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Trust Me Forever (Forever Happens Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Josie Bordeaux

  Then there was Alex. The past week had been absolute bliss. It’d been everything I’d ever wanted or dreamed about. Laughing about all our memories together, reconnecting, and finally making love to him—something I’d only fantasied about when I was a teen. We’d gotten so close on more than one occasion, but some higher power had always intervened. He was the one man I wanted to be with and now, again, something else was shoving a wedge between us.

  Marco. Marco was that wedge, and everything inside of me burned up with hatred for him and who he represented. The fact that he was in town searching for me, just as he had been in Texas, made me wonder how he’d tracked me down. How could he have ever found out? Unless…Jeanine. How could I have been so stupid? She’d always been jealous of Remy’s affection for me. Hell, that was the reason she hadn’t run away with us—unless he’d told her the business he and his uncle actually ran.

  I realized that I really had no other choice: I had to move again. My heart sank thinking about Alex. I’d break his heart again. Was there any way I could avoid that? One day I hoped to be able to live my life out without looking over my shoulder, but it would have been nice if it’d been with Alex. It was a nice dream, but I was sure I’d always have to worry about someone finding me. If I left Alex, I wasn’t sure if he’d try to follow me or find me to convince me to move back. I’d have a slew of people trying to find me—like his friend Kyle, who seemed to be the kind to find what he was looking for.

  The door shut, snapping me out of my thoughts. It wasn’t like I hadn’t hashed it out all night. Telling Alex I’d move in with him would at least give me a place to stay. Maybe I’d slip out during the middle of the night, but then would he think I had just used him? I never wanted to know I’d hurt him again. A full night with Alex would be nice too. Could I try to make it one more night? Maybe even work my shift the following day, get a few extra bucks, and then slip out during my shift?

  Remy had always tried to make my world as safe and normal as possible. He’d loved me, there was no doubt in my mind, and I had known that even more after I found out what business he and Alejandro really ran. Realizing what could have happened to me, and how sheltered Remy had kept me, still haunted my dreams. Although Remy had tried to shelter me as much as possible, in the back of my mind, I’d always thought about what he would do to me if he ever stopped loving me. I was sure if he found me again, I’d find out. There was no way he’d allow me to live after what I’d done to his uncle—the man he’d always looked up to and thought he was a god. After I found out what they both had been putting me up to, how big of a fool I had been… I shook my head, trying to escape my thoughts.

  “You okay? Are you scared?” Alex asked, and as I turned to him, I wasn’t sure what my expression had been.

  “Yeah, fine.” I swallowed, wondering if letting him think I was scared would help my little lie or push him to try to find Tito. If he did, I was sure Tito would work even harder to find my little secret. I was positive that Cisco and Tito had already spoken to each other about me, and I still wasn’t sure what exactly Marco had said about me to them. Cisco seemed to want to hold onto Jeanine again, and if he wanted to gain her good side, he wouldn’t turn me in. Unless she really had been the one who called Remy.

  It was all crashing together at once, and all I kept thinking about was my measly tip money I needed.

  The decision throughout my shift kept coming back to moving in with Alex. It was the perfect solution, and as long as I stayed hidden or worked, I could keep away from Cisco and Tito. I hoped it was the right decision, although it was perfectly obvious none of my choices were ever right.

  We pulled into his parking spot and I reached for the door handle, which quickly left my fingertips as Alex pulled the door open.

  “Hah! Finally got here before you could open it.”

  I shook my head, laughing, convinced that Granny had drilled chivalry into his brain. “Why, thank you,” I said in my most Southernly accent. “I do declare that was mighty nice of you.”

  He pulled me to him and kissed me hard, taking my breath completely away. My heart raced in a good way that time, knowing what was coming once we arrived at the apartment. Or maybe sooner.

  I reached my hand down and felt his hard cock beneath the fabric of his jeans. He moaned into my mouth, and I knew what I wanted to do the moment we got to the elevator. Pushing him away from his car, I kicked the door shut with my foot and continued to guide him to the elevator. The beep of his car alarm went off the same time as the elevator rang and the doors opened. I wanted to laugh but didn’t want to lose the moment.

