Destiny's Fire

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Destiny's Fire Page 22

by Trisha Wolfe

  I gulped down my racing heart, forcing my voice past the aching lump in my throat as I stared at the burning city. “How soon can we leave?”

  I sank onto my cot. Soon I’d be on my way to the Narcolym haven where Drevan would try to harness my power And then he’d probably kill me. My chest ached as I thought about never seeing my mother again. She’d never know what happened to me. And I’d never see Jace, Lana, or Nick, either. Tears welled in my eyes, but I blinked them back. I wouldn’t allow Drevan to think I was weak.

  I still didn’t understand how my power was the key to the curse. And I was sure he wasn’t going to let me know just yet. He was smarter than to monologue like the bad guy and give away all his secrets right before a daring rescue.

  Except, for me, there wasn’t going to be a daring rescue. I’d been careless, feeling sorry for myself over Reese, and allowed myself to be taken. I didn’t want to believe I was the one they wanted, that all these things could be true. I wasn’t ready to give up, but I didn’t see any other way to save my family and friends. My only option was to leave in order to protect them.

  Right now, they were down there waging a war. I knew Jace was trying to fight his way up here, but that wouldn’t happen. They outnumbered us by many. Not only that, the Narcos had an army of Feyan, with super powers that would obliterate the Shythe soon. I paced my cell, wishing the airship would take off so the fighting would hurry up and end.

  I sat back down on the cot and buried my face in my hands. I was terrified. Before I allowed the first tears to fall, I heard a click. My head shot up, and I rushed toward the door, anxious to hear that I needed to buckle up or strap in. Whatever they did on airships when it was time to go. But I was shocked to see it wasn’t Drevan or one of his Narco minions.

  Reese stood in the doorway. “Dez, listen close—”

  His words broke off as I slapped him across his face. “Why did they send you? Huh? To torture me more?” My hand stung, and I pumped it a couple times before pushing him away. I turned my back to him and marched toward my cot. “You can go to hell, Reese. Get out.”

  “Dez!” he whisper-shouted.

  “What!” I faced him.

  “Shut up.” He rubbed his face, then stormed over to me and placed his grappler into my hand. “They didn’t send me, and you don’t have much time.” He went back to the door and peeked out. “It’s clear. Most of the guards are fighting, but we only have a short window before Drevan raises the barrier spell again. He’s about to move the airships out. So you have to get off the ship now.” He looked into my eyes—his wide and worried. “I’m sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  I turned the cool brass device around in my hand. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I love you.”

  His words seared into me hotter than any flame could. His eyes gleamed, begging me to believe him. I clamped my eyes shut, ordering my pounding heart to steady, before I looked at him again. “I don’t trust you.”

  “I know.” He dipped his head. “And there’s nothing I can say to change that.” He took a cautious step toward me. “Just hear this first. The only thing I withheld was the full truth of where I came from, how I was raised.” He sucked in a breath. “I didn’t want you to know that part of me. I didn’t even know my mom.” He pressed his lips together. “I thought if I protected you and kept the Narcos from discovering you, they’d stop searching and carry on with their secondary plan. They’d never find you, and no matter how long they bred the races, they’d never find the one. And that would even prevent a war.”

  I huffed. I had to admit, it was a good plan. “I can’t believe you.” I ground my jaw stubbornly. Good plan or not, I was still upset. But my chest tightened as I thought about what he must have gone through in Drevan’s army.

  Reese grabbed my arms. “Do you think if all I wanted from you was to move up in rank, I’d be here now?”

  “You said as much.” I yanked back, but he held me firm.

  “I said that at the hotel to make you run, Dez. To stay away from all Narcos. I was willing to let you go if it meant keeping you safe from them.”

  His words hit me again, splintering my defenses. I opened my mouth to retort, but he pressed on. “And if all I wanted was to gain your trust and turn you over to Drevan, why would I allow a little thing like kissing some other guy hinder that plan, huh?” His eyes searched mine. “That hurt, but I still stuck close to you, making sure the Feyan didn’t discover who you were.”

