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McKenzie, Cooper - His Beck and Call Girl [Club Esoteria 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 2

by Cooper McKenzie

  Yep, maybe it was time to think about burning the house down and walking away. It would serve him right if she did it tonight while he was on duty. Or maybe she’d wait a day or two while he was on his four-day break.

  After downing half the contents of her wineglass in about three swallows, Sinclair set her glass on the table between their chairs then relayed her visit to the firehouse. When tears started again, she went inside and grabbed a handful of napkins.

  “He didn’t say anything?” Megan asked once she’d finished talking.

  Sinclair shook her head. “I didn’t give him a chance. I had my say and walked away quick.”

  “Is this really what you want? To break up with him?”

  Sinclair shrugged. “Not really, but what else can I do? Like I told him, I’m tired of being his beck and call girl, though the sex was incredible.”

  Before Megan could respond, the long, low, rolling siren of a fire engine filled the otherwise quiet evening. Sinclair froze as it grew louder and louder. When red and white lights began to flash off the houses across the street and the siren slowly wound down, the women looked at one another. As one, they stood up and looked up and down the street for signs of smoke. Sinclair’s neighbors came to their windows or stepped outside to see what the excitement was all about.

  “Holy shit,” Megan said as the big, shiny red truck eased to a stop in front of Sinclair’s house.

  The back door of the cab opened and one man climbed down. He reached back inside and pulled something out before crossing Sinclair’s front yard with long, purposeful steps. As he approached, Sinclair was shocked to see he carried a bunch of daisies in one hand. He did not stop until he climbed the three steps to the porch and crossed to stand in front of Sinclair.

  He didn’t acknowledge Megan’s presence, which stunned Sinclair, as her best friend was a knockout. But Jackson had shocked her more than once by his appreciation for her Rubenesque curves.

  Before speaking, he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Obviously I only have a minute, but I needed to see you. Here, these are for you,” he said as he offered her the flowers.

  Taking them, Sinclair noted the daisies were tied together with a red ribbon. He had remembered her favorite flower, something she had only mentioned once several months earlier. Looking up, she opened her mouth, but Jackson touched her mouth with his index finger to keep her from speaking.

  “You had your say earlier. Now it’s my turn.”

  He brushed the pad of his finger back and forth across her lips. She swallowed hard as her nipples beaded and her cunt clenched. She looked into his cobalt blue eyes and did not glance away as she did with everyone else. Then she nodded.

  “You were right. I’ve been an ass, but don’t want to lose you. Which is why I’m here in front of my crew and all your neighbors to have my say. If you’re agreeable, I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at eight. I have to work tomorrow night, but you can go with me. I’ll let you ask me anything you want. Maybe we’ll even get a chance to play,” he said, using their code word for sex. He raised his eyebrows and gave her the smile that said they would definitely be playing at some point, which was fine with her.

  Sinclair nodded. “I’d like that.”

  “Oh, here,” he said, handing her a folded piece of paper he pulled from his pocket. “This is for you, too.”

  Sinclair took the paper, but before she could open it to read the contents, Jackson slid a hand under her jaw and lifted her head so she looked up at him. He leaned down and gave her a long, lingering kiss that made Sinclair cream her panties again.

  When he pulled away and brushed the back of two fingers down her cheek, he had the seriously aroused look she’d seen before which turned her on even more. “Wear your black dress the way I like best.”

  Sinclair’s eyes widened in surprise when she realized he wanted her to wear her little black dress without anything underneath it. Sure she’d worn it like that before, but never out in public.

  Knowing he was waiting for an answer, she nodded and whispered, “Be safe,” as she always did.

  “Keep your doors locked until tomorrow night,” he said in return before he turned and headed down the porch steps.

  It wasn’t until the truck drove out of sight that Sinclair looked at the paper in her hand again. Opening it, she began to giggle.

  “What is it?” Megan asked before taking a sip of her wine.

  “It’s his address and phone number.”

  Chapter 3

  Sinclair stared in the full-length mirror as she turned right then left. The little black dress hung on her body beautifully, camouflaging her thick waist and hips, but there was no way she could go out in public without a bra. The spaghetti straps and deep V of the dress needed the black sports bra she normally wore with it. It didn’t matter how much she wanted Jackson’s approval, she could not leave the house with her more-than-generous breasts unsupported.

  Glancing at the clock she had just enough time to change. Pulling the dress over her head, she quickly pulled on the bra and then the dress again. She was slipping on gold sandals when she heard the front door open.

  “Hello,” Jackson called.

  “Come on in,” she returned as she left her bedroom.

  Her stomach clenched with nerves at what the next few minutes would hold. Would Jackson turn and walk away because she’d worn a bra?

  Max raced past her, growling as his nails clicked on the hardwood floors, scrambling for hold. When he reached the living room and saw the intruder, his bark turned excited and happy in greeting. By the time she joined them, Max was on his back, squirming in delight as Jackson rubbed his belly.

  “Hello,” she said, stopping as soon as she saw him.

  She tried not to drool as he stood and turned his attention to her. He wore black leather pants and a vest without a shirt, showing off his eight-pack of abs and sleekly muscled arms.

