Kinky Book Club Trilogy: Written Submission, unSubmissive and Undercover Submissive

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Kinky Book Club Trilogy: Written Submission, unSubmissive and Undercover Submissive Page 3

by Daisy Philips

  “It does look cool, Cara, but it’s not right for the club. Once you see inside, you’ll realize that this is for the best.”

  Cara nodded, looking subdued but acquiescent.

  Jane watched as Jenna and the men left the room. Breathe. I have to remember to breathe.

  Amanda smiled and walked over to her. “How’s it going so far? Is it what you expected?”

  “Yes and no.”

  Amanda looked at her, clearly waiting for more information.

  “I mean, well, it’s like a regular class.”

  “It is a class.”

  “Yes, but it’s a sex class. A sex class! I’m taking a sex class, and now I’m going to change into something appropriate for a sub to wear to a sex club!”

  “It’s called hands-on training, and you knew that was included when you signed up.”

  “Yes I did, but I didn’t expect it on the first night.”

  “It’s called jumping in feet first. If we let the trainees think about it too much, most of them will never make it to the naked portion of the evening!”

  “Naked? I have to be naked?” Jane knew her voice was rising but she couldn’t help it.

  “Not yet, but soon enough, pet. And I, for one, can’t wait!”

  At the sound of Ben’s voice, Jane automatically pressed backward. The flimsy school chair started to tip. Jane braced herself to hit the floor but she never did. Moving quicker than she thought possible, Ben swooped in and scooped Jane into his arms and away from harm.

  Damn she felt good in his arms. She was soft and cuddly, and he caught the scent of her arousal. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. He looked down at her shocked face.

  “You’re okay now. I’ve got you.”

  “Yes, you do Master Ben… Sir…” He saw the confusion on her face. “I'm sorry, Master? I’m not sure what to call you.”

  “For now Master Ben or Sir will be fine. Master without a name attached is a title reserved for the man who collars you. But I have to say, I do like the sound of it on your lips.”

  Ben shifted his grip, holding her tightly to his body. He saw the pleasure in her eyes but also the embarrassment as she started squirming. He held her tighter.

  “What’s wrong, pet?”

  “I’m too heavy. You have to put me down, Ben.”

  “What did you call me?”

  “Ben. Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. I’m sorry. But please, you have to put me down.”

  “I’ll put you down when I’m good and ready and not when a bratty sub orders me to.”

  “A bratty sub?”

  “Yup, one who is trying to top from the bottom, and we haven’t even had our first play session. I fear you are going to need lots of discipline, and I’m going to enjoy giving it to you.”

  “Discipline, Sir?” Her voice squeaked adorably. The sound went right to his cock.

  “Yes, pet. You will have to be punished for your mistake. Don’t worry. It will hurt you a lot more than it will hurt me. I greatly enjoy spanking subs, and you have a nice round bottom which will be as pink as you cheeks before I’m done with it.”

  “It will?” He raised an eyebrow. He saw her swallow hard. “I mean will, Sir?”

  “That’s right. And then there’s the matter of your negative reference to your weight and then trying to give me an order. Does it seem like I’m having trouble carrying you?”

  “No Sir. But…”

  “Yes but, my sweet. Your butt will pay for your uncensored tongue.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Sir! You have to put me down so you don’t hurt yourself.”

  “Oh my. You are getting yourself into a pickle. Besides a red bottom, you may be going home with a great deal of frustration.”

  “Frustration?” She wrinkled her brow in the most adorable way. “I don’t understand Sir.”

  “Well, you see, pet, as your Dom during training, I own your orgasms. And naughty subs don’t get to have any unless I give my permission.”

  She frowned. “At the club, you mean.”

  “Nope. During training. The program is three months long, and during that time, you don’t have an orgasm without my express permission.”

  “Even when I’m at home alone?”

  “Even then.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair, Sir.”

  “I never said it was.”

