and licking it, nibbling daintily at the shaft, working her way to the glistening ruby knob. The pinhole on the crest oozed a pearly drop, simply irresistible! She lapped it up and the odd flavor stung her tongue, sending pangs of lust through her crotch.

  “Uuummmh!” Helen felt a small explosion in her pussy, and knew with surprised glee that she’d cum again, just from sucking h
im off! Her own joyous response made her determined to give her lover as much pleasure.

  “Ooooff! Aarrrah!” Rodney felt as if he’d been kicked in the stomach but oddly, it was a marvelous feeling. He squealed in delicious agony as the hot mouth continued to suck, trying to drain each last sizzling drop from his pulsing prick.

  Easing her off his prick gently, Rodney took a breather. It couldn’t have taken a minute and a half before he was mounting her. His hard prick where it’d been longing to be, her inner walls wet and slick and grasping. He thumbed her tits and kissed them, sucked them for a while and kissed her mouth, and rammed his prick in and out as hard and fast as he could go.

  Helen bucked back at him, her slim satiny hips a blur of movement. They came quickly, explosively, and only then could they get their glued bodies to separate. His eyes were fixed on her. Hers were glued to the huge rod that bobbed in front of him. Her juices seeped out steadily, and she trembled with excitement.

  “I was just wondering,” she whispered, “of the other night, when you squeezed my butt.” She arranged herself more comfortably on the bed and crouched on all fours. Her eyes shone with anticipation as Rodney moved from her butt end and positioned himself, directing his meaty rod at her ravishingly smooth clitoris. His fleshy rod slid smoothly between her labia, up into her tight steaming passage. “I feel I could go on and on giving you pleasure, dear.”

  There was a brief silence, and Helen wondered if her lover was okay. “Don’t go, Rodney,” she whispered. “Please do not go. It is dangerous for you outside. You might come to some harm, and never come back. Can’t you find a way of staying here forever?”

  She knew she was being illogical. Like a child asking for the impossible.


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