  He met her gaze, then raised one hand and made a circular motion as he slowly crossed the small living room toward her. “You look beautiful, sunshine, but you’re wearing too many clothes.”

  He reached out with one finger and touched the pad to her chin, then traced a line down her neck and chest until he reached the edge of the bra. Then he bent his finger and with the back of the digit slid down further, his finger moving back and forth to brush against the side of both breasts and her chest. As always just that small touch wound her up, made her want to throw herself into his arms and beg for consolation.


  Sinclair dropped her head until her chin rested on her chest. “I just couldn’t,” she said softly as she blinked several times to keep her tears under control.

  She was tempted to run and hide, but could not move away from the finger that still brushed against her skin. When Jackson pulled his finger away the loss pricked at her heart. Her breath caught when instead it came up and touched just underneath her chin and lifted her face until she looked up and met those deep blue eyes. That he looked curious and not disappointed gave her hope that he wouldn’t walk away quite yet.

  “Why not?” he asked gently.

  Sinclair looked at him, not believing that he didn’t see it. But that was one of the things that had attracted her about Jackson. He really didn’t see, or care about, the extra pounds she carried.

  “I don’t go out without a bra. I can’t.”

  “Why not?” he frowned slightly, still not understanding.

  Sinclair swallowed hard while trying to find the words to explain. “My body isn’t young and perky anymore,” she finally said.

  Jackson blinked, and his frown eased, but only marginally. As he considered her words, his gaze dropped to her chest and his finger again dropped to trace the bare skin just at the edge of her bra.

  “We’ve talked about being bold and having confidence, remember? While people will look at you, they won’t care whether or not you have a bra on. I’d never do anything to embarrass you, and I’d really like you to go without i
t tonight.”

  His tone, combined with the sexual heat from his eyes, melted her resistance. She nodded and took a step back, intending to return to her bedroom and make the change.

  “No, sunshine. Take it off here. I want to say hello to your pretty girls,” he said with a sexy grin.

  Sinclair returned his grin as he reached for the hem of her dress. She took a deep breath as he pulled it over her head then turned it right side out again. She pulled off the elastic sports bra and dropped it on the coffee table, leaving her standing before him wearing only her sandals. Her nipples beaded as the cool air touched them and her pussy overflowed with her arousal. Looking down she saw the front of Jackson’s jeans bulging with his growing erection.

  “Mmmm, now that’s a pretty sight,” Jackson said softly.

  Instead of handing her dress back to her, Jackson tossed it on the coffee table where it landed on the bra. Lifting both hands, he cupped her breasts and lifted them gently. After kissing her lips, he bent to her left breast. He traced a circle around her erect nipple before sucking it into his lips and kissing it as well.

  “Hello, girls,” he murmured. Then he turned to her right breast and repeated the greeting. As he suckled he slid one palm up the inside of her thigh to cup her pussy. He pushed one fingertip into her cunt to the first joint and wiggled it back and forth.

  Sinclair’s hand lifted to stab through his soft black hair as she moaned with her quickly building arousal. While tempted to drag him down the hall to her bed, she couldn’t. There wasn’t enough time for what she wanted to do to him.

  Taking a step back, she pulled from his grasp and picked up her dress. “Aren’t you going to be late for work?” she said as she slipped it on and smoothed it into place.

  “Yeah, but they’re used to it by now. I’d like you to wear this tonight.” He pulled out a long, thin red leather strap. “It’s for your protection.”

  “It looks like a dog collar,” she said, then his words sunk in. “My protection? Where are you taking me?” She lifted her hair out of the way so he could wrap the leather around her neck and buckle it in place.

  “Remember our conversation about sex clubs and what might or might not go on inside one?”

  “Uh-huh.” Sinclair thought back and tried to remember exactly what was said, but couldn’t.

  “I work as a bartender at Club Esoteria,” he said as if that explained everything.

  “Okay, so what does that have to do with a dog collar and not wearing a bra?”

  Jackson chuckled as he stepped in and gave her a hug. “For a smart, sexy, creative woman sometimes you are so refreshingly innocent. Club Esoteria is a BDSM club, and we’re going to spend the evening there. This collar signifies that you are under my control and protection and not up to play with just anyone without my consent.”

  “Someone might want to play sex games with me?” Sinclair looked up at him, wide-eyed and shocked.

  “Oh, yeah, more than a few I’d venture to guess. But you’re my sunshine and I’m not known for sharing,” he said, pulling back and looking at her. “So do you still want to go out with me tonight? I promise that nothing will happen that you don’t want, and if you come, I’ll answer any questions you have about me and my life.”

  Though nerves shimmered through her to knot her stomach, Sinclair found she really did want to go. She wanted to spend time with Jackson and learn more about him, but at the same time she found herself curious about this club where he worked. Looking into eyes that looked hesitant, she nodded. That small action earned her a grin, another quick kiss and a gentle tweak to one nipple.

  Picking up her purse and keys from the small table by the front door, she asked, “And if I want to play with you?”

  Jackson reached around her and opened the door. “I’m sure we can work something out, but only if you really want to.”