  Shoving him against the back of the elevator, I pressed the top floor button and the elevator doors shut. I dropped to my knees and unbuttoned his jeans, followed by the thwap of his zipper, the only sound surrounding us besides his moan the moment I brushed my hands against the cotton of his underwear.

  I leaned over and hit the STOP button, causing the elevator to jolt mid-floor. Quickly, I pulled the fabric down and ran my nails lightly along the tender skin of his balls. His hand snaked around the back of my head.

  “Fuuck…” he moaned, and I smiled right before I licked the tip of his cock. My lips encircled his thickness before licking him from base to crown, tasting how ready he was for me. I took him in all the way and began to suck on his cock like I’d never tasted a man before. The drive to give him pleasure pushed me harder than I’d ever given head in the past. For Alex, I wanted it to feel like the first time for both of us. Except with more experience than two fumbling teenagers.

  “More…fuck, Cor…I’m right…” That was the last I heard before tasting all of him, and I took every last drop, swallowing all he gave me. Giving a quick kiss on the head of his cock, I quickly secured the waistband to his boxers and jeans before reaching over to hit the button.

  Right before my hand pressed it, a voice came over the speaker. “Everything okay, Mr. Wallace?” My eyes widened as I turned to look at Alex, a proud smile on his face.

  “Everything is perfect, thank you, Mr. Mathers. It seems like the elevator is working again.”

  “Wonderful, Mr. Wallace.”

  My face was crimson, and I buried it into his chest as he chuckled and held me tight to his chest. I felt a kiss to the top of my head followed by a whisper, “I’m sure that’ll be a nice show for the security tapes.”

  “Aww, crap,” Alex grumbled as he tapped at the screen of his phone.

  “What?” It was Saturday morning, and the sun peeked through the slats of Alex’s blinds in his room. Sunlight was completely different from the flickering neon lights that seemed to always seemed to was me at Jeanine’s. The morning sun was different—as if it really was saying that fun time was over. For me, it was. I couldn’t bring myself to leave in the middle of the night. Unable to sleep the whole night, I’d considered it. Each time I’d started to get out of bed, I wound up cuddling into Alex for one more hug.

  “I completely forgot about the bachelor party tonight.”

  “Whose is it?” I asked as I traced the shadow of the sunlight on his chest. I wouldn’t move if I didn’t have to, but my bladder was telling me I had to get up. I patted his chest as I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Besides the comfort of having Alex’s arms wrapped around me, the coziness and luxury of his bed were something I hadn’t had. It was addictive and I was getting used to it very quickly. I wasn’t going to want to leave. But you have to, a voice kept reminding me.

  As I stepped into the bathroom and continued my business, Alex’s voice carried on. “Well, it’s this guy from work and he’s been with this girl for a really long time. Finally asked her and now they’re having their wedding next week. Personally, I think she’d been planning her wedding since they started dating, but whatever.” He chuckled and I was sure that was probably true.

  Thoughts of when we were teens and I had planned our wedding ran through my head and made me smile. I’d had a small scrapbook I hid under my bed, filled with
pictures of Alex and me and all the things I’d wanted for our wedding. Back then it was a small ceremony in Granny and Pappy’s backyard. My dad would walk me down the aisle and kiss me before giving me to Alex. I always pictured Dad shaking his fist at Alex, which always made me smile. I knew my dad had a talk with Alex one time, but Alex never told me exactly what he had said. Thinking back to my vision of a simple wedding, I shook my head at how silly it all was.

  “Anyway, the bachelor party is tonight.”

  “And? Is there a problem?” I asked as I walked back into the bedroom. The thought of starting a fight about the party crossed my mind, and that would be an excuse to leave town, but I was sure that Alex would skip the party if he had any inclination I didn’t want him to go. He’d just wait at the bar all night. Encouraging him to go would be best. Then I could slip out the back door during my shift and leave town.