  “Cogs.” It hit me. “You never wanted to dance with me—you were just fending that other guy off.”

  He pressed his lips into a hard line. “I did want to dance…but yeah, more than that, I wanted to keep you hidden from them.” He brushed the hair from my eyes and ran the back of his hand over my cheek. “I know you can’t forgive me for omitting the truth, lying, whatever. But know that I fell for you the first time I ever laid eyes on you. And you’ve changed everything about me. Everything I thought I stood for.”

  I wanted to hate him, to blame him for everything that had happened, but his words punched through the last barrier guarding my heart. “Reese…” I hung my head, allowing warm tears to spill down. “I wish you would have let me in…told me the truth.”

  He brought me to him and clutched my trembling body in his arms. “I was trained not to. But all that doesn’t matter now.” He kissed the top of my head. “You have to get out of here right now.”

  I backed away and searched his violet eyes. “But…aren’t you coming with me?”

  His face lit up, but just as fast it fell. “I can’t.”


  “I’m the Feyan commander.” He weighed his words heavily. “I have to hold the last flank back until you guys raise the original barrier spell. My order is to take out the Shythe.” A beat. “All of them.”

  My mouth fell open. “Drevan was going to kill everyone no matter what I did.”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “And when he finds out you’re gone, he’ll send every last one of us in there to tear down Haven searching for you. So you see”—he rubbed his thumb over my cheek—“someone has to be here to hold the Feyan back.”

  “But when we raise the barrier you won’t be able to get in—” I broke off, a hard lump choking my words. “And when he finds out that it was you who released me, he’ll kill you.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” he said sternly. “It has to be done. I’m the only one who can hold back the Feyan. And make sure you remind Jace that I can only do that until daybreak. You have until sunrise.” He studied my eyes, making sure I understood.

  I nodded, then squinted up at him. “Jace?”

  He smiled. “Long story.” Then he craned his neck, checking the door. “But I promise you, I won’t get myself killed.”

  “But you’re going to leave, regardless.” I swallowed. “With the Narcos.”

  He held my face, bringing my eyes to meet his. “It’s better than the alternative.” I raised my eyebrows, and he continued. “All of us getting killed.”

  I fell into him and wrapped my arms around him. “I was prepared to hate you forever.” I beat my fists against his back, anger and grief welling up inside of me. “Then I get you back just to lose you again.”

  “You have to go.” He pushed me away from him. “Drevan will have his spell back up soon.” His eyes scanned my face, his brow creased. Then he kissed me.

  His lips ached against mine. And I knew this was it. The last time I’d ever feel his lips. I pulled him closer, wanting to remember every motion, every caress.

  It was over too soon, and Reese led me through corridors and out onto the deck. I anchored the hook into the side of the ship as Reese took off his belt and slid it around my waist.

  “Glad I changed out of that bustle,” I said, trying to clear the ache from my voice.

  He smiled and caressed my cheek with his thumb. “You still drive me crazy.” Then he scooped me into his arms and lowered me over the side of the ship

  I cranked the gear on the side of the grappler and began my descent. I kept my eyes on Reese, watching him get farther and farther away from me. And then he disappeared into the night sky, altogether. Panic flooded me as I realized I didn’t get to tell him I loved him. I wanted to shout out, but it was too late. He was gone, and I couldn’t call attention to myself.

  I waited to feel the ground underneath my feet. But instead, arms wrapped around me, guiding me to the floating dock. Preparing to fight, I spun and summoned my power.

  “Hey,” Jace said. “It’s me.”

  “Jace!” I hugged his neck. “Damn, I was ready to blast…” I looked back up at the airship. “How did you know I was escaping?”

  “Reese and I worked it out.” His eyes flicked over me. “For now.”

  I squinted. “You worked it out without killing him?”

  His lips curled into a side-grin. “You said you wanted to be the one. Remember?”

