It was not long before the Lighting Dragon started to bang his head against the table. He had spent all day trying to teach the basic concepts about almaki to the foreigner, but the most they could do was to read, with much effort, half a page of the institute's first year book.
— Capaciiiiiii... ty! – she managed to finish reading the word and looked at him smiling, contented.
— Not even Kris reads that badly – he moaned, burying his face in his hands.
— Did Kidari read it wrong? – she slowly ran her finger through the phrase, repeating it in a low voice. – Where?
— Let's stop with it! – he took the book from her hands and closed it tightly.
Instantly, Shion jumped on the table and growled at him, in an attacking position.
— Get him out of here! – the dragon drew back with the scare, dragging his chair and almost falling along with it.
— Shion shindu! – Kidari ordered, and the beast left the table and sat down again next to her, without taking the yellow eyes of the dragon.
Trying to calm down, he put the chair in place and tried to think of another method.
— Listen, how did you get into the Institute and leave for an assignment without even knowing the basics about almaki?
— Kidari knows almaki – she said, almost tearfully. – Kidari has an almaki and knows what to be.
— What it is – he fixed her automatically.
— Kidari not have time to learn to read right.
— I mean... that the problem is in reading the book?
She nodded her head.
— And what do you suggest, then? Lighting Almaki has to be precise. I can't teach you simply with practice how Krission is doing with vilashi.
— Vinshu can... – she began a little uncertain, but then she became determined – can read and Kidari understand.
He stared at her for a while, as if deciding, and then sighed, having no alternatives. Without saying anything, he sat down next to her, opening the book on the page they were on, and began to read aloud.
All that week, the Fire and Lighting Dragons applied themselves to make their protégés evolve without much progress, while the others divided their time between watching or looking for fun things to take advantage of the period away from their obligations at the Institute.
But on the fifth day, early in the afternoon, heavy clouds began to occupy the sky and the stillness that settled around them soon denounced that another storm would fall at any moment. Without alternatives, Garo-lin's training was suspended and, consequently, Kidari's. Even so, the two of them were obliged to spend that day in function of the books, sitting on the rug of the fireplace, one orienting the other, even if, in this case, the orientation was all with Garo-lin.
Soon the storm began the way it had promised and became so intense in a short time that Garo-lin was seriously worried that the level of the lake would rise. The main house was not so far apart as to run the risk of being flooded.
Besides the torrential rain, there was another problem: Kidari had revealed to be afraid of lightning. She had panicked as soon as the first lightning struck the room, and when the lightning struck, probably in the woods, causing the windows to tremble, she screamed, threw her book up, and hid under a table. Everyone looked at her in amazement, as an almakin fearing the natural equivalent of her almaki was a novelty. It did not take long for Dul'Maojin to find that very funny and to spark flashes to frighten her, but she stopped as she hugged Garo-lin, looking for protection, and the Lightning Dragon gave her a heavy look.
Then, sitting in front of the fireplace, Garo-lin tried to calm her friend and at the same time frighten away the thoughts that at any moment a disaster could happen.
— Try to cover your ears and sing a song – suggested for Kidari.
— A song? – the girl repeated, looking confused.
— A great vilashi strategy – Dul'Maojin commented, not letting the opportunity pass.
— Yes – Garo-lin ignored him. – Sing some Kodo song.
She stared at her for a while, and Garo-lin found that reaction of uncertainty strange. So even thinking it would be a silly question, she ventured:
— Are there no songs on Kodo?
— Kidari never listen... maybe.
— To begin with, Kodo is a Realm that thinks it exists – revealed the Fire Dragon.
— Kodo doesn't exist? – Kidari asked worriedly, and Dul'Maojin burst into laughter.
Garo-lin thought this might be a good time to make the dragon's nose bleed again, but Kidari deserved more of her attention.
How come there were no songs in Kodo? Even the Vilashis, who did not have a Realm and lived in various places, had their songs. Was Kodo such a different place?
However, her line of thought was unexpectedly cut off. Just as another lightning bolt fell, this time closer to the fortress, and Kidari flinched at her frightened side, the great main doors opened with a crash and a scream echoed throughout the house:
Garo-lin and the Dragons face Dul'Maojin, who had paralyzed in his armchair, gradually losing color.
As if they were being carried away by a river, Garo-lin and Kidari were pulled by the Dragons out of the room that night and only Dul'Maojin remained there.
Garo-lin could not help peeking through the door before leaving and saw the great Krission Dul'Maojin desperate with the fact that even the friends did not seem to be willing to help him. Smiling, she thought she would like to meet the person who could impose fear on the dragon dictator only with a shout, whether it was good or bad.
However, in spite of their curiosity, the two had to console themselves with the promise of the Metal Dragon that the next morning they would know everything and that the best was now to wait. So, since not even the Dragons seemed willing to face whatever the Fire Dragon was facing, Garo-lin agreed without question.