  I kept reminding myself I had to leave town. Especially when I stared down at Alex. His jet black hair was perfectly mussed up and he was staring at his phone, allowing me to gaze longer than I should have.

  Alex’s eyes tore away from looking at his phone and raked over my body. He licked his lips and a wicked smile appeared. I couldn’t help but laugh at how much he’d changed from that shy boy. He’d always seemed afraid to look at my body when we were younger. I wondered if it had anything to do with that talk my dad had with him.

  “I had plans to ravage you all weekend again.”

  I laughed as I crawled back into bed, giving him kisses along his chest as his hand ran over my backside. I was ready instantly, as if we hadn’t stayed up until 2 a.m. doing just what I wanted to do right now.

  “I have to work…” I kissed his lips. “…tonight…” I kissed his chin. “…anyway.” My lips continued down his torso, making sure to stop at his taut abs along the way. Shoving away the guilt that I’d be leaving him soon, I decided to enjoy the one last time we had together.

  “Mmm,” he moaned. “I know, I was going to….” He stopped talking the moment his hard cock was in my mouth. Sucking, I grasped his shaft tightly, wanting to laugh at how much control I had over him right then.

  I popped my mouth and kissed his crown as I crawled back up to him. “You can’t sit at the bar every night waiting on me. You’ll get bored eventually.”

  He flipped me onto my back making me giggle as he pressed his taut body into mine. His cock was ready at my entrance as he kissed me with such force and passion. “I’d never get bored of watching you. Especially when my fantasies are always of me bending you over one of your tables and taking you from behind.”

  I swallowed, knowing that would feel fantastic, especially as his cock pressed right where I needed him so badly right then. “That’s one I want to partake in.” I was breathless and lifted my legs, wrapping them around his torso while he hovered, making me wait.

  “Would you like an audience or prefer just us?” he asked.

  My mind was dizzy with need and I couldn’t understand why he’d ask that. “Audience. I want everyone to see how hard you fuck me. How hard you take me from behind with that hard…Ahh,” I moaned as he slammed his thick shaft into me, taking me hard as I had just imagined he’d do at the bar in front of everyone.

  His pace slowed for a moment only to slam back into me before he settled in to a steady rhythm. Before I knew it, I was screaming out his name as I came.

  We both lay there breathless as he pumped a little more, and I giggled. The guy could be a little overzealous, it seemed, and just the thought that he was my Alex from way back when and how much he’d changed over the years was incredible. I wasn’t sure if that shy boy would have taken me as hard as he just had, but I was fine with it. Some change is good.

  He kissed my neck and I turned to capture his mouth with mine. I rolled on top of him and nestled my head into the crook of his neck.

  “Go to the party tonight. Really. I’ll just be working, so it’s no big deal.” And skipping town. My stomach dropped just thinking how much pain he’d be in when he found out I’d left him. I shoved those thoughts away just as I had all night long.

  A ringtone sounded out from his phone. Alex rolled his eyes as he grabbed it off the nightstand. A genuine smile spread across his face, and I wondered if it had something to do with work. He had yet to talk about it except how much he disliked working for his dad and older brother. Before I could think up any more questions, Alex showed me his phone. The text read: I'm safe now. Thank you and Sarah for everything.

  I gave him a quizzical look as he explained, "Before I gave Lisa the phone, I programmed mine in it as Let Me Know You're Safe as the contact name." He shrugged. "I just wanted to know. I thought you would want to know too."

  I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing hard. The thoughtfulness with that man seemed endless.

  “Yeah. Thank you.” There was a pause and I wasn’t sure why.

  “I’ve been thinking…”

  I chuckled. “Aww, Alex. You shouldn't do that, it’ll make your head hurt,” I teased as I placed my hand on his head and pretended to suck his brains out just like we used to do whenever one of us said that phrase.

  He turned, making me fall off him, and kissed me again as he wrapped his leg around my waist. He was ready to go again so quick and I was positive I wouldn’t stop him.