  Jane looked up at Ben who had a big grin on his face. She wanted to say something but she was worried about what the next level of punishment would be. She was already going to get spanked. And he was threatening to withhold orgasms from her.

  So she stopped talking and contented herself with glaring at him. He chuckled and then reached out his fist and booped her on the nose. He booped her!

  She stuck out her tongue, and he laughed out loud.

  “Your training is going to be so much fun. For me!”

  Jane felt her stomach turn a somersault. It was going to be fun for her too, but she thought it was better if she didn’t say anything. Yet.

  “If the two of you are through fooling around, I’d like the women to follow me. We have some suitable clothes picked out for you. The men can go with Andrew.”

  “Um, Jenna. I brought something to wear.”

  “Did you now?” It was Ben. Of course it was. “Let me see it.”

  Trying not to blush, she removed the teddie from her bag. It was black silk and covered most of her private bits including her breasts. Ben held it up, shaking his head.

  “Put this away, pet. I’ve already picked out something far more suitable for you.”

  More suitable? She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what Ben would consider appropriate for the club. She was pretty sure it would be far more revealing than what she brought.

  Trailing behind the other women, Jane headed to the locker room. They passed one marked Men before entering the one marked Women. Inside, it looked a lot like a gym locker room. Except the women inside were dressed very, very differently. Two, Dommes she assumed, were wearing clothing similar to what Cara had on with sexy leather or latex corsets, or cat suits, and high heeled shoes or boots.

  The other five, though, were barefoot. Three wore collars. Play collars, Jenna explained. When not at the club, most wore necklaces or other symbols that the vanilla world wouldn’t necessarily associate with BDSM. Jenna pointed to her own necklace, which was braided gold with a heart-shaped locket.

  The women with collars, she knew, had regular Doms. The other two were unattached and were at the club hoping to find a Dom to do a scene with. Amanda admitted she was in that category. She also advised that no sub was forced to play with a Dom she didn’t want to play with. That was reassuring to Jane. Or it would have been if she had a choice. She’d been assigned to Ben. No, that wasn’t right. He’d chosen her. She wasn’t sure if the butterflies in her stomach were from the absolute terror over what was coming next or because it was Ben who was going to spank her and introduce her to BDSM.

  Okay, fear just ratcheted up a notch when Jenna handed her the outfit she was expected to wear. No, calling it an outfit was giving it to much credit. It was a corset top that seemed far too small to contain her ample bosom and a thong. They were both red.

  Jane thought of protesting, then she looked over at the others. They had been given similar outfits. It could be worse, though. The subs that had been in the dressing room when they’d entered were wearing even less. One only had a thong. Another had a corset with no cups so that her breasts were on display.

  Fine. She could do this, Jane decided. In fact, dressing like this would help her to blend in.

  With that thought firmly in her head, she tugged off her t-shirt. While they changed, Jenna gave them a short briefing on etiquette for interacting with the Doms and subs in the club. She also fastened a white leather bracelet around the trainees' upper left bicep. This would identify them as trainees, she explained. They would be required to wear it each time they entered the club until they graduated and were made official members o
f the club. Until that time, they could only play with the Dom they were assigned unless he asked another Dom to assist. When they were members, they could spend time in the unattached subs' area and choose to play with any Dom who asked. Until then, they were off limits to the member Doms.

  Five minutes later, Jenna was leading them out a door on the far side of the dressing room. She had explained that this would take them directly into the main lounge of Club Hades.

  Heart pounding in her chest, her boobs thrust ruthlessly into the far-too-small cups of her corset and her ass hanging out of her thong, Jane followed Jenna out through the door.

  The first thing she noticed was the music; the hard beat seemed to throb in time with the pulse between her legs. The next thing she noticed was the décor. It was rich and decadent, making liberal use of the color red. The wood was dark and rich. The couches and bar stools were leather, which she assumed was to make them easier to clean. Jenna pointed out the uncollared subs' area. There were half a dozen women there, kneeling or sitting on cushions on the ground and scanning the crowd. Would that be her in a few months?