The rain continued unabated, but the protection of the room, which was facing the inner part of the fortress buildings and where the windows could be sealed with thick curtains, the effect of the lightings on Kidari had diminished and allowed her to sleep without problems, something Garo-lin could not do. Even when she was tired from her morning workout, her thoughts were quiet enough to be carried away by sleep as her friend was not easy.
Rolling back and forth on her bed, she thought of several possibilities of who might be the visit the rain brought. Could it be someone from the Institute? What would that represent in their stay in the fortress from then on? Would they force the Fire Dragon to leave for a real assignment?
Gradually, the rhythm of Garo-lin slowed to the beat of her breathing and it was not long before she was practically asleep. However, as if an unconscious alert sounded inside her and made her wake up, she suddenly opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to realize that there was something bent over her. Then a flash of lightning cut the sky outside and the light that passed through the open door was enough to identify the features of Dul'Maojin very close to her face.
— Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
As Garo-lin jumped on her bed and threw herself against the wall, Kidari, at her side, woke up disoriented:
— DE? DE?
— Am I that scary? – someone asked, seeming to amuse herself immensely with the situation.
Garo-lin stopped. This was not the voice of the Fire Dragon.
Then, with a quick gesture and a flicker, the unknown person threw a flame into the flame-holder and Garo-lin could confirm that it was not Krission Dul'Maojin, despite the incredible resemblance.
Who was standing next to her bed was a female version of him, not as tall as, but certainly older. The woman had the same arrogant air and messy hair, with curls that bounded stubbornly to all sides, even she trying to keep them tied up. The eyes were the same and kept that cruel glow that seemed to belong only to those who possessed some Secret of Fire. But there was one crucial difference that made her com
pletely different from the dragon: a huge smile. She wore an outfit that matched her aura of majesty, which, though it was dirty and dented as if she had made a long trip, denounced it as someone of the elite.
— So you're the vilashi who punched my brother? – she asked, simulating a punch against Garo-lin's face, which remained paralyzed in the same place, still under the effect of fright.
Now, yes, it would be her end, and her legs were so aware of it that at the moment they seemed to have fainted. This was the legendary heiress of the Dul'Maojin family, who had refused the title of dragon while in the Institute and traveled through the Realms on diplomatic missions. She would surely avenge her brother and repair the pride of the family by eliminating the root problem.
However, instead of raging flames, what Garo-lin received was a tight hug.
— Who is it? – Kidari asked, rubbing her eyes, still trying to understand what was going on, but she was more attentive to the desperate look of her friend being suffocated.
— KANDARA! – Dul'Maojin, the real Fire Dragon, appeared in the room sliding, as if he had come running, and stopped panting, leaning against the side of the door, asking: – Dr-drop her!
— What if I don't – the woman adjusted her arms around her, indisputably provoking. – Kris said a lot about you, vilashi!
— I didn’t! – he defended himself immediately.
The sister narrowed her eyes and he backed away, like someone who knew she could not go against, but fighting internally with that.
Garo-lin, being able to see the scene partially through the shaggy curls, was too shocked to understand what was happening. If the important heiress Dul'Maojin knew who she was, why was she deliberately getting so close to her? Unable to imagine an answer, she thought about what her mentor might have said and looked at him, but the dragon looked away, looking suddenly very interested in a stain on the wall.
— It was the first time anybody taught me a lesson in this snob beyond me! – she exclaimed to Garo-lin, releasing her from the embrace, but holding her by the shoulders so she would not run away. – I was surprised to hear that you did it! Did I wake you up?
In response, Garo-lin blinked and half opened her mouth, unable to pronounce anything.
— Sister Fire Dragon? – Kidari asked, seeming finally to be able to connect the pieces of what was happening.
So that was the turn of the heiress Dul'Maojin to be surprised. Like Garo-lin just a few moments before, she jumped out of bed and stared at Kidari in amazement, asking:
— Kidari Dema?
— It’s Chanboni – said the dragon approaching. – She’s-
But he did not have time to finish. Her sister tugged at his throat and made him bow, as she herself did.
— Heeey! – he protested, trying to get up and being stopped. – What the hell is that?!
— Ani! No need! – Kidari was shaking her hands in what Garo-lin deduced was a desperate negative signal. – Kidari in Almakia! No need!
At the same moment, Shion landed and stood beside the mistress, shielding her with a wing.
— Krission! – his sister called him loud, even though he was beside her. – How do you bring the Kodo Princess to this place and put it in this small room?!
— What?! – he and Garo-lin made a chorus and then stared at Kidari astonished.
She merely gave a nervous half-smile, like someone who is finally discovered lying and could no longer invent an excuse.
Chapter 9 – Almaki resonance
Of all the people gathered in the fireplace room, who were summed up to the heirs Dul'Maojin and the rest of the Dragons, Zawhart seemed to be the only one to understand the greatness of the discovery. But at the same time, he showed all his unbelief:
— She can't even walk for a long time without falling or dragging something along! How can she be the Kodo Princess?
— I think being a royalty doesn't mean being immune to common problems – the Wind Dragon commented. – Look at the Nu'lian, for example.
The Royal Dragon nodded as if to agree fully and there was no need to add.
— How I didn't realize before... – the heiress Dul'Maojin murmured, concentrating on her own thoughts.
— You didn't even know she was here!
The information her brother said, in her typical subtlety, made her come out of her meditation. Seeing that everyone was staring at her, she gave a big smile and said:
— That's true! It's not my fault I don't know.
Even in the face of the questioning looks of others, she kept the cheerful appearance of someone who had nothing to hide.
— What are you talking about? – Dul'Maojin complained, folding his arms. – After all, when are you leaving?
— Already wanting to get rid of me? – she grabbed her brother by the neck, pinning him against the armchair, so that he retained not only his movements, but his ability to breathe.
— Hurgmhunf! – he protested.
— It rained all night, it's wet outside and I went to bed very late after a tiring trip to see my little brother! Is that how you treat me?
— I'll never get tired of seeing this – the Metal Dragon commented to Gillion, almost clapping his hands in excitement.
— This explains why she has so many privileges of the Institute – Zawhart pondered, not clinging to the caring sibling scene and composing his own deductions. – Only the fact that she was a foreigner didn't explain how she managed to be my protégé.
— Start to treat her better, Vinshu! – remembered Sfairul laughing. – She is someone as important as you. When the princess falls flat on the floor again, instead of complaining that she doesn't look where she walks, help her up.
— Very funny, Benar! Don't you see that things are not that simple? Isn't it? – he directed the last question to Dul'Maojin, who freed his brother and returned to his serious thoughts of before.
— They are not simple – she said, skirting the armchair and sitting on her arm, beside the Fire Dragon, no matter if it was invading his space. – We didn't know she was at the Institute.
— What do you mean you didn't know? – Gran’Otto asked. – Aren't you responsible for diplomatic matters?
— You're running from work, as usual. – Krission Dul'Maojin grumbled, still massaging his neck.
She silenced her brother with a fierce punch in the arm and replied to the dragon:
— Yes, it is my responsibility. And I didn't know, which makes it all very strange.
— And how strange is that? – Zawhart asked, again being the only one to imagine the size of what it represented.
— Strange to the point of getting me out of my travels and forcing me back to the Fire Capital – she stretched out her arms and tossed them back from the chair as someone preparing to doze off. – Ahaaa, and there my rest is gone... Krission! Be sweet to your sister who is tired and get a glass of juice.
— Me?! – he made a face.
— Order someone, whatever – she ignored.
— I will not go!
— Suddenly it made me want to tell So-ren that you're here having fun instead of being at the Institute doing something useful for the future of Almakia...
Without power against this trump, Dul'Maojin got up angry and left the room, making a point of slamming the door hard.
As soon as she was sure that he had moved away, Kandara Dul'Maojin slipped into the chair and immediately set aside her relaxed pose, assuming a serious:
— Very well, Dragons. If the Kodo Princess is with you, it's time to know what's going on.
Everyone became more attentive, and Zawhart assumed the position of representative of the group, while the others looked at each other:
— How much are we involved in?
Garo-lin looked once more at Kidari, playing with Shion by her side on the staircase of the main house, and did not believe she was acting normally, as if nothing had happened.
What do you mean, she was the Kodo Princess? Ho
w did she represent an entire Overseas kingdom?
Okay that from the beginning one could see that the kodorin was someone of high level due to what she received in the Institute. A bedroom instead of a closet for sleeping, for example. But being a royalty was already a completely unexpected fact. How could a girl who could lose track of what was happening around her by being distracted by the flight of a butterfly could be a princess?
What Garo-lin knew about royalty, apart from the books she had read, was what the Royal Dragon proved to be. With him being the only representative of the Government of Almakia she had seen closely, she had associated what others called the nobility to the calm and serene way of acting. For her, every real being should have a quiet personality to deserve her place. Kidari, in her cheerful and clumsy way, simply did not fit into this context.
— Shion, give me your paw! – she demanded, trying to impose some local customs on her pet.
The cat, in turn, just stared at her with a look that said exactly what he thought about giving up and remained motionless.
— Shion! Kidari learning too – she almost cried. – Shion learn!
Garo-lin heaved a sigh. Why did she have this curse of being forced to stay with important people when she was just a simple being and never wanted more than that? She was glad to have a friend not almakin with almaki. Did she have to be a princess? She did not have to be a vilashi-that-revealed-almaki friend, but at least it could be someone who was not so extreme in her position.
— Garo! Shion gave his paw! – Kidari announced happily holding the cat's paw, which at the time seemed to be looking for a hole to bury.
— Kidari – She stood up, unable to even smile at her friend's achievement –, I'm going to continue my training. I can't stop just because the Dragons have a visit.
— De – the princess nodded, looking a bit confused by her reaction, and the winged cat took advantage of the moment to flee from the owner's clutches before she tried to teach her something else.
Almakia_The vilashi and the Dragons Page 11