  He grabbed my hand, and we took off down the dock toward the smoke and chaos of the streets of Haven.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  WE RAN DOWN THE cobbled roadway, dodging the battle the best we could. I was still trying to comprehend how Jace and Reese had managed to work together to devise a plan to get me off the airship.

  But as we approached the chaos of downtown, all thoughts ceased. Shythe and Narcolym battled in the streets. Flame and Charge rocketed through alleys and storefronts. Smoke billowed from rooftops as buildings burned. I stared openmouthed as Jace forced me to keep moving. The screams of Kythan in pain made my legs tremble. I forced my eyes away from the battlegrounds as I tried to keep up with his pace.

  I realized we were heading toward Cogs. “Is it safe?” I asked.

  “All our weapons are there, and the Council’s trying to figure out how to reverse the barrier spell.” Jace banged on the side door to the club. “We only have until morning. Dawn. That’s the longest Reese said he could hold off the Feyan Army.”

  My heart sank as I recalled that if we won, if we actually got the barrier spell reversed, Reese would be gone. But this was my home. I had to defend it. There would be plenty of time to worry and miss him later.

  Once inside the club, I looked around, alarmed. There were so many Shythe all armored up and grabbing weapons while others lay wounded and bleeding. Groups flew in and out the front door. I’d never seen a battle before, and my insides screamed. I had more power than anyone here. I should be the one out there fighting.

  I turned toward Jace. “I need to be out there.” I tried to sound strong, determined. “I’m strong. I can fend most of the Narco front off while you guys work on the spell.”

  Jace mock laughed. “They must have knocked you over the head. There’s no way you’re going out there. You are exactly what they want.” He led me behind the bar, heading for Devon’s secret room. “Once they realize you’re gone, they’ll send the army after you full force, and that rescue mission will have been for nothing.”

  He had a point. Even if I disguised myself, once they saw my power, they’d know. Dammit. I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing while everyone I cared about fought. As I stepped inside the small room, Lana and Nick rushed me.

  “You have to quit getting yourself into trouble,” Nick said. “I swear, you’re going to give my sister a heart attack.” He hugged me.

  Lana clung to me next. “Listen to the man. For once, he makes sense.”

  I surveyed the room. They’d moved the proofs of the scroll and documents here. I assumed the Council’s homes weren’t safe anymore. A thought hit me. “My mom?” I asked Lana.

  “She’s safe.” She grasped my arm. “We moved her inside the Academy with the others that are too weak to fight. It’s a small group. Mostly women and children.” She eyed me intently. “We put it on lockdown. No one comes in and no one leaves.”

  “Thank you,” I told her. After hearing what Drevan had planned for my mom, I couldn’t help them if I was worried about her. I knew he’d go straight for her to get to me, which was why I refused to believe he was my father. There was no way I came from that monster.

  I glanced around the small room and was shocked to see Mr. Liam. I walked up to him. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I guess word got out about my exceptional skills in the art of weaponry.” He smiled as he continued turning gears on the side of a transfer machine. “I’m working as fast as I can to make Charge Sabers with the power from your crystal.” He nodded toward the project before him.

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Want something a little more powerful?”

  His head shot up. “That’s right,” he said, realization washing over his face. “You’re Feyan.” He laughed. “That’s a much better solution.”

  “All right,” I said, relieved that I could help with something. “Power down that crystal and let me know when you’re ready.”

  He turned back toward the table. “We need to get our army all the power we can. Seems we’re having an issue reversing the spell. Which means this battle could last much longer than we actually have.” He grunted as he loosened a stubborn lever. “We’re not sure who raised it, as the Narcolym Council kept that aspect hidden. Well, lied, actually. The Narco who raised it used their power to manipulate the shield. An equal or greater amount has to be used to reverse it.” He placed the crystal on the machine, exasperated. “I just wish we knew who raised it.”

  “Drevan,” I announced.

  Mr. Liam and the other members sitting at the table turned and stared at me.