  * * * *

  By the time Jackson turned into the driveway and casually waved at the two men in black suits guarding the entrance to the large fenced parking lot, Sinclair wondered if she was going to be sick before or after she climbed out of his pickup truck. The butterflies in her stomach had consumed a triple espresso and were wearing steel-toed hiking boots as they danced an enthusiastic polka in her stomach.

  She sat frozen even after he had parked, turned off the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition. Could she go through with this? Sure she’d read about this kind of sex play in books, but did she really want to experience it herself?

  “Sinclair? Sunshine, are you okay?”

  The touch of a warm hand against her cheek brought her back to the here and now. Turning only her head, she blinked and looked into his concerned face. Nodding, she said, “Uh-huh.”

  “A couple of things before we go inside. When you speak to me you need to call me Sir or Master Jackson. Do not speak to anyone else and do not look anyone in the eye. It might get you into more trouble than you want tonight.”

  “Are you really into whips and chains and pain?” she asked softly, hesitantly, looking down as she fumbled to unfasten her seat belt.

  “I’m a bartender, and this is a job. Sure my horizons have expanded well beyond what they were when I took this job, but don’t worry. I’m not going to tie you down and beat you bloody. I’d rather torture you in other, more pleasurable ways.” Sliding his hand down her chest, he tweaked her left nipple and then her right.

  Sinclair moaned softly and arched into his touch as the slight pain shot through her straight to her pussy.

  Long before she was ready, he pulled away. “Come on, sunshine. I want you to meet my bosses and their subs before we open,” Jackson said as he opened his door and got out.

  Sinclair climbed out and was closing the door as Jackson rounded the back of the truck.

  “They won’t be mad you brought me, will they? I don’t want to get you in trouble,” she said as he took her hand and they headed across the parking lot toward the club.

  “No, they won’t be mad. They’ll probably be amazed that you’re a real person and not a figment of my imagination.”

  “You told them about me?”

  “I had to tell them something when they started bugging me about why I didn’t play at the club. I told them that my sunshine wasn’t the type who shared.”

  “Oh, okay,” Sinclair said, turning her attention to the building they were approaching.

  Looking around, she found the parking lot was hidden from street view by azalea bushes and dogwood trees. The large lot that was empty except for Jackson’s truck and three cars parked nearest to the road.

  The building was a turn-of-the-century four-story brick warehouse that looked much like any of the other older warehouses in town. This one had been renovated with new windows and the bricks painted a medium tan instead of brick red. She was surprised there was no sign posted anywhere announcing to the world what kind of business this building housed. In fact there were no signs of any kind, except she had noticed as they drove in the mailbox had the words “Club Esoteria” and the street address painted in a rather bland script.

  At the front door Jackson stopped and turned to look down at her. “Remember what I said?”

  “Call you Sir or Master Jackson, don’t talk to anyone, and don’t look anyone in the face,” Sinclair repeated after swallowing hard.

  Jackson nodded. “Good girl. Oh, and stay close to the bar. I don’t want anyone stealing my beck and call girl from me,” he said with a chuckle and an exaggerated lifting of his eyebrows as he pulled one of the doors open.

  “Yes, Sir, Master Jackson, Sir,” Sinclair snarked, earning herself a sharp pat on the ass as she walked past him through the door.

  “Sweetheart, you’ve read Tymber Dalton’s books. Some of these people would demand you tied and whipped for that kind of back talk,” he corrected gently.

  Once in the entryway, Jackson stopped her again. “Give me your shoes.”

  “I don’t think they’ll fit you,” she snarked.

  “Sunshine,” he murmured.

  Looking up at the dark tone of warning in his voice, she found he was serious. The carefree, always-upbeat, and joking man had taken a step back and he now looked as she imagined him at a fire—intense, focused, and totally serious.

  In the blink of an eye she understood. This was not one of the “imagine if” games they played late at night while he was on shift. This was a look at a lifestyle that other people lived to varying degrees.

  Sinclair nodded. After taking off her shoes, she handed them to him and dropped her focus to his chest, hoping to appear as submissive as she felt at that moment. For a brief second she wondered what else she would learn during this foray to the darker side of sex and how far Jackson would want to take this.

  Once he had stowed her shoes in a basket and slid the key in his pocket, he turned and held out one hand to her while gesturing toward the double doors that led into the club with the other. “So, sunshine, are you ready to take a walk on the wild side?”

  * * * *

  Jackson felt the tiny tremor in her hand just before Sinclair nodded. Her eyes were wide, and she looked scared but at the same time intrigued by what lay ahead of them. If she only knew that he hoped they would have enough time to explore at least one of the scenarios they’d talked about over the last few months. If he had a choice, he knew exactly which one he wanted to play out over the next few hours. He only hoped the evening didn’t end with Sinclair running from the club, vowing never to speak to him again.

  Chapter 4

  The bar was empty when they entered. Jackson lifted their joined hands to his lips and brushed a kiss over her knuckles before he released her.

  “Go take a look around while I set up the bar. Bring back your questions, and if I can’t answer them I’m sure someone else can.”

  Sinclair nodded and looked around. “You won’t leave me alone, will you?”


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