  Then she forgot everything else, including her own name, as Ben walked toward her. Walked. What a poor description. He strode over to her. He walked, no he stalked forward with a catlike grace, moving smoothly, his every muscle, every movement under complete control. He was wearing a pair of leather pants and a pair of motorcycle boots. Nothing else. But he was going to get serviced. If not by her, by one of the uncollared subs.

  She felt a stab of jealousy. He was hers. Every inch of those perfectly cut abs were hers, at least for the next few months. She looked up at him as he approached. Yes, mine. She wasn’t the type of person a man like that would have a long-term relationship with, let alone marry, but for now, he was hers, and she was going to take full advantage. Then when she was old and alone, and surrounded by cats, she’d have the memories of her three months as Ben’s submissive to keep her warm and fuel her fantasies.

  He came to a stop in front of her and seemed to be waiting for something. She didn’t have a clue and looked back at him, and shrugged her shoulders. He laughed and pointed to the ground.


  She sank to her knees. This wasn’t starting well at all, she realized, as he frowned. Then he circled her. She turned to follow him with her eyes. He unclipped something from his belt that she hadn’t noticed earlier. She’d been too busy staring at his perfectly carved abs. But she could see it now. Was that a riding crop?


  “Ouch!” He’d hit her right ass cheek with the crop. “Ouch!” He did it again.

  “Quiet. A sub suffers in silence unless her Master wants to hear her screams. Did you not listen to a word Jenna said?”

  “Yes, Sir. I mean, no, Sir. I mean, I listened, but I guess I missed some of it.”

  He smiled. A shiver went down Jane’s spine. He moved until he was standing directly in front of her, his bulging crotch at eye level. Holy shit. His crotch was bulging. Bulging. Damn euphemisms. She would never use that term in one of her own books. She must have read far too many bad romance novels in her youth. His cock was hard and pressing against the crotch of his pants. He was turned on. By her.

  It made her feel hot, powerful, and female in a way she never had before. This game of cat and mouse between a man and a woman was one she wasn’t experienced in playing, but damned if she didn’t want to get in the action.

  Maybe it was the situation. Or the outfit. Or the club. But she felt freer than she ever had with a man. Maybe it was because he was a sure thing. For the next three months he was hers. Well, he was if she chose to continue her training.

  Oh, who was she kidding? Only herself. She was not walking away from this. She would take all six classes and enjoy every second learning about her own needs and submitting to Ben. She might not want to commit to living the lifestyle permanently, but experiencing it with a built in expiration date? She could, she would, do that.

  She was under no illusions that he would want to continue a relationship with her once the training period was over, but for now, he seemed to be enjoying himself, too. It might be a job to him, but he had picked her over Cara, and now she could see he was sexually aroused.

  She would enjoy the hell out of the next three months. For once in her life, she wouldn’t think about what anyone else thought. And when it was time to move on, she would. It was lust, not love. She’d miss him, but she’d have some wonderful memories, not to mention some great material for her books. It was the ultimate win-win situation!


  Ben looked down at the woman kneeling at his feet. One deep breath and her breasts would spill out for him to admire. He waited but it seemed like spillage wasn’t imminent. He slowly circled her again. This time she kept her gaze straight ahead so he had no excuse for swatting her ass again. But that was okay. He knew it was just a matter of time until she misbehaved. Obedience didn’t come naturally to her. He was going to enjoy training her to obey him. And enjoy it even more when she didn’t.

  He stopped so that he was standing behind her and adjusted his leathers. His cock had been hard from the first moment he laid eyes on her. If he didn’t get some relief soon, the teeth of his zipper would be permanently imprinted on his skin.

  He pulled the temporary training collar from his pocket. He knew the white armband signaled Jane was a trainee, but he liked the symbolism of the collar. He also liked that it had a D-ring on two sides that would allow him attach her to any piece of equipment he chose.