  “Hear me out. What if you quit working? I thought maybe you could go back to school and get your GED.” I opened my mouth to protest and quickly he added, “I’ll help you. Please, just let me help you.”

  I shook my head even though the thought made my heart race with excitement. It was something I had planned on doing down the line, maybe in Canada, but had squashed it immediately when I realized it would be a public document and not even in my own name. Then Tito completely took that hope away when he’d threatened to call out the fake passport. While Alex’s idea was a dream for me, I knew it could never be. Especially since I’m leaving. I died inside. All the opportunities Alex was throwing at me, and I had no choice but to leave. I felt sick.

  “I was too late years ago, and was so ticked off at you all these years. I was mad you left with someone else, but knowing what you had to go through with your stepdad eats away at me every time I think about it. We have a second chance together, and I want you to have everything you’ve ever wanted.” He kissed my lips and my thoughts were running so fast I couldn’t even keep up with them. I let him continue while I allowed my heart to believe that maybe it could work even though my mind knew I’d be leaving.

  He didn’t let me answer or finish thinking about it. Before I knew it his lips were on mine, his tongue taking over and making me drunk and dizzy with just him.

  The afternoon continued like that. We were making up for lost time, and in the back of my mind I couldn’t help but wonder if it really could work out with Alex. It was a fantasy—one I was sure couldn’t happen. However, I wanted those memories to replace the ones of believing he had abandoned me. I could have a taste of what could have been, before I would have to leave him.



  “I don’t wanna,” I whined with a tease as I shoved my foot into one of my black high heels.

  “You don’t have to. I told you. Quit. We’ll get you into…”

  “I have to,” I interrupted him. I shouldn’t have opened my mouth, and as soon as I had I was sorry I did. It just got Alex back on his “I’ll take care of you” thought process. It was tempting, no doubt. However, I’d made it this far without his help, and I had to keep moving on soon.

  I smoothed out the skirt of the dirndl as Alex walked over to me and stood before me. He was staring at my breasts. His hands reached down and skimmed the tops of my globes before reaching down and pulling the fabric higher up.

  “Seriously, you need a different job. I know it pays well there, but they need different uniforms.”

  I chuckled. “I’m positive before you knew it was me, you didn’t mind it.” I walked over and p
urposefully bent over so he could see my entire ass.

  “Fuck,” he whispered as he practically ran over to me and grabbed my hips, thrusting as if he were already fucking me.

  I laughed as I stood back up and turned around. “Ahh, our little fantasy. Were you trying to do that before we had a chance?” I teased as I kissed him quickly while slinging my purse over my shoulder.

  The familiar weight of its contents was normal, except there were a few more items making it heavier. Carrying most of what I owned was always something I had to do. Two pairs of jeans, four panties, a bra, a pair of black Chucks, a light sweater and two T-shirts—all rolled up neatly and a smaller purse with my wallet placed on top. I’d been doing it for years, after all. I glanced over to my black duffle bag, knowing I’d miss the extra space. When things got too worn, I’d switch them out at the local thrift store. I had a system and it worked very well for me. Having that duffle bag I’d risked going back to Jeanine’s for was luxury. I was going to miss it, since I’d be leaving it at Alex’s apartment.

  “Stay home with me and we’ll spend another night doing what we did all day.”

  On the outside, I laughed and shook my head. On the inside, I was considering it so much it hurt my heart. “I won’t be able to walk if we keep up your pace.”

  He dug his hard-on against my belly. “That’s the idea. I’ll keep you chained up to my bed just for me.”

  “Ohh, is this another little fantasy?” Although that might work for me.

  One side of his mouth quirked up and his eyes blazed. “Yeah. I’ve got a lot of them I’ve built up over the years.”

  I pouted and patted his shoulder. “Well, we’ll have to continue this tonight.” I gave him a chaste kiss. “Unless you’ll have whiskey dick or are already tired out from seeing tons of tits and ass tonight at whatever skank bar you’re going to.”


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