  “Drevan?” Mr. Tuner asked. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I’m sure.”

  I felt a hand on the small of my back. Jace stood beside me. “Stay here, in this room. Try and help them get the barrier spell up.” He turned and walked away.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I asked, grabbing his arm.

  “We’re running out of time. And losing too many…” He trailed off, his face pinched. “Nick and I are going out there to try and buy more time.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Wait. We’ll have weapons soon, and we’re a step ahead now on the barrier spell. Don’t go out there yet.”

  “I have to, Dez.” He tried to smile. “This is what I have to do.”

  God. I was sick of guys telling me what they had to do. I wasn’t going to let Jace and Nick—and knowing Lana and Devon, them too—go out there and get killed.

  I turned and pressed my hands firmly on the table. “Okay, so you need someone with as much power or more to match Drevan, right?” Heads nodded around the table. “Fine. That’s me. What do I have to do to reverse the spell?”

  “I’m not leaving your side,” Jace said, walking ahead of me as we moved through the back alleys. “So stop trying to make me. I can’t believe they agreed to let you do this, anyway.”

  “They, and you, know I’m the only one who can.”

  Jace climbed a fence and reached down for my hand. Then he pulled me to the top with him. “Besides,” I said as we both jumped, hitting the ground at the same time. “I had to find a way to leave with you. Someone has to watch your back.”

  He shook his head and laughed. “Glad to have you back, uh, watching my back.” He tilted his head. “Just scratch that.” Then he stopped me mid-stride and faced me, looking deeply into my eyes. “I told you once that I’d always be there for you. No matter what. And I meant it. I’ll never stop caring about you, Dez.”

  My breath hitched, and I swallowed down the ache at the back of my throat. “I care about you, too, Jace.” I smiled, taking his hand in mine. “You’re still my best friend. Nothing you can do will ever change that.”

  He dropped his head to the side and peeked up at me. “Damn, really?”

  “Jace…” I slapped his arms. “I thought you were being sincere.”

  He brought his hand to my face, rubbing the backs of his fingers over my cheek. “I am.” He gave me his Jace squinty-eyed smile, and my heart soared. He
was back. He spun around, and began walking in front of me, but hollered over his shoulder, “I still think Reese is a dick, though.”

  I shook my head and followed after him. Would I ever have both of them in my life at the same time?

  After maneuvering through Haven Falls using back alleys—attempting not to be seen—we finally reached our destination. The precise spot where I had to try to reverse the barrier spell couldn’t have been in a worse location. I stood silently, looking out over the bay, its inky water splashing below me as the black sky connected seamlessly in the distance. The Narcolym airships hung against the dark backdrop.

  I gripped the wooden post and scuffed Haven’s crest on the plaque beneath my boot. I glanced around as I heard a scream from the battle raging only a couple streets behind us.

  “I hope Dr. Thailow was right about this,” I said, kneeling down and running my fingers over the crest.

  Jace leaned down beside me. “It makes sense.” He pulled me back to my feet. “And don’t lose focus, no matter what you hear. I’m here to fight so you can do your thing.” He eyed me closely.

  I nodded shakily. “Okay, hand me the text.”

  Jace dug out the small book from his leather satchel. It was old, ancient, used back in the times of our guardian ancestors and written in Egyptian. Dr. Thailow had gone over the incantation with me about a hundred times before Jace and I had set off. He’d been the one to originally place the barrier spell around Haven Falls. But after he’d taken it down, and a new, more powerful one had been raised, there was no one else who could reverse it. No one else except me. Maybe. I still wasn’t completely confident that I was more powerful than the man who claimed to be my father.

  I was Feyan. But what did that mean? Reese was Feyan along with the rest of the Feyan Army, but Drevan still ruled over them with enough power to force them into submission. And if I was being honest with myself, I had to admit he intimidated me, also.

  I shook out my hands and cracked my knuckles. Then accepted the text from Jace. Placing my feet directly over the crest, I stared out over the ocean. “How long before dawn?” I asked.


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