  He leaned down and forgot what he was going to say as he looked straight down her ample cleavage.


  “Yes, pet. I’m going to put a training collar around your neck. Let me know if it's too tight.”

  He heard her sudden intake of breath and saw her chest expand. Her nipples were so close to the top of the corset that he could catch the tiniest glimpse of her dusky pink areola. Just a little bit more…

  He gathered up her hair. “Hold it away from your neck while I fasten your collar” he ordered. A moment later, it was done. He moved in front of her. The black leather looked so good against her pale skin. He reached down and palmed his dick through his pants.

  She sucked in another deep breath, and this time, he was rewarded as her left nipple popped out.

  She sat back on her heels abruptly, looking up at him with a bewildered expression.

  “Sir?” She reached down to try to stuff in back in.

  “Hands down Jane!” he barked using his most authoritative Dom voice. Her hands dropped to her sides.

  He squatted down. The small, pink nipple pointing at him was rock hard. Smiling, he reached down into her corset and tugged out the other breast so that both nipples were now visible.

  “There. Much better. You're balanced again!” Then he reached down and pinched both nipples, twisting slightly. She moaned but didn’t try to pull away.

  Oh, my god! Jane thought she was embarrassed when her nipple popped free; that was nothing compared to how she felt now that Ben had freed the other one. And now he was pinching both of her nipples. It was like there was a direct line between them and her clit. She’d read about it in books but always thought the authors were using poetic license.

  But every word was true, she realized, as the cream leaked from her pussy unimpeded by the totally inadequate thong she was wearing. Jane tried to shift her knees closer together. She knew that this would not be proper sub protocol, but she didn’t care. She had to hide the signs of her arousal on her inner thighs.

  With a final tug and a burst of laughter, Ben stood.

  “Don’t think you can hide from me. Ever,” he advised dryly. Then he pulled another item off his belt. Really, it was like the BDSM version of Batman’s utility belt. This was a… no, it couldn’t be. Yup. It was a leash. He snapped it onto the collar he’d just fastened around her neck.

  “Stand!” he ordered in a tone that brooked no backtalk. She stood. Her breasts w
orked their way further out of the cups. Now it was like the cups were just to hold her breasts up like they were on display. She reached down to adjust them.

  “Hands at your sides or I’ll secure them behind your back.” He reached up and cupped her left boob. He lifted his hand slightly so the weight was on his palm. He jiggled it, seemingly fascinated by the movement. “I am so going to enjoy playing with you.”

  “But, Sir…” she hissed quietly, looking from left to right. “Everyone can see them.”

  “I know. Stand proud, pet. Shoulders back. I want all the Doms to see your tits and envy me being the one who gets to play with them. Understand me, Jane?”

  He ended with a pinch to her nipple. This one was short and sharp, not like the sensual pinches from earlier. It seemed like her pussy liked it, too. She felt another gush of fluid.

  Looking up at Ben, she realized he was waiting for a reply.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good.” He grinned evilly at her, glancing down at her breasts. “One day soon I’m not going to attach your leash to your collar. I’m going to put clamps on your nipples and attach your leash to the clamps. What do you think of that?”

  “I...uh...oh, god!”

  “Not god. Sir.”

  “Yes, Sir… I mean…” She looked down at her breasts. Her nipples were tighter and harder than ever before. They actually ached with need… the need to be clamped? She looked up at Ben who smiled.

  “Now follow me.” He turned and started walking. With the leash on her collar, she had no choice but to follow.

  Ben walked quickly. Jane wished he’d slow down so she could look around, but he didn’t stop until he was in front of a small, raised platform. On it were three people. The woman was strapped to what she was pretty sure was a spanking bench. She was naked. One man was behind her, flogging her. The woman moaned with what seemed like pleasure.

  Jane looked closer. The woman was strapped down, but she was definitely trying to raise her bottom toward the flogger. The man stopped and reached between her